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2、LEASE NOTE: The information contained in this document was obtained from sources believed to be reliable and is based on technical information and experience currently available from members of the Compressed Gas Association, Inc. and others. However, the Association or its members, jointly or sever

3、ally, make no guarantee of the results and assume no liability or responsibility in connection with the information or suggestions herein contained. Moreover, it should not be assumed that every acceptable commodity grade, test or safety procedure or method, precaution, equipment or device is contai

4、ned within, or that abnormal or unusual circumstances may not warrant or suggest further requirements or additional procedure. This document is subject to periodic review, and users are cautioned to obtain the latest edition. The Associa- tion invites comments and suggestions for consideration. In c

5、onnection with such review, any such comments or suggestions will be fully reviewed by the Association after giving the party, upon request, a reasonable op- portunity to be heard. Proposed changes may be submitted via the Internet at our web site, . This document should not be confused with federal

6、, state, provincial, or municipal specifications or regulations; insurance requirements; or national safety codes. While the Association recommends reference to or use of this document by government agencies and others, this document is purely voluntary and not binding. A listing of all publications

7、, audiovisual programs, safety and technical bulletins, and safety posters is available via the Internet at our website at . For more information contact CGA at Phone: 703-788-2700, ext. 799. E-mail: . Work Item 06-018 Cylinder Specifications Committee NOTETechnical changes from the previous edition

8、 are underlined. NOTEAppendices A through H (Normative) are requirements. FOURTH EDITION: 2006 THIRD EDITION: 2001 SECOND EDITION: 1983 FIRST EDITION: 1978 2006 BY THE COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4221 WALNEY ROAD, 5TH FLOOR, CHANTILLY, VA 20151 Printed in U.S.A. CGA C-11200

9、6 COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC. PAGE iii Contents Page 1 Introduction.1 2 Scope and purpose 1 2.1 Scope 1 2.2 Purpose.1 3 Definitions.1 3.1 Certifying inspector1 3.2 Chemical analysis1 3.3 Cylinder .2 3.4 Heat, cast, or inspection lot number2 3.5 Independent inspection agency.2 3.6 Inspection2 3.

10、7 Inspector of the manufacturer2 3.8 Lot2 3.9 Test2 3.10 Verify .2 3.11 Witness2 4 Qualifications of the certifying inspector.2 5 Inspection requirementsseamless cylinders.3 5.1 Duties of certifying inspector .3 5.2 Inspection practices.4 6 Inspection requirementswelded and brazed cylinders6 6.1 Dut

11、ies of certifying inspector .7 6.2 Inspection practices.7 7 Inspection requirementsnonrefillable cylinders.10 7.1 Duties of certifying inspector .10 7.2 Inspection practices.11 8 References.12 Appendices Appendix ACertificate of compliance and test reportseamless cylinders (Normative).14 Appendix BC

12、ertificate of compliance and test reportwelded or brazed cylinders (Normative).15 Appendix CCertificate of compliance and test reportcompleted acetylene cylinders (Normative).16 Appendix DRecord of chemical analysis of material for cylinders (typical form) (Normative)17 Appendix ERecord of physical

13、test of material for cylinders (typical form) (Normative)18 Appendix FRecord of hydrostatic tests of cylinders (typical form) (Normative).19 Appendix GRecord of hydrostatic tests of cylinders (sample basis) (typical form) (Normative)20 Appendix HInspection report covering the manufacture of specific

14、ation U.S. DOT 39 and/or TC 39M cylinders or spheres (Normative) 21 -,-,- This page is intentionally blank. -,-,- CGA C-112006 COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC. PAGE 1 1 Introduction Tests and inspection procedures are necessary to ensure compliance with applicable specifications. However, specificat

15、ions and inspection procedures are distinctly different and must be separated. A product specification is legislative while inspection procedures are judicial. Acceptance and certification of product to a given specification usually is in batch or lot size quantities and can be based on testing or i

16、nspection frequencies from 100% of product for some attributes to one item per lot for other attributes. Between these extremes, intermediate frequencies of examination are appropriate when suffi- cient to allow the inspector to certify acceptance of a lot to a given specification. Frequency of spec

17、ific inspec- tions or tests shall in no case be less than required by applicable specifications. Aside from frequency of testing, the method of arriving at decisions concerning compliance is vital. One impor- tant distinction is the difference between witnessing and verifying. Witnessing implies a p

18、hysical presence, whereas verifying usually involves gaining information without physical presence by examining records or state- ments of other persons in whom trust has been placed. For U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations, either witnessing or verifying can be delegated by the cert

19、ifying inspector, but this individual retains responsibility for the decision. Where an independent inspec- tion agency is required by specification, the delegation of witnessing and verification is limited to an agency employee. For Canadian regulations, the inspections shall be performed by the st

20、aff of the independent inspector as de- scribed in the application for registration. Calibration of all testing and inspection equipment used to validate the certificate of compliance and test report shall be performed on a regularly scheduled basis by qualified persons to ensure accuracy. 2 Scope a

21、nd purpose 2.1 Scope This publication is applicable to all cylinders, tubes, and spheres, hereafter referred to as “cylinders,” and to in- spection by either an approved independent inspection agency or inspectors of the manufacturer. 2.2 Purpose The purpose of this publication is to promote safety

22、by outlining inspection requirements of DOT in Title 49 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, and the Canadian standard CSA B339, Cylinders, Spheres, and Tubes for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, as called for by the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regula- tions of Transport Canada (TC)

23、for cylinders as interpreted and practiced by manufacturers and inspectors 1, 2, 3.1 3 Definitions For the purpose of this publication, the following definitions apply. 3.1 Certifying inspector Any individual with the authority to sign and submit reports as required by DOT or TC regulations. NOTEIn

24、this document, certifying inspector and inspector are used interchangeably. (For qualifications, see Section 3.) 3.2 Chemical analysis Ascertainment of the kind and amount of the elements constituting a material; the analysis must determine at least those elements prescribed for the material grade.

25、1 References are shown by bracketed numbers and are listed in order of appearance in the reference section. -,-,- PAGE 2 COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC. CGA C-112006 3.3 Cylinder Pressure vessel with a water capacity less than or equal to 454 kg (1000 lb) designed for a minimum pressure of 276 kPa,

26、 abs (2.8 bar, abs, 40 psia).2 3.4 Heat, cast, or inspection lot number3 Material defined and identified by the producer thereof as originating either from one melting cycle in a furnace or from several melting cycles so conducted as to render a cast product essentially identical with respect to its

27、 inherent characteristics. 3.5 Independent inspection agency For DOT regulations, an organization approved in writing by the Director of the Office of Hazardous Materials Operations. For TC regulations, an independent inspector (third party) is an organization holding a Certificate of Registration f

28、rom TC. In either case, the organization shall not manufacture cylinders nor be directly or indi- rectly controlled by a cylinder manufacturer (formerly “disinterested“ inspector). 3.6 Inspection Act of viewing, measuring, or examining closely and critically using appropriate aids as needed. 3.7 Ins

29、pector of the manufacturer Competent individual employed by the cylinder manufacturer and designated as the certifying inspector (for- merly “interested” inspector). For TC regulations, employees of the manufacturer shall not be permitted to act as the certifying inspector. 3.8 Lot Quantity of cylin

30、ders having the same size, design, construction, material grade, and heat treatment (when ap- plicable), which are designated by the manufacturer for approval through sample testing as defined by the ap- plicable regulations. 3.9 Test Particular procedure or method used to measure or assess the phys

31、ical characteristics of a cylinder. 3.10 Verify To confirm either by examination, evidence, testimony, research, demonstration, or comparison. 3.11 Witness To see or know by personal presence or personal observation. 4 Qualifications of the certifying inspector The certifying inspector shall: have a

32、t least 5 years of experience in cylinder manufacturing operations or related industries or a college engineering degree plus one year of such experience; have a full understanding of the applicable DOT and/or TC cylinder specifications; have a full understanding of any other specifications or regul

33、ations required by reference in the applicable DOT and/or TC cylinder specifications; have a thorough understanding of the cylinder manufacturing process and quality control procedures; 2 kPa shall indicate gauge pressure unless otherwise noted as (kPa, abs) for absolute pressure and (kPa, different

34、ial) for differential pressure. All kPa values are rounded off per CGA P-11, Metric Practice Guide for the Compressed Gas Industry 4. 3 The steel industry uses a heat number to identify a single melt in a particular furnace, and the ingots cast from that melt are identified by the heat number. The a

35、luminum industry uses a cast or melt number in similar fashion and this identity accom- panies cast ingots. In addition, aluminum producers supply extruded billets that are identified by an inspection lot number. The billet lot can originate as several different melts of the same alloy that was stor

36、ed in ingot form under a “bonded stock” system. -,-,- CGA C-112006 COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC. PAGE 3 have a thorough understanding of all specified tests, test apparatus, test procedures, inspection tech- niques, and equipment as they relate to the applicable cylinder specifications; be capabl

37、e of reading and writing English to achieve a full understanding of these requirements and asso- ciated documents; and be capable of directing subordinate persons to coordinate the results of tests and inspections into an ac- curate and reliable report of each cylinder lot produced. In addition to t

38、he previous, the certifying inspector shall have knowledge of the following: concepts of containment of compressed gases in cylinders; cylinder material properties; wall stress/sidewall thickness relationship; volumetric expansion test and interpretation of results; metal working effects; and heat t

39、reatment/physical property relationships. Documentation shall exist to verify that the certifying inspector has demonstrated satisfactory knowledge of the above qualifications. Every inspector of the manufacturer or any other person performing work that is verified by the certifying in- spector shal

40、l have their training to perform such functions documented. 5 Inspection requirementsseamless cylinders Seamless cylinders are those having integrally formed heads and bottoms with no welding allowed except as authorized by the individual specification under which these cylinders are manufactured. W

41、ith few exceptions, seamless cylinders require inspection by an independent inspection agency. 5.1 Duties of certifying inspector The certifying inspector shall ensure that the following duties are performed in accordance with the individual DOT/TC specification under which the cylinders are being m

42、anufactured: determine that materials are in compliance with the requirements of the specification; verify that material was properly identified; perform internal inspection before closing; perform, witness, or verify external inspection; verify that the minimum design sidewall thickness (minimum wa

43、ll thickness) and the end thickness re- quirements (when specified) were met by measurement or by witnessing measurement; verify proper heat treatment; select or approve the selection of all samples to be tested; witness hydrostatic test, burst test, tensile test, flattening test, and leakage test a

44、s required by the specifi- cation; verify cycle test, hardness test, magnetic particle inspection, or other nondestructive tests for flaws; verify threads by gauge; verify proper markings; and prepare and retain the required report. -,-,- PAGE 4 COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION, INC. CGA C-112006 5.2 Insp

45、ection practices 5.2.1 Material The use of specified material shall be verified by the inspector by examination of documentation furnished by the material supplier. Each certified chemical analysis shall be checked against the limits set forth for the grade. In the absence of a certified chemical an

46、alysis, a check analysis of samples taken from each heat is acceptable to verify compli- ance with requirements. In the absence of heat identity, each starter unit (such as individual coil, sheet, plate billet, tube, etc.) shall be analyzed. A heat code representing this heat shall be accurately ass

47、ociated with each cylinder (or production lot if allowed by specification) at a suitable point during manufacture. Traceability of starting material shall be made by any efficient and reliable method. Appropriate permanent marking in nonstressed or low stress areas of the cylinder is allowed and mig

48、ht be mandated by individual specifications. Material used for attachments to cylinders by welding, where permitted, shall be verified as for weldability and compliance with the specification concerned. 5.2.2 Shells Each shell, regardless of the process by which it is made, shall be given a complete internal and external visual inspection for defects. Internal inspection shall be accomplished before ends are closed. Criteria for rejection shall be as defined in the applicable DOT/TC specification. Thickness of cylind


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