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1、ACRP Problem No. 10-02-33 Recommended: No Evaluation of Treatment Alternatives for Runoff generated from Aircraft Deicing activities. ACRP Staff This problem statement has some overlaping scope with ACRP project A02-11, Water Resource Issues Affecting Airport Capacity Enhancement Planning. Remaining

2、 elements could be included if other deicing research is approved. This problem statement should be compared or combined with other, similar deicing problem statements such as 10-02-01, 10-02-04, 10-02-09, 10-02-10, 10-02-23, 10-02-28, 10-02-33, 10-02-29, 10-02-46, 10-02- 47, or 10-02-48. TRB Aviati

3、on Group Environmental Impacts of Aviation Cmte: Applicable to aviation around the world. Airports are starting to see pressure and significant cost rises from local Publicly-owned treatment works (POTWs). Funding might need to be increased to provide treatability studies which are the greatest unkn

4、owns for emerging technologies. In addition to greater funding, additional time would be appropriate to allow this project to usefully characterize treatment technology performances. Given the pace of the federal Effluent Limit Guidelines (ELG), we probably can afford this additional time and still

5、have this product deliver in time to be of value. Recommend funding. Panel for Environmental Emphasis This problem statement is closely related to research conducted and reported in ACRP Report 14. The Environmental Panel saw an opportunity to update fact sheets from ACRP Report 14, by adding releva

6、nce to new EPA regulations, and to add value to assess the effectiveness of the practices described in the fact sheets. However, problem statement 10-02-46 is a priority scope for this topic area. ACRP Screening Panel This problem statement is not recommended but the most valuable elements should be

7、 considered with problem statement 10-02-46. OUTLINE FOR AIRPORT COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROGRAM PROBLEM STATEMENTS A AC CR RP P Problem Number Problem Number 10-02-33 I. PROBLEM TITLE Evaluation of Treatment Alternatives for Runoff generated from Aircraft Deicing activities. II. RESEARCH PROBLEM STATE

8、MENT Airports across the United States face increasing regulatory and technical challenges for addressing runoff from deicing operations. The use of glycol-based aircraft deicing and anti-icing fluids (ADFs) is necessary for safe air travel and it is expected that the use of ADF will continue to ris

9、e until alternative technologies are developed and widely implemented. The runoff generated during these deicing events represents millions of gallons of stormwater and wastewater associated with industrial activities. This runoff presents unique challenges for airports as the requirements for the h

10、andling and discharge of these fluids vary state to state. Although the Effluent Limitation Guideline (ELG) being developed by EPA will likely standardize the effluent limit and/or collection efficiency requirements across the country, it will not provide airports with the information they need to e

11、valuate treatment options for the fluid they will then be required to collect or how to achieve the new effluent limitations with which they must comply. This project would provide airports with a review of available and emerging technologies for the treatment of this fluid. III. OBJECTIVE The objec

12、tive of this project is to prepare a compendium of currently available technologies as well as emerging technologies for the treatment of ADFs and stormwater containing spent ADFs. This information could be used by airports to evaluate treatment options available to meet the new ELG (when promulgate

13、d) for existing facilities as well as to provide critical information during the early planning and conceptual design phases for new development of deicing facilities, additional pavement, and facility expansions. The evaluation would include information on the various technologies (existing and eme

14、rging), capital cost for each technology, associated annual operation and maintenance costs, impacts to airfield efficiency, environmental benefits or impacts, social implications, and regulatory considerations. IV. RESEARCH PROPOSED The proposed approach for preparing the compendium would include r

15、eviewing the surveys prepared by airports for the ELG (EPA survey) to compile a list of the treatment technologies currently employed around the country. The research project would then augment that data with specific information from each airport to help answer the remaining questions regarding eff

16、ectiveness, capital and annual costs, environmental benefits, etc. as needed to meet the objective of the project. The research would then target emerging technologies that may be available in the near future that might be used to treat ADF and stormwater contaminated with ADF associated with indust

17、rial activities. These existing and emerging technologies might include traditional wastewater treatment technologies that could treat ADF contaminated stormwater and spent ADF in conjunction with domestic wastewater, ADF contaminated stormwater only, ADF contaiminated stormwater and/or ADF with oth

18、er facility generated process wastewater, etc. Technologies to be considered would include both onsite and offsite options and could be used as pretreatment prior to final treatment at a separate facility, or could represent the final treatment solution for the facility generated material. The study

19、 would address offsite treatment options as well as on-site in-situ active or passive treatment technologies. V. ESTIMATE OF THE PROBLEM FUNDING AND RESEARCH PERIOD Recommended Funding: $300,000 or as determined by TRB estimate. Research Period: This research should be completed in 18 months. VI. UR

20、GENCY AND PAYOFF POTENTIAL Given the potential development of deicing/anti-icing related effluent guidelines by the US EPA, there is an urgent need for airports to have clear and concise information on available options for treatment of spent ADF. The compendium of treatment technologies will provid

21、e airports with sound technical evaluations of available treatment alternatives as well as current capital and operational cost information for consideration during planning and design of airport expansion projects. This information will also be useful to airports as they communicate to regulators a

22、nd other stakeholders about how these fluids will be managed 2 and ultimately treated. Finally, this document will provide airports with sound information that will ultimately protect water quality. The results of this project are highly transferable because all airports that perform deicing operati

23、ons would benefit from having this technical and cost data readily available in a user friendly format. VII. RELATED RESEARCH Unknown. VIII. PERSON(S) DEVELOPING THE PROBLEM Janell Barrilleaux Denver International Airport Airport Office Building, 7th Floor 8500 Pea Boulevard Denver, Colorado 80249 J

24、anell Barrilleaux phone: (303) 342-2730 Fax: (303)342-2677; IX. PROCESS USED TO DEVELOP PROBLEM STATEMENT This problem statement was developed in response to concerns raised within the Planning and Development Division during discussions of future development plans and what design standards would b

25、e appropriate. X. DATE AND SUBMITTED BY Submitted April 10, 2009 by Janell Barrilleaux Director of Environmental Programs Denver International Airport Airport Office Building, 7th Floor 8500 Pea Boulevard Denver, Colorado 80249 Phone: (303) 342-342-2730 J Submit to: Michael R. Salamone, C.M. Manager - ACRP Transportation Research Board 500 Fifth Street., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 202/334-3224 FAX 202/334-2006


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