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1、 Reference number ISO 14726-2:2002(E) ISO 2002 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 14726-2 First edition 2002-07-01 Ships and marine technology Identification colours for the content of piping systems Part 2: Additional colours for different media and/or functions Navires et technologie maritime Couleurs pou

2、r lidentification du contenu des systmes de tuyauterie Partie 2: Couleurs supplmentaires pour autres milieux et/ou fonctions ISO 14726-2:2002(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not b

3、e edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobes licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area. Adobe i

4、s a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO memb

5、er bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. ISO 2002 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or me

6、chanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web www.i

7、 Printed in Switzerland ii ISO 2002 All rights reserved ISO 14726-2:2002(E) ISO 2002 All rights reserved iii Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standard

8、s is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take

9、part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3. The main task of technical committees is t

10、o prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility

11、that some of the elements of this part of ISO 14726 may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 14726-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technology, Subcommittee SC 3, Piping and machinery. It

12、 cancels and replaces ISO 5571:1981, of which it constitutes a technical revision. ISO 14726 consists of the following parts, under the general title Ships and marine technology Identification colours for the content of piping systems: Part 1: Main colours and media Part 2: Additional colours for di

13、fferent media and/or functions Annexes A and B of this part of ISO 14726 are for information only. -,-,- ISO 14726-2:2002(E) iv ISO 2002 All rights reserved Introduction It is planned to merge ISO 14726-1 and ISO 14726-2 during the next review. -,-,- INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 14726-2:2002(E) ISO 20

14、02 All rights reserved 1 Ships and marine technology Identification colours for the content of piping systems Part 2: Additional colours for different media and/or functions 1 Scope This part of ISO 14726 specifies additional colours to be used with the main colours given in ISO 14726-1 for the mark

15、ing of piping systems in accordance with the content and/or function on board ships and marine structures. Additional colours may not be used if no differentiation of a single main colour on board is needed. This part of ISO 14726 does not apply to piping systems for medical gases, industrial gases

16、and cargos. It gives no definitions for the listed media and/or functions. These additional colours may also be used, together with the main colours, for piping systems on drawings and diagrams. 2 Normative references The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in t

17、his text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO 14726. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 14726 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent

18、 editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 14726-1:1999, Ships and marine technology Identification colours f

19、or the content of piping systems Part 1: Main colours and media IEC 60757:1983, Code for designation of colours CIE Publication 15.2:1986, Colorimetry (second edition) 3 Additional colours for media and/or functions Table 1 lists the names and letter codes for additional colours. Table 2 lists media

20、 or media by function. Every main colour has the possibility of being used with 11 additional colours. The empty boxes in Table 2 are reserved for further standardization. Informative annex A lists explanations for some media/functions. Informative annex B gives standard colours and their equivalent

21、 colour codes in other colour systems. -,-,- ISO 14726-2:2002(E) 2 ISO 2002 All rights reserved Table 1 Name of colour and letter code Name of colour Letter code a Black BK Blue BU Brown BN Green GN Grey GY Maroon MN Orange OG Silver SR Red RD Violet VT White WH Yellow YEO a As given in IEC 60757. T

22、able 2 Additional colours for different media and/or functions Waste media BK (main colour) Black water BK BU BK Waste oil/Used oil BK BN BK Bilge water BK GN BK Exhaust gas BK GY BK BK MN - BK BK OG BK BK SR BK BK RD BK BK VT BK Grey water BK WH BK Sewage, contaminated BK YEO BK Sea water GN (main

23、colour) GN BK GN Decontamination water GN BU GN Sea water, sanitary GN BN GN GN GY GN GN MN GN GN OG GN GN SR GN GN RD GN Ballast water GN VT GN GN WH GN Cooling sea water GN YEO GN Fresh water BU (main colour) BU BK BU Fresh water, sanitary BU BN BU Potable water BU GN BU Distillate BU GY BU BU MN

24、- BU Gas-turbine wash water BU OG BU Feed water BU SR BU BU RD BU Cooling fresh water BU VT BU Chilled water BU WH BU Condensate BU YEO BU Fuel BN (main colour) Heavy fuel (HFO) BN BK BN Aviation fuel BN BU BN BN GN BN BN GY BN BN MN - BN BN OG BN BN SR BN BN RD BN Biological fuel BN VT BN Gas-turbi

25、ne fuel BN WH BN Diesel fuel (MDO) BN YEO BN ISO 14726-2:2002(E) ISO 2002 All rights reserved 3 Table 2 Additional colours for different media and/or functions (continued) Non-flammable gases GY (main colour) GY BK GY Oxygen GY BU GY Inert gas GY BN GY Nitrogen GY GN GY Refrigerant GY MN GY Compress

26、ed air LP (Low Pressure) GY OG GY GY SR GY Compressed air HP (High Pressure) GY RD GY Control air/regulating air GY VT GY Breathing air a GY WH GY Breathing gas a GY YEO GN a This marking is used in submarines for distribution systems used for breathing air from cylinders. Masses (dry and wet) MN (m

27、ain colour) MN BK MN MN BU MN MN BN MN MN GN MN MN GY MN MN OG MN MN SR MN MN RD MN MN VT MN MN WH MN MN YEO MN Oil other than fuel OG (main colour) OG BK OG Thermal fluid OG BU OG OG BN OG Lubrication oil for gas turbines OG GN OG Hydraulic fluid OG GY OG OG MN OG Lubricating oil for steam turbines

28、 OG SR OG OG RD OG Lubrication oil for gears OG VT OG OG WH OG Lubricating oil for internal-combustion engines OG YEO OG Acids, alkalis VT (main colour) VT BK VT VT BU VT VT BN VT VT GN VT VT GY VT VT MN VT VT OG VT VT SR VT VT RD VT VT WH VT VT YEO VT Steam SR (main colour) Steam for heating purpos

29、es SR BK SR SR BU SR SR BN SR SR GN SR SR GY SR SR MN SR SR OG SR SR RD SR SR VT SR Exhaust steam SR WH SR Supply steam SR YEO SR Air in ventilation systems WH (main colour) Discharge air WH BK WH Mechanical supply air, cold WH BU WH Natural exhaust air WH BN WH Atmospheric air WH GN WH Mechanical e

30、xhaust air WH GY WH Decontaminated supply air WH MN WH Mechanical recirculated air WH OG WH Mechanical supply air, warm WH SR WH Smoke clearance WH RD WH Conditioned supply air WH VT WH Natural supply air WH YEO WH -,-,- ISO 14726-2:2002(E) 4 ISO 2002 All rights reserved Table 2 Additional colours f

31、or different media and/or functions (continued) Fire fighting/fire protection RD (main colour) RD BK RD RD BU RD RD BN RD Fire-fighting water RD GN RD Fire-fighting gas RD GY RD RD MN RD Sprinkler water RD OG RD RD SR RD Spray water RD VT RD Fire-fighting powder RD WH RD Fire-fighting foam RD YEO RD

32、 Flammable gases YEO (main colour) YEO BK YEO Hydrogen YEO BU YEO YEO BN YEO YEO GN YEO Acetylene YEO GY YEO YEO MN YEO YEO OG YEO YEO SR YEO YEO RD YEO Liquid gas YEO VT YEO YEO WH YEO 4 Design The marking shall be applied in accordance with ISO 14726-1:1999, clauses 5 and 6. The marking shall be r

33、eadily visible. It shall be arranged in such a way that the additional colour is surrounded by the main colour. -,-,- ISO 14726-2:2002(E) ISO 2002 All rights reserved 5 Annex A (informative) Explanations for some media/functions A.1 Waste media A.1.1 Description This includes all media that contains

34、 dirt or other foreign substances. These media are described in A.1.2 to A.1.6. A.1.2 Black water Black water includes the following. a) Sewage from all kinds of toilets, urinals and bidets. b) Sewage from all kinds of medical areas (hospital, pharmacy, etc.) and from all wash-basins, bathing tubes

35、and scuppers located in these areas. c) Sewage from rooms with living animals. d) Sewage that contains any sewage from a) to c). A.1.3 Waste oil/used oil Oil drained after admissible working hours, exceeding admissible analysis values or containing dirt or other foreign substances. A.1.4 Bilge water

36、 Water from all kinds of ship bilges. A.1.5 Exhaust gas Exhaust from combustion engines, boilers and thermal fluid heaters. A.1.6 Grey water All kinds of sewage from sanitation rooms, provision rooms, ventilation rooms, cargo holds and decks, excluding black water. A.1.7 Sewage, contaminated All con

37、taminated sewage, excluding black water and grey water. ISO 14726-2:2002(E) 6 ISO 2002 All rights reserved A.2 Fresh water A.2.1 Description This includes water used for either human consumption or for engineering technical purposes, e.g. fresh water for cooling engines. A.2.2 Fresh water types Fres

38、h water types include the following. a) Fresh water, sanitary: fresh water used in sanitation plants. b) Cooling fresh water: fresh water, with additional substances used for cooling purposes. c) Gas-turbine wash water: fresh water used for washing gas turbines. d) Feed water: water to feed a boiler

39、. e) Distillate: chemically pure water. f) Potable water: water used for human consumption. g) Chilled water: water used as a heat carrier, e.g. in an air-conditioning plant. h) Condensate: condensed steam. A.3 Fuel A.3.1 Description Fuel is a substance that is used to produce heat by burning. A.3.2

40、 Fuel types Types of fuel include the following. a) Heavy fuel (HFO): fuel according to ISO 8216-0, family R. b) Aviation fuel: fuel used for aircraft. c) Biological fuel: all fuels of biological origin. d) Gas-turbine fuel: fuel used for gas turbines. e) Diesel fuel (MDO): fuel according to ISO 821

41、6-1, category DMC. A.4 Sea water A.4.1 Description Sea water is water taken from outside the ship. ISO 14726-2:2002(E) ISO 2002 All rights reserved 7 A.4.2 Sea-water types Sea-water types include the following. a) Decontamination water: sea water used for decontamination purposes. b) Sea water, sani

42、tary: sea water used for the sanitation plant. c) Ballast water: sea water used for stability, trimming, anti-rolling and rigidity purposes. d) Cooling sea water: sea water used for cooling purposes. A.5 Non-flammable gases Non-flammable gas types include the following. a) Oxygen. b) Nitrogen. c) Co

43、mpressed air: air under pressure that is greater than that of the atmosphere. d) Refrigerant: substance used as a heat carrier for refrigeration purposes. e) Control air/regulation air: air used for control and regulation purposes. f) Breathing air: compressed air used in breathing-air cylinders. g)

44、 Breathing gas: Compressed gas used in breathing-gas cylinders. A.6 Oil other than fuel A.6.1 Description This includes natural and synthetic oils other than fuel. A.6.2 Types Types of oil other than fuel include the following. a) Thermal fluid: fluid used as a heat carrier in thermal-fluid heater s

45、ystems. b) Lubricating oil for gas turbines: oil used for lubricating purposes in a gas-turbine plant. c) Hydraulic fluid: fluid used in hydraulic systems to transmit pressure and/or volumetric flow. d) Lubricating oil for steam turbines: oil used for lubricating purposes in a steam-turbine plant. e

46、) Lubricating oil for gears: oil used for lubricating purposes in gears. f) Lubricating oil for internal-combustion engines: oil used for lubricating purposes in internal-combustion engines. -,-,- ISO 14726-2:2002(E) 8 ISO 2002 All rights reserved A.7 Steam A.7.1 Description Steam is the invisible v

47、apour into which water is converted when heated to boiling point. A.7.2 Types Types of steam include the following. a) Steam for heating purposes: steam used for heating purposes. b) Supply steam: steam that passes into an apparatus. c) Exhaust steam: steam that is returning from an apparatus. A.8 Fire fighting/fire protectio


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