上海版牛津初中英语课件 Chapter5 Family lives.ppt

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1、Chapter 5,Chapter5 Family lives,Main sentences: the end of the month / as for / in fact / on end/ make the decision /some day / now and again/ pay for /expect tings for nothing /throw away/ a happy childhood / argue with /with regard to / dream of /ask for /grow up Language Objective: 直接引语变间接引语 Abil

2、ity Objective: 学会填写英文表格,课时安排 1.Lesson1-3 Reading 2. Lesson4-5 Language 3.Lesson6 Listening and speaking 4.Lesson7 Writing 5.Lesson8 More practice,Presentation:,1.Using a story about Medvede, Try to use the sentences in the main points. Try to make students understand meaning of the new words,Do you

3、know him?,The youngest Russian President,百度首页 | 百度空间 | 登录 我的窝 将疯狂进行到底 主页博客相册|个人档案 |好友,梅德韦杰夫和牛仔裤(作者:一哲) 2008-11-03 17:31,网友评论: 发表评论:,2009 Baidu,Medvedev and jeans,Medvede and jeans,Medvedev is the youngest president in Russian history. He was born in an oradinary professors family. Though he couldnt

4、get generous allowance, He had a happy childhood. on his 16th birthday, he had expected to get a Levis jeans, they were the latest fashion at that time.but he only got a pen. He felt very disappointed and grumbled a little. His father said to him .”I cant afford the jeans, I know your feelings,but I

5、 hope one day you can buy them for your children.” He didnt want to listen to his fathers explanation. they had an argument. At last Medvedev said slowly,”I will do better than you, I will buy the best jeans for them, I will let them be proud of me” later, he worked harder than before. He often stud

6、ied for hours on end .On March2,2008.he became Russian president. On that day, he called his father,” thank you dad, you gave me the best gift on my 16th birthday.”,1.generous allowance 2.grumble a bit 3.an argument 4.a democratic family 5.as for 6.after all 7.the latest fashion 8.a happy childhood

7、9.a big advantage 10.on end 11.disturb me,-,-,-,-,-,-,allowance,-,generous,fair,argument with parents,nearly always wins,usually loses,housework,a. hardly ever does it,b. It is the job of the parents,a. does it everyday,b. It is the responsibility of the whole family,presents,gets lots of presents,g

8、ets them now and again,Parents sayingno,never,often,TV watching,fifteen hours a week,seven hours a week,1.fair 2.anything extra 3.within a budget 4.independent 5.argue with 6.make the decision 7.with regard to 8.dream of 9.the responsibility of 10.expect things for nothing 11.now and again 12.be ser

9、ious about,1.What are the two articles on? On family lives. 2.Which word has the same meaning as “pocket money”? Allowance. 3.Does Tina get much pocket money every month? Yes, she does.,4.Is Tinas family democratic? Yes, it is. 5.How often does Tina do housework? Sometimes. 6.What does her mother do

10、 if she helps do housework? She gives her money or presents.,7.What kind of clothes does Tina wear? The latest fashions. 8.How does she deal with the old clothes? She throws them away. 9.Does Tina like to have her own TV? Yes, she does.,10.Does Norman have to plan to spend his allowance? Yes, he doe

11、s. 11.What does that in the fourth line refer to? Looking after money and living within a budget.,12.Who makes decisions for Norman, his parents or he himself? His parents. 13.How often does Norman do housework? And how long? Every day. For about an hour. 14.Do his parents pay for his work? No , the

12、y dont.,15.What presents do Normans parents give him? Things that he can use. 16.What kind of clothes does Norman wear? Simple clothes that can last long. 17.Can he buy things with his own money? Yes, he can.,18.Is it good to expect things for nothing? No, it isnt. 19.Does Norman have his own TV? No

13、, he doesnt. 20.Who watches more TV programs, Norman or his father? His father does.,Explain:,in connection with 与有关 be connected with 与有相连 He is connected with Zhangs family. 他和张家有姻亲关系,get an allowance 得到零花钱,fair adj. 十足的,丰富的, He has a fair knowledge of English. 他英语尚好。 A fair month has passed. 足足一个

14、月过去了。,on end =continuously I go window shopping for hours on end.,argue with sb.与某人争论,争吵,argument n. 争论,争吵,Sometimes Norman argues with his parents.,=Sometimes there is an argument between,his parents and him.,a bit 一点儿 a bit = a little 修饰形容词、副词 He is a bit tired.=Hes a little tired. 他有点累。 但 not a b

15、it not a little (一点也不) (非常) Im not a bit hungry. 我一点不饿。 Im not a little hungry. 我非常饿。,a little 直接修饰不可数名词, a bit of 修饰不可数名词,如: Theres a little water in the cup. He has got only a bit of bread.,extra adj.额外的,外加的 do extra work 加班 In our hotel, room service is not extra. 我们宾馆不另收房间服务费。 Run extra trains o

16、n holidays 在假日增开列车。,now and again=now and then,1.When I was at the university, my aunt came to see me now and again. 我念大学时,姑妈偶尔来看我。,2.Father doesnt sing often, but we hear him sing now and again. 父亲不经常唱歌,但我们偶尔听到他唱歌。,with regard to = as for 至于,1.With regard to money, you neednt worry. 至于钱的问题,你不必担心。,2

17、.With regard to the plan, we have not discussed it fully. 关于这个计划,我们还没有充分地讨论。,after all 毕竟,终归,到底,1.After all , he has done something good for you. 他毕竟还是为你们做了一些好事。,2.how can you be surprised at the crowded conditions?This is, after all, in China. 对这里的拥挤状况,你用不着大惊小怪,因为这毕竟 是中国。,ask for 索要,请求, ask for tro

18、uble 自找麻烦 askfor 向要 The girl often asks her mother for money.,pay v. 付款 pay for sth 为某物付款 pay sb (money) for sth 为某物向某人付 pay off 还清 pay down 现金支付,be serious about 对.认真,1.Please be serious about your work. 请专心工作,2.Are you serious about looking for a new job? 你是真的要找一份新的工作吗?,grow up 长大,成长 grown-up 成年人,

19、develop v. development n. a developing country 发展中国家 a developed country 发达国家,dream of 考虑,梦想,1.dont expect that. I wouldnt dream of leaving you the properties. 别指望了,我不会把财产留给你的。(当 考虑讲时,只用否定式,wouldnt.),2.When I was young, I dreamed of becoming a film star. 当我年轻时,我梦想当个电影明星。,writing,分别用第一人称和第三人称描述family

20、 life,1.My/his/her allowance/pocket money 2.Who decides things (parents, child, parents and child) 3.Who wins arguments 4.Housework 5.Presents and clothes 6.TV watching 7.Anything else he/she would like to tell you,句型转换,1.The dog barks for hours continuously. the dog barks for hours_ _.,2.It has bee

21、n proved that his answer is clearly false. It has been proved that his answer is _ false.,3.As for housework, I hardly ever do it. _ _ _ housework, I hardly ever do it.,on end,definitely,With regard to,4.Although hes quite strong, hed never consider hurting anyone. Although hes quite strong, hed nev

22、er_ _ hurting anyone.,5.Its my duty to clean my room every day. _ _ _ is my duty every day.,dream,of,Cleaning my room,Report what people say,I need my umbrella today. you should take yours, too,Tina to Pancy,Pancy to Tony,Tina says (that) she needs her umbrella today. She says that I should take min

23、e, too.,When Pancy report Tinas words to Tony ,she has to change some pronouns and verb forms.,language,Exercises:,1.PaulI never grumble about anything,Paul says that he never grumbles about anything.,2.Joe Youll see John at my party.,Joe says that Ill/well see John at his party.,3.Mr Yang I was sic

24、k yesterday, but I am better today.,Mr Yang says that he was sick yesterday, but hes better today.,4.Mrs peters we cant come to your party.,Mrs Peters says that they cant come to my/our party.,5.Henry we were shopping when you phoned us,Henry says that they were shopping when/we phoned them.,What is

25、 the difference between a park and a playground?,(a park has grass and flowers while a playground has a hard surface),What does admission mean?,(,Who are retired people?,(elderly people, usually over 65),What is another word for apartment?,(Flats),What is the opposite of maximum?,(Minimum),the cost

26、of entering),Report what we read,The advert says the flower show will start on March the eighth and it will be held at Century Park.,The programme says The Lady Of Iron will be on at 7:25.,The advert says the Riverside Plaza Apartments are just a short way.,The paper says the woman Is showing the cu

27、stomers some new cars.,The forecast says it will become cloudy with rain later.,The advert says the film will be on at Shanghai Film Studio today.,直接引语和间接引语,我们先来看看什么是直接引语和间接引语? 请看下面各人所说的话: 杰克:我想吃雪糕。 妈妈:玛丽,你弟弟说什么? 玛丽:他说他想吃雪糕。 大家知道这三人所说的话涉及转述的问题。那么哪一句是转述的话呢? 当然是玛丽说的话。英语中同样也有转述。转述的话叫间接引语,直接引语是陈述句的变化 “I

28、 dont like action films,” Lingling said. Lingling said that she didnt like action films. He said “Im here.” He said that he was there. Jake said,“There is a good film on tonight.” Jake said that there was a good film on that night. 总结:当直接引语是一般陈述句时,变为间 接引语时,用that引导,语序不变。,直接引语是一般疑问句的变化,1.She said, “Ar

29、e you interested in chemistry?” She asked if whether I was interested in chemistry. 2.Jack said,“Did you know Mike?” Jack asked (me)if I knew Mike。 总结:当直接引语是一般疑问句时,变为间接引语要用连词if或whether来引导,从句用陈述句语序主句中的谓语动词是said时,要变为asked.,直接引语是特殊疑问句的变化 1.He asked me, “What are these?” He asked me what those were. 2.B

30、etty asked me “Where are you from?” Betty asked me where I was from. 总结:当直接引语是特殊疑问句时,变为间接引语时,要用原来的疑问词引导,从句用陈述句语序,直接引语是祈使句的变化 He said to the children,“Be quiet,” He told the children to be quiet.,He said to Betty“ Stop.” He asked Betty to stop. She said to Tony,“Dont go close to the bears.” She told

31、Tony not to go close to the bears 总结:当直接引语是祈使句时,变为间接引语时,一般转换为 tell sb to do sth或.ask sb to do sth.,注意事项,如果直接引语中的主语为第一人称、人称随主语做适当变化 ,变为间接引语时,人称要随句子的人称而变化。 、谓语动词时态的变化 如果引述动词为一般过去时,间接引语中动词的时态一般推移到过去时间,如:一般现在时 一般过去时。现在进行时过去进行时。一般将来时过去将来时。现在完成时态过去完成时态, 当直接引语表示客观真理时,原来的时态不变。例如: The teacher said,“The sun r

32、ises in the east,” The teacher said that the sun rises in the east. 、其他变化:this that these those now then today that day tonight that night herethere yesterdaythe day before tomorrowthe next day come.go.,练习题,1.He said, “please come here again tomorrow.” He asked me 2.He said,“Dont do that again.” He

33、told me 3.He asked,“Where are you to get off,John?” He asked John 4.He asked,“How do you come to school.” He asked me 5.He asked, “Are you a teacher or a student?” He asked me 6.She asked, “Do you see a monkey?” She asked me,to go there again the next day,not to do that again.,where he was to get of

34、f.,how I went to school,whether I was a teacher or a student.,if/whether I saw a monkey.,Q: Which did they decide to buy?,listening,Q: What is the name of the girls uncle?,Wang Yeling-LI Mankang,-,-,-,-,Susan Li,Florence Li,Anthony Morris-Karen Brown,-,-,-,-,Robert Morris,Peter Morris,-,-,-,-,-,Caro

35、l Morris,Gary Morris,Family Tree,7:30 weather,8:00 Financial Report,8:30 The Last Emperor,10:00 Hot Gossip,10:30 Fashion show,11:30 Late news,11:40 Sport,Q:When is the programme that the man and woman want to watch?,School play,Thursday 7:00pm Friday 5:00pmand 8:00pm Saturday 5:00pm and 8:00pm Sunda

36、y 7:00pm,Performances:,Q: Which performance will the boys parents go to?,1.去电影院 go to the movies 2.洗衣机 washing machine 3.没问题 no problem 4.洗衣服 wash clothes 5.胡说 what rubbish 6.不同意某人 not agree with sb. 7.建议做某事 suggest doing 8.旅行费用 travel cost 9.填表 fill in a form 10申请 apply for,speaking,Write down the

37、three expressions that Tony uses to give himself time to think,Well,er/Um,ah/Yes,but you see,er,1.What is Moonlight Shopping Mall?,2.must everyone fill in a form like this one?,3.Can father fill in the form?,4.Why do some people want to fill in the form?,5.If your are 14, can your mother fill in the

38、 form?,6.Why must you write in English on most of this form?,Using English,It is a shopping centre.,NO.,No.,They can save money.,No.,Because it is easier to inout the information into a comouter.,Future star是国际商业连锁机构,现开办学生会员卡业务。持卡人将享受购物打折和 积分奖励等优惠。假如你是张乐乐,请根据下面身份证提供的信息并按要求完成申请 表的填写。 要求:1.每个英文字母和阿拉伯数

39、字占一格:英语单词之间空一格。 2.张乐乐的联系电话是86-24-93815656,中考零距离,More Practice,The importance of family,1.的重要性 2.一所国际学校 3.与某人讨论某事 4.接受某人的建议 5.搬往 6.宁愿做 7.改变某人的主意 8.忙于做 9.坚持做 10.拒绝做,the importance of an international school discusswith accept the suggestion move to prefer to change ones mind be busy doing insist to do

40、 refuse to do,11.试着做 12.走过公园 13.向某人道歉 14.盼望做 15.交朋友 16.对.感到兴奋 17.使某人想起 18.对.感到担心 19.与某人玩 20.整理他的物品,try doing go past the park apologize to sb. look forward to doing make friends be excited about remind sb. Of sth be worried about play with pack his belongings,1.An international school wants Mrs Chen

41、 to work as the _. manager B. principal C. teacher D. waitress 2.Mrs Chen discussed the offer with_. Huaming B. Huamings father C. her friend D. Guo Sheng,B,B,3. The word “shocked” means very_. excited B. happy C. surprised D. worried 4. Mr and Mrs Chen phoned _ when they couldnt find their son. the

42、 teacher B. Guo Sheng only C.Huaming D. Huamings friends,C,D,5.Huaming walked past _ while he was going to his friends house. a bookshop and a park B. a supermarket and a library C. a museum and a market D. a park and a supermarket,D,用文中的短语进行汉译英练习: 1.我正在考虑是否买那本字典。 Im thinking about if Ill buy the di

43、ctionary. 2.会上他们和老板讨论了那个问题。 They discussed the problem with the boss at the meeting. 3.与游泳相比,麦克更喜欢跑步。 Mike prefers running to swimming.,4.你改变主意了吗? Have you changed your mind? 5.凯特对参加演讲比赛很兴奋。 Kate is very excited about taking part in the speech competition. 6.他总是忙于写小说。 He is always busy writing novel

44、s.,7.不要拒绝帮助身处困境的人。 Dont refuse to help people in trouble. 8.她终于向我们道歉了。 She apologized to us in the end. 9.我期待收到你的来信。 Im looking forward to hearing from you. 10.你很善于交朋友。 You are quite good at making friends.,?,If you were Huangming, what would you do? Would you stay in Nanjing or leave for Shanghai?,If I were Huaming,I would move to Shanghai because I like to experience living in different places.,Thank you for listening,


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