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1、900637=l 0000038 TL=l El GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS I Materials and Processes - Adheslves I ADHESIVE, ONE-PART, EPOXY 9985598 1 SCOPE. This specification covers a one-part epoxy system suitable for structurally bonding Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRp) to primed steel or primed aluminum. 1.1

2、 This system must be capable of being dispensed with cur- rent production equipment, The adhesive must be capable of attaining handling strength with a heated fixture, using current FRP bonding technology. It must be compatible with produc- tion paint systems and must not be adversely affected by pa

3、int oven temperatums reaching 2OOC, nor require cure in excess of cunent paint bake cycles. 1.2 This adhesive is intended for exterior use and must bc resistant to all exterior environmental conditions. 1.3 KEY WORDS. Adhesive, one-part, epoxy, FRR 2 REFERENCED STANDARDS. GM3629M GM9828P ASTM R502 G

4、M4465P ASTM D638 SAE J243 GM9037P ASTM D792 SAE J1524 GM9305P ASTM D1144 SAB J1525 GM9505P ASTM D1582 SAE J1864 GM9511P ASTM D1875 GM9763P ASTM D4339 3 REQUIREMENTS. 3.1 TOXICITY. The toxicity shall be disclosed in hind and magnitude, as required, by the GM Material Safety Data Sheet. In addition, t

5、he material must have full approval of the appro- priate medical department prior to production use. 3.2 STABILITY (GM9763P). Material conditioned using potential storage conditions must be capable of passing all the requirements of this specification. 3.2.1 Elevated Tcmpcratut Stability. As shipped

6、, the adhe- sive must be capable of withstanding a temperature of 55C for 72 h, without separation or caking. 3.2.2 Low Temperature Stability. As shipped, the adhesive must be capable of withstanding 3 cycles of the applicable cycle schedule outlined in A2 of GM9763R 3.2.3 Storage Stability. The she

7、lf life of this adhesive in closed containers is 90 days at 25C. Shelf life of the ma Cool to Ambient; 15 minutes 104C. Cool to Ambient; 20 minutes 121C, Cool to Ambient; 10 minutes 121-C; Cool to Ambient; 30 minutes 121-C; Cool to Ambient; 35 minutes 121C; Cool to Ambient 6 INiTiAL SOURCE APPROVAL

8、No shipment shah be made by any supplier until representative initial production samples have been approved by engineering as meeting the requirements of this specification. 6.1 Completed copies of the GM Material Safety Data Sheet and Critical Material Register (available from the engineering depar

9、tment or laboratory) must be submitted with any new submissions or where a composition change has occur&. 4.3 TEST RESULTS. The ranges indicating average adhe- sive strengths charac&stic of this adhesive can be found in Table 3. 4.3.1 Faihne mode is fiber tear within the FRP or cohesive faihue of th

10、e adhesive. Occasional faihue of the primer to the metal is perdttd. Au adhesive failure of the adhesive is not acceptable. TABLE 3 - FRP TO METAL OR PRIMED METAL 7 INSPECTION AND RWECTION. All shipments of material or parts under contract or purchase or&r manufac- tured to this specification shall

11、be equivalent in every respect to the initial samples approved by engineering. There shah be no changes in either formulation or manufacturing processes permitted without prior notification and approval by engineer- ing. Lack of notification by the supplier constitutes grounds for rejection of any s

12、hipment. While samples may be taken from inwming shipments and checked for conformance to this specification, the supplier shall accept the responsibility for incoming shipments meeting this specification without depen- dence upon purchasers inspection. conditioning Lap Shear Pa) Ambient 5500-7600 8

13、2-C 2000-4000 -30-2 4000-7000 Water Soak, 4800 - 7000 Water Soak, recovery GM4465P 70X!, age GM9505P, Cycle G GM951lP 4800 - 7000 4800 - 7000 4-6 5500 - 7600 4-6 4800 - 7000 46 4800 - 7000 lbrsional Impact 0 4-7 Not Applicable l-2 4-6 4-6 4-6 8 APPROVED SOURCES. Rngineeriug qualification of an appro

14、ved source is required for this specification. Only sourceslistedintheGMCorporateMa&alsFileun&rthis specification number have been qualified by the control divi- sion as meeting the leq uimments of this specification. Sources are available through the on-line MATSPC System. 9 GENERAL INFORMATION. Th

15、is is a newly issued specification originated by CPC in March 1986. The latest revisions in&de: Rev Date Description DIV A 07/93 Revised to template AD 9985598 PAGE 2 NOVEMBER 1993 Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 06/23/2008 20:32:06 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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