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1、International Standard 4082 0 *Q - Class B : Heavy duty applications. 3 References IS0 303, Road vehicles - Installation of lighting and light signaling devices. 1) IS0 3833, Road vehicles - Types - Terms and definitions. 4 General 4.1 Inscriptions Each flasher shall bear, clearly legibly and indeli

2、bly, the trade name or mark of the manufacturer, the rated voltage, and the identification numbers of the terminals provided according to table 1, and also the wattages of the lamps for which the flasher is designed. Identification number of the terminals) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 102) 112) 12 13 14 15 16

3、I Other terminal identific Table 1 - Identification of the flasher unit terminal Allocation Current supply To the turn signal switch To the pilot lamp 2 Common return To the pilot lamp 1 To the pilot lamp 3 “0ff”circuit of the operational tell-tale Return from the turn signal switch, left side Retur

4、n from the turn signal switch, right side To the left direction indicator lights (motor vehicle) To the right direction indicator lights (motor vehicle) To the left direction indicator lights (towed vehicle) To the right direction indicator lights (towed vehicle) To the left supplementary side direc

5、tion indicators on the motor vehicle and/or the towed vehicle To the right supplementary side direction indicators on the motor vehicle and/or towed vehicle To the turn signal switch, auxiliary circuit for the towed vehicle 3ns are allowed. 2) When front and rear direction indicator lights of a moto

6、r vehicle are individually connected to the flasher, the corresponding terminals shall each have the Same identification number. 1) At present at the stage of draft. (Revision of ISO/R 303-1963.) IS0 4082-1981 (El 4.2 Functions The functions of the flashers may be the following : 4.2.1 Flasher exclu

7、sively for direction indicator lights. 4.2.2 Flasher exclusively for hazard warning signalling. 4.2.3 Combined flasher for direction indicator lights and for hazard warning signalling. 4.3 Conditions of application The conditions of application may be the following : 4.3.1 Motor vehicle not equipped

8、 with devices to draw towed vehicles. 4.3.2 Motor vehicle equipped with devices for drawing one towed vehicle only. 4.3.3 Motor vehicle equipped with devices for drawing two towed vehicles. 4.3.4 Motor vehicle equipped with devices for drawing only one towed vehicle, with two-circuit flasher. 4.3.5

9、Motor vehicle equipped with devices for drawing two towed vehicles, with two-circuit flasher. 5 Electrical characteristics 5.1 Working voltage The working voltage is the voltage existing between points D and E of the test circuit according to 5.3, the flasher being short-circuited. 5.2 General test

10、conditions If not otherwise specified, the flasher shall be tested in a room having an ambient temperature of 23 * 5 X, at a working voltage of 13 V or 26 V. The flashers shall be tested in the position (or positions) in- dicated by the manufacturer. 5.3 Test circuitry and equipment 5.3.1 Wiring dia

11、gram The resistances in the circuitry shall have the values indicated in the wiring diagram shown in figure 1. The resistances of the cables and the ammeter are included in the resistances in- dicated in the wiring diagram. To check these resistances, the flasher and the filament lamps shall be shor

12、t-circuited by two shunts with a resistance not exceeding 0,005 n each. a a = stabilized power supply b = flasher unit c = one towed vehicle d = two towed vehicles e = pilot lamps f = main lamps Figure 1 - Wiring diagram for the testing of flashers (example for a flasher with one pilot circuit) IS0

13、4082-1981 (E) 5.3.2 Filament lamps Only filament lamps according a forthcoming IEC Publication shall be used. This does not apply to the pilot lamps when they are not connected in parallel to the main lamps. 5.3.3 Measuring equipment The measuring equipment used to measure the flashing fre- quency,

14、the “on-time, the starting time, and the voltage drop in the flasher, shall not disturb the circuit. 5.3.4 Tests The stabilized power supply used for the measurements shall comply with the following requirements : For all tests, except for the test conducted according to 5.16 : - the stabili

15、zed power supply shall be capable of supply- ing the steady load current continuously and the inrush cur- rent, necessary for the tests; - the voltage between B and C (see figure 1) shall not deviate by more than I,0 V when the load is raised from 0 to the maximum value (inrush current included). Th

16、e voltage variation shall not exceed 370 mV after 106 us; - static regulation : the voltage between B and C (see figure 1) shall not deviate by more than 2 % with changes in static load from 0 to the maximum stabilized value (not in- cluding inrush current), or for static input line voltage varia- t

17、ions; - ripple voltage : maximum 75 mV, peak to peak. For the durability test (see 5.161 : - voltage between B and C (see figure I) 14 V or 28 V and 13 V or 26 V according to the mode of use of the flasher (see 5.16.1 and 5.16.2); - the voltage between B and C (see figure I) shall not deviat

18、e by more than I,0 V when the load is raised from 0 to the maximum load (inrush current included); the voltage variation shall not exceed 370 mV after IO ms; - static regulation : the voltage between B and C (see figure 1) shall not deviate by more than 2 % with changes in static load from 0 to the

19、maximum load (not including inrush current), or for static input line voltage variations; - ripple voltage : maximum 300 mV, peak to peak. 5.4 Adjustments The voltage at the terminals D and E of the filament lamps shall be adjusted to 13,5 V or 28,0 V after the flasher has been short- circuited by a

20、 shunt according to 5.3.1. The lamps used for the tests shall be selected so that the sum of the wattages does not deviate by more than + 2 % and - 6 % from the sum of the corresponding mean wattage values at 13,5 V or 28 V. The current to obtain the electrical load of the motor vehicle and, if appl

21、icable, of the towed vehicle (or towed vehicles) shall be adjusted to a precision of 0,5 % of the sum of the cor- responding mean wattage values at test voltage according to the IEC Publication, by adjusting one of the trimmer resistors RI or Rz, the other being neutralized. The filament lamps for t

22、he auxiliary side direction indicators, when applicable, shall be included. The filament lamps of the pilot indicators shall also be included when they are connected in parallel to the main lamps. The adjustments shall be made individually for each (simulated) vehicle. For the tests, the power suppl

23、y shall be so adjusted to obtain the voltages specified at the terminals D and E at the different test temperatures without re-adjustment of the trimming resistors RI or Rz. 5.4.1 The “operating” tell-tales shall be provided and con- nected in the test circuit as indicated by the manufacturer. 5.4.2

24、 In the case of functioning for hazard warning signals, an additional filament lamp shall be provided corresponding to the pilot lamp for the hazard warning signal according to the indica- tions of the manufacturer. 5.5 Starting time 5.5.1 By convention, the following terms apply : - beginning of th

25、e current “on-time is the moment when, starting from a voltage equal to or less than 3 V (or 6 VI, the working voltage reaches 11 V (or 22 VI. - beginning of the current “off”-time is the moment when, staffing from a voltage equal to or exceeding 11 V (or 22 VI, the working voltage reaches 3 V (or 6

26、 VI. 5.5.2 The beginning of the first current “on-time shall be within not more than 1,O s after having closed the switch F at a working voltage of 13 V or 26 V, adjusted before. 5.5.3 The period of time for the first current “on-time shall be at least 0,2 s. 5.5.4 The beginning of the first current

27、 “off-time shall be within not more than I,5 s after having closed the switch F at a working voltage of 13 V or 26 V, previouslyadjusted. 5.5.5 ,The requirements of 5.5.2,5.5.3 and 5.5.4 shall be com- plied with on the basis of an average of three starts which shall be separated by a cooling interva

28、l of at least 5 min. The same requirement shall be complied with for one start only after 5 min continuous operation. 3 -,-,- ISO4082-1981(E) 5.6 Frequency and current “on-time 5.6.1 Frequency Functioning for direction indicator signals With the lowest and the highest electrical load (i.e. f

29、or the smallest and the greatest number of lamps for which the flasher involved is designed), the flash rate shall comply with the indications of table 2 when, after at least five consecutive cycles, the mean value of at least three consecutive cycles is determined. Table 2 - Flashing frequency for

30、flashers functioning as direction indicator signals Working voltage V Measurements shall be taken after 2 h stabilization at the specified temperatures. The time of operation at the temperature of - 18 OC shall not exceed 15 s. At the temperature of + 52 “C, measurements shall be taken after 5 -I- 1

31、 min of continuous operation. Functioning for hazard warning signals With the lowest and the highest electrical load, the flash rate shall comply with the values of table 3 when, after at least five consecutive cycles, the mean value of at least three con- secutive cycles is determined. Tabl

32、e 3 - Flashing frequency for flashers functioning as hazard warning signals Working voltage V Stabilized temperature after 2 h OC Flash rate cycles/min - 18 + 2,5 22,O and 26,0 11.0 and 13.0 +23 it shall, however, be at least 140 cycles/min. b) in the case of a frequency decrease, such a decrease sh

33、all be at least 50 % of the frequency existing originally under the same conditions, the resulting frequency shall, however, not exceed 50 cycles/min. In the case of a lamp, it is considered that it ceases to function when it remains either extinguished or lit. The main filament lamp (or lamps) rema

34、ining operable shall continue to flash with a flash rate between 40 and 250 cycles/min, but at 13 V or 26 V only. 4 -,-,- IS0 4082-1981 (El The tests shall be carried out under conditions where the sum of the wattages of the lamps which are still operable, the lamps for the auxiliary side direction

35、indicators (when applicable), and the lamps for the pilot indicators (when they are connected in parallel to the main lamps), correspond to the indications of table 5. These wattages are obtained by lamp selection. This test shall be carried out according to the principles as defined in 5.4, but wit

36、hout the resistors R, and R2. Table 5 - Lamp load for operational tell-tale test . (one main lamp failed) Flasher intended Deviation of the sum of the for use with wattages of the filament lamps from W the mean values at 13.5 V or 25 V % 1 x 21 not applicable 2 x 21 +5to+6 3 x 21 +5to+6 4 x 21 t3to+

37、4 5.8 Voltage drop The measurements shall bz carried out after at least five com- plete cycles of functioning. The flasher being fed with 13 V, the smallest voltage drop measured between the input terminal and the output terminal considered shall not exceed 0,4 V (0,45 V for three or more main filam

38、ent lamps) when operating for “direction indicating” and 0,5 V IO,6 V for more than four main filament lamps) when operating for “hazard warning signalling”. The flasher being fed with 26 V, the smallest voltage drop measured between the input terminal and the output terminal considered shall not ex

39、ceed 0,8 V when operating for “direc- tion indicating” and I,0 V when operating for “hazard warning signalling”. 5.9 Dielectric strength When new and in an ambient air relative humidity of 45 to 75 %, the flasher shall be capable of withstanding for 1 min a voltage of 1 000 V r.m.s. with a frequency

40、 of 50 Hz or 60 Hz between the terminals and the exterior metallic parts (mounting brackets, housing, rivets), if these parts are not electrically con- nected to one of the terminals. This test is not required where such exterior metallic parts do not exist or if an electrical connection exists as m

41、entioned above. 5.10 Transient overvoltage strength An International Standard on electromagnetic compatibility is under Rreparation. 5.11 Overload strength With a voltage of 13 V or 26 V, the flasher shall be capable of resisting a maximum current of 25 A once only for 10 s bet- ween the input termi

42、nal and the output terminal considered (pilot lamp circuits excepted). Before the test, the flasher terminals considered shall be shunted by 5 ma max. With the resistor R, the current shall be adjusted to 25 Al) (see figure 2). Then, the shunt shall be removed for the test. Figure 2 -. Wiring diagra

43、m for the overload strength testing 5.12 Vibration test The flasher shall be mounted on a test bench in the position and with the method of mounting corresponding to the moun- ting on the vehicle. The test shall be carried out at an ambient temperature of 23 f 5 OC. 5.12.1 Operational tell-tale With

44、 sinusoidal vibrations between - 20 and 50 Hz with an acceleration amplitude of 30 m/s2 for class A flashers, - 20 and 200 Hz with an acceleration amplitude of 50 m/s2 for class B flashers, the flash rates of the main filament lamps shall comply with the specifications of 5.6.1. However, this test i

45、s only required at a temperature of 23 f 5 OC. Furthermore, the operational tell-tales shall not cease function- ing. Momentary frequency variations with respect to the main filament lamps are, however, allowed, This test shall be carried out successively according to the three axes. 1) This value w

46、ill be increased to 35 A from the first of January 1961. 5 -,-,- IS0 4082-1981 (El 5.12.2 Endurance vibration test The flasher, not connected to the power supply, shall be sub- jected to sinusoidal vibrations varying from - 20 to 50 Hz and from 50 to 20 Hz within 1 min with an acceleration amplitude

47、 of 50 m/s* for class A flashers, - 20 to 200 Hz and from 200 to 20 Hz with a frequency variation of 2 octaves/min and with an acceleration amplitude of 50 m/s2 for class B flashers. After 45 h of test, equally divided between the three main axes, the flasher shall not have deteriorated and shall st

48、ill comply with the conditions specified in 5.5 and 5.6. Furthermore, the tell-tales shall still be operable. 5.13 Impact test 5.13.1 Test conditions At an ambient temperature of 23 + 5 OC, the flasher shall be suspended at the end of a wire of 500 mm length, the other end of which shall be fixed. T

49、he fixing point shall be in the plane of a vertical face of a steel block of mass 25 kg. The wire shall be moved to make an angle of 6o” with the vertical in a plane perpendicular to the corresponding steel block surface. The flasher shall then be released to strike the block. This test shall be carried out in both directions of each of the three main axes. One test only shall be conducted on each sam- ple. 5.13.2 Specifications after the test After at least 3


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