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1、Recognized as an American National Standard (ANSI) IEEE Std C57.16-1996 (Revision of ANSI C57.16-1958) IEEE Standard Requirements, Terminology, and Test Code for Dry-Type Air-Core Series-Connected Reactors Sponsor Transformers Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Approved 10 December 1996

2、 IEEE Standards Board Approved 7 May 1997 American National Standards Institute Abstract: Series-Connected dry-type air-core single-phase and three-phase outdoor or indoor reactors of distribution and transmission voltage class that are connected in the power system to control power flow under stead

3、y-state conditions and/or limit fault current under short-circuit conditions are covered. Dry-Type air-core reactors covered by this standard are self-cooled by natural air convection. With some restrictions, other reactors, including filter reactors, shunt capacitor reactors (used with shunt capaci

4、tor banks), and discharge current limiting reactors (used with series capacitor banks), are also covered. Keywords: air-core reactors, discharge current-limiting reactors, dry-type air-core reactors, dry-type reactors, filter reactors, harmonic filters, reactors, series capacitor bank applications,

5、series-connected reactors, series reactor applications, shunt capacitor bank applications, shunt capacitor reactors The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017-2394, USA Copyright 1997 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,

6、Inc. All rights reserved. Published 1997. Printed in the United States of America ISBN 1-55937-881-6 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Copyright The Institute of Electrical

7、 and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Provided by IHS under license with IEEELicensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/21/2007 11:47:36 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IEEE Standards documents are developed within the IEEE Societies and th

8、e Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEEE Standards Board. Members of the committees serve voluntarily and without compensation. They are not necessarily members of the Institute. The standards developed within IEEE represent a consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institu

9、te as well as those activities outside of IEEE that have expressed an interest in participating in the development of the standard. Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market,

10、or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Every IE

11、EE Standard is subjected to review at least every five years for revision or reaffirmation. When a document is more than five years old and has not been reaffirmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly reflect the present state of the art. Users

12、 are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any IEEE Standard. Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affiliation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change

13、of text, together with appropriate supporting comments. Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to specific applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate action

14、to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of all concerned interests, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this reason, IEEE and the members of its societies and Standards Coordinating Co

15、mmittees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration. Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to: Secretary, IEEE Standards Board 445 Hoes Lane P.O. Box 1

16、331 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA Authorization to photocopy portions of any individual standard for internal or personal use is granted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., provided that the appropriate fee is paid to Copyright Clearance Center. To arrange for payment of

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18、on is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject matter covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence or validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. The IEEE shall not be respons

19、ible for identifying patents for which a license may be required by an IEEE standard or for conducting inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention. Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Provided by IHS under license wi

20、th IEEELicensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/21/2007 11:47:36 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- iii Introduction (This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C57.16-1996, IEEE Standard Requirements, Terminology, and Test Code for Dry-

21、Type Air-Core Series-Connected Reactors.) The work to revise ANSI C57.16-1958, Standard Requirements, Terminology and Test Code for Current Limiting Reactors, was carried out by the Dry-Type Reactor Working Group, reporting to the Dry-Type Transformers Subcommittee of the IEEE Transformers Committee

22、. There were several important objectives for the revision, which led to the current document. a)The scope was broadened to reflect the current usage of ANSI C57.16-1958. Thus the title was changed to incorporate the words “series-connected reactors” instead of “current-limiting reactors.” b)It has

23、been common practice in the industry to use ANSI C57.16-1958 in the specification and testing of filter reactors, shunt capacitor reactors, and discharge current-limiting reactors for series capacitor banks. Thus several new normative annexes were added to more appropriately and accurately accommoda

24、te this need. c)ANSI C57.16-1958 covered both oil-immersed and dry-type reactors. Based on a formal vote in the Performance Characteristics Subcommittee and a voice vote of the Transformers Committee, no interest was raised in continuing the inclusion of oil-immersed reactors in the standard. Theref

25、ore, this revision of ANSI C57.16-1958 is a dry-type standard only in order to reflect the present and future needs of purchasers (“end users”) and manufacturers. At the time this standard was completed, the Dry-Type Reactor Working Group had the following membership: Richard F. Dudley, Chair Raymon

26、d Allustiarti Michael S. Altman Gregory W. Anderson Peter Bettencourt Gene Blackburn Thomas F. Clark Dan De La Cruz J. Alan C. Forrest Peter Iijima Anthony J. Jonnatti Lars-Erik Juhlin Sheldon P. Kennedy Frank A. Lewis Gerald K. Marowski Nigel P. McQuin Klaus Papp Paulette A. Payne G. S. Polovick Pi

27、erre Riffon M. R. Sharp Sheldon Silberman Joe Thompson Gene Wolf The following persons were on the balloting committee: Edward J. Adolphson D. J. Allan Raymond Allustiarti Michael S. Altman Glenn Andersen Jim C. Arnold J. Arteaga Jacques Aubin Donald E. Ayers Roy A. Bancroft Ron L. Barker David A. B

28、arnard Edward A. Bertolini Wallace B. Binder J. H. Bishop William E. Boettger Joe V. Bonucchi John D. Borst C. V. Brown M. Cambre D. J. Cash Don Chu Thomas F. Clark Jerry L. Corkran Dan W. Crofts John C. Crouse V. Dahinden John N. Davis Robert C. Degeneff Tom Diamantis Larry E. Dix Richard F. Dudley

29、 John A. Ebert K. Edwards Fred E. Elliott D. J. Fallon P. T. Feghali Jeffrey A. Fleeman Michael A. Franchek Jerry M. Frank Dudley L. Galloway Ali A. Ghafourian Donald A. Gillies Ramsis S. Girgis Richard D. Graham Robert L. Grubb Robert L. Grunert F. J. Gryszkiewicz Michael E. Haas Geoff H. Hall Erns

30、t Hanique N. Wayne Hansen Kenneth S. Hanus James H. Harlow Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Provided by IHS under license with IEEELicensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/21/2007 11:47:36 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted withou

31、t license from IHS -,-,- iv Frank W. Heinrichs William R. Henning K. R. Highton Peter J. Hoefler Philip J. Hopkinson J. W. Howard Edgar Howells John Hunt Y. Peter Iijimma C. W. Johnson Anthony J. Jonnatti R. D. Jordan Gene Kallaur Joe J. Kelly Sheldon P. Kennedy William N. Kennedy James P. Kinney Al

32、exander D. Kline John G. Lackey Michael Y. Lau J. P. Lazar Frank A. Lewis Harold F. Light S. R. Lindgren Larry A. Lowdermilk Donald L. Lowe Richard I. Lowe David S. Lyon Joseph Ma William A. Maguire K. T. Massouda John W. Matthews Angie McCain Jack W. McGill Charles J. McMillen W. J. McNutt Charles

33、P. McShane Ross McTaggart Sam P. Mehta C. Kent Miller Matthew C. Mingoia Russell E. Minkwitz Michael I. Mitelman Harold R. Moore W. E. Morehart Daniel H. Mulkey Chuck R. Murray R. J. Musil William H. Mutschler, Jr. Carl G. Niemann E. T. Norton Paul E. Orehek Gerald A. Paiva Klaus Papp Bipin K. Patel

34、 Wesley F. Patterson, Jr. Jesse M. Patton Paulette A. Payne Larry C. Pearson Thomas J. Pekarek Dan D. Perco Mark D. Perkins V. Q. Pham Linden W. Pierce R. Leon Plaster Donald W. Platts Bertrand Poulin Jeewan L. Puri Vadim Raff J. D. Ramboz Charles T. Raymond Pierre Riffon Peter G. Risse S. M. A. Riz

35、vi Chris A. Robbins R. B. Robertson Arlise L. Robinson, Jr. John R. Rossetti G. W. Rowe Mahesh P. Sampat Leo J. Savio William E. Saxon Robert W. Scheu Devki N. Sharma Vic Shenoy Hyeong Jin Sim James E. Smith J. Ed Smith Jerry W. Smith Stephen D. Smith Ronald J. Stahara W. W. Stein Ron W. Stoner John

36、 C. Sullivan David Sundin Louis A. Tauber James B. Templeton V. Thenappan James A. Thompson Robert W. Thompson Thomas P. Traub Edger R. Trummer Georges H. Vaillancourt Robert A. Veitch Loren B. Wagenaar Barry H. Ward Robert Whearty D. W. Whitley A. L. Wilks Charles W. Williams The Accredited Standar

37、ds Committee on Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors, C57, that reviewed and approved this document, had the following membership at the time of approval: P. E. Orehek, Chair J. D. Borst, Vice Chair John A. Gauthier, Secretary Organization Represented Name of Representative Electric Light and Powe

38、r Group P. Orehek (Delegation Chair) Gary N. Miller (Alt.) T. Diamantis K. S. Hanus Carl G. Niemann S. Paiva J. Sullivan Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers B. Patel (Delegation Chair) Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Provided by IHS under license w

39、ith IEEELicensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/21/2007 11:47:36 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- v W. B. Binder J. D. Borst J. H. Harlow J. W. Matthews National Electrical Manufacturers Association P. Hopkinson (Delegation Chair) R.

40、 L. Plaster (Alt.) H. Robin (Alt.) H. J. Sim (Alt.) M. Austin G. D. Coulter S. Endersbe A. Ghafourian K. R. Linsley Tennessee Valley Authority.F. Lewis Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. .Michael Schacker U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Electrification Administration (REA) J. Bohlk U.S. Departmen

41、t of Energy Western Area Power AdministrationKenneth C. Wolohan U.S. Department of the Navy, Civil Engineering Corps C. M. Mandeville When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on 10 December 1996, it had the following membership: Donald C. Loughry, Chair Richard J. Holleman, Vice Chair An

42、drew G. Salem, Secretary Gilles A. Baril Clyde R. Camp Joseph A. Cannatelli Stephen L. Diamond Harold E. Epstein Donald C. Fleckenstein Jay Forster* Donald N. Heirman Ben C. Johnson E. G. “Al” Kiener Joseph L. Koepfinger* Stephen R. Lambert Lawrence V. McCall L. Bruce McClung Marco W. Migliaro Mary

43、Lou Padgett John W. Pope Jose R. Ramos Arthur K. Reilly Ronald H. Reimer Gary S. Robinson Ingo Rsch John S. Ryan Chee Kiow Tan Leonard L. Tripp Howard L. Wolfman *Member Emeritus Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE Standards Board liaisons: Satish K. AggarwalAlan H. CooksonChester C. Tayl

44、or Kristin M. Dittmann IEEE Standards Project Editor Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Provided by IHS under license with IEEELicensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/21/2007 11:47:36 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without lice

45、nse from IHS -,-,- vi CLAUSEPAGE 1. Overview.1 1.1 Scope 1 1.2 Purpose. 1 2. References.2 3. Definitions.3 3.1 Types of dry-type air-core series reactors 3 3.2 Series reactor applications . 4 3.3 Rating. 4 3.4 Current . 4 3.5 Duty 5 3.6 Voltage. 5 3.7 Losses, impedance, and system frequency. 5 4. Ge

46、neral requirements6 4.1 Service conditions 6 4.2 Insulation 7 4.3 Operation at altitudes in excess of 1000 m (3300 ft). 7 5. Rating9 5.1 Basis of rating 9 5.2 System frequency. 9 5.3 Reactance rating. 9 5.4 Voltage rating. 10 5.5 Continuous current rating. 10 5.6 Short-Circuit current rating 10 6. T

47、ests 12 6.1 Routine, design, and other tests for series reactors 12 6.2 Where tests are to be made 14 6.3 Test sequence. 14 6.4 Test procedures 14 7. Losses and impedance.14 7.1 Losses. 14 7.2 Impedance 15 7.3 Impedance and losses test 15 8. Temperature rise .16 8.1 Considerations in establishing li

48、mits of temperature rise 16 8.2 Limits of temperature rise 17 8.3 Temperature rise tests 19 Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Provided by IHS under license with IEEELicensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/21/2007 11:47:36 MDTNo reproducti

49、on or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- vii CLAUSEPAGE 9. Insulation levels and dielectric tests20 9.1 Impulse insulation levels 20 9.2 Dielectric test levels. 21 9.3 Dielectric tests 22 10. Short-Circuit capability.23 10.1 Short-Circuit description 23 10.2 Maximum mechanical stress of series reactor


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