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1、A Reference number Numro de rfrence ISO 10782-1:1998(E/F) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE ISO 10782-1 First edition Premire dition 1998-04-15 Definitions and attributes of data elements for control and monitoring of textile processes Part 1: Spinning, spinning preparatory and related pro

2、cesses Dfinitions et attributs des lments de donnes pour la surveillance et la supervision des procds textiles Partie 1: Filature, prparation de filature et procds associs Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=IHS Employees/111111100

3、1, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/04/2007 23:24:52 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISO 10782-1:1998(E/F) ISO 1998 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, el

4、ectronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. / Droits de reproduction rservs. Sauf prescription diffrente, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite ni utilise sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procd, lectro

5、nique ou mcanique, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans laccord crit de lditeur. International Organization for Standardization Case postale 56 CH-1211 Genve 20 Switzerland X.400c=ch; a=400net; p=iso; o=isocs; s=central Printed in Switzerland/Imprim en Suisse ii Fore

6、word ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a techn

7、ical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of

8、electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard ISO 10782-1 was

9、prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 72, Textile machinery and machinery for dry-cleaning and industrial laundering. ISO 10782 consists of the following parts, under the general title Definitions and attributes of data elements for control and monitoring of textile processes: Part 1: Spinning, spi

10、nning preparatory and related processes Part 2: Fabric manufacturing Part 3: Fabric processing Annexes A and B form an integral part of this part of ISO 10782. Annexes C and D are for information only. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Li

11、censee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/04/2007 23:24:52 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISOISO 10782-1:1998(E/F) iii Avant-propos LISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fdration mondiale dorganismes nationa

12、ux de normalisation (comits membres de lISO). Llaboration des Normes internationales est en gnral confie aux comits techniques de lISO. Chaque comit membre intress par une tude a le droit de faire partie du comit technique cr cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouv

13、ernementales, en liaison avec lISO participent galement aux travaux. LISO collabore troitement avec la Commission lectrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation lectrotechnique. Les projets de Normes internationales adopts par les comits techniques sont soumis aux comits me

14、mbres pour vote. Leur publication comme Normes internationales requiert lapprobation de 75 % au moins des comits membres votants. La Norme internationale ISO 10782-1 a t labore par le comit technique ISO/TC 72, Matriel pour lindustrie textile et matriel de nettoyage sec et de blanchisserie industrie

15、lle. LISO 10782 comprend les parties suivantes, prsentes sous le titre gnral Dfinitions et attributs des lments de donnes pour la surveillance et la supervision des procds textiles: Partie 1: Filature, prparation de filature et procds associs Partie 2: Production dtoffe Partie 3: Traitement dtoffe L

16、es annexes A et B font partie intgrante de la prsente partie de lISO 10782. Les annexes C et D sont donnes uniquement titre dinformation. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resal

17、e, 04/04/2007 23:24:52 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISO 10782-1:1998(E/F) ISO iv Introduction The various parts of ISO 10782 deal with the application level of data interfaces (as defined in ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994), and in particular with the content and tra

18、nsmission of terms specific to the textile industry. A high degree of conformity in the meaning and representation of specific terms is a prerequisite for compatibility and efficient data processing between different machines and control systems. NOTE It is planned that parts 2 and 3 of ISO 10782 wi

19、ll deal with the fabric manufacturing and fabric processing sectors of textile machinery respectively; however, no work has been started yet except the definition of the titles. These complementary projects are at a preliminary stage and not yet included in the work programme. Copyright Internationa

20、l Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/04/2007 23:24:52 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISOISO 10782-1:1998(E/F) v Introduction Les diffrentes parties

21、de lISO 10782 traitent du niveau dapplication des interfaces de donnes (comme dfini dans lISO/CEI 7498-1:1994), et en particulier des contenus et de la transmission de termes spcifiques lindustrie textile. Un haut niveau de conformit dans la signification des termes spcifiques est ncessaire pour la

22、compatibilit et un change de donnes efficace entre diffrentes machines et systmes de contrle. NOTE Il est prvu que lISO 10782-2 et lISO 10782-3 traitent de la fabrication dtoffe et du traitement dtoffe, respectivement; toutefois, aucun travail na pour linstant dbut si ce nest la dfinition des titres

23、. Ces projets complmentaires sont dans leur phase prliminaire et ne sont pas inclus dans le programme de travail. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/04/2007 23:24:52 M

24、DTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/04/2007 23:24:52 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted

25、 without license from IHS -,-,- INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE ISOISO 10782-1:1998(E/F) 1 Definitions and attributes of data elements for control and monitoring of textile processes Part 1: Spinning, spinning preparatory and related processes Dfinitions et attributs des lments de donnes

26、 pour la surveillance et la supervision des procds textiles Partie 1: Filature, prparation de filature et procds associs 1 Scope This part of ISO 10782 defines data elements typically used for linking short or long staple spinning machinery and data processing equipment directly or by means of a bus

27、 system or communication network. Included in this part of ISO 10782 are data elements of specific relevance to the user (superintendent, foreman, operator, maintenance personnel) in spinning mills. Terms related to data processing only are excluded from this part of ISO 10782. Each data element con

28、sists of a term with attributes. A short explanation of the applied meaning is added. A reference number is attached for identification purposes. The attributes given in this part of ISO 10782 aim, as far as feasible, to unify the presentation of the data elements and their transmission characterist

29、ics without unduly restricting engineering freedom. Qualifications are given for the format at the input point to transmssion of data retrieved by sensors. The formats for data transmission proper and for data presentation after transmission are excluded from this part of ISO 10782. 1 Domaine dappli

30、cation La prsente partie de lISO 10782 dfinit des lments de donnes typiquement utiliss pour relier des machines de filature de fibres courtes ou longues et des quipements de traitement de donnes par voie directe, ou au moyen dun bus ou dun rseau de communication. Sont inclus dans la prsente partie d

31、e lISO 10782 des lments de donnes ayant une signification spcifique pour lutilisateur (chef datelier, contrematre, oprateur, personnel dentretien) dune filature. Les termes uniquement spcifiques au traitement des donnes sont exclus de la prsente partie de lISO 10782. Chaque lment de donnes consiste

32、en un terme avec des attributs. Une courte explication de la signification applique est ajoute. Un numro de rfrence lui est attribu pour identification. Les attributs donns dans la prsente partie de lISO 10782 essayent, autant que faire ce peut, dunifier la reprsentation des lments de donnes et leur

33、s caractristiques de transmission sans trop rduire la possibilit de dveloppement. Les qualifications sont donnes pour le format au point de dpart de transmission des informations dlines par les capteurs. Les formats de reprsentation pour la transmission mme et pour la reprsentation aprs transmission

34、 sont exclus de la prsente partie de lISO 10782. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/04/2007 23:24:52 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IH

35、S -,-,- ISO 10782-1:1998(E/F) ISO 2 The data elements are grouped in a systematic manner reflecting such general notions as productivity, quality control and order processing. NOTES 1 The underlying data structure is open to the fieldbus systems under study within IEC/TC 65C. 2 In addition to terms

36、used in the official ISO languages (English and French), this part of ISO 10782 gives the equivalent terms in the German language; these are published under the responsibility of the member body for Switzerland (SNV). However, only the terms given in the official languages may be considered to be IS

37、O terms. Les lments de donnes sont regroups de manire systmatique de faon reprsenter des notions gnrales telles que la productivit, le contrle de qualit, le traitement des commandes. NOTES 1 La structure sous-jacente des donnes est laisse libre au systme de bus de terrain qui est en tude dans la CEI

38、/TC 65C. 2 En complment des termes utiliss dans deux des trois langues officielles de lISO (anglais et franais), la prsente partie de lISO 10782 donne les termes quivalents dans la langue allemande; ces termes sont publis sous la responsabilit du comit membre suisse (SNV). Toutefois, seuls les terme

39、s donns dans les langues officielles peuvent tre considrs comme tant des termes de lISO. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO 10782. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were v

40、alid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 10782 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Stand

41、ards. ISO 2:1973, Textiles Designation of the direction of twist in yarns and related products. ISO 96-1:1992, Textile machinery and accessories Rings and travellers for ring spinning and ring doubling frames Part 1: T-rings and their appropriate travellers. ISO 96-2:1992, Textile machinery and acce

42、ssories Rings and travellers for ring spinning and ring doubling frames Part 2: HZCH-, HZ- and J-rings and their appropriate travellers. ISO 1000:1992, SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units. ISO 1139:1973, Textiles Designation of yarns. ISO 1144:1973,

43、 Textiles Universal system for designating linear density (Tex system). ISO 13850:1996, Safety of machinery Emergency stop Principles for design. 2 Rfrences normatives Les normes suivantes contiennent des dispositions qui, par suite de la rfrence qui en est faite, constituent des dispositions valabl

44、es pour la prsente partie de lISO 10782. Au moment de la publication, les ditions indiques taient en vigueur. Toute norme est sujette rvision et les parties prenantes des accords fonds sur la prsente partie de lISO 10782 sont invites rechercher la possibilit dappliquer les ditions les plus rcentes d

45、es normes indiques ci- aprs. Les membres de la CEI et de lISO possdent le registre des Normes internationales en vigueur un moment donn. ISO 2:1973, Textiles Indication du sens de torsion des fils et produits associs. ISO 96-1:1992, Matriel pour lindustrie textile Anneaux et curseurs pour machines f

46、iler et retordre Partie 1: Anneaux T et leurs curseurs appropris. ISO 96-2:1992, Matriel pour lindustrie textile Anneaux et curseurs pour machines filer et retordre Partie 2: Anneaux HZCH, HZ et J et leurs curseurs appropris. ISO 1000:1992, Units SI et recommandations pour lemploi de leurs multiples

47、 et de certaines autres units. ISO 1139:1973, Textiles Dsignation des fils. ISO 1144:1973, Textiles Systme universel de dsignation de la masse linique (systme Tex). ISO 13850:1996, Scurit des machines Arrt durgence Principes de conception. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/04/2007 23:24:52 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,


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