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1、Recommended Practice AIAA R- 092- 1- 2003 Wind Tunnel Testing Part 1: Management Volume AIAA standards are copyrighted by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA 20191-4344 USA. All rights reserved. AIAA grants you a license as follows: Th

2、e right to download an electronic file of this AIAA standard for temporary storage on one computer for purposes of viewing, and/or printing one copy of the AIAA standard for individual use. Neither the electronic file nor the hard copy print may be reproduced in any way. In addition, the electronic

3、file may not be distributed elsewhere over computer networks or otherwise. The hard copy print may only be distributed to other employees for their internal use within your organization. Copyright American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Provided by IHS under license with AIAA Licensee=IHS

4、 Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/18/2007 10:57:13 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- AI AA R- 092- 1- 2003 Recommended Practice Wi nd Tunnel Tes t i ng Part 1: Management Volume Spons or American I nstitute of Aeronautics and Astronau

5、tics Abstract Thi s recommended pract i ce document i s t he fi rs t of a t wo- part s eri es i nt ended t o prov i de t es t project management and pract i t i oners wi t h bes t pract i ces t hat maxi mi ze t he dat a v alue of wi nd t unnel t est project s . Part I help managers unders t and t he

6、 i mpact of deci s i on maki ng before and duri ng t he dev elopment of a t es t project and prov i des key act i v i t i es t o help i mprov e t he t i meli nes s and cos t - effect i v enes s of fut ure wi nd t unnel t es t project s . Part II prov i des t hos e res pons i ble for t es t execut i

7、on wi t h bes t pract i ces t o employ when prepari ng for and i mplement i ng t es t s . Copyright American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Provided by IHS under license with AIAA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/18/2007 10:57:13 MDTNo reproduction o

8、r networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- AIAA R- 092- 1- 2003 i i Li brary of Congres s Cat alogi ng- i n- Publi cat i on Dat a Recommended pract i ce : wi nd t unnel t es t i ng. p. cm. pt . 1. Management v olume - - pt . 2. Pract i t i oners v olume. Includes bi bli ographi cal refere

9、nces and i ndex. ISBN 1- 56347- 650- 9 (v . 1) - - ISBN 1- 56347- 651- 7 (Elect roni c) - - ISBN 1- 56347- 652- 5 (v . 2) - - ISBN 1- 56347- 653- 3 (Elect roni c) 1. Wi nd t unnels . 2. Aerodynami cs - - Res earch- - St andards . 3. Wi nd t unnel models - - Tes t i ng- - St andards . I. Ameri can In

10、s t i t ut e of Aeronaut i cs and As t ronaut i cs . TL567.W5R437 2003 629.13452- - dc22 2003019165 Publi s hed by American I nstitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston VA 20191 Copyri ght 2003 Ameri can Ins t i t ut e of Aeronaut i cs and As t ronaut i cs All ri ght

11、s res erv ed. No part of t hi s publi cat i on may be reproduced i n any form, i n elect roni c ret ri ev al s ys t em or ot herwi s e, wi t hout pri or wri t t en permi s s i on of t he publi s her. Pri nt ed i n t he Uni t ed St at es of Ameri ca. Copyright American Institute of Aeronautics and As

12、tronautics Provided by IHS under license with AIAA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/18/2007 10:57:13 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- AIAA R- 092- 1- 2003 i i i Contents Foreword.v 1Int roduct i on .1 1.1Hi s t ory and B

13、ackground.1 2Managi ng Todays Wi nd Tunnel Tes t Programs2 2.1Planni ng Is s ues i n Wi nd Tunnel Tes t Programs 2 2.1.1Tes t Requi rement s2 Int egrat ed Tes t Programs.2 Tes t Art i cle Si ze and Fi deli t y2 Dat a and Ins t rument at i on Requi rement s3 Faci li t

14、y Select i on.3 2.1.2Planni ng and Scheduli ng.4 2.1.3Speci al Is s ues 5 Securi t y 5 Cont ract i ng and Procurement 5 2.1.4Adv anced Tools and Technologi es 5 2.2Keys t o Managi ng a Succes s ful Tes t Program.5 2.2.1Program Tes t Plan.6 Key #1: Es t abli s h Goals , Quali

15、t y, and Succes s Cri t eri a 6 Key #2: Unders t and Program Cons i derat i ons6 Key #3: Inv olv e Tes t Communi t y Early.7 2.2.2Det ai led Tes t Planni ng and Execut i on7 Key #4: Es t abli s h Tes t Teams 7 Key #5: Dev elop and Execut e Det ai led Tes t Plans.9 2.2

16、.3Pos t - Tes t Act i v i t i es.9 Key #6: Project Rev i ews /Les s ons Learned/Feedback 9 Key #7: Document at i on 10 3Summary. 10 Annex A Adv anced Tools and Met hods for Cons i derat i on i n Tes t . 11 A.1Int egrat i ng Tes t i ng and Comput at i onal Flui d Dynami cs (CFD). 11 A

17、.2Rapi d Prot ot ype Tools 11 A.3Effect i v e Us e of Comput er- Ai ded Des i gn (CAD). 11 A.4Remot e- Acces s Tes t i ng . 11 A.5Adv anced Ins t rument at i on 12 A.6Model Aut omat i on 12 A.7Tes t Si mulat i on Tools. 13 Copyright American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Provided by IHS

18、under license with AIAA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/18/2007 10:57:13 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- AIAA R- 092- 1- 2003 i v Annex B Subcont ract i ng Mechani s ms. 14 Fi gures Fi gure 1 Key Act i v i t i es and T

19、hei r Ali gnment t o Tes t Program Phas es.6 Fi gure 2 Illus t rat i on of a Tes t Team St ruct ure duri ng Preparat i on Act i v i t i es.8 Fi gure 3 Illus t rat i on of a Team Arrangement Duri ng Tes t i ng8 Copyright American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Provided by IHS under license

20、 with AIAA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/18/2007 10:57:13 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- AIAA R- 092- 1- 2003 v Foreword The Ameri can Ins t i t ut e of Aeronaut i cs and As t ronaut i cs (AIAA) Ground Tes t Techni

21、cal Commi t t ee (GTTC) began looki ng at bes t pract i ces as s oci at ed wi t h t es t art i cle dev elopment as a way t o recommend i mprov ement s i n wi nd t unnel t es t effi ci ency, cos t , and cycle t i me. It became apparent early on t hat t ryi ng t o s eparat e t es t art i cle dev elopm

22、ent from ov erall wi nd t unnel t es t proces s was not a product i v e and us eful act i v i t y. The hi ghly i nt egrat ed nat ure of t he proces s es , organi zat i ons , and pers onnel i nv olv ed i n wi nd t unnel t es t programs requi res t hat a broader v i ewpoi nt of t he wi nd t unnel t es

23、 t proces s be ev aluat ed i n order t o dev elop s ucces s ful t echni ques and met hods . Thi s t wo- v olume effort , “Recommended Pract i ce for Succes s ful Wi nd Tunnel Tes t i ng,” i s t he res ult of t hat ev aluat i on. Part I was wri t t en t o prov i de t es t program managers wi t h clea

24、r i ns i ght i nt o achi ev i ng t echni cally focus ed, affordable, and low- ri sk t est programs t o support t he development of aerodynami c vehi cles and t echnologi es . Thi s recommended- pract i ces document wi ll help managers unders t and t he i mpact of deci s i on maki ng before and duri

25、ng t he dev elopment of a t es t program and wi ll prov i de key act i v i t i es t o help i mprov e quali t y, t i meli nes s , and cos t - effect i v enes s of wi nd t unnel t es t programs . Part II prov i des addi t i onal det ai l about s ucces s ful met hods for pers onnel who are di rect ly i

26、 nv olv ed i n dev elopi ng and execut i ng t es t programs . Nei t her v olume i s i nt ended t o be a t ot ally comprehens i v e document on s ucces s ful wi nd t unnel t est i ng. Ins t ead, t hey repres ent a compi lat i on of bes t pract i ces t o prov i de a s t rong foundat i on for t he s uc

27、ces s ful dev elopment of a t es t program or t es t effort . Whi le t hes e pract i ces focus on wi nd t unnel t es t proces s es , t he i nformat i on i s appli cable t o many ot her ground t es t act i v i t i es . The GTTC Tes t Proces s es Worki ng Group cons i s t ed of a di v ers e group of i

28、 ndus t ry and government expert s i n t he fi elds as s oci at ed wi t h wi nd t unnel t es t i ng. Duri ng t he dev elopment of t hes e document s, t hi s group cons i s t ed of: Mr. Mark Melans on, Chai rman (Lockheed Mart i n Aeronaut i cs ) Mr. Tom Ai ken (NASA Ames Res earch Cent er) Mr. Allen

29、 Arri ngt on (QSS Group Inc./NASA Glenn Res earch Cent er) Mr. Chri s At hai de (Tri Models Inc.) Mr. Rene Baraket t(Bombardi er Aeros pace) Mr. Mark Bet zi na (NASA Ames Res earch Cent er) Ms . Jean Bi anco (NASA Glenn Res earch Cent er) Mr. Ji m Brunges Mr. St ev e Craft (NASA Langley Res earch Ce

30、nt er) Mr. Roger Cri t es(Boei ng Company, St . Loui s ) Mr. Drew Hope(NASA Langley Res earch Cent er) Mr. Mark Kammeyer (Boei ng Company, St . Loui s ) Mr. Ray Knowi s Mr. Dan Marren (AEDC Whi t e Oak) Ms . Laura McGi ll (Rayt heon Mi s s i les ) Mr. Dav e Mi nt o (Holloman Hi gh- Speed Tes t Track

31、) Copyright American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Provided by IHS under license with AIAA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/18/2007 10:57:13 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- AIAA R- 092- 1- 2003 v i Mr. Mi ch

32、el Ouellet t e (Bombardi er Aeros pace) Mr. Barry Pri ce (NASA Langley Res earch Cent er) Mr. Al Robert s (Tri Models Inc.) Mr. Mat t Ruegers (Boei ng Company, St . Loui s ) Mr. Lew Scherer (Nort hrop Grumman) Mr. Rob Sheehan(Nort hrop Grumman) Dr. Frank St ei nle(Sv erdrup/Jacobs Engr. at Arnold En

33、gi neeri ng Development Cent er) Mr. Bi ll St raka (Penn St at e Uni v ers i t y) Mr. St ev en Wes t more (Boei ng Company, Seat t le) Many ot hers als o cont ri but ed t o t hi s document duri ng i t s dev elopment . AIAA St andards Procedures prov i de t hat all s t andards , recommended pract i c

34、es , and gui des be adv i s ory only. Thei r us e by anyone engaged i n i ndus t ry or t rade i s ent i rely v olunt ary. In formulat i ng, rev i s i ng, and approv i ng s t andards publi cat i ons , t he Commi t t ee on St andards wi ll not cons i der pat ent s t hat may apply t o t he s ubject mat

35、 t er. Pros pect i v e us ers of t he publi cat i ons are res pons i ble for prot ect i ng t hems elv es agai ns t li abi li t y for i nfri ngement of pat ent s , copyri ght s , or bot h. On t he recommendat i on of t he Tes t Proces s es Worki ng Group, t he followi ng knowledgeable i ndi v i duals

36、 rev i ewed t hi s document and prov i ded v aluable cri t i ques . Approv al of t he document was unani mous . Mr. Roger Chamberli n (NASA Glenn Res earch Cent er) Mr. Ri ck Crooks (Alli ed Aeros pace Inc.) Mr. Ches t er DeCes ari s , Jr. (BMDO Tes t Res ources ) Mr. Ralph Kles t adt (Rayt heon Mi

37、s s i le Sys t ems ) Mr. Dav i d Mi ller (NASA Langley Res earch Cent er) Mr. Gerald Pounds (Lockheed Mart i n Aeronaut i cs Company) Mr. Ki rk Seablom (NASA Glenn Res earch Cent er) Mr. Joe St rong(Boei ng, Ret i red) Mr. Jeff Haas (NASA Glenn Res earch Cent er) Mr. Robert Voi s i net (AEDC Whi t e

38、 Oak) Mr. Scot t Wi ns hi p (Nort hrop Grumman) The AIAA Ground Tes t Techni cal Commi t t ee approv ed t hi s document (Mr. Allen Arri ngt on, Chai rman) i n July 2002. The AIAA St andards Execut i v e Counci l (Phi l Cheney, Chai rman) accept ed t hi s document for publi cat i on i n Sept ember 20

39、03. Copyright American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Provided by IHS under license with AIAA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/18/2007 10:57:13 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- AIAA R- 092- 1- 2003 1 1I ntrodu

40、ction Wi nd t unnel t es t i ng i s a cri t i cal component i n t he dev elopment of aerodynami c v ehi cles and as s oci at ed t echnologi es . Whi le t he t i me and expens e of wi nd t unnel t es t i ng i s s i gni fi cant , i t i s an es s ent i al ri s k reduct i on t ool before progres s i ng

41、ai r v ehi cles and t echnologi es t o t he more expens i v e, t echni cally ri s ky fli ght t es t s . Deci s i ons made duri ng t he ev olut i on and execut i on of wi nd t unnel t es t programs can hav e far- reachi ng performance, fi nanci al, and s chedule i mpli cat i ons t hroughout t he li f

42、e cycle of an ai r v ehi cle. Effort s are bei ng made acros s all ai r v ehi cle dev elopment act i v i t i es t o reduce t echni cal ri s k, cos t , and cycle t i me. Si nce wi nd t unnel t es t programs are cri t i cal t o t hose development act i v i t i es , any s ucces s ful reduct i ons i n w

43、i nd t unnel ri s k, cos t , or cycle t i me can hav e s i gni fi cant pos i t i v e i mpact s on t he ov erall ai r v ehi cle program. To accompli s h a s ucces s ful program, managers of wi nd t unnel t es t programs mus t carefully balance t he t es t i ng needs (object i v es ), s chedules , and

44、 cos t of t he t es t program. Act i v i t i es s uch as dev elopi ng t est requi rement s , t es t art i cles , t es t preparat i on, t es t i ng, and analys i s requi re s i gni fi cant res ource i nv es t ment s and mus t be carefully managed t o accompli s h t echni cal goals wi t h mi ni mum re

45、s ource expendi t ure. Thi s volume descri bes t he broader aspect s of t est program development , i mplement at i on, and management . It prov i des managers wi t h a s et of t ools (key act i v i t i es ) t o help nav i gat e and dev elop a balanced, s ucces s ful t es t program. 1.1History and B

46、ackground Wi nd t unnel t es t i ng has been cri t i cal t o ai rcraft dev elopment s i nce i t was fi rs t performed by Frank H. Wenham i n Great Bri t ai n i n 1871. Begi nni ng i n 1901, t he Wri ght Brot hers ut i li zed a t unnel of t hei r own des i gn t o i ncreas e t hei r unders t andi ng o

47、f aerodynami c li ft and cont rol, whi ch helped t hem produce t he fi rs t powered ai rcraft i n 1903. In t odays hi ghly compet i t i v e commerci al av i at i on world, s mall i mprov ement s i n aerodynami c performance can t rans lat e i nt o range and payload gai ns and, t herefore, s ales . W

48、i nd t unnel t es t i ng t o dev elop ai r v ehi cle confi gurat i ons i nv olv es ext ens i v e aerodynami c t es t i ng. Loads , flut t er, and propuls i on i nt eract i on t es t i ng are als o i mport ant as pect s of t es t programs . Mi li t ary ai r v ehi cle dev elopment may i nclude addi t i onal focus on t es t i ng of broad t es t env elopes , weapons carri age, and hi ghly i nt egrat ed propuls i on effect s . Wi nd t unnel t es t i ng has hi s t ori cally prov i ded t he pri mary ground t es t mechani s m for es t abli s hi ng ai r v ehi cle performance pri or


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