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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS 7150:1989 Code of practice for Intruder alarm systems with mains wiring communication UDC 684:654.924.3:621.3 783.1:621.311.62:621.315.3:696.6:006.76 Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Fri Dec 08 10:43:34 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy,

2、(c) BSI BS 7150:1989 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Furniture and Household Equipment Standards Policy Committee, was published under the authority of the Board of BSI and comes into effect on 31 March 1989 BSI 03-1999 The following BSI references relate to th

3、e work on this standard: Committee reference FHM/45 Draft for comment 88/36237 DC ISBN 0 580 17198 1 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Furniture and Household Equipment Standards Policy Committee (FHM/-) to Technical Commit

4、tee FHM/45, upon which the following bodies were represented: Association for Payment Clearing Services Association of Burglary Insurance Surveyors Association of Chief Police Officers of England and Wales Association of Metropolitan Authorities British Retailers Association British Security Industr

5、y Association British Telecommunications plc Construction Security Advisory Service Consumer Policy Committee of BSI Department of the Environment (Property Services Agency) Electrical Contractors Association Electrical Contractors Association of Scotland Electrical Installation Equipment Manufactur

6、ers Association (BEAMA Ltd.) Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales Electronic Engineering Association Home Office Home Office Crime Prevention Centre Independent Associated Alarm Installers Ltd. Institution of Electrical and Electronics Incorporated Engineers Lloyds Syndicates Loss Preven

7、tion Council Metropolitan Police Ministry of Defence National Association of Goldsmiths of Great Britain and Ireland National Supervisory Council for Intruder Alarms Post Office Royal Institute of British Architects Telecommunication Engineering and Manufacturing Association Tobacco Advisory Council

8、 Wine and Spirit Security Liaison Ltd. The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard, through subcommittees and panels: British Fire Protection Systems Association Ltd. Department of Trade and Industry (Consumer Safety Unit, CA Division) Department of Trade and Industry

9、(Radiocommunications Division) Amendments issued since publication Amd. No.Date of issueComments Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Fri Dec 08 10:43:34 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 7150:1989 BSI 03-1999i Contents Page Committees responsibleIns

10、ide front cover Forewordii 1Scope1 2Definitions1 3Classification of systems1 4System provisions2 5Operational requirements4 6Control equipment4 7Power supply equipment4 8Warning devices and signalling equipment5 9Claims of compliance5 Publications referred toInside back cover Licensed Copy: London S

11、outh Bank University, London South Bank University, Fri Dec 08 10:43:34 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 7150:1989 ii BSI 03-1999 Foreword This British Standard code of practice has been prepared under the direction of the Furniture and Household Equipment Standards Policy Committee. It

12、 provides recommendations for intruder alarm systems which use existing mains electrical circuits for the transmission of information between devices in the system. The code of practice identifies three levels of system performance, in ascending order of sophistication as classes 1 to 3, concerned w

13、ith the integrity of the information generated or received and aspects of interference with, or from, the system. BS 6839 and Electricity Council Engineering Recommendation G22/2 identify general considerations appropriate to the use of mains wiring as a communications medium and should be consulted

14、 in conjunction with this code of practice, which is specific to intruder alarm systems. This code of practice does not give any recommendations for degree of protection. A prospective customer should therefore consider carefully the extent and degree of protection required, having regard to the nat

15、ure of the premises to be protected, the value of its contents and the prevailing circumstances. It should be recognized that comprehensive protection entails substantial expense but that no intruder alarm system can possibly detect all forms of unauthorized entry or be completely tamperproof. The s

16、uccessful operation of an intruder alarm system requires the active cooperation of the user in carrying out the necessary procedures carefully and thoroughly. The usefulness and social acceptability of the system can be jeopardized by lack of care. This care has to extend to the security of keys and

17、 of information regarding the system, its design, installation and method of operation, and to ensuring adequate maintenance, to preserve the protection of property against criminal activity and to reduce the incidence of false alarms. This code of practice relates only to complete systems and not t

18、o individual components in isolation. The accuracy of any claim that a system complies with this code of practice is the responsibility of the claimant under the Trades Description Act of 1968. It is emphasized that claims that individual components of an intruder alarm system are made in conformity

19、 or compliance with this code of practice would not be accurate as trade descriptions. The Control of Noise (Code of Practice on Noise from Intruder Alarms) Order 1981 gives guidance on methods for reducing the incidence of nuisance caused by audible alarms. Action may be taken under the Control of

20、Pollution Act 1974 or the Pollution Control and Local Government (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 against anyone causing an audible alarm to sound unnecessarily. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for the

21、ir correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. In particular attention is drawn to the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1975 SI 1366 as amended by the Electrical (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 1976 SI 1208 for equipmen

22、t connected to the mains electricity supply and to the Regulations for Electrical Installations (15th Edition, 1981, IEE). Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1 to 6, an inside back cover and a back cover. This standard has been update

23、d (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover. Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Fri Dec 08 10:43:34 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 7150:1989 BSI 03-1999

24、1 1 Scope This British Standard code of practice provides general recommendations for the construction, installation and operation of intruder alarm systems where the principal interconnections are achieved by superimposing signals on an existing mains electrical circuit. Such systems consist of one

25、 or more detectors, one or more items of control equipment, one or more warning and/or signalling devices and the necessary power supply equipment. This code of practice provides a classification for intruder alarm systems using mains wiring to link some, or all, of the component parts of intruder a

26、larm systems. It does not cover the transmission of signals from the protected location to a remote centre. This code of practice does not recommend the extent or degree of protection provided nor does it cover all of the needs for a particular installation. NOTEThe titles of the publications referr

27、ed to in this standard are listed on inside back cover. 2 Definitions For the purposes of this British Standard the definitions given in BS 4737 apply, together with the following. mains wiring communication the use of a low-voltage mains electrical circuit for the transmission of information or com

28、mands between component parts of an intruder alarm system NOTEThe alternative term “mains signalling” is not used in the context of alarm systems, where “signalling” implies the transmission of alarm system information to a remote location. 3 Classification of systems 3.1 General Intruder alarm syst

29、ems with mains wiring communication are classified by category of integrity, i.e. the degree of monitoring provided, as described in 3.2 to 3.4. The manufacturer, or installer, should indicate to a customer the classification of the product, or installation, provided (see item c) of 4.2.4). NOTEIf t

30、he mains electrical circuit has a broken connection it may not be possible to communicate with control equipment even where batteries are available as a source of standby power. All classes should provide a minimum of 128 differing protected premises codes and should be able to detect and/or report

31、an alarm condition within 2 s of its occurrence. 3.2 Class 1 A class 1 system should provide the transmission of a signal when a detector or a deliberately-operated device has gone into an alarm condition, or transmission of other signals from control equipment appropriate to its application(s) such

32、 as those to warning devices or to ancillary control equipment. The system should provide an identification, available at the control equipment, of the detector that has operated. It should also provide for the communications path in use to be monitored so that the presence of any continuous blockin

33、g or interfering signals that are present for more than 30 s are detected and a fault indication is generated at the control equipment. NOTE 1It is necessary to decide the action to be taken when this fault indication is given. The system should also provide the following. a) Transmission, within 30

34、 s, of return-to-normal signals from detectors which have gone into alarm condition or the incorporation of an interrogation facility which will give detector status indication at the control equipment. b) Repetitive transmission of signals denoting the status of detectors at intervals not exceeding

35、 1.2 h (auto-reporting). NOTE 2More frequent auto-reporting than the minimum recommended will provide enhanced security. c) Generation of a fault condition by the control equipment in the event of failure to receive a signal from any single detector in the system within a period of 1.2 h, and the cr

36、eation of an alarm condition in the event of three consecutive failures to receive a signal from that detector. d) Indication at the detector or at the control equipment of a low-voltage or high-impedance condition of a transmitter battery prior to the point where it is capable of supporting 7 days

37、normal operation in addition to the generation of the fault signal. 3.3 Class 2 A class 2 system should provide the same features as class 1 and additionally should generate an alarm condition within 20 s of the severance of any communications path (see 4.3.2). NOTEThe status of detectors may be det

38、ermined more frequently than in class 1 by continual interrogation techniques (polling). Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Fri Dec 08 10:43:34 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 7150:1989 2 BSI 03-1999 3.4 Class 3 A class 3 system should provide th

39、e same features as class 2. Additionally it should incorporate suitable means, including filtering at appropriate attenuation level(s), to provide the necessary integrity for a remote signalling system. NOTEFor a remote signalling system an alarm condition need not result in the sounding of any asso

40、ciated audible warning device at the protected premises (see 4.1.3). 4 System provisions 4.1 Basic system 4.1.1 All systems should have the following. a) Detectors: one or more detectors and/or one or more sensors with associated processors. NOTE 1Types of sensors and detectors not specified in the

41、relevant Section of BS 4737-3 may be included in a system provided that the system complies with this British Standard and their use is agreed in writing between the customer and the alarm company. b) Warning devices: unless the recommendations of 4.1.3 apply, at least one audible alarm, external or

42、 internal to the protected premises (see clause 8). NOTE 2Where a system includes deliberately-operated devices, operation of these devices need not initiate an audible alarm. c) Control equipment: one or more items of control equipment complying with clause 6. d) Power supply: power supply equipmen

43、t complying with clause 7. 4.1.2 All systems should operate in the frequency range 140 kHz to 148.5 kHz, i.e. within band E as defined in BS 6839-1. Output and interference limits should comply with those specified in BS 6839-1 for equipment and systems operating in this frequency range. 4.1.3 Remot

44、e signalling should not be provided for systems other than class 3 and should incorporate one or more of the following items of signalling equipment (see clause 8). a) Automatic dialling equipment. b) Digital communicator. c) Direct line signalling equipment. d) Another type of signalling equipment

45、provided that the system complies with this British Standard and its use is agreed in writing between the customer and the alarm company. Remote signalling systems should incorporate an audible warning device (see 4.1.1) except when the omission of such a device is agreed in writing between the cust

46、omer and the alarm company. 4.2 General 4.2.1 Safety. All equipment connected to the mains electrical wiring should comply with the requirements for electrical safety given in clause 6 of BS 6839-1:1987. NOTE 1It is essential that system component interfaces with the mains electrical wiring, and the

47、 method of physical connection of system components to this wiring, are in accordance with all appropriate electrical safety requirements. NOTE 2It is essential that equipment located, or intended for location, externally to the protected premises incorporate the necessary degree of protection again

48、st the environmental influences likely to be encountered at the point of installation. Where a change to the existing mains wiring is needed for the installation of an alarm system component this should be carried out by a qualified electrician. 4.2.2 Tamper detection. Equipment should be fitted wit

49、h tamper detection, which will operate when the cover is removed from the housing of any detector, processor, control equipment, warning or signalling device or power supply equipment in the system. The operation of tamper detection should generate an alarm condition. When the system is unset, any such alarm condition should cause an immediate audible indication, e.g. by an external and/or internal audible device at the protected premises, which should sound until it is inhibited manually by a means offering a degree of security not less than that provided by a key-operated


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