Good Lighting for Schools and Educational Establishments.pdf

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1、2 Good Lighting for Schools and Educational Establishments Learning environment and life environment 2 / 3 Lighting and human needs 4 / 5 Light for learning 6 / 7 Classrooms 8 - 13 Special-subject classrooms 14 - 19 Assembly halls and lecture theatres 20 / 21 Libraries 22 / 23 Foyers and display are

2、as 24 / 25 Cafeterias and refectories 26 / 27 Staff rooms 28 / 29 Corridors and staircases 30 / 31 Outdoor areas and parking facilities 32 / 33 Sports halls and sports grounds 34 / 35 Refurbishment - Economy 36 Emergency lighting - Safety 37 Lighting management 38 / 39 Lamps 40 / 41 Luminaires 42 /

3、43 Standards 44 - 46 Literature, Acknowledgements for photographs and Order forms 47 Imprint 48 Information from Frdergemeinschaft Gutes Licht 49 Contents Learning is a life-long process. In modern knowledge society, in a world becoming increasingly com- plex and high tech, we need to be prepared to

4、 keep on acquiring new knowledge and learning new skills. From kindergarten to university, vo- cational school to adult education centre, there are a host of institutions available to help us do this. They de- liver the basic education we need, they help us build up our knowledge of mathematics and

5、languages, sci- ences and subjects vital for our ca- reer, they teach us problem-solving skills and techniques for learning. 2 One important requirement for suc- cessful life-long learning is the right educational environment: a school which recognises talent and ability, encourages active and indep

6、endent learning, makes education an enjoy- able experience and motivates both students and staff. Motivation and a sense of wellbeing, architecture and lighting, good visu- al conditions and efficient learning - these things are closely connected, as the solutions presented as exam- ples in this boo

7、klet will show. 4 5 6 3 2 G ermany has a population of more than 80 million - and 39 million of them are enrolled at some kind of school or educational es- tablishment. So 49% of the population - nearly every second person - spends time in a learning environ- ment. For a number of years, the Organiz

8、ation for Economic Cooperation and Develop- ment (OECD) has been studying the way we learn. At regular intervals, a quar- ter of a million schoolchil- dren in 32 countries are tested in three key areas: reading, mathematics and scientific literacy. The results of the surveys are published in PISA (P

9、ro- gramme for International Student Assessment) studies. One of the most impor- tant things about the PISA studies is that they iden- tify successful educational models. Comparison of the various countries and their respective education systems reveals marked differences - differences which provide

10、 answers to the question: “How can we learn effectively?“ When children first start school, most of them are ready and willing to learn. How that willingness is en- couraged, stimulated and shaped into an attitude for life depends on lots of fac- tors: the learner, the teach- er, the social environm

11、ent formed by parents, friends and colleagues - and the educational infrastructure in terms of human resourc- es, premises and technical facilities. The PISA studies show there is a connection between success in edu- cation and a motivating school environment. Stu- dents who identify with their educ

12、ational environ- ment, who like going to school and feel at home there, enjoy learning, over- come learning difficulties more easily and do better at school. So students have to be stimulated and encour- aged. To learn well and effectively, we need to enjoy learning; it needs to be a pleasurable exp

13、eri- ence. And age makes no difference. Wherever we learn - from kindergarten to university, at vocational school or adult education centre - the need for mo- tivation is of paramount importance. Innovative schools are required - schools which provide a motivating envi- ronment for active and in- de

14、pendent study, schools which promote individual talent and ability instead of just presenting a rigid one-size-fits-all curriculum for large groups. Inflexible forms of education and training need to make way for dynamic life-long learn- ing, where study and skill acquisition are seen as a permanent

15、 part of putting what has been learnt into practice. The innovative school also sees itself as part of our life environment, however, a place for both study and recreation, where people learn together but also share experiences. A school which is geared to this offers students and teachers the chanc

16、e to work more flexibly together, to identify strengths and weaknesses and develop life-long learning strate- gies. The PISA studies also show that a positive learn- ing environment promotes motivation. A school with well-designed premises and well-equipped class- rooms, with computers and specialis

17、ed literature, libraries and multimedia resources, boosts stu- dents readiness to partici- pate actively in the learning process. So an investment in the school environment is an investment in the future of the knowledge society. Learning environment and life environment More information is availabl

18、e on the Internet at 7 8 9 3 Education in Germany 39 million people of all ages in Germany are enrolled at schools, universities and other educational establishments. 20 million chil- dren, pupils and students attend the countrys more than 100,000 kindergartens, schools and univers

19、i- ties. Nearly half of these educational establishments are day care centres, catering for more than five million children. The smallest group of edu- cational establishments - the coun- trys 355 universities - are attended by over 12.8 million students. Almost exactly as many people are in further

20、 education: 19 million Germans and foreign nationals in Germany regularly attend courses at adult education centres, upgrade their occupational qualifications at chambers of industry and com- merce or pursue courses of study at open universities. 10 11 12 Kindergardens, schools and universities day

21、care centres 48,203 nursery and primary schools 20,695 secondary schools 12,079 vocational schools 11,372 other schools 8,667 universities 355 (figures indicate actual number of establishments) Adults in further education at state-funded adult education centres 9,392 other adult education centres 8,

22、534 chambers of industry and commerce 596 chambers of handicrafts 278 distance-learning institutes 121 (figures indicate numbers of persons in thousands) Children, pupils and students at kindergartens and crches 5,169 nursery and primary schools 3,600 secondary schools 6,449 vocational schools 2,773

23、 universities 1,868 (figures indicate numbers of persons in thousands) All data taken from the basic and structural statistics (Grund- und Strukturdaten) published by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research and the school sta- tistics compiled by the German Federal Statistical Office 4 Light

24、ing and human needs Reflections on paper Especially where glossy materials are used, poorly shielded luminaires cast disturbing reflections (Fig. 21). Well shielded lumi- naires avoid this effect and permit all materials to be studied with ease (Fig. 20). W e experience our environment first and for

25、emost through our eyes. 80 percent of the sensory im- pressions we receive are visual. Too much or too lit- tle light, glare or distorted colours impact on what we perceive, distract our attention and cause visual fatigue. In all areas of life and throughout the working world, good and appro- priate

26、 lighting is a prime requirement for enabling us to see clearly, enjoy a sense of wellbeing, per- form concentrated fatigue- free work and perceive and interpret important information and our sur- roundings correctly. This calls for good, profes- sional lighting design. Below are some of the key fac

27、tors that need to be considered for good light- ing design. Illuminance In daylight, the illuminance of an illuminated surface is between 10,000 lux (over- cast sky) and 100,000 lux (bright sunlight). Indoors, we need to make do with much less light. For writing and reading, it is generally enough i

28、f artificial lighting provides 500 lux illumi- nance; for drawing or other visually demanding tasks, illuminance should be at least 750 lux. For more information about illumi- nance values and the re- quirements of the relevant industrial standard, DIN EN 12464-1, see page 46. The values set out in

29、the standard, however, are minimum requirements. Most people find a higher level of illuminance more agreeable and more moti- vating. In winter especially, when the levels of daylight entering a room are lower, more light is needed to avoid fatigue and loss of concentration. Glare Glare is one of th

30、e most disturbing side-effects of lighting. Direct glare caused by marked contrast differences between very bright and very dark sur- faces or due to unshielded lamps in our line of vision place a strain on our eyes and lead to fatigue and mistakes through loss of concentration. To avoid di- rect gl

31、are from lamps, care should be taken to select only luminaires which are suitable for workplace lighting. Direct glare limita- tion is indicated by a UGR index, which should be 19 (Fig. 13). Equally unpleasant and fatiguing for the eye are frequent switches between bright and dark room zones, e.g. b

32、etween window and desktop (Fig. 15). This can be avoided by correct positioning of desks, light- control blinds and good lighting (Fig. 14). Shadowing Where there is light, there is also shadow. To ensure that shadows do not impede our view when writing, the light should fall - for a right-handed pe

33、rson - from the left (Fig. 16). If the light comes from the right, we write in the shadow of our own hand (Fig. 17) Brightness distribution When we are in a room, our gaze incessantly switches from near (desk- top) to far (walls). Where there are marked differenc- es in brightness between these two

34、zones, our eyes face the constant need to re-adapt and thus get tired more quickly. Visual performance and sense of wellbeing diminish. Where the differences in brightness are not marked enough, however, the room makes a mo- notonous impression. It is recommended here that desktop luminance should n

35、ot be less than 1/3 of the luminance in the im- mediate surroundings. For more remote parts of the room, the difference in luminance should be 1/5, max. 1/10. Glare limitation Glare is one of the most unpleasant visual prob- lems of all. Being dazzled by a general-diffuse lamp or the reflection of a

36、 win- dow on a computer screen affects our visual acuity and impedes our perform- ance. Direct and reflected glare can be largely avoided by good room and lighting design. Modelling Without light we cannot see an object at all, with- out shadow it is just a two-dimensional image. Only where light co

37、mes from the right direction and where the depth of shadow is correct can we perceive objects as 3D im- ages and gauge distances. To recognise three-dimen- sional objects, surfaces and structures, we need light and shade. More information is contained in booklet 1 of this series, “Lighting with Arti

38、ficial Light“. Light and colour The way we perceive colours under artificial light depends on the colour rendering properties of the lamps. Lamps with good colour rendering properties produce natural colours (Fig. 18), lamps with poor colour rendering properties cause colour distortion (Fig. 19). 13

39、 14 16 18 20 5 Reflections on monitors Where luminaires are poorly shielded or wrongly positioned, visibility is impaired by disturbing re- flections on monitors and losses of contrast (Fig. 33). This is avoided by good lighting design and good luminaires (Fig. 32). Vertical illuminance Schools and

40、educational establishments are com- munication-intensive places where clear iden- tification of faces and in- formation is essential. The key lighting requirement here is vertical illuminance, i.e. uniform bright illumi- nation of vertical surfaces such as blackboards or three-dimensional objects su

41、ch as peoples faces. For blackboard lighting, wallwashers are a particu- larly suitable choice be- cause they illuminate the writing surface uniformly without casting shadows or reflections (Figs. 22 and 24). Where additional board lighting is not pro- vided, shadows are cast onto the writing surfac

42、e (Figs. 23 and 25). Direct lighting from above often causes undesirable shadowing on faces (Fig. 27). In consultation zones, this shadowing is reduced by asymmetrical or direct/ indirect lighting (Fig. 26). Bright walls Good wall and entrance lighting helps people get their bearings in a room, make

43、s for better contrasts and emphasises room zones. It also makes the room look a livelier, more interesting place(Fig 28). Direct/indirect lighting Luminaires with direct and indirect lighting compo- nents permit free arrange- ments of desks, reduce the risk of reflected glare and create a more agree

44、- able lighting atmosphere (Fig. 30). 15 17 19 21 2223 2425 2627 2829 3031 3233 6 M any educational establishments today consist of large complexes of build- ings with lots of special classrooms, events and sports halls, cafeterias and refectories, administrative offices and conference zones. School

45、s, in par- ticular, meet this descrip- tion because a growing number of them now spread classes throughout the day. Every room in a school or educational establishment serves a particular pur- pose, for which there are special architectural solu- tions with special lighting requirements. Examples of

46、 systems which meet those requirements are found on the following pages of this booklet. For any room in a new or refurbished building, the aim should be to find the best way of harnessing natural daylight and the requisite artificial lighting. Here, however, the impor- tance of artificial lighting

47、is often underestimated, although it plays a major role in most classrooms. In winter especially, the available daylight is gen- erally not adequate. For media work with projec- tors, windows need to be darkened. And for scientific experiments, a special lighting situation is frequently necessary. H

48、owever, planning artificial lighting involves more than just ensuring adequate brightness in a room. A differentiated lighting design incorporating vari- ous separately controlled luminaire systems permits the creation of lighting scenes tailored to require- ments. With dimmable room lighting, separ

49、ate wallwashers at the front of the room and additional luminaires at the entrance Light for learning and perimeter, it is also possible to stage multime- dia presentations, lectures and exhibitions with light- ing fine-tuned for suitability and safety. Today, economical opera- tion of lighting systems is assured by energy-efficient lamps and operating gear, high-grade luminaires with high light output ratios as well as lighting control sys- tems which automatically adjust the brightness of lamps to suit the daylight component available and deactivate lighting when a room is not used. Mo


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