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1、 12.0.003-74 1 UDC 389.6.658.382.3:006.354 Group T58 INTERSTATE STANDARD Occupational safety standards system HAZARD AND HARMFUL OCCUPATIONAL FACTORS Classification GOST 12.0.003-74* Date of introduction set by Decree No. 2551, dated 18.11.74, of State Committee for Standards of the USSR Council of

2、Ministers 01.01.76 This Standard applies to hazard and harmful occupational factors, establishes their classification and contains the details of OSSS (Occupational safety standards system) standards development for the requirements and norms for hazard and harmful occupational factors types. This S

3、tandard complies with CMEA Standard 790-77 regarding the classification of hazard and harmful occupational factors (see the appendix). (Amended Wording, Amendment No. 1). 1. CLASSIFICATION OF HAZARD AND HARMFUL OCCUPATIONAL FACTORS 1.1. Hazard and harmful occupational factors are subdivided into the

4、 following groups categorized by nature of action: physical; chemical; biological; psychophysiological. 1.1.1. Physical hazard and harmful occupational factors are subdivided as follows: moving machines and mechanisms; moving elements of production equipment; moving products, blank parts, materials;

5、 breaking structures; caving rocks; increased dust and gas content in the air of operating area; increased or decreased surface temperature of equipment and materials; increased or decreased air temperature in the operating area; increased noise level in a workplace; increased level of vibration; in

6、creased level of infrasonic vibration; increased level of ultrasound; increased or decreased atmospheric pressure in the operating area and its abrupt change; increased or decreased air moisture; increased or decreased air mobility; increased or decreased air ionization; increased level of ionizing

7、radiations in the operating area; increased voltage value in electric circuit whose closing may occur through a human body; increased level of static electricity; increased level of electromagnetic radiations; increased electrostatic intensity; Official Edition Reprinting is prohibited English Versi

8、on Approved by Interstandard * Revised Edition (September, 1999) with Amendment No. 1, approved in October, 1978 (IUS Standards Information Catalog 11-78) 12.0.003-74 2 increased magnetic intensity; absence or lack of natural light; insufficient illuminance of the operating area; increased luminosit

9、y; decreased contrast; direct and reflected glare; increased pulsation of luminous flux; increased level of ultra-violet radiation; increased level of infrared radiation; sharp edges, burrs and roughness of blank parts, tools and equipment surfaces; arrangement of a workplace at a significant height

10、 relative to the ground (floor) surface; weightlessness. 1.1.2. Chemical hazard and harmful occupational factors are subdivided into: categorized by mode of effect on a human organism: toxic; annoyance; sensitizing; cancerogen; mutagen; affecting the reproductive function; categorized by mode of pen

11、etration into human organism through: breathing organs; gastrointestinal tract; coverlets and mucous membranes. 1.1.3. Biological hazard and harmful occupational factors include the following biological objects: pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, Rickettsia, spirochaetaes, fungi, protozoa

12、) and products of their vital functions; microorganisms (microphytes and animalcules). 1.1.4. Psychophysiological hazard and harmful occupational factors are subdivided into the following, categorized by nature of action: ) physical overloads; ) neuropsychic overloads. Physical overloads ar

13、e subdivided into: static; dynamic. 1.1.1 to (Amended Wording, Amendment No. 1). Neuropsychic overloads are subdivided into: intellectual overstrain; overstrain of analyzers; labor monotonicity; emotional overloads. 1.2. One and the same hazard and harmful occupational factor may re

14、late, by nature of action, simultaneously to different groups itemized in clause 1.1. (Subsequently Inserted, Amendment No 1). 2. DETAILS OF OSSS STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT FOR THE REQUIREMENTS AND NORMS FOR HAZARD AND HARMFUL OCCUPATIONAL FACTORS TYPES 2.1. The contents of standards of classification gr

15、oup “State standards for general requirements and norms for hazard and harmful occupational factors types” is determined by GOST 12.0.001-82 and by this Standard. 2.2. Standards for hazard and harmful occupational factors types shall contain: foreword; brief description of hazard and harmful occupat

16、ional factor (type, nature of action, possible consequences); -,-,- 12.0.003-74 3 maximum permissible levels or maximum permissible concentration of hazard, harmful occupational factor and methods of their control; methods and means of personnel protection from hazard and harmful occupational factor

17、 action. APPENDIX Reference DETAILS ON COMPLIANCE OF GOST 12.0.003-74 (WITH AMENDMENT NO. 1) WITH CMEA Standard 790-77 Clause. 1.1 of GOST 12.0.003-74 complies with clause 1 of CMEA Standard 790-77; clause 1.1.1 complies with clause 1.1; clause 1.1.2 complies with clause 1.2; clause 1.1.3 complies with clause 1.3; clause 1.1.4 complies with clause 1.4; clause 1.2 complies with clause 2. (Subsequently Inserted, Amendment No. 1).


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