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1、International Standard ( 6422 0 * 4 d!ig! INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FORSTANDARDIZATIONMEYHAPOAHAR OPTAHM3AUMR fl0 CTAHAAPTHBAU#H*ORGANlSATlON INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Layout key for trade documents Formule-cadre pour /es documents commerciaux First edition - 1965-10-15 z UDC 651.5 : 656.6 Re

2、f. No. IS0 6422-1965 (E) B 7 Descriptors : foreign trade, commercial documents, layout, design, data layout. i2 i? Price based on 4 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/

3、27/2007 21:57:40 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Foreword IS0 (the international Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried o

4、ut through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Dra

5、ft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting. Int

6、ernational Standard IS0 6422 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 154, Documents and data elements in administration, commerce and industry. Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time and that any reference made herein to any other International Stand

7、ard implies its latest edition, unless otherwise stated 0 International Organization for Standardization, 1985 0 Printed in Switzerland Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/27

8、/2007 21:57:40 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 6422-1985 (El Layout key for trade documents 0 Introduction International agreement on the layout of documents used in in- ternational trade was reached in the United Nations Economic

9、Commission for Europe (ECE) in 1963 with the adoption of the ECE Layout Key. Since then, forms for maritime, rail, road and postal transport have been aligned on the ECE Layout Key by recommendations or provisions in relevant conventions, as well as forms under various international Customs conventi

10、ons, preferential arrangements and commodity agreements. In 1969 the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations took note of an ECE Recommendation to use the layout key whenever documents are designed for international trade tran- sactions. This paved the way for international acceptance of t

11、he layout key by international organizations and regional bodies, such as the United Nations regional economic commis- sions for Africa (ECA) and Asia and Pacific (ESCAP). In 1975 it was noted that documents aligned on the ECE Layout Key had already been introduced in many countries outside the ECE

12、region, including countries with broad interest in world trade such as Australia, Japan, and New Zealand, and that the introduction of urgently needed common national systems had been facilitated by the availability of an International Standard. In 1978 the ECE Committee on the Development of Trade

13、noted “with satisfaction that the layout key for trade documents agreed by ECE experts in 1963, and formally recommended by the Working Party on Facilitation of International Trade Pro- cedures in 1973, had reached a level of world-wide acceptance that made it feasible to refer to it as the United N

14、ations Layout Key for Trade Documents”. This International Standard is based on the aforementioned layout key, amended according to the new version, published by the United Nations in 1982. National standards organizations and national trade facilitation organs, in both developed and developing coun

15、tries, have issued standards or recommended national layout keys aligned with the ECE Recommendation and also series of aligned documents for the use of their nationals in foreign trade trans- actions. Some regional groupings such as the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) and the Commissi

16、on of the European Communities (CCE) have aligned many forms for basic documents needed in interregional trade. Progress in the field of automatic data processing (ADP) and data transmission has been rapid and concern has been ex- pressed that the development of documentation procedures to match new

17、 techniques could result in incompatibility between highly and less sophisticated systems applied in various areas in the world, and also that the United Nations Layout Key for Trade Documents might not be suitable for ADP applications. On the basis of experience in several countries and organiza- t

18、ions, it has been confirmed, however, that the United Nations Layout Key system is suitable for these applications as well as for traditional methods, and it is felt that it is justified and ap- propriate to recommend it as a common basis for the presenta- tion of documents for international trade,

19、whether these documents be processed by automated or traditional, non- automated methods. NOTE - Trade documents based on the United Nations layout key, if sent in a window envelope, may not always comply with all the criteria of standardized postal items as defined by the Universal Postal Union. As

20、 a result, articles of this type, when sent through the post, may not be able to benefit from the preferential rates and handling granted by the postal administration of certain countries of posting. 1 Scope and field of application This International Standard specifies a key for the layout of docum

21、ents relating to administrative, commercial, productive and distributive activities constituting trade, irrespective whether these documents are completed in handwriting, by mechanical or automatic equipment or by reproduction. It is in: tended particularly for the designing of aligned series of for

22、ms employing a reproducible master in a one-run method of docu- ment preparation. Documents prepared in this way are regard- ed as originals and copies in the same manner as documents prepared by other methods. 2 References IS0 216, Writing paper and certain classes of printed matter - Trimmed sizes

23、 - A and B series. IS0 3535, Forms design sheet and layout chart. UNIECEIFAL Recommendation No. 15, Simpler Shipping Marks. 1) 1) Available from : United Nations, Sales Section, Palais des Nations, CH-1211 GENEVA 10, or United Nations, Sales Section, NEW YORK 1 Copyright International Organization f

24、or Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/27/2007 21:57:40 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- lSO6422-1995(E) 3 Layout key The layout key as shown in the example lays down the bas

25、ic principles for the design of the image area on documents for use in international trade. Generally, the design of the layout key is based on the “box design” principle. Recipient addresses are in an area acceptable to postal authorities for use with win- dow envelopes. The location of the other i

26、tems appearing in the layout key takes into account technical, legal, commercial, administrative and practical views put forward by the various interested parties consulted. An area for “free disposal” at the lower part of the form is intended to cater for more particular needs in individual applica

27、tions. 4 Paper size and image area The paper size of the layout key is the A4 size (210 mm x 297 mm) as specified in IS0 216, with provision also for size A5L (146 mm x 210 mm L). In conformity with the annex of IS0 3535, the following margin widths apply : Left-hand (filing) margin 20 IL 0,5 mm Top

28、 (gripper) margin 10 f 0,5 mm In consequence, the available image area on forms designed on the basis of the layout key is 163 mm x 280 mm, or in the case of A5L. 131 mm x 163 mm L. As the paper size 216 mm x 279 mm is commonly used for trade documents in some countries, particularly in North Americ

29、a, it should be taken into account that the common image area for forms of that size and those of A4 size is limited to 163 mm x 262 mm. Alignment of the image areas is achieved by maintaining the above left-hand and top margins, which places the layout in the same relative positions vis-8-vis the l

30、eft-hand and top paper edges. 5 Design principles The boundary lines of the fields shall correspond to lines in the forms design sheet of IS0 3535. The main principle in designing a document on the basis of this layout key is that information required in the document and ap- pearing in the layout ke

31、y should be placed in a corresponding position. Information required in the document but not specified in the layout key shall be placed in the “free disposal” area. If such information is to be filled in subsequent to the original document preparation, it can alternatively be placed in spaces corre

32、sponding to areas of the layout key intended for informa- tion irrelevant for the document to be designed. 6 Layout key items The following headings appear in the layout key. The remarks explain the nature of the data to be entered in the correspon- ding fields. The type of document, for example INV

33、OICE, shall appear, usually preprinted, on the right-hand side of the top margin and in the position where LAYOUT KEY FOR TRADE DOCUMENTS is printed in the example. 6.1 Consignor (Exporter) This field is intended to show the name and address of the sender of goods or the originator of the document,

34、as the case may be. 6.2 Consignee The field for the name and address of the consignee has been located in conformity with international postal specifications so as to allow the use of window envelopes. NOTE - This layout key can accommodate a maximum of five lines when a line spacing of 4,233 mm (l/

35、6 inch) is used. It is however possible to accommodate six lines when a line spacing of 3,175 mm (l/8 inch) is used. 6.3 Notify or delivery address If in maritime transport the goods are consigned “to order”, a notifying address may be required. If not, this space can be used for specifying the addr

36、ess where the goods are to be delivered, if it differs from the (mail) address of the consignee. 6.4 Transport details This field is reserved for a description of the transport, in- cluding places involved in the chain of transport, modes and means of transport, etc. 6.5 Date, Reference No., etc. If

37、 not otherwise specified, “date” means the date of issue of the document in which it appears. The reference number is a number or designation preferably common throughout each set of documents. It can be the same as order number, invoice number, etc. In this field, other dates and numbers can be ent

38、ered, either at the time of the completion of document, or later in the procedure by parties to whom the documents are handed over. The sequence of these items can be modified. 6.6 Buyer (if other than consignee) or other address Often goods are sent to one address and documents to another. In such

39、cases, the consignee field is used for the goods address required, inter alia, in transport documents, whereas the alternative address field is used for the address to which documents, such as invoices, are sent (buyers address). NOTE - This layout key accommodates 35 characters per line with a widt

40、h spacing of 2,54 mm (10 characters per inch). Because of limita- tions in visual length in window envelopes due to the play between envelope and insert, it it recommended to use a maximum of 32 characters, left adjusted. If a width spacing of 2,12 mm (12 characters per inch) is used, 35 characters

41、can easily be accom- modated. 2 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/27/2007 21:57:40 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Is0 6422-1965 (

42、El 6.7 Country details 6.13 Gross weight (mass) The gross weight (mass) is intended for transport and other cargo-handling purposes. It is shown in the same column as net quantity, but can be separated by using a “tier” layout or other- wise by placing it on another level. Information on country of

43、origin, country whence consigned (country of provenance) and country of destination may be re- quired for statistical and other purposes. If any of these items are not required, the space left may be used for other purposes, for example indication of licence number; it can also, in such cases, be ad

44、ded to the field for terms of delivery and payment. 6.8 Terms of delivery and payment This space may be freely used for the purpose indicated, nor- mally specifying time of delivery, terms of delivery, terms of payment, insurance details, etc. 6.9 Shipping marks and container numbers This field is i

45、ntended for the particulars needed to identify goods (and freight containers) and to relate them to the documents, preferably in accordance with the UNIECEIFAL Recommendation No. 15. If goods are marked with the con- signee address, this should be indicated by an expression such as “Addressed to con

46、signee”, or, preferably, by entering the full address as shown on the goods. 6.10 Number and kind of packages No particular column width has been reserved for these data elements, as it would have to be wide enough to.accommodate a maximum number of packages which would only rarely ap- pear and woul

47、d thus, in most cases, unnecessarily reduce the space for description of goods. It is recommended that a typing layout be used that clearly separates this information from the goods description. 6.11 Description of goods This field is intended for a description of the goods in common trade terms, if

48、 possible using terminology of the applicable customs or freight tariffs. For detailed specifications of articles, the “free disposal” area should be used. 6.12 Commodity number When appropriate the applicable number of the relevant statistical commodity list or customs tariff should be given, since

49、 at least the first digits of these numbers are in most cases used globally. 6.14 Cube This field is intended for indicating the cubic space required for the goods under transport. It should be located beside the gross weight. 6.15 Net quantity This column shows net weight and supplementary quantities required, inter alia, for statistical purposes as specified in the relevant commodity list or customs tariff. 6.16 Value This in


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