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1、DRAFT FOR DEVELOPMENT DD CLC/TS 50131-2-3:2004 Alarm systems Intrusion systems Part 2-3: Requirements for microwave detectors ICS 13.310 ? Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Sun Dec 10 14:44:40 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI DD CLC/TS 50131-2-3:200

2、4 This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 7 October 2004 BSI 7 October 2004 ISBN 0 580 44554 2 National foreword This Draft for Development is the official English language version of CLC/TS 50131-2-3:2004. This publication is not to

3、be regarded as a British Standard. It is being issued in the Draft for Development series of publications and is of a provisional nature because it is a provisional European draft. It should be applied on this provisional basis, so that information and experience of its practical application may be

4、obtained. Comments arising from the use of this Draft for Development are requested so that UK experience can be reported to the European organization responsible for its conversion to a European Standard. A review of this publication will be initiated 2 years after its publication by the European o

5、rganization so that a decision can be taken on its status at the end of its 3-year life. Notification of the start of the review period will be made in an announcement in the appropriate issue of Update Standards. According to the replies received by the end of the review period, the responsible BSI

6、 Committee will decide whether to support the conversion into a European Standard, to extent the life of the Technical Specification or to withdraw it. Comments should be sent in writing to the Secretary of BSI Subcommittee GW/1/1, Alarm components, at 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL, giving t

7、he document reference and clause number and proposing, where possible, an appropriate revision of the text. A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references The British Standards which implement international or European publicati

8、ons referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Catalogue under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Search” facility of the BSI Electronic Catalogue or of British Standards Online. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an i

9、nside front cover, the CLC/TS title page, pages 2 to 31 and a back cover. The BSI copyright date displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. DateComments Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University

10、, Sun Dec 10 14:44:40 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CLC/TS 50131-2-3 SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUE TECHNISCHE SPEZIFIKATION August 2004 CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Comit Europen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europisches Komitee f

11、r Elektrotechnische Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels 2004 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members. Ref. No. CLC/TS 50131-2-3:2004 E ICS 13.310 English version Alarm systems - Intrusion systems Part 2-3

12、: Requirements for microwave detectors Systmes dalarme - Systmes de dtection intrusion Partie 2-3: Exigences pour dtecteurs micro-ondes Alarmanlagen - Einbruchmeldeanlagen Teil 2-3: Anforderungen an Mikrowellenmelder This Technical Specification was approved by CENELEC on 2004-05-04. CENELEC members

13、 are required to announce the existence of this TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the TS available promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force. CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria,

14、Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Licensed Copy: London South Bank Univ

15、ersity, London South Bank University, Sun Dec 10 14:44:40 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI CLC/TS 50131-2-3:2004 - 2 - Foreword This Technical Specification was prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 79, Alarm systems. The text of the draft was submitted to the vote at the meeting

16、of TC 79 in Madrid and was approved by CENELEC as CLC/TS 50131-2-3 on 2004-05-04. Standstill is maintained. The following date was fixed: - latest date by which the existence of the TS (doa) 2004-11-04 has to be announced at national level NOTE Latest date by which the TS has to be voted as EN: 2 ye

17、ars maximum after dav of TS. Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Sun Dec 10 14:44:40 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI - 3 - CLC/TS 50131-2-3:2004 Contents Page 1 Scope .4 2 Normative references.4 3 Definitions and abbreviations .5 4 Functional require

18、ments.6 4.1 Indication signals or messages6 4.2 Detection 7 4.3 Operational requirements.9 4.4 Immunity to microwave signal interference by fluorescent lights .9 4.5 Tamper security9 4.6 Electrical requirements.11 4.7 Environmental classification and conditions.11 5 Marking, identification and docum

19、entation.12 5.1 Marking and/or identification 12 5.2 Documentation .12 6 Testing12 6.1 General test conditions.12 6.2 Basic detection test 13 6.3 Walk testing13 6.4 Verification of detection performance.14 6.5 Switch-on delay, time interval between signals and indication of detection .16 6.6 Fault c

20、ondition signals or messages: self tests16 6.7 Immunity to microwave signal attenuation by fluorescent lights.17 6.8 Tamper security17 6.9 Electrical tests 18 6.10 Environmental classification and conditions.20 Annex A (normative) Format of standard test magnets 21 Annex B (normative) General testin

21、g matrix .22 Annex C (normative) Walk test diagrams24 Annex D (informative) Basic detection target for the basic test of detection capability.27 Annex E (informative) Equipment for walk test velocity control.28 Annex F (normative) Immunity to microwave signal attenuation by fluorescent lights.29 Ann

22、ex G (informative) Example list of small tools suitable for testing immunity of casing to attack30 Annex H (informative) Test for resistance to re-orientation of adjustable mountings31 Figure A.1 - Format of standard test magnets.21 Figure C.1 - Detection across the boundary, b) the manufacturers di

23、agram of the detector and its claimed detection boundary showing top and side elevations superimposed upon a scaled 2 m squared grid. The size of the grid shall be directly related to the size of the claimed detection boundary; c) the recommended mounting height, and the effect of changes to it on t

24、he claimed detection boundary; d) the effect of adjustable controls on the detectors performance or on the claimed detection boundary; e) any disallowed field adjustable control settings or combinations of these; f) where alignment adjustments are provided, these shall be labelled as to their functi

25、on; g) a warning to the user not to obscure partially or completely the detectors field of view with large objects such as furniture; h) the manufacturers quoted nominal operating voltage, and the maximum and quiescent detector current consumption at that voltage; i) the method of detecting a 50 % r

26、eduction in range, where provided. 6 Testing The tests are intended to be primarily concerned with verifying the correct operation of the detector to the specification provided by the manufacturer. All the test parameters specified shall carry a general tolerance of +/- 10 % unless otherwise stated.

27、 A list of tests appears as a general test matrix in Annex B. 6.1 General test conditions 6.1.1 Standard laboratory conditions for testing The general atmospheric conditions in the measurement and tests laboratory shall be those specified in EN 60068-1, subclause 5.3.1, unless stated otherwise. Temp

28、erature 15 C - 35 C Relative humidity 25% RH - 75% RH Air pressure 86 kPa - 106 kPa 6.1.2 General detection testing environment and procedures Manufacturers documented Instructions regarding mounting and operation shall be read and applied to all tests. Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, L

29、ondon South Bank University, Sun Dec 10 14:44:40 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI - 13 - CLC/TS 50131-2-3:2004 Testing environment The detection tests require an enclosed, and unobstructed area at least 25 % larger in the three dimensions than the manufacturers claimed field of vie

30、w, with the detector mounted in the as-used position on a wall or ceiling, or on a freestanding test rig. Volumetric and long-range detectors shall be mounted on the centre line of the vertical surface constituting the back wall of the test area, or on a free-standing test rig, at a height of 2,0 m

31、unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. Ceiling mounted detectors shall be mounted in an appropriate orientation permitting at least half the field of view to be verified. Annex C provides example diagrams for the range of walk tests for one format of detection pattern. Many others are possi

32、ble. Testing procedures The detector shall be connected to the nominal supply voltage, placed in the alert/set mode, and connected to the monitoring system that is appropriate to the test. The detector shall be allowed to stabilize for 180 s. The intrusion signal or message output shall be m

33、onitored. If multiple sensitivity modes such as pulse counting are available, any non-compliant modes shall be identified by the manufacturer. All compliant modes shall be tested. After the stabilisation period, the detector shall be left in the alert/set mode for 300 s during which period no moveme

34、nt in the protected area shall take place. If incorrect signals or messages are produced, the source of interference shall be traced and eliminated before testing can proceed. 6.2 Basic detection test 6.2.1 Basic detection target The purpose of the BDT is to verify that a detector is still operation

35、al after a test or tests has been carried out. The BDT verifies only the qualitative performance of a detector. The BDT shall be a metal plate having equivalent microwave reflectivity to that of the human hand, that can be moved across the field of view of the detector. An informative description ap

36、pear in Annex D. A close-in walk test may be carried out as an alternative to using the BDT. 6.2.2 Basic test of detection capability A stimulus that is similar to that produced by the SWT is applied to the detector using the BDT. Move the BDT along the centre line of the detection field from a dist

37、ance of 2 m to a distance of 1 m from the detector, at a height where the manufacturer claims detection will occur. The BDT is to be moved at a velocity of 0,5 to 1,0 m/s. The detector shall produce an intrusion signal or message when exposed to the stimulus both before and after being subjected to

38、any test that may adversely affect its performance. 6.3 Walk testing Walk testing is accomplished by the controlled movement of a SWT in the field of view of the detector. The grade dependent velocities and attitudes to be used by the SWT are specified in Table 2. Walk tests shall not be repeated be

39、fore a time interval of at least 20 s (or greater if specified by the manufacturer) has elapsed. General pass/fail criteria for all walk tests: An intrusion signal or message shall be generated during a (each) walk test to register a pass. If an individual walk test is failed, it shall be repeated t

40、wice more. Two passes out of the three tests shall constitute a passed test. For a complete test series, 95 % or more of the tests shall be passed. Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Sun Dec 10 14:44:40 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI CLC/TS 50131-2

41、-3:2004 - 14 - 6.3.1 The standard walk test target The SWT shall have the physical dimensions of 160 cm to 185 cm in height, shall weigh 70 kg +/-10 kg and shall wear close fitting clothing. No metallic objects shall be worn or carried by the SWT or incorrect microwave reflection will result. There

42、shall be a means of calibration and control of the desired velocity at which the SWT is required to move. NOTE The use of a simulator / robot in place of the SWT is permitted, provided that it meets the specification of the SWT with regard to signal. It is known as the simulated target. In case of c

43、onflict, a human walk test shall be the primary reference. 6.3.2 Control of the standard walk test target velocity This equipment provides a means whereby the SWT can move at a desired velocity. The system produces an apparent movement or audible signal, which may be matched by the SWT. The SWT begi

44、ns and ends a traverse with feet together, matching movement with the velocity control system. The system can employ any desired means provided that the SWT velocity can be monitored to a tolerance of better than +/- 10 %. The informative description of two such systems appears in Annex E. 6.4 Verif

45、ication of detection performance The general test conditions of 6.1.2 apply to all tests in this series. Detection performance shall be tested against the manufacturers documented claims. Any variable controls shall be set to the values recommended by the manufacturer to achieve the claimed performa

46、nce. Microwave detectors of all types shall be assessed in the specified test environment. Lay out the test area according to the provisions of the diagrams in Annex C, and the manufacturers performance claims. The diagrams in Annex C show an example of the detection boundary. A detector reference l

47、ine is drawn through the detector, at right angles to the detector axis. The SWT or a suitable simulated target shall be used. Grade dependent velocities and attitudes are specified in Table 2. 6.4.1 Detection within and across the detection boundary The tests assess detection of intruders moving wi

48、thin and across the boundaries of the detection area. The diagrams in Annex C show an example of the detection boundary, superimposed where appropriate on a scaled 2 m squared grid. A variety of boundary formats are possible and can be tested. Verify detection across the boundary Figure C.1

49、shows an example of a manufacturers claimed detection boundary. Select test points on the boundary, as detailed in Figure C.1: Place test points at 2 m intervals around the entire boundary of the detection pattern, starting from the detector, and finishing with a final point where the boundary crosses the detector axis, if omission of this point would leave a gap greater than 2 m wide. Repeat for the opposite side of the detection pattern. Each test point is connected


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