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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE ISOAEC 2382-l 3 Second edition Deuxibme Edition 1996-06-01 Information technology - Vocabulary - Part 13: Computer graphics Technologies de Iinformation - Vocabulaire - Pat-tie 13: lnfographie Reference number Numero de reference ISO/IEC 2382-l 3:1996(E/F)

2、 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/07/2007 08:57:42 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISOfiEC 2382-13 : 1996 (E/F) Contents Page For

3、eword Introduction Section 1: General 1.1 Scope 1.2 Normative references 1.3 Principles and rules followed 1.3.1 Definition of an entry 1.3.2 Organization of an entry 1.3.3 Classification of entries 1.3.4 Selection of terms and wording of definitions 1.3.5 Multiple meanings 1.3.6 Abbreviations 1.3.7

4、 Use of parentheses 1.3.8 Use of brackets 1.3.9 Use of terms printed in italic typeface in definitions and the use of an asterisk 1.3.10 Spelling 1.3.11 Organization of the alphabetical index Section 2: Terms and definitions 13 Computer graphics 13.01 General concepts 13.02 Representation and storag

5、e of images 13.03 Display of images 13.04 Functional units 13.05 Operating methods and processes Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Alphabetical indexes English French iv vi 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 8 13 16 21 29 30 31 32 33 38 0 ISO/IEC 1996 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified,

6、no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. / Droits de reproduction reserves. Sauf prescription differente, aucune partie de cette publication

7、 ne peut etre reproduite ni utilisee sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun pro a row of dots may be used to indicate, in a term, a word to be chosen in each particular case; c) the preferred term in a particular country (identified according to the rules of IS0 3166); d) the abbreviation for t

8、he term; e) permitted synonymous term(s); f) the text of the definition (see 1.3.4); g) one or more examples with the heading “Example(s)“; h) one or more notes specifying particular cases in the field of application of the concepts with the heading “NOTE(S)“; i) a picture, a diagram, or a table whi

9、ch could be common to several entries. 1.3.3 Classification of entries A two-digit serial number is assigned to each part of ISO/IEC 2382, beginning with 01 for “Fundamental terms”. The entries are classified in groups to each of which is assigned a four-digit serial number; the first two digits bei

10、ng those of the part of ISO/IEC 2382. Each entry is assigned a six-digit index number; the first four digits being those of the part of ISO/IEC 2382 and the group. To show the relationship between versions of this ISO/IEC 2382 in various languages, the numbers assigned to park, groups, and entries a

11、re the same for all languages. 1.3.4 Selection of terms and wording of definitions The selection of terms and the wording of definitions have, as far as possible, followed established usage. Where there were contradictions, solutions agreeable to the majority have been sought. Chaque article contien

12、t des elements essentiels definis en 1.3.1 et, si necessaire, des elements supplementaires. Larticle peut done comprendre dans Iordre les elements suivants : a) un numero de reference (le mdme, quelle que soit la langue de publication de la presente partie de IISO/CEI 2382) ; b) le terme, ou le term

13、e prefer6 en general dans la langue. Labsence, dans une langue, de terme consacre ou a conseiller pour exprimer une notion est indiquee par un symbole consistant en cinq points de suspension ( . ) ; les points de suspension peuvent etre employ c) le terme prefere dans un certain pays (identifie selo

14、n les regles de IISO 3166) ; d) Iabreviation pouvant etre employee a la place du terme ; e) le terme ou les termes admis comme synonymes ; f) le texte de la definition (voir 1.3.4) ; g) un ou plusieurs exemples precedes du titre Exemple(s) ; h) une ou plusieurs notes precisant le domaine dapplicatio

15、n de la notion, precedees du titre ; i) une figure, un schema ou un tableau, pouvant etre communs a plusieurs articles. 1.3.3 Classification des articles Chaque partie de IISO/CEI 2382 recoit un numero dordre ?I deux chiffres, en commencant par 01 .pour la partie “Termes fondamentaux”Erreur! Source

16、du renvoi introuvable Les articles sont repartis en groupes qui recoivent chacun un numero dordre a quake chiffres, les deux premiers chiffres volumetric top and side views of a lake showing temperature data; a two-dimensional model of electrical waves in the heart. 13.01.08 (24.02.03) geometric mod

17、eling The creation, on a data processing system, of a model which represents three-dimensionat shapes in a form that can be manipulated. 13.01.09 (24.02.04) surfacing surface modeling The creation, on a data processing system, of a model which represents the surfaces of objects. 13.01 .I0 (24.02.05)

18、 solid modeling volume modeling A three-dimensional geometric modeling which deals with the solid characteristics of an object in order to represent its internal structure as well as its external shapes. f3.01.11 coordinate graphics line graphics Computer graphics in which display images are compose

19、d entirely of line segments. 13.01.12 raster graphics Computer graphics in which a display image is composed of an array of pixels arranged in rows and columns. 13.01.13 scene A real-life setup of objects. 13.01.14 Graphical Kernel System GKS (abbreviation) A standardized graphical system that provi

20、des a set of functions for computer graphics *programming, and a functional interface between an application software and the graphical input-output units. 13.01.07 visualisation scientifique visualisation (en infographie) reprhsentation visuelle Utilisation de Iinfographie et du traitement dimage p

21、our rep une vue volumt5trique horizontale ou verticale dun lac montrant les temp un modele bidimensionnel des ondes 6lectriques du coeur. 13.01.08 (24.02.03) modblisation gkom however, arrangements may be made for producing a hard copy of this representation. 13.04.03 screen A display surface on whi

22、ch nonpermanent display images may appear. 13.04.04 graphics workstation A workstation that can display and process graphic and alphanumeric data, and may include one or more input units. 13.04.05 calligraphic display device directed-beam display device A display device in which the disp/ay elements

23、 may be generated in any program-controlled sequence. 13.04.06 vector display device vector-refresh display A display device that generates a display image as a series of vectors drawn from point to point in a systematic sequence. NOTE - The display image is regenerated or refreshed to avoid fading.

24、 13.04.07 plasma panel gas panel That part of a display device which consists of a grid of electrodes in a flat, gas-filled panel. NOTE - The displav image can persist for a long time without refresh. 13.04.08 active matrix display device active matrix display A display device that gives every pixel

25、 on the screen its own transistor to control it more accurately. 13.04.02 (12.08.12) dispositif daffichage afficheur Organe de sortie qui fournit une repr toutefois des dispositions peuvent any pointing device. 13.04.24 pointing device An instrument used to move a symbol or a cursor on a screen. Exa

26、mples: A mouse, a trackball, or a joystick. 13.04.25 digitizer graphics digitizer A graphical input unit for converting geometrical analog data into digital form. 13.04.26 trackball control ball A locator device or a pointing device that employs a ball that is rotatable about its center. 13.04.27 jo

27、ystick A locator device or a pointing device that employs a lever with at least two degrees of freedom. 13.04.28 thumbwheel A valuator device that employs a wheel rotatable about its axis. NOTE - A pair of thumbwheels can be used for two-dimensional locations: one thumbwheel provides the position in

28、 the vertical direction, while the other provides the position in the horizontal direction. 13.04.20 morphage (n.m.) Technique danimation par ordinateor permettant de lier et de fusionner deux images ou plus afin de cr6er des effets sp tout dispositif de pointage. 13.04.24 dispositif de pointage Dis

29、positif utilis6 pour dbplacer un symbole ou un curseur sur un b) Phong shading. Highlight falls in polygon interieur: c) Gouraud shading: d) Phong shading. Mod b) ombrage de Phong. Cas oti le faisceau lumineux arrive a Iinterieur du polygone : c) ombrage de Gouraud ; d) ombrage de Phong. 30 Copyrigh

30、t International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/07/2007 08:57:42 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 0 ISO/IEC lSO/lEC 2382-13 : 1996 (E/F) Level 0 / Niveau

31、 0 a primitive processing Programmers puck pull-down pushbutton pushed N NDC (abbreviation) . . . . _ _ . . . . . . 13.02.12 normalized device coordinate . . . . . . . . 13.02.12 normalized transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.02.14 0 obscure -13.05.52 occlude -13.05.53 octree .13.02.37 opera

32、ting space 13.03.06 outline representation 13.02.31 output primitive . 13.02.15 form overlay . -13.05.67 P koala pad 13.04.32 plasma panel 13.04.07 gas panel 13.04.07 panning . 13.05.64 panoramic translating . 13.05.64 passive matrix display device . .13.04.09 passive matrix display .13.04.09 fill p

33、attern . .13.05.17 stipple pattern . 13.05.49 pel (abbreviation) . .13.03.08 PHIGS (abbreviation). .13.01.18 Phong shading 13.02.28 pick device . .13.04.34 pictogram .13.03.17 picture processing .13.01.04 picture element ,13.03.08 pixel . .13.03.08 pixel value .13.03.10 pixel map 13.03.12 pixmap 13.

34、03.12 plasma panel . .13.04.07 drum plotter . .13.04.10 flatbed plotter . .13.04.11 raster plotter . 13.04.12 electrostatic plotter . .13.04.13 plotting head . 13.04.14 addressable point 13.02.05 pointer (in computer graphics) . 13.04.33 pointing device 13.04.24 polygon fill 13.02.32 graphic primiti

35、ve . . . 13.02.15 output primitive . 13.02.15 input primitive . 13.02.33 image processing 13.01.04 picture processing . 13.01.04 Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System . .13.01.18 puck . .13.04.30 pull-down menu . .13.05.43 pushbutton 13.04.36 virtual pushbutton . 13.04.37 pushed windo

36、w . 13.05.35 quadtree RAM raster rasterization rate ray Reference refresh regeneration relative rendering representation reverse rolling rollover Q quadtree . 1302.36 R video RAM . .13.04.41 raster graphics 13.01 .I2 raster 13.03.24 raster unit . 13.03.25 raster scan 13.03.33 raster display 13.0334

37、raster image 13.0334 raster plotter . 13.04.12 rasterization 13.02.22 refresh rate . 13.05.07 ray tracing . 13.02.29 Computer Graphics Reference Model . 13.01.16 refresh 13.05.06 refresh rate . 13.05.07 regeneration 13.05.05 image regeneration . 13.05.05 relative coordinate . 13.02.07 relative vecto

38、r . 13.03.22 relative command . 13.05.03 relative instruction (deprecated in this sense) . 13.05.03 rendering . .13.02.21 wireframe representation .13.02.20 outline representation 13.02.31 reverse video . .13.04.18 reverse clipping . 13.05.55 rolling . 13.05.57 rollover windowing 13.05.44 rubber-ban

39、ding rubberbanding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _._ 13.05.14 run-length run-length encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _._ 13.02.03 S scale scaling scan scanning scene scientific screen scroll scrolling sense gray scale . 13.03.19 scaling (in computer graphics) 13.05.22

40、 scan line . 13.02.35 raster scan 13.03.33 scanning line . 13.02.35 scene . .13.01.13 scientific visualization 13.01.07 screen . 13.04.03 scroll bar . 13.05.58 scroll box 13.05.59 scrolling (in computer graphics) . .13.05.56 vertical scrolling 13.0557 display instruction (deprecated in this sense) .

41、 13.05.01 absolute instruction (deprecated in this sense) shading shielding . 13.05.02 relative instruction (deprecated in this sense) . 13.05.03 shading . 13.02.25 smooth shading 13.02.26 Gouraud shading 13.02.27 Phong shading 13.02.28 shielding . 13.05.55 shrink 13.05.38 Copyright International Or

42、ganization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/07/2007 08:57:42 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 0 ISO/IEC lSO/lEC 2382-13 : 1996 (E/F) size smooth soft solid space stati

43、c stipple stow stretch stroke surface surfacing symbol System tablet texture thumbwheel tile tiling tracing trackball tracking transformation translating tumbling unit update user valuator value vector increment size . 13.03.23 smooth shading 13.02.26 soft copy . 13.03.03 solid modeling . 13.01.10 (

44、24.02.05) virtual space (in computer graphics) . 13.0234 device space .13.03.04 display space . .13.03.06 operating space 13.03.06 static image 13.05.65 stipple pattern .13.05.49 -do stow . .13.05.37 do stretch . 13.05.23 stroke character generator . .13.04.16 stroke device .13.04.40 surface modelin

45、g 13.01.09 (24.02.04) hidden surface . .13.02.19 display surface 13.03.07 surfacing . 13.01.09 (24.02.04) tracking symbol .13.05.11 aiming symbol 13.05.12 Graphical Kernel System .13.01.14 Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System . .13.01 .I8 T graphics tablet . .13.04.31 texture 13.02.2

46、3 texture mapping 13.02.24 thumbwheel 13.04.26 tile (1). 13.05.46 tile (2) . 13.05.47 background tile . 13.05.48 tiling 13.05.45 ray tracing . 13.02.29 trackball 13.04.26 tracking (in computer graphics). 13.05.10 tracking symbol .13.05-l 1 device transformation . .13.02.13 normalized transformation

47、.13.02.14 window/viewport transformation . .13.05.30 translating (in computer graphics). 13.05.21 panoramic translating . 13.05.64 tumbling 13.05.63 U raster unit . 13.03.25 update dynamics . 13.01.06 user coordinate . 13.02.09 V valuator device 13.04.38 valuator 13.04.38 pixel value . 13.03.10 voxe

48、l value 13.03.1 1 absolute vector . 13.03.21 relative vector . 13.03.22 vector display device . 13.04.06 vector-refresh vertical video view viewport virtual visualization volume voxel VRAM vector generator 13.04.22 vector-refresh display . .13.04.06 vertical scrolling 13.05.57 reverse video . .13.04

49、.18 inverse video . 13.04.18 video RAM 13.04.41 view (in computer graphics) 13.02.38 viewport 13.05.29 virtual space (in computer graphics) . 13.0234 virtual pushbutton . 13.04.37 scientific visualization 13.01 .07 visualization (in computer graphics) . 13.01.07 volume modeling . 13.01 .I0 (24.02.05) volume element 13.03.09 voxel. 13.03.09 voxel value 13.03.11 VRAM (abbreviation). . -13.04.41 W window window (1) 13.05.27 display window 13.05


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