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2、eption, visibility 628.947.22 Reflectors, signalling devices COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE 133 95 B 9006345 00053bO 703 This Technical Repor

3、t has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 4-20 of Division 4 Lighting and Signalling for Transport and has been approved by the Board of Adminstration o f the Commission Internationale de IEclairage for study and application. The document reports on current knowledge and experience within the s

4、pecific field of light and lighting described, and is intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested parties. It should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings or CIE NEWS should be consulted regarding possible sub

5、sequent amendments. Ce rapport technique a t prpar par le Comit Technique CIE 4-20 de la Division 4 Eclairage et signalisation pour les transports et a t approuv par le Bureau dAdministration de la Commission Internationale de IEclairage, pour tude et application. Le document traite des connaissance

6、s courantes et de lexprience dans le domaine spcifique indiqu de la lumire et de lclairage, et il est tabli pour lusage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intresss. II faut cependant noter que ce document est indicatif et non obligatoire. Pourconnaitre dventuels amendements, consulter les p

7、lus rcents comptes rendus de la CIE ou le CIE NEWS. Dieser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE-Technischen Komitee 4-20 der Division 4 Beleuchtung und Signale fur den Verkehr ausgearbeitet und vom Vorstand der Commission Intemationale de IEclairage gebilligt worden. Das Dokument berichtet ber den derzeit

8、igen Stand des Wissens und Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Veiwendung durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, da das Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist. Die neuesten CIE-Tagungsberichte o

9、der das CIE NEWS sollten im Hinblick auf m8gliche sptere hderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press, these may not be comprehensiv

10、e. Toute mention dorganisme ou de produit nimplique pas une prfrence de la CIE. Malgr le soin apport la compilation de tous tes documents jusqu la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait tre exhaustif. Die Erwhnung von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Billigung durch die CIE. Obgleich

11、 groe Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung angewendet wurde, ist es mglich, da diese nicht vollstndig sind. O CIE 1995 II COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Ill

12、umination Licensed by Information Handling Services C I E 113 95 900b145 00051h1 b4T CIE 113-1995 The following members of Technical Committee 4-20 (Night-time Visibility of Retroreflective Road Signs) took part in the preparation of this Technical Report. The Committee comes under CIE Division 4 (L

13、ighting and Signalling for Transport). W. Adrian M. Bernhard M. Colomb P. Dibbern R. W. Holmes F. Gennaoui S. E. Jenkins N. L. Johnson K. Rumar H. J. Schmidt-Clausen D. A. Schreuder R. N. Schwab G. Schreiber A. M. Serres H. Terstiege H. L. Woltman (Chairman) Canada Switzerland France Germany United

14、Kingdom Australia Australia United States of America Sweden Germany Netherlands United States of America Germany France Germany United States of America 111 COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination

15、 Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE 133 95 W 9006145 0005362 58b W CIE 113-1995 Maintained Night-time Visibility of Retroreflective Road Signs Table of Contents I. Introduction 1.1 Terminology 2. Sign luminance and retroreflectivity 2.1 Factors affecting retroreflective sign luminance 2.1

16、 .I 2.1.2 Geometric factors Entrance angle Observation angle Sign luminance replacement factors 2.2 Ideal conditions 2.3 Sign factors 2.3. i 2.3.2 Sign colour 2.3.3 Fog, dew, and rain 2.3.4 Dirt 2.3.5 Weathering Weathering performance, Australia Weathering performance

17、, United States Laboratory weathering tests Outdoor test deck weathering 2.3.6 Sign criticalitylfunctionality factors Retroreflective signing material types 2.4 Roadway factors 2.4. I Roadway curvature 2.4.2 Roadway width 2.4.3 Sign position 2.4.4 Small signs 2.4.5 Last look distance

18、 2.4.6 Surround 2.4.7 Headlamp glare 2.5.1 Headlamp beam pattern 2.5.2 Headlamp beam usage 2.5.3 Headlamp quality 2.5.4 Windshield absorption 2.5 Vehicle factors 2.6 Driver factors 2.6. I Visual acuity I V Page 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 9 9 9 10 11 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 18

19、 COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE IL3 95 E 90061115 0005163 412 E CIE 113-1995 2.6.2 Driver age and visual status i 8 2.6.3 Driver experience a

20、nd expectation 20 3. Developing minimum visibility criteria 21 3.1 Minimum required sign luminance and retroreflectivity 21 3.1 .I Determination of sign luminance 21 3.1.2 Summary of studies of minimum sign luminance 21 Terminal values of road signs Review of sign legibility studies

21、21 22 27 31 3.2 Allowances for degraded conditions 32 3.3 Sign visibility policies and implementation 32 3.3. I Existing policies 32 3.3.2 Implementation 32 Minimum required visibility, USA 3.1 -2.4 Evaluation of visibility distance, France 3.3.3 Future policy 33 4. Field evaluation of retro

22、reflective sign performance 34 4.1 Subjective evaluation techniques 34 4.2 Portable instruments 34 4.3 Mobile instrumentation 34 4.3.1 Luminance instruments 34 4.3.2 Retroreflectance instruments 35 4.4 Evaluation of colour 35 5. Maintaining system-wide visibility 37 5. I Collection of sign inventory

23、 data 37 5.2 Software o f inventory data 37 6. Recommendations 39 6.1 Inspection o f signs 39 6.1.1 Night-time inspection steps 39 6. I .2 Daytime inspection steps 39 7. Appendices 44 7.1 Determination of sign luminance from retroreflectance 44 7.1 .I Example calculation of sign luminance 45 4.5 Sig

24、n dating 36 6.2 Minimum photometric performance for replacement of retroreflective road signs 40 7.1.2 Direct measurement 50 7.2 Determination of retroreflectance from luminance 50 7.2.1 Correlational estimate 51 7.3 Headlamp output tables 51 8. References 54 COPYRIGHT International Commission on Il

25、lumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE 333 95 900b345 O005364 359 CIE 113-1995 MAINTAINED NIGHT-TIME visrBiLirt OF RETROREFLECTIVE ROAD SIGNS Summary The visual information provided by road

26、 signs gives the motorist fundamental instructions governing the selection of routes, safety at intersections, warning of physical obstructions, and delineation of a safe path for travel. Signs are the primary means of communication from the road authorities to the motorist about roadway conditions.

27、 Signs must govern safe and comfortable travel both in daytime and at night. Official traffic control devices are made visible at night by providing a retroreflective surface, retroreflective butions, or, in some cases by separate illumination. This preserves the essential visual cues necessary for

28、night-time operation: the discrimination of the sign from the night-time surroundings by its unique colour, shape and legend. Once many such devices have been installed and have been in service for a number of years, degradation of this important system will occur. The degradation of road sign petfo

29、rmance occurs from a number of causes: obsolescence, theft, vandalism, accident, visual obstruction, and the effects of weathering. A continual maintenance effort by authorities is required to ensure timely replacement. Although replacement of stolen signs, vandalised signs or those rendered obsolet

30、e by changing regulation is accomplished from reports by police and by routine daytime inspections, the loss of night- time visual performance from the effects of natural weathering is often difficult to discern in daytime and eventually will lead to the gradual degradation of the remaining signs. T

31、he night-time effectiveness may then become seriously impaired. This report covers those retroreflective signs dependent on headlamp illumination and provides information on the replacement point for retroreflective signs degraded from the effects of weathering. If sign replacement is not necessitat

32、ed by any other cause, an eventual loss of night-time luminance and visibility will result from the effects of weathering. Although this may seem like a simple matter, a satisfactory operational level of visibility is made complex by the variable nature of the response required by the sign, the surr

33、oundings in which the sign is seen, the drivers vision, and the illuminance provided by the vehicle. Because of the very large number of retroreflective road signs and the drivers dependence on their functionality, research has identified a number of factors concerning the maintenance of the visual

34、effectiveness of retroreflective signs. The research includes a number of important elements: the determination of the minimum retroreflectance which can provide an adequately functional level of night-time performance; the prediction of this end point to provide a means of scheduling replacement; m

35、eans of inspection and providing an inventory; and, ultimately, a systematic method for obtaining the maximum value for each annual expenditure. The principles described in this report may be applied to other signing applications such as signs employed on railways and waterways. V I S I B I L I T DE

36、 NUIT DES PANNEAUX ROUTIERS RETRORFLCHISSANTS RESUM Les informations visuelles fournies par les panneaux de signalisation donnent aux conducteurs de vhicules routiers des informations fondamentales concernant le choix des itinraires, la scurit des intersections, lannonce dobstacles physiques et le t

37、ra de la voirie. Les panneaux sont les principaux moyens de communication entre les services routiers et les conducteurs. Les panneaux routiers doivent permettre aux conducteurs de se dplacer confortablement et en toute scurit aussi bien de jour que de nuit. tes panneaux routiers rglementaires sont

38、rendus visibles de nuit par lutilisation de surfaces rtrorflchissantes, de boutons rtrorflchissants, ou bien dans certains cas par des clairages spcifiques. Cela prserve les informations essentielles pour la conduite de nuit: cest dire la reconnaissance de ces signaux dans lobscurit environnante par

39、 leurs couleurs, leurs formes et leurs lgendes. Lorsque ces panneaux sont installs et mis en service pendant de nombreuses annes, une dgradation de cet important systme dinformation survient. La dgradation de la performance des panneaux routiers provient de nombreuses causes: obsolescence, vol, vand

40、alisme, accident, obstruction visuetle et effet des agents atmosphriques. Un effort continuel pour lentretien de ces VI COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Ser

41、vices CIE 113 75 UH 7006345 0005365 295 CIE 11 3-1 995 panneaux par les autorits routires est ncessaire pour pouvoir en assurer le remplacernent en temps utile. Bien que le remplacement de panneaux vols, vandaliss our rendus obsoltes par le changement de la rglementation routire, soit fait suite aux

42、 rapports de police ou aux inspections de routine de jour, la perte de lefficacit visuelle nocturne des panneaux que restent, dQe aux agents atmosphriques, est souvent difficile a dtecter pendant la journe, et peut ventuellement entraner la dgradation de ces panneaux rsiduels. Leur efficacit nocturn

43、e peut en effet tre srieusement compromise. Ce rapport concerne les panneaux routiers rtrorflchissants qui dpendent de lclairage des seuls feux de vhicules et fournit des informations relatives aux seuils de remplacement de ces panneaux dgrades par les effets des agents atmosphriques. Si le remplace

44、ment des panneux routiers nest pas fait pour une autre raison, la perte ventuelle de leur luminance nocturne et de leur visibilit rsulte des agents atmosphriques. Bien que cela paraisse tre une chose simple faire, le maintien dun niveau satisfaisant de la visibilit de ces panneaux est rendu complexe

45、 par la nature variable de leur fonctionnement: lenvironnement dans lequel les panneaux sont perus, la vision du conducteur, et lclairage provenant des projecteurs des vhicules. A cause du trs grand nombre de panneaux routiers retrorflchissants et de la dpendance des conducteurs vis vis de leur fonc

46、tionnement photomtrique, la recherche a identifi un certain nombre de facteurs relatifs au maintien de lefficacit visuelle des panneaux rtrorflchissants: la dtermination dun coefficient de rtrorflexion minimal correspondant un niveau de fonctionnement convenable de nuit, lutilisation de ce seuil per

47、mettant la prvision du remplacement des panneaux, les moyens dinspection et de recueil de donnes, et en dernier lieu, une mthode systmatique pour obtenir une valeur maximale du budget dentretien annuel. Les principes dcrits dans ce rapport peuvent tre appliqus aux autres panneaux tels que les pannea

48、ux ferroviaires et fluviaux. NACHTSICHTBARKEIT VON RETROREFLEKTIERENDEN STRASSENVERKEHRSZEICHEN IM GEBRAUCH Zusammenfassung Die durch Straenverkehrszeichen vermittelten optischen Informationen geben dem Kramhrer grundlegende Hinweise und Gebote fr die Auswahl seiner Fahrtroute, das Verhalten an Stra

49、enkreuzungen, eine Warnung vor Hindernissen und die Gewhrleistung einer sicheren Fahrt. Straenverkehrszeichen sind die wesentlichen Kommunikationsmittel zwischen den Straenverkehrsbehrden und dem Kraftfahrer, sie mussen eine sichere und angenehme Fahrt bei Tag und Nacht gewhrleisten. Straenverkehrszeichen werden bei Nacht durch eine retroreflekuerende Oberflche, Rckstrahler oder auch in einigen Fllen durch eine


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