MIL-C-15305E-1979 3.78.pdf

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1、MIL-C-15305E .- MIL-C-15305D 5 June 1969 MILITARYSPECIFICATION COILS, FIXED AND VARIABLE,RAOIOFKEQUENCY GENEL SPECIFICATIONFOR This specification is approvedfor use by all Departm- entsandAgencies oftheDepartmentofDefense. 1.SCOPE 1.1Sco e. “-#- This specification covers the generalrequirementsfor r

2、adiofrequency coils, fixed and varlae, for use as simple inductiveelementsin radiofrequency circuits. ProcurementOf coils of a specificdesignwirequireadditionaldata in the form of complementary Service documents,givingdetailedelecical and mechanicalrequirements, tolerance.s,-andapplicable additionsa

3、nd exceptionsto the geral requirements and tests specifiedherein (see 3.1 and” 3.3.1). 1.2Classification. 1.2.1 Type designation. The (see 3.1 and 6.2.1). LT4 1- - the number identifiesthegrade and class in accordancewith table I,,and TABLE.1. Grade and class. Beneficialc?nmtent

4、s (reconmtendations,additions,deletions)and any pertinentdata which may be of , use in improvingthis documentshouldbe addressedto:Consnander, US Army ElectronicsResearchand DevelopmentCotmnand, ATTN:DRDEL-ED,Adelphi,MD20783,by using the self-addressed Standardiza- tion DocumentImprovementProposal(DO

5、 Form 1426)appearingat the end of this documentor by letter. FSC 595o MIL-C-15305E ,. 1.2.1 .1.1Grade.The grades, Grade1 - Resistant 4.8.18). includingtheir environmental characteristics,are as follows: to the immersionand moisture-resistance tests (see4.8.17 and Grade 2 - Resistantto the moisture-r

6、esistance test (see4.8.18). Grade.3- For use in sealedassemblies. 1.2.1 .1.2Class. The classesof coils denotingthe maximumoeratinqtemperatures(temperature rise (see4.8.11 and maximumambienttemperature)are asFollows: Class O -85C Class A -105”C Class B-125C Class C-*125C Family.

7、 The familyis identifiedby a single letter K-,- V- - 2.APPLICABLEOOCUMENTS 2.1Issuesof documents. The followingdocuments forbidsorrequestforproposal,formapartofthis SPECIFICATI,ONS - -Coil, - -Coil, indicatingits functionas follows: radiof requency,fixed. radi ofrequency;variable. ofthe issue in eff

8、ecton date of invitation specificationto the extent specifiedherein. Solder,in Alloy: Tin-Lead Strapping,Steel,and Seals. Boxes, Folding,Paperboard. FEDERAL J-W-1177Wire, Mawiet,Electrical QQ-S-571 QQ-S-781 PPP-B-566 PPP-B-585 PPP-8-601 PPP-B-621= PPP-B-636 PPP-B- 676 PPP-T-60 PPP-T-76 Alloy; and Le

9、adA11oY. Boxes,Wood, W;rebound. Boxes,Wood,Cleated-Plywood. Boxes,Wood,Nailed and Lock-Corner. Boxes,. Shipping,Fiberboard. Boxes,Setup Tape:Packaging,Waterproof. Tape,Packaging(for carton .Sealing). MILITARY MIL-P-116 MIL-F-14256- MIL-C-45662 (SeeSupplement1 for applicablespecification sheetsorMSsh

10、eet form standards). Preservation-Packaging,Methodsof Flux,Soldering,Liquid(Rosin-Base). CalibrationSystemRequirements. STAN OAROS FEDERAL FED-STD-H28- MILITARY MIL-STD-105- MIL-STD-129- MIL-STD-202- MIL-STD-810- MIL-STD-1276- MIL-STD-1285- Screw-Thread Standardsfor FederalServices. SamplingProcedur

11、esand Tables for Inspectionby. Attributes. Markingfor Shipmentand Storage. Test Methods,for Electronicand ElectricalComponentParts. ,“ Environmental Test Methods: Leads,Weldable,for ElectronicCOmPonentparts. Markingof Electricaland ElectronicParts . (Copiesof specifications, standards,drawings,and p

12、ublicationsrequiredby contractorsin connectionwith specificprocurementfunctionsshouldbe obtainedfrom the procuringactivityor as directedby the contractingofficer. ) 2 MIL-C-15305E“6- Visualand mechanicalexamination (external )-3.1,3.4to 3.5.3 incl, 3.27 and 3,!28 / GroupII Temperature

13、rise- Overload /- Resistanceto solderingheat- - - - - - - - - - Terminalstrength- 1 6 Electricalcharacteristics(final)- - - - - - -4.8.4 Inductance -:. Q - GroupIII Life- %5”C) Low temperaturestorage3.184.8.14 Vibration- -3.194.8

14、.15 Shock(specifiedpulse)- - - - - - - - - - - - - Immersion- Moisutreresistance- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 6 Electricalcharacteristic(final)- - - - - - - - Visualand mechanicalexamination(external)- -3.1,3.4to incl, 3.27 and 3.28 Visualand mech

15、anicalexamination(internal)- -3.1,3.4to (only 2 samplesneed be dissected) “m Fungus - .,.,. Group VI“” . Solderability/(both leads)- - - - - - - - - -324.4.8.206 Resistancetosolvents 1- - - - - - - - - - - -3,25.: 4.8.21 Flammability(use 3 units from solderability)- -3.264.

16、8.22(:) /The unitsshall be clean unitsthat have not been subjectedto any othertest. /Afterthe overloadtestis performed,a period of 24 hours shall elapseprior to taking electricalcharacteristics(final) measurements. /The fungusrequirementis eitherby certificationor performance. /Combinedsubmissionwil

17、lbe in accordancewiththe appendix(see 20.1.2). , MIL-C-15305E 4.6First article inspection.First articleinspectionshall be performedby the contractor,after award of contractand prior to production,at a locationacceptableto the Government(see 6.2.2). Firstarticle inspectionshall be performedon sample:

18、 unitswhih havebeenproducedwithequipment andproceduresnormallyused in production. Firstarticleappval is valid only on the contractor 7 purchaseorder underwhich it is granted,unlessextendedby the Governmenttoother contractsor purchaseorders. 4.6.1Sample size. Unlessotherwisespecified(see 6.2.2),the n

19、umberof coils to be subjected to first article inspectionshall be as specifiedin 4.5.1. 4.6.2Inspectionroutine.Unless btherwisespecified(see 642.2),the test routineshall be as specifiedn 4.5.2 and tableIV. 4.6.3Failures. One or more failuresshall be cause for refusalto grant approvalfor inspection o

20、f coils not covered. by militarystandards. 4.7Qualityconformanceinspection. 4.7.1Inspectionof productfor delivery.Inspectionof productfordeliveryshall consistof groupsA and B inspection. Inspectionlot. Aninspectionlot shall consistof all the coils of the same style and made of the same core

21、materialand of the same specification sheet (or MilitaryStandardsheet) produced under essentiallythe same conditions,and offeredfor inspectionat one time. The manufacturermay combinecoils of differentinductancevaluesand inductancetolerances.The inductancevalue shall be equallyrepresentative of the p

22、roductionlot for that period. A inspection.Group A inspectionshall consistof the examinationsand testsspecified in table V, in the ordershown. SamplingPlan.Statisticalsamplingand inspectionshall be in accordancewith MIL-STD-105for generalinspectionlevelII.The acceptablequality

23、 levels (AQL)shall be as specified in table V.Major and minor defectsshall be as definedin MIL-STD-105. If an inspectionlotisrejected,thecontractormayreworkitto cor% however,final acceptance shall be withhelduntil group!Creinspectionhas shown that the correctiveactionwas successful.In the event of f

24、ailureafter reinspection, informationconcerningthe failureand correctiveaction taken shall be furnishedto the cognizantinspectionactivityand the qualifyingactivity. 4.7.2Inspectionof paclaging. Except for commercialpackaging,the samplingand inspectionof the preservation-packaging and nteriorpackagem

25、arkingshall be in accordancewith the groupsA and B qualityconformanceinspecionrequirementsof NIL-P-116.The:samplingand inspectionof the packing and markingfor shipmentafid storageshall be in accordancewith the qualityassuranceprovisionsof the applicablecontainerspecification and the markingrequireme

26、ntsof MIL-STD-129. The inspectionof commercialpackagingshall be as specifiedin the contractor purchaseorder (see 6.2). 11 klIL-C-l 5305E TABLEVII.GroupC inspection. Examination.ortest SubgroupI(Quarterly) Electrical characteristics (initial )- Inductance- Q- temperaturerise- overload- resistanceto s

27、olderingheat - - - - - - - - rerminal strength- - - - - - - - - - - - - ;lectrical characteristics(final) - - - - - Inductance - Q- - SubgroupII (Quarterlj) ;lectricalcharacteristics(initial)- - - - .ow temperaturestorage- - - - - - - - Vibration- jhock (specifiedpulse)- - - - - - - - - - immersion

28、- $ioistureresistance- - - - - - - - - - - - ZIectricalcharacteristics(final) - - - - - isual and mechanical examination(internal) /- - - - - - - - SubgroupIII(Semi-annual) rhermalshock2/- Electrical chaacteristics(initial)- - - .ife- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -electricalcharacteristics(fina

29、l) - - - - - “- “Solders 1 1 Yo 113 easJ- Resistancet; Solvents-“- - - - - - - - Flammability - Requirement paragraph 3.12 3.12.1 3.12.2 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.12 3.12.1 3.12.2 3.12 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.12 3.1,3 .4,to3.4.6. incl, and 3.27 3.6 3.12 3.17 3.12 3.24 3.25 3.26 lethod ara- raph 4.8.8

30、 4.8.9 4.8.10 4.8.11 4.8.12 4.8.8 4.8.8 4.8.14 4.8.15 4.8.16 4.8.17 4.8.18 4.8.8 4.8.2 4.8.8 4.8.13 4.8.8 4.8.20 4.8.21 4.8.22 Numberof sampleunits to be inspected 6 1 6 of the highest inductanc value 12 6 of the lowest inductanc value 1 6 of the highest induc

31、tanc value 12 6 of the lowest inductanc value 6 3 (3) Wrnber of iefective ermitted ) 1 o 1 Only two sampleunits need to bedis:ected. /Defectivedue to thermalshockmust be replaced”priorto startof life test. Nine sample unitsof any”inductance value shall be subjectedto subgroupIVinspection;6 units sha

32、llbe used for solderability,3 unitsfor resistanceto solventsand 3 of the 6 units subjected to solderabilityshall be used for flammabilitytest. 4.8 Methodsof examinationand test. 4.8.1Visual and mechanicalexamination. Coils shall be examinedto verifythat the weight,materials,external

33、design and construction,physicaldimensions,marking,and workmanshipare in accordancewiththe applicable requirements(see 3.1, 3.4 to 3.5.3inclusive,3.27,and 3.28). Internal.Coils shallbe dissectedand examinedto verify that the materials,internal design,construction,and workmanshipare in accord

34、ancewiththe applicablerequirements(see 3.1, 3.4 to,and 3.27). 12 4.8.2Thermalshock(see 3.6).Coilsshallbe testedin The followingdetailsand exceptionsshall apply: a.Test condition- A-1 for Qualificationand for MIL-C-15305E accordancewith method107 of MIL-STD-202 arouo C inspectionunde

35、r“in-use condi- tions”(see 6.9); A for group Ainspectionnot-under“in-use condition”.Step 3 shall be at the maximumoperatingtemperaturefor the class. b.Measurementsafter cycling- Windingcontinuityshall be determined,dielectricwith- standingvoltage,and the insulationresistanceas specifiedin 4.8.6,4.8.

36、3, and 4.8.5, respectively. 4.8.3Dielectricwithstandingvoltage(see 3.7).Coils shall be testedin accordancewith method 301 of MIL-STD-202.The followingdetailsshall apply: a.Specialpreparationor conditions- Cylindricalinsulatedcoilsshall be clampedin the troughof a 90 degree metallicV-blockusing a met

37、allicstrap witha 0.075-inchthick layer of conductivemoisture-resistantresilientmaterial,having a resistivityof less than 1,000 Q per centimeter,shall be bondedto the surfaceof the strap next to the coils.The body of the coilshall not extendbeyondthe extremitiesof the block or resilientmaterial.Thesu

38、rfaceof the V-blockshall be free from contamination. The coilleads shall be so positionedthat the distancebetweenthe leads and any point of the V-blockshall be not less than the radius of the coil and minusthe radius of the lead wire.The metallicV-blockshallbe of noncorrosivematerial.Other types of

39、coilsshallbe tested by any othersuitablemeans. b.Magnitudeof test voltage- The ac test voltageshallbe a minimumof 1,000 V with a leakagecurrentnot to exceed100 IJAunless otherwisespecified(see 3.1 and 6.2.2). Thetime durationshall be a minimumof 60 seconds. c.Points of applicationof test voltage-Unl

40、essotherwisespecified(see 3.1 and 6.2.2), the test voltageshallbe appliedbetweenthe leads of the coil connectedtogetherand the V-blockwith block and metalstrap at groundpotential. d.Examinationaftertest - Coilsshall be examinedfor evidenceof damageresultingfrom arcing,flashover,breakdownofinsulation

41、,or otherdamage. 4.8.4Barometricpressure(when applicable)(see 3.8).Coils designedfor operationabove 10,000 feet shall be testedin accordancewith method105 of MIL-STD-202.The followingdetailsand excep- tions shall apply: a.Specialpreparationor conditions- Cylindricalinsulatedcoils shall be clampedin

42、the troughof a 90degree metallicV-blockusing a metallicstrap witha 0.075-inchthick layer of conductivemoisture-resistantresilientmaterial,having a resistivityof less than 1,0000per cm, shall be bondedto the surfaceof the strap next to the coils. Thebody of the coil shallnot extendbeyondthe extremiti

43、esof the block or resilient material.The surfaceof the V-blockshallbe free from contamination.The coilleads shall be so positionedthat the distancebetweenthe leads and any point of the V-block shall be notless than the radius of the coil and minusthe radius of the lead wire. b.Testcondition- As spec

44、ified(see 3.1 and 6.2.2). c.Test duringsubjectionto reducedpressure- Coilsshall be subjectedto”60 Hz, ac test voltage at a minimumof 200 voltsroot meansquare(Vrms) at 70,000feet unless other- wisespecified(see 3.1 and 6.2.2)for a minimumof 60 seconds d.Pointsof applicationof testvoltage- Unless othe

45、rwisespecified(see 3.1 and 6.2.2), the test voltageshall be appliedbetweenthe leads of the coil connectedtogetherand the V-block withblock and metalstrap at groundpotential. e.Examinationaftertest - Coilsshall be examinedfor evidenceof damageresultingfrom arcing,flashover,breakdownofinsulation,or ot

46、her damage. . 4.8.5Insulationresistance(see 3.9).Coilsshall be testedin accordancewith method302 of MIL-STD-202.The followingdetailsand exceptionsshall apply: a.Test conditionletter- B, exceptthat for coils with a dielectricwithstandingtest voltageless than 500 V(see 3.1), test conditionletter A sha

47、ll be used. b.Points of measurements- Unlessotherwisespecified(see 3.1 and 6.2.2.),measurements shall be madebetweeninsulationpoints.For cylindricalcoils, the”measurementsshall be madebetweenthe coil windingand the metalstrap in the coil-conriecting assembly specifiedon figure2, or betweenthe coil l

48、eads connectedtogetherand the V-block (see 4.B.4d). 13 MIL-C-15305E FIGURE 2. Coil-contactingassemblyfor mountingdurimg polarization. METALSTRAP A CONDUCTIVE LA RESILIENTMATERIAL / I I FJC)NCONDUCTINGROD 4.8.6Windingcontinuity(see 3.10).All windingsof coilsshall be testedfor electricalconti- nuity by any suitablemeansthat wil1 not introducecurrentsin excessof the rated value, or the incrementalcurrentva


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