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1、 Dansk Standard Tillg DS/HD 605 S1/A2 1. udgave 2001-06-08 Elektriske kabler Yderligere prvningsmetoder Electrical cables Additional test methods DS-publikationstyper Dansk Standard udgiver forskellige publikationstyper. Typen p denne publikation fremgr af forsiden. Der kan vre tale om: Dansk standa

2、rd standard, der er udarbejdet p nationalt niveau eller er baseret p et andet lands nationale standard, eller standard, der er udarbejdet p internationalt og/eller europisk niveau og har fet status som dansk standard DS-information publikation, der er udarbejdet p nationalt niveau og ikke har opnet

3、status som standard, eller publikation, der er udarbejdet p internationalt og/eller europisk niveau og ikke har fet status som standard, fx en teknisk rapport, eller europisk prstandard DS-hndbog samling af standarder eventuelt suppleret med informativt materiale DS-hfte publikation med informativt

4、materiale Til disse publikationstyper kan endvidere udgives tillg og rettelsesblade DS-publikationsform Publikationstyperne udgives i forskellig form som henholdsvis fuldtekstpublikation (publikationen er trykt i sin helhed) godkendelsesblad (publikationen leveres i kopi med et trykt DS-omslag) elek

5、tronisk (publikationen leveres p et elektronisk medie) DS-betegnelse Alle DS-publikationers betegnelse begynder med DS efterfulgt af et eller flere prfikser og et nr. fx DS 383, DS/EN 5414 osv. Hvis der efter nr. er angivet et A eller Cor, betyder det, enten at det er et tillg eller et rettelsesblad

6、 til hovedstandarden, eller at det er indfrt i hovedstandarden. DS-betegnelse angives p forsiden. Overensstemmelse med anden publikation: Overensstemmelse kan enten vre IDT, EQV, NEQ eller MOD IDT: Nr publikationen er identisk med en given publikation. EQV: Nr publikationen teknisk er i overensstemm

7、else med en given publikation, men prsentationen er ndret. NEQ: Nr publikationen teknisk eller prsentationsmssigt ikke er i overensstemmelse med en given standard, men udarbejdet p baggrund af denne. MOD: Nr publikationen er modificeret i forhold til en given publikation. DS/HD 605 S1/A2 Kbenhavn DS

8、 projekt: 39809 ICS: 29.060.20 Deskriptorer: elektrisk kabel,prvning,dimensioner,mekanisk prvning,fysiske prvninger,kemiske prvninger,elektriske prvninger, brandprvninger,klassificering,prvningsbetingelser Frste del af denne publikations betegnelse er: DS/HD, hvilket betyder, at det er en europisk h

9、armoniseringsdokument, der har status som dansk standard Denne publikations overensstemmelse er: IDT med: HD 605 S1:1994/A2:2001 p engelsk HARMONIZATION DOCUMENTHD 605 S1/A2 DOCUMENT DHARMONISATION HARMONISIERUNGSDOKUMENTApril 2001 CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Comi

10、t Europen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europisches Komitee fr Elektrotechnische Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels 2001 CENELEC -All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members. Ref. No. HD 605 S1:1994/A2:2001 E ICS

11、29.060.20 UDC 621.315.2:620.1 English version Electric cables - Additional test methods Cbles lectriques - Mthodes dessai supplmentaires Elektrokabel - Ergnzende Prfverfahren This amendment A2 modifies the Harmonization Document HD 605 S1:1994; it was approved by CENELEC on 2000-01-01. CENELEC membe

12、rs are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for implementation of this amendment on a national level. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national implementation may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat

13、or to any CENELEC member. This amendment exists in three official versions (English, French, German). CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway,

14、 Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. -,-,- HD 605 S1:1994/A2:2001- 2 - Foreword This amendment to HD 605 S1:1994 has been prepared by WG9 of CENELEC TC20 “Electric Cables”. CENELEC TC 20 confirmed at its Barcelona meeting (May 1998) that the amendment should go to the Unique Acc

15、eptance Procedure. NOTE Since the publication of HD 605 S1 (and A1) a number of changes have been made to other standards to which cross-reference is made in the original texts. In particular: - HD 505 (Parts 1.1 to 1.4 inclusive) has been replaced by EN 60811 (Parts 1-1 to 1-4 inclusive); - HD 405.

16、1 and HD 405.2 have been replaced by EN 50265-2-1 and EN 50265-2-2 respectively; - IEC 502 (4th edition) has been replaced by IEC 60502-1 and IEC 60502-2. In general the updating of these references has not been included in this amendment unless a complete test method has been introduced or replaced

17、. The text of the draft was submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure and was approved by CENELEC as amendment A2 to HD 605 S1:1994 on 2000-01-01. The following dates were fixed: -latest date by which the existence of the amendment has to be announced at national level(doa)2000-07-01 -latest date

18、 by which the amendment has to be implemented at national level by publication of a harmonized national standard or by endorsement(dop)2001-10-01 -latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the amendment have to be withdrawn(dow) 2003-01-01 -,-,- - 3 -HD 605 S1:1994/A2:2001 Subclau

19、se In the second line, delete: “of this sampling”. Subclause (b) (iii) Delete the existing text and replace as follows, (the figure remains unchanged) : Sporadic irregularities are allowed taking into account the following conditions: Irregularities for which the maximum dimensio

20、n (L) is less than 0,05 mm are not considered; Irregularities for which the maximum dimension (L) is greater than 0,20 mm are not authorised; If irregularities are observed for which the maximum dimension (L) is greater than 0,05 mm but less than or equal to 0,20 mm a second sample, taken close to t

21、he first one, shall be examined and shall not be permitted to show irregularities. Subclause Delete the title and text and insert “Spare”. Subclause 2.2.2 Introduce Method 3 as follows: Method 3 (a)General Three cable samples of 150 mm length each shall be taken from two parts of th

22、e cable, at least 1 m distant from each other. The sheath of the samples shall be cut along the direction of the cable axis and the cores and metallic screens removed. A portion of each sample sheath shall be obtained with two smooth, flat and parallel surfaces, avoiding excessive heating. The thick

23、ness of each portion should be between 1 mm and 2 mm. By means of a die or a sharp knife the test pieces with the dimensions indicated in figure shall be obtained. -,-,- HD 605 S1:1994/A2:2001- 4 - A central longitudinal cut, perpendicular to the width of the test piece, shall be made with a

24、 sharp razor to a point of 4 mm from the wider end. (b)Procedure Test each test piece in the following way. Place the halves of the split end in the jaws of a tensile testing machine and separate the jaws at a rate of (500 5) mm/min. The maximum load needed for the complete tearing of each test piec

25、e shall be recorded. (c)Evaluation of results The tear resistance is determined by dividing the maximum load (in N) by the thickness of the test piece (in mm). The mean value of the results obtained shall be in accordance with the requirements in the particular specification. Subclause Repla

26、ce the third paragraph with the following: Make two parallel cuts separated by (13 1) mm in the semi-conducting insulation screen material, down to the insulation and longitudinally from end to end of the core sample. Remove approximately 50 mm length of the 13 mm strip from each end of the core by

27、manually pulling it away from the core. Mount the sample in a tensile test machine, with one end of the strip clamped in the upper jaws, and with the sample held horizontally at approximately 90 to the clamped strip. Measure the force to separate the 13 mm strip whilst maintaining the strip at appro

28、ximately 90 to the sample, using a pulling speed of approximately 8 mm/s. Continue until approximately the midpoint of the sample. Repeat the test from the other end of the sample. All dimensions in mm Figure 50 12,5 R 22 Cut 6,5 4 -,-,- - 5 -HD 605 S1:1994/A2:2001 Subclause Replace

29、the second paragraph with the following: The cross-sectional area may be determined by weighing a test piece of approximately 350 mm from the aluminium strip material. The test piece length shall be measured with a tolerance of 0,5 mm, the mass shall be measured with a tolerance of 0,02 g. The densi

30、ty of aluminium shall be taken as 2700 kg/m3. Subclause Replace the first sentence of the first paragraph with the following: Bend the cable sample around a test cylinder at ambient temperature for at least once complete turn. Subclause Replace with the following: Cold bend t

31、est A sample of the cable with a length of at least five times the test drum diameter shall be subject to the partial discharge test in accordance with 3.10.3. The sample shall then be cooled to 0C for at least 4 h. The sample shall then, without delay, be bent around a test cylinder, for at least o

32、ne complete turn. It shall then be unwound and the process repeated after rotating the sample through 180 about its axis. The sample shall be bent at a reasonably uniform speed, each half cycle of the test taking approximately 1,0 s per millimetre of overall cable diameter. The diameter of the test

33、cylinder shall be not greater than 20(D + d) mm, where D is the overall diameter of the cable and d is the conductor diameter as detailed in the cable specification. The sample shall then again be subjected to the partial discharge test in accordance with 3.10.3. The insulation, lead alloy sheath an

34、d oversheath shall then be visually examined. Subclause 2.4.3 Replace the first paragraph with the following: The test shall be carried out on a sample of sheath taken from a complete cable. -,-,- HD 605 S1:1994/A2:2001- 6 - Subclause Delete the title and text and insert “Spare”. Subclause

35、2.4.18 Delete the title and text and insert “Spare”. Subclause 2.4.22 Introduce new subclause as follows: 2.4.22 Abrasion test (conic piece) A complete piece of cable shall be tightly tied to a fixed metallic base. A metallic conic piece shall be applied to the superior generatrix of the cable. The

36、conic piece shall have a radius of curvature at its point of 1 mm and the angle shall be of 90. The mass of the conic piece shall be as given in the particular specification. The conic surface shall not be rough. The conic piece shall be subjected to a to-and-fro motion, at constant speed, between t

37、he A and B marks, (see figure 2.4.22). Figure 2.4.22 The characteristics of the test shall be: Distance between A and B: 50 cm 10 cm Speed of the conic piece between A and B: 0,3 m/s with a tolerance of 5%. At the end of the specified number of motions it shall not be possible to see, with normal or

38、 corrected vision without amplification, the metallic screen under the sheath between the A, B marks. -,-,- - 7 -HD 605 S1:1994/A2:2001 Subclause 2.4.23 Introduce new subclause as follows: 2.4.23 Resistance to UV rays (a)Test principle and definition of the light source This test is based on the pro

39、longed exposure of the flat surface of the outer side of the cable test specimens to ultra-violet rays. The light source used should be such that in a dry atmosphere (relative humidity below 30%) the exposed surface of the two flat surfaces of the test specimen, the side corresponding to the outside

40、 of the test specimen cable, receives a radiation in which the wavelength-dependent energy distribution complies with the values indicated on the curve (figure 2.4.23). Figure 2.4.23 To take account of the dispersion of the lamps and their ageing, the following tolerances are accepted: (i)20% in the

41、 area of ultra-violet radiation (wavelengths below 400 nm). (ii)50% for the visible radiation (wavelengths above 400 nm) This radiation may be obtained with a xenon lamp fitted with quartz filters. (b)Test method The samples shall follow a cycle of 5 days. During these days they shall be subjected t

42、o the following tests: Exposure for one day to light radiation in a humid atmosphere, (relative humidity 85%), at the temperature of (25 2)C with sprinkling. NOTE The sprinkling of demineralized water lasts three minutes per period of twenty minutes; it is done with the aid of injectors in which the

43、 water discharge should be sufficient to ensure the washing of all the test specimens. HD 605 S1:1994/A2:2001- 8 - Exposure for one day in a humid atmosphere at the temperature of (50 2)C with thermal shocks obtained by being put into an enclosure kept at (-25 2)C for three one-hour periods. The hot

44、-cold or cold-hot transfers should be done in the shortest time possible. The time the test specimens remain in a humid atmosphere between two thermal shocks should be one hour or more. Two days exposure to light radiation in a dry atmosphere during which the temperature is kept at (70 2)C and the r

45、elative humidity is less than 30%. The fifth day, exposure for 8 hours with 0,067% in volume of sulphur dioxide and kept at a temperature of (40 3)C with saturating humidity. For the last 16 hours the door of the enclosure is left open to the laboratory environment. During the exposures the test-pie

46、ces, similar to those defined for the tensile test, shall be placed on supports, taking care that they are not subjected to any tensile force. At the end of the test, the samples shall be removed and kept protected form direct sunlight in the laboratory atmosphere for 24 hours at least. A visual ver

47、ification shall then be carried out to ensure that there is no significant discolouration between the aged test pieces and those not subjected to the test. (c)Test pieces The test requires two batches of six test-pieces; one of them being the reference batch. The reference batch shall be kept at amb

48、ient temperature avoiding direct sunlight throughout the environmental testing. The other batch shall be subjected to the specified 5 days cycle and then conditioned like the reference batch for 24 hours. After the visual for any significant discolouration the elongation at break (A) and tensile strength (R) of the test-pieces from each of the batches shall be measured in accordance with EN 60811-1-1 subclause 9.2, i.e. respectively: Reference batch:A0 and R0 Exposed batch:A1 and


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