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1、ISBN 0 7337 8583 2 AS/NZS 3823.2/Amdt 3/2008-02-29 STANDARDS AUSTRALIA/STANDARDS NEW ZEALAND Amendment No. 3 to AS/NZS 3823.2:2005 Performance of electrical appliancesAirconditioners and heat pumps Part 2: Energy labelling and minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) requirements REVISED TEXT The

2、2005 edition of AS/NZS 3823.2 is amended as follows; the amendment(s) should be inserted in the appropriate place(s). SUMMARY: This Amendment applies to the Preface, Clauses 1.1, 1.2, 2.3.3, 2.10, 3.2, 3.4, 3.8, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.1.5, 4.1.6, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 5.4, Appendices B, D and F and Table 3.

3、1. Published on 29 February 2008. Approved for publication in New Zealand on behalf of the Standards Council of New Zealand on 22 February 2008. PREFACE 1Last paragraph, Page 2, delete the first sentence. 2Delete Item (f) on Page 3 and replace with the following: (f) More stringent single-phase MEPS

4、 levels for some categories of products were introduced on 1 April 2006 while MEPS levels for remaining single-phase products became more stringent on 1 October 2007. 3Page 3, after the third last paragraph beginning Section 4 of this Standard, add the following: Amendment No. 3 to this Standard del

5、etes single-phase MEPS requirements for all products from 2008 which were included in the 2005 revision of this Standard. These levels will be reviewed and a new implementation date proposed following the release of new Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) due in late 2007. This will be confirmed once

6、it has been approved by the Ministerial Council for Energy. Amendment No. 3 introduces more stringent requirements for variable output airconditioners where these products do not meet MEPS at rated output. There are also additional reporting requirements for variable output products. Amendment No. 3

7、 requires a specific written approval from regulators where a supplier is seeking an exemption from energy labelling for commercial non-ducted single-phase airconditioners. Amendment No. 3 also provides an updated indicative timing of the likely transition to a new energy label algorithm in 2009. Cl

8、ause 1.1 1First paragraph, Line 2, delete the words for household use. 2Third paragraph, delete the words Not applicable. AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 22 Apr 2008 Clause 1.2 Add new Item (h) as follows: (h) Models may be granted exemption from

9、the requirement to carry an energy label by the relevant Australian/New Zealand regulatory authority due to their specific design for commercial applications. In these cases, the supplier will be required to make an application for each model where an exemption is sought and provide documentation to

10、 satisfy regulators that an exemption from mandatory energy labelling is warranted because the product is (i)designed for and used only in non-residential applications; and/or (ii)not on display for sale through retail outlets; and/or (iii)not promoted in any catalogue or advertising material that c

11、ould be interpreted as suitable for some residential applications. Clause 2.3.3 Add the following new paragraph after Item (b): The unit shall be operated at rated capacity under the cooling capacity test with CONDITION T1 in accordance with AS/NZS 3823.1.1 or AS/NZS 3823.1.2 or AS/NZS 3823.1.3 for

12、the determination of cooling capacity, effective power input, energy efficiency ratio and compliance with minimum EER cooling requirements. Clause 2.10 Delete this Clause. Clause 3.2 Add new Note after first paragraph, as follows: NOTE: An analysis of the impacts of MEPS levels for single- and three

13、-phase airconditioners is being conducted during 2007 and a cost benefit analysis is also expected in 2007. This will propose a revised implementation date for the levels that are scheduled for October 2008 (deleted from this amendment) as well as revised MEPS levels for some other product types. An

14、nouncements of MEPS for close control and multi-split systems are expected in the near future. Table 3.1 1Delete column 9 of the table titled Min EER 1-Oct-2008. 2In third line of Note 1b delete the words and 2008. 3Delete Note 1d. AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 AMDT No.

15、 3 FEB 2008 AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 22 Apr 2008 Clause 3.4 Delete the second paragraph and replace with the following: Appliances with variable output compressors which do not meet the minimum energy performance standard requirements at rated capacity under C

16、ONDITION T1 in AS/NZS 3823.1.1 or AS/NZS 3823.1.2 or AS/NZS 3823.1.3, are deemed to comply with MEPS if they meet both of the following requirements: (a)The tested EER at rated capacity is not less than 95% of specified MEPS level. (b)The tested EER of a part load point selected by the supplier and

17、documented with a test report supplied with the registration demonstrates that the model meets or exceeds either one of the following two requirements: (i)For an output in the range 83.3% to 100% of rated capacity, the tested EER meets or exceeds the MEPS level. (ii)For an output in the range 50% to

18、 83.3% of rated capacity, the tested EER meets or exceeds the following equation: MEPS Output Output EER 3 . 025. 1 capacityrate loadpart tested NOTE: Australian and New Zealand regulators intend to carefully review and possibly remove the part load MEPS compliance option for variable output product

19、s as part of the next MEPS level (nominally October 2009). Clause 3.8 Add the following new paragraph after the Note: While it will remain a requirement to supply to regulators any information on how to lock the speed of variable output systems during testing as part of the registration process, man

20、ufacturers should make such information readily available to facilitate third party testing. Wherever possible, manufacturers should design their products in a way that the capacity of variable output systems can be locked for testing purposes using controls on the product or using equipment normall

21、y supplied with the product (i.e., without the need for special test equipment supplied by the manufacturer). Clauses 4.1.2 to 4.1.6 Delete Clauses 4.1.2 to 4.1.6 and replace with the following: 4.1.2 Registration For an energy labelling and/or MEPS application in accordance with Appendix B, a test

22、report to AS/NZS 3823.1.1 or AS/NZS 3823.1.2 or AS/NZS 3823.1.3 or a summary report in accordance with Appendix C shall be provided for the relevant test points. For a MEPS application in accordance with Appendix B, a test report to AS/NZS 3823.1.1 or AS/NZS 3823.1.2 or AS/NZS 3823.1.3, or a summary

23、 report in accordance with Appendix C shall be provided where physical tests have been conducted for the relevant test points. Where a simulation to AS/NZS 3823.3 has been conducted for a MEPS application in accordance with Appendix B, a report in accordance with Appendices A and B of AS/NZS 3823.3

24、shall be provided. AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 22 Apr 2008 Where a supplier wishes to indicate the heating capacity on the energy label at 2C in accordance with Section 5, this shall be indicated in the energy labelling app

25、lication in Appendix B. To support the claimed heating capacity output and to verify the performance requirements in Clause 3.9, a test report to AS/NZS 3823.1.1 or AS/NZS 3823.1.2 or a summary report in accordance with Appendix C of this Standard shall be provided for Condition H2. NOTES: 1Applicat

26、ions in the form of computer printouts, which present all the application data in a similar layout to the forms in Appendix B, are valid. 2Where HPRATE has been used for a simulation to support a MEPS application, a copy of the project (sys) file is regarded as equivalent to a report in accordance w

27、ith Appendices A and B of AS/NZS 3823.3:2002. Where values other than the defaults for pressure drop, subcooling or superheating are used in the project file (see Appendix A), test data to support the use of these values will be required. Simulations for heating may not be valid where defrosting cou

28、ld occur. For registration, the relevant state regulatory authority shall be contacted. NOTE: Details of the relevant regulatory bodies are available from website. 4.1.3 Test report A test report in accordance with AS/NZS 3823.1.1, AS/NZS 3823.1.2, AS/NZS 3823.1.3 or AS/NZS 3

29、823.3, as applicable, for each model tested shall be held by the appliance supplier if not supplied with the original registration. The documents required by this Section shall be made available to the relevant regulatory authority upon request. Records shall be retained for at least five years afte

30、r the last date of manufacture or import, whichever is applicable. 4.1.4 MEPS transition All products within the scope of MEPS manufactured or imported for sale in Australia on or after the relevant MEPS date shall meet the relevant MEPS requirements. Such units shall hold a valid registration at th

31、e time of sale, which shall indicate compliance with these MEPS requirements. Variable output products which have used the part load provisions of Clause 3.4 up to and including Amendment No. 1 of this Standard to claim MEPS compliance will expire on 31 March 2009. Only new registrations to Amendmen

32、t No. 3 of this Standard will be permitted from 1 February 2008. NOTE: More details on the duration and validity of registrations can be found in the Administrative Guidelines. The most up to date version can be obtained from the website. 4.1.5 Energy label transitions Regula

33、tors have advised that products with existing registrations for energy labelling to a previous edition of this Standard can continue to affix and display these previously approved labels until the product requires re-registration for MEPS or energy labelling as defined in this Standard. Products wit

34、h energy labels to previous editions of this Standard, which are manufactured or imported prior to the relevant regulatory date, may be supplied directly from a warehouse without the need to re-label for an indefinite period. NOTE: Energy labelling algorithms are due to change in 2009 (refer to Appe

35、ndix F) and are to be defined in a future edition of this Standard. Special provisions will apply to products on display in retailers during the 2009 energy transition period. Details of these provisions will be contained in a forthcoming revision of this Standard. Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AU

36、STRALIA on 22 Apr 2008 4.1.6 Duration of registration Registrations for energy labelling and MEPS may have a validity of up to 5 years. Registration expiry dates are reviewed annually and records may be extended (up to the 5 year limit in 1 year increments) where there is no forthcoming change to re

37、gulatory requirements. NOTE: More details on the duration of registration can be found in the Administrative Guidelines. The most up to date version can be obtained from the website. Clause 4.2.2 Delete existing text and replace with the following: The supplier (manufacturer

38、or importer) shall complete and submit the prescribed form to the relevant regulatory authority. The prescribed form is Appendix B. NOTES: 1In New Zealand this can be done online at the website. This is the preferred method; however the form can be completed on paper and subm

39、itted to the regulatory authority (EECA). Models registered in Australia are deemed to have complied with this requirement. 2Full details of the regulatory requirements for New Zealand suppliers are found in the Energy Efficiency (Energy Using Products) Regulations 2002. Clause 4.2.3 Add the followi

40、ng new paragraph after the second paragraph: Under New Zealands Energy Efficiency (Energy Using Products) Regulations 2002, a test report shall be made available to the regulatory authority (EECA) upon request within five working days. Clause 5.4 Item (e), delete second and third sentence. Appendix

41、B, Paragraph B4, Section 2 Add a new row after Is this product to be used exclusively for and insert text as follows: For commercial single-phase non-ducted units, are you seeking an exemption from energy labelling for this product? (An exemption requires a separate submission to regulators (refer C

42、lause 1.2(h). Yes/No AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 22 Apr 2008 Appendix B, Paragraph B4, Section 5 1Delete text from the last row and replace with the following: Does this airconditioner have a variable ou

43、tput compressor? Yes/No If yes, state type: Inverter Yes/No Other variable output State type 2Add new text to the end of Section 5 as follows: If inverter driven, state the maximum continuous frequency for cooling (Hz): If inverter driven, state the maximum continuous frequency for heating (Hz): App

44、endix B, Paragraph B4, Section 6 1Add new row in TEST RESULTSCOOLINGCONDITION T1 after Indicate fan and any other settings for determination of rated capacity: and insert text as follows: If inverter driven, state the frequency of the inverter at rated capacity for cooling (Hz) 2Add new row in TEST

45、RESULTSHEATINGCONDITION H1 after For ducted systems, indicate air flow rate (cubic metres/second): and insert text as follows: If inverter driven, state the frequency of the inverter at rated capacity for heating (Hz) Appendix B, Paragraph B4, Section 8 1After EER add a new row and insert the follow

46、ing text: If inverter driven, state the frequency at this output 2After COP add a new row and insert the following text: If inverter driven, state the frequency at this output AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 AMDT No. 3 FEB 2008 Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 22 Apr 2008 Appendi

47、x B, Paragraph B4, Section 9 Delete existing text and replace with the following: SECTION 9 MANDATORY DECLARATIONVARIABLE OUTPUT COMPRESSOR MODELS NOTE: This Section is to be filled in only by those manufacturers that are registering products that have a variable output compressor to this Standard (

48、AS/NZS 3823.2) for MEPS compliance. Indicate the setting and % of rated capacity used to verify MEPS (refer to Clause 3.4) Setting % of rated capacity The rest of this Section shall be completed if the measured EER is 0.95 MEPS but less than MEPS at rated capacity. A test report shall be supplied at

49、 the % of rated capacity used to claim compliance with MEPS. Has a test report been supplied at the % of rated capacity used to verify MEPS? (indicate correct answer) Yes/No Cooling capacity used to verify MEPS compliance (kW): (Output as % of rated capacity) Tested or modelled EER (W/W): (At % of rated capacity stated above) If inverter driven, state the frequency of the inverter at this load (Hz): Where applicable, indicate method of obtaining fixed output on airconditioners with variable output capacity: The EER at rated capac


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