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1、A Reference number ISO 13565-3:1998(E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 13565-3 First edition 1998-11-15 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) Surface texture: Profile method; Surfaces having stratified functional properties Part 3: Height characterization using the material probability curve Spcificat

2、ion gomtrique des produits (GPS) tat de surface: Mthode du profil; surfaces ayant des proprits fonctionnelles diffrentes suivant les niveaux Partie 3: Cartactrisation des hauteurs par la courbe de probabilit de matire ISO 13565-3:1998(E) ISO 1998 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no p

3、art of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. International Organization for Standardization Case postale 56 CH-1211 Genve 20 Switzerland Internetiso

4、 Printed in Switzerland ii ContentsPage 1 Scope1 2 Normative references1 3 Definitions 1 4 Procedure.2 5 Measurement process requirements.3 6 Drawing indications.3 Annex A (normative) Procedures for determining the limits of the linear regions 4 Annex B (informative) Background information 9 A

5、nnex C (informative) Determination of UPL and LVL via second derivatives.13 Annex D (informative) Normalization of the bounded material probability curve 16 Annex E (informative) Relation to the GPS matrix model .18 Annex F (informative) Bibliography.20 ISOISO 13565-3:1998(E) iii Foreword ISO (the I

6、nternational Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee

7、has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnica

8、l standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard ISO 13565-3 was prepared by Tec

9、hnical Committee ISO/TC 213, Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification. ISO 13565 consists of the following parts under the general title Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Surface texture: Profile method; Surfaces having stratified functional properties: Part 1: Filt

10、ering and general measurement conditions Part 2: Height characterization using the linear material ratio curve Part 3: Height characterization using the material probability curve Annex A forms an integral part of this part of ISO 13565. Annexes B to F are for information only. -,-,- ISO 13565-3:199

11、8(E) ISO iv Introduction This part of ISO 13565 is a geometrical product specification (GPS) standard and is to be regarded as a general GPS standard (see ISO/TR 14638). It influences the chain link 2 of the chains of standards on roughness profile and primary profile. For more detailed information

12、on the relation of this standard to the GPS matrix model see annex E. This part of ISO 13565 provides a numerical characterization of surfaces consisting of two vertical random components, namely, a relatively coarse “valley“ texture and a finer “plateau“ texture. This type of surface is used for lu

13、bricated, sliding contact, for example in cylinder liners and fuel injectors. The calculations necessary to determine the parameters Rpq, Rvq, and Rmq (Ppq, Pvq, and Pmq) used to characterize these two components separately involves the generation of the material probability curve, the determination

14、 of its linear regions, and the linear regressions through these regions. The parameters are undefined for surfaces not consisting of two such components. -,-,- INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISOISO 13565-3:1998(E) 1 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) Surface texture: Profile method; Surfaces having s

15、tratified functional properties Part 3: Height characterization using the material probability curve 1 Scope This part of ISO 13565 establishes the evaluation process for determining parameters from the linear regions of the material probability curve, which is the Gaussian representation of the mat

16、erial ratio curve. The parameters are intended to aid in assessing tribological behaviour, for example of lubricated, sliding surfaces, and to control the manufacturing process. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provis

17、ions of this part of ISO 13565. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 13565 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicate

18、d below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 1302:1992, Technical drawings Methods of indicating surface texture. ISO 3274:1996, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) Surface texture: Profile method Nominal characteristics of contact (stylus)

19、instruments. ISO 4287:1997, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) Surface texture: Profile method Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters. ISO 13565-1:1996, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) Surface texture: Profile method; Surfaces having stratified functional properties Part 1:

20、 Filtering and general measurement conditions. ISO 13565-2:1996, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) Surface Texture: Profile method; Surfaces having stratified functional properties Part 2: Height characterization using the linear material ratio curve. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this pa

21、rt of ISO 13565, the definitions given in ISO 3274, ISO 4287, ISO 13565-2 and the following apply. 3.1 material probability curve a representation of the material ratio curve in which the profile material length ratio is expressed as Gaussian probability in standard deviation values, plotted linearl

22、y on the horizontal axis NOTE This scale is expressed linearly in standard deviations according to the Gaussian distribution. In this scale the material ratio curve of a Gaussian distribution becomes a straight line. For stratified surfaces composed of two Gaussian distributions, the material probab

23、ility curve will exhibit two linear regions (see 1 and 2 in figure 1). -,-,- ISO 13565-3:1998(E) ISO 2 Key 1Plateau region 2Valley region 3Debris or outlying peaks in the data (profile) 4Deep scratches or outlying valleys in the data (profile) 5Unstable region (curvature) introduced at the plateau t

24、o valley transition point based on the combination of two distributions Figure 1 Material probability curve 3.2 Rpq (Ppq) parameter slope of a linear regression performed through the plateau region See figure 2. NOTE Rpq (Ppq) can thus be interpreted as the Rq (Pq)-value (in micrometres) of the rand

25、om process that generated the plateau component of the profile. 3.3 Rvq (Pvq) parameter slope of a linear regression performed through the valley region See figure 2. NOTE Rvq (Pvq) can thus be interpreted as the Rq (Pq)-value (in micrometres) of the random process that generated the valley componen

26、t of the profile. 3.4 Rmq (Pmq) parameter relative material ratio at the plateau to valley intersection See figure 2. 4 Procedure The roughness profile used for determining the parameters Rpq, Rvq and Rmq shall be calculated in accordance with ISO 13565-1. This roughness profile is different from th

27、at in ISO 4287. The profile for determining the parameters Ppq, Pvq and Pmq shall be the primary profile. Three non-linear effects can be present in the material probability curve as shown in figure 1 for measured surface data from a two-process surface. These effects shall be eliminated by limiting

28、 the fitted portions of the material probability curve, using only the statistically sound, Gaussian portions of the material probability curve excluding a number of influences. -,-,- ISOISO 13565-3:1998(E) 3 In figure 1 the non-linear effects originate from: debris or outlying peaks in the data (pr

29、ofile) (labelled 3); deep scratches or outlying valleys in the data (profile) (labelled 4); and unstable region (curvature) introduced at the plateau to valley transition point based on the combination of two distributions (labelled 5). These exclusions are intended keep the parameters more stable f

30、or repeated measurements of a given surface. Figure 2 shows a profile with its corresponding material probability curve and its plateau and valley regions and the parts of the surface that defines the two regions. The profile has a peak that is outlying and the figure shows how it does not influence

31、 the parameters. Figure 2 also shows how the bottom parts of the deepest groves, which will vary significantly depending on where the measurements are made on a surface, are disregarded when determining the parameters. Figure 2 Roughness profile with its corresponding material probability curve and

32、the regions used in the definitions of the parameters Rpq, Rvq, and Rmq 5 Measurement process requirements The following criteria are designed to ensure that the profile represents a proper two-process surface and that the measuring process is adequate for calculating a stable material probability c

33、urve resulting in reliable parameter values. These criteria shall be met in order for the parameters Rpq, Rvq, and Rmq (Ppq, Pvq, and Pmq) to be defined: The instrument shall be capable of measuring a value of Rq from an optical flat that is less than 30 % of the nominal value of Rpq (Ppq). The vert

34、ical resolution of the material probability curve shall be such that at least 40 classes fall within the linear plateau and linear valley regions respectively. The digital data density of the material probability curve shall be such that at least 100 profile ordinates fall within the linear plateau

35、and linear valley regions respectively. The ratio Rvq: Rpq (Pvq: Ppq) shall be at least 5. The conic section regressions result in a hyperbolic solution (see annex A). If the profile does not satisfy the above criteria, a suitable warning message shall give the reason for the failure. 6 Drawing indi

36、cations The parameters specified in this part of ISO 13565 shall be indicated on drawings in accordance with ISO 1302. -,-,- ISO 13565-3:1998(E) ISO 4 Annex A (normative) Procedures for determining the limits of the linear regions Clauses A.1 through A.3 specify the procedures for determining the up

37、per plateau limit, UPL, and the lower valley limit, LVL. Clauses A.4 through A.6 specify the procedures for determining the lower plateau limit, LPL, and the upper valley limit, UVL . Clause A.7 specifies the procedure for determining the calculation of parameters. A.1 Initial conic fit A conic sect

38、ion is initially fitted through the material probability curve since it is a very good approximation of the expected form of the material probability curve of surfaces consisting of two vertical random components. This initial conic fit provides a framework for subsequent operations on the material

39、probability curve. Fit a conic section z = Ax2 + Bxz + Cz2 + Dx + E where z is the profile height; x is the material probability expressed in standard deviations; through the entire curve (see figure A.1). Figure A.1 Conic section based on the entire material probability curve A.2 Estimation of plat

40、eau to valley transition Determine the asymptotes of the conic section (lines designated “a“ in figure A.1). Bisect the asymptotes with a line (line designated “b“ in figure A.1). The intersection of this line with the conic section serves as an initial estimate of the plateau to valley transition (

41、see A in figure A.2). NOTE Graphically the bisector line may appear to be at a improper angle (see figure A.1). This is because of the different scaling of the two axis on figure A.1. See also clause A.4 and annex D for the normalized material probability curve, where the bisector line appears consi

42、stent. ISOISO 13565-3:1998(E) 5 A.3 Determination of UPL and LVL The second derivative is computed at each point of the material probability curve starting at the transition point “c“ and working upward through the plateau region and downward through the valley region. The second derivative at each

43、point is computed using a “window“ of 0,05 standard deviations ( 0,025 s around the point at which the derivative is to be recorded). See B in figure A.2. NOTE The number of points within the window will vary as it is passed through the curve. For the valley region and the plateau region individuall

44、y: find 25 % of the number of points to one side of the point “c“; call this value i; working out from point “c“, the standard deviation, si, is computed for the second derivative values using i points on one side; the value of the second derivative at the next point (Di + 1) is divided by the stand

45、ard deviation, si: T D s i i = +1 if T 6, data point i is the limit of that region (UPL for the plateau region and LVL for the valley region, respectively). See also C in figure A.2. Figure A.2 Bisection of the asymptotes is the initial transition point between the two regions of the material probab

46、ility curve and the corresponding second derivatives -,-,- ISO 13565-3:1998(E) ISO 6 A.4 Normalization of the bounded region The Z-axis of the material probability curve is normalized such that the bounded region (region between UPL and LVL) is “square“ (see annex D). This insures consistent bisecti

47、on of the conic section asymptotes (see figure A.3). A.5 Second conic section fit The conic section is now regressed through the region within UPL and LVL. The asymptotes are constructed (see figure A.3). NOTE For ks, see annex D. Figure A.3 Conic section determined within the upper plateau limit, U

48、PL, and the lower valley limit, LVL Normalized material probability curve A.6 Determination of LPL and UVL To determine the lower plateau limit, LPL , and the upper valley limit, UVL , the asymptotes are bisected three times (b: first time; P2 and V2: second time; P3 and V3: third time). The intersection of these lines (P3 and V3) with the conic section of the material probability curve determines the LPL and UVL (see figure A.4). -,-,- ISOISO 13565-3:1998(E


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