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1、 ENGINEERING STANDARDS Design Standard Electronic C3 ELECTRONIC MATH MODEL AND DRAWING DATA CREATION STANDARD DRAWING DATA ORGANIZATION - DRAWING VIEWS AND SECTIONS Copyright 2002 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved April 2002 Originating Department: North American Engineering Standards,

2、Records and Documentation Page 1 of 7 DRAWING VIEWS AND SECTONS Note: In the event of a conflict between the English and domestic language, the English language shall take precedence. 1 Scope. This standard establishes the principles for defining workpieces on technical drawings using orthographic p

3、rojection methods. The “arrow method”, which eliminates the need for first angle and third angle projection, is described in this standard and will be used on all GM product drawings. 2 Definitions. The following terms are defined as their use applies in this standard. 2.1 Arrow Method. The means of

4、 indicating the viewing direction for a view or section with an arrow(s). See Fig. 1. 2.2 Directed View. A view that is shown in the direction indicated by an arrow. A directed view can originate from a principle view or any parent view. See Fig. 2. 2.3 Parent View. Any view from which a directed vi

5、ew, special view or section view originates. 2.4 Principle View. The single unlabeled view that represents the starting point for all other views. 2.5 Section View. A view that cuts through a part to define its internal features. A section view can originate from a principle view or any parent view.

6、 2.6 Special View. A directed view that is rotated from its normal orientation, usually so that it is parallel with either the horizontal or vertical edge of the drawing format. See Fig. 2. 3 References. The following documents contain provisions, which, through references in the text, constitute pr

7、ovisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these documents do not apply. For undated references, the latest edition of the document referred to applies. International Draft Standard ISO/DIS 128-30.2 General principles of presentation Basic conv

8、entions for views. 3.1 ASME Y14.2M Line Conventions and Lettering. 3.2 ASME Y14.3M Multiview and Sectional View Drawings. 3.3 GM Engineering Standards Volume I, Section A-61 Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IH

9、S Not for Resale, 06/24/2008 00:21:51 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- GM ENGINEERING STANDARDS C3 Copyright 2002 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved April 2002 Page 2 of 7 4 Arrow Method. The arrow method shall be applied according to the followin

10、g: 4.1 Description. One view of a workpiece shall be selected as the principle view. Each view, with the exception of the principle view, shall be given an identification letter. Directed views, special views, and sections may be placed at any location on the drawing. When using orthographic views,

11、the arrow method may be used to simulate first or third angle projection methods. See Fig. 1 for three orthographic view arrangements. Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 06/24/2008 00:21:51 M

12、DTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- GM ENGINEERING STANDARDS C3 Copyright 2002 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved April 2002 Page 3 of 7 Figure 1 ARROW METHOD Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM Licensee=IHS Em

13、ployees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 06/24/2008 00:21:51 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- GM ENGINEERING STANDARDS C3 Copyright 2002 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved April 2002 Page 4 of 7 4.2 Title Block Reference. The following

14、note shall be used in the drawing general notes: VIEWS AND SECTIONS ON THIS DRAWING ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GM DCS SECTION C1. The drawing title block shall not display the first angle or third angle projection symbol. 4.3 Symbology. The following symbology applies to the arrow method of projection.

15、4.3.1 Arrows. Arrows shall be constructed in accordance with Fig. A-1. 4.3.2 Cutting Planes. The cutting plane is identified with a cutting plane line that is shown as a thick alternating long and short dashed line. See Fig. A-1. 4.3.3 Identification. A single upper case letter should be placed at o

16、r adjacent to the tail of the arrow indicating the viewing direction of the directed view, section view, or special view. 4.4 Labeling of Views and Sections. The following shall apply to construction of views and sections: 4.4.1 Views. The following shall apply to views on orthographic drawings: a.

17、An arrow is placed pointing to a view to indicate the viewing direction for a directed or special view. For example the letter “A” is placed at the tail of or adjacent to the arrow. b. The same single upper case single letter used to indicate the viewing arrow is placed below the directed or special

18、 view after the word “VIEW”. For example, “VIEW A” is placed below the view. c. The degrees of rotation for a special view are indicated with an arc showing the direction of rotation and a number adjacent to the arc indicating the degrees of rotation in the specified direction. See Fig. 2. FIG. 2 DI

19、RECTED AND SPECIAL VIEWS Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 06/24/2008 00:21:51 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- GM ENGINEERING STANDARDS C3 Copyright

20、 2002 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved April 2002 Page 5 of 7 4.4.2 Sections. The following shall apply to sections on orthographic drawings: a. A cutting plane line is used to indicate where a section is taken. b. Arrows are placed pointing toward and terminating at the cutting plane

21、line. The arrows indicate the direction in which the section is viewed. For example the letter “B” is placed at the tail of or adjacent to the arrows. See Fig. 3. c. The same single upper case single letter used to indicate the section view is placed below the section view after the word “SECTION”.

22、For example, “SECTION B-B” is placed below the view. d. Identification letters shall not be repeated between views and sections. For example there shall not be a view identified as “VIEW A” and a “SECTION A-A” on the same drawing. e. The straight cutting plane line is usually shown at the extremes o

23、f the section and only long enough to identify the section cut. See Fig. 3. f. When necessary, the section cutting plane line may extend through the full distance of the part. g. Where there is a change in direction of the cutting plane, the change in direction is indicated by a thick line at the in

24、tersection of the two planes. See Fig. 3. h. When section lining is used it shall be in accordance with ASME Y14.2. Where the intent of the section is clear without section lining, the section lining may be omitted. FIG. 3 SECTION Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license

25、with GM Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 06/24/2008 00:21:51 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- GM ENGINEERING STANDARDS C3 Copyright 2002 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved April 2002 Page 6 of 7 4.3 Placement Opti

26、ons. The placement of directed views, special views and sections shall conform to the following: a. A view or section should be placed on a drawing in as close proximity as possible to the parent view. b. On a larger drawing when the parent view and the directed view or section view are on the same

27、sheet, the zone of the directed view or section view may be referenced next to the arrow or cutting plane letters of the parent view, for example (D-4). The location of the parent view may also be referenced next to the directed view or section. c. On multi-sheet drawings, a directed view or section

28、 should appear on the same sheet as the parent view. d. If it is not possible to show the directed view or section view on the same sheet as the parent view, the sheet on which the directed view or section view appears shall be indicated in parenthesis next to the arrow or cutting plane identificati

29、on letters in the parent view. For example (SHT 4). e. When the parent view and the directed view or section view are not on the same sheet the number of the sheet for the parent view shall be indicated next to the view or section letter(s) in parenthesis in the directed view or section view. Copyri

30、ght General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 06/24/2008 00:21:51 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- GM ENGINEERING STANDARDS C3 Copyright 2002 General Motors Corporatio

31、n All Rights Reserved April 2002 Page 7 of 7 APPENDIX A A1 GENERAL The purpose of this Appendix is to present the recommended form and proportion for symbols used in this standard. A2 FORM AND PROPORTION Figure A-1 illustrates the preferred form and proportion of symbols established by this Standard

32、 for use on engineering drawings. Symbols are given as a factor of h, where h is the letter height selected for use for dimensions, tolerances and notes on the drawing. Figure A-1 also illustrates the cutting plane line that is recommended by this Standard. NOTE: The text and arrow sizes set for use

33、 on GM drawing formats in Unigraphics need not be modified to meet these specifications. Figure A-1 SIZE AND PROPORTION OF SYMBOL AND LABELS Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 06/24/2008 00:21:51 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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