新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第一册 Unit 5 Section A The Battle Against AIDS.ppt

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1、1,1,Text Study,Idea Sharing,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Writing,Summary,Understanding,Reproduction,Structure Analysis,a. 185,000 b. nearly 500,000 c. one million d. 102,000 e. 204,000,_ killed since 1970s _ killed in the past few years _ expected to die _ infected with HIV virus _ black

2、& Latinos diagnosed with HIV,e,d,a,c,b,1. Match the Numbers (Paras.1-2),I. Understanding,Text StudyUnderstanding,What are correct about the South Carolina AIDS Education Network ?,a. It is a government organization. b. It combats the spread of AIDS. c. It gets a lot of money.,2. Tick the Right (Para

3、s.3-6),d. It operates programs out of a beauty shop. e. It uses videos and publications. f. Hairdressers are not in the network.,Text StudyUnderstanding,3. Explain the Methods (Paras.7-13),Work in pairs and explain methods 1-3 with the help of the key words in the following charts:,Text StudyUnderst

4、anding,Text StudyUnderstanding,II. Structure Analysis,Problem + Solution + Evaluation + Summary,A. The Writing Model of the Passage:,The basic structure of this pattern is problem-solution-evaluation. There are some possible differences in the pattern but the basic parts are problems and solutions.,

5、Can you list some typical expressions for this pattern?,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Now, find the problem, solution and evaluation of this passage.,Tips,Text StudyStructure Analysis,1. AIDS has killed many Americans, and still many with the HIV virus are expected to die.,(Para. 1),2. Women and yout

6、h in some communities are making up the fastest segment of people with AIDS.,(Para. 2),3. American governments have been slow in stopping the spread of the disease.,(Para. 3),Text StudyStructure Analysis,A number of local organizations have emerged. The South Carolina AIDS Education Network is one o

7、f them.,1. The organization operates its educational programs out of a beauty shop. (Paras.4-5),2. The network began helping the hair stylists set up similar programs in their shops.,(Para.6),(Paras.3-4),Text StudyStructure Analysis,3. It has developed several techniques useful to other groups doing

8、 similar work. (Para.7),Speak to your community in a way they can hear.,(Paras.8-9),Train teenagers to educate their peers.,Redefine “at risk” to include women from different backgrounds and marriage status.,(Para.10),(Paras.11-12),Text StudyStructure Analysis,These programs are not the only solutio

9、ns to the crisis but, until there is a cure for AIDS, they are only safe measures against the virus.,(Para.13),We must not let cultural, racial, or social barriers distract us from the job that must be done. Nor can we let political inefficiency stop us from our task. Everyone must become an educato

10、r and learn to live.,(Para.14),Text StudyStructure Analysis,B. The way to develop paragraphs:,A General Statement + Problem-solution-evaluation,The writer lists some ways of winning the war against AIDS. Each method is presented in a general statement. He tries to argue for the idea in a problem-sol

11、ution-evaluation way.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Train teenagers to educate their peers.,The problem,The solution,The evaluation,Text StudyStructure Analysis,The solution Establish an “AIDS Busters” program. The program trains youth (from 8 to 26) to go into the community and teach AIDS lessons to

12、 their peers.,The problem AIDS is spreading fastest among teenagers in the rural South.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Method 1 & 3 are developed in the same way. Work with your partner and find the details.,The evaluation Young people make the lessons simple. They explain the risk of catching AIDS to

13、 their friends much better than an adult can. They help parents understand the peer pressure their children experience.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,III. Summary,Since it was _ in 1970s, AIDS has killed _ of Americans. Women and youth in rural Southern communities are most _ to be _ with AIDS. In _

14、of the spread of AIDS and lack of government activity to stop it, some local organizations _. The South Carolina AIDS Education Network formed to help _ the number of AIDS _. In some communities, handing _ AIDS literature and _ people to read it is not very _,diagnosed,thousands,likely,infected,emer

15、ged,reduce,cases,expecting,out,place,effective,Text StudySummary,because many people cannot read. Besides, AIDS is _ fastest among teenagers in the _ South. So these groups have _ some _ methods of _ the spread of AIDS, _ include: speak to your community in a way they can hear; train teenagers to ed

16、ucate their _; and _ “at risk” to include women from different backgrounds and marriage _. In other _, everyone should _ the war _ AIDS.,rural,developed,best,combating,which,peers,redefine,status,words,sign up for,spreading,against,Text StudySummary,IV. Reproduction,A sample beginning,Text StudyRepr

17、oduction,Group work. Suppose you are committee members of the South Carolina AIDS Education Network. Now a meeting is being held to find solutions to the spread of AIDS. After the meeting, send your representative to report your solutions, which are expected to be reasonable, convincing and effectiv

18、e. Make good use of the information in Section A.,After discussion, weve worked out some solutions to the problems we are faced with. To begin with, immediate actions should be taken to collect money to keep our organization going,Text StudyReproduction,Focus Study,Active Expressions,In English, you

19、 may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they are active and powerful.,Whats on at the cinema tonight? 今晚电影院上演什么? Whats he up to? 他忙什么呢?,I. Active Expressions,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1. Another 185,000with the HIV virus are expected to die within the next year. 2. and

20、state governments have been slow in implementing programs 3. To reach more people in the community, programs operate out of a beauty shop. 4. The owner hands out AIDS information to all her clients 5. the AIDS epidemic threatens to wipe out an entire generation and ,Notes to the TextActive Expressio

21、ns,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Practice,今天是星期天,我没有想到这么多人来听讲座。 据报道,这个城市在交通管理方面非常滞后。 救济人员在向生还者分发紧急配给品。 这是我的电话,以防你要联系我。 由于操作不当,所有储存于电脑的信息消失殆尽。,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,keys,Today is Sunday. I didnt expect so many people to attend this lecture. It has been reported that this city is v

22、ery slow in traffic management. Relief workers were handing out emergency rations to the survivors. Heres my telephone number, in case you need to reach me. Due to his improper operation, all the information stored has been wiped out.,More Practice,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,下周二你们要做一个有关爱滋病主

23、题的课堂发言。 他数学学得很好,但学语言却很迟钝。 你可以在讲义的最后一页看到完整参考书目。 经过两年的谈判,双方终于达成了协议。 据说这个村有一半人口患艾滋病死了。,More Practice,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,keys,1. Next Tuesday, you are expected to give a presentation on AIDS. 2. He is smart at mathematics, but very slow in learning languages. 3. I am so tired today that

24、 I dont feel like going to work. 4. After two years of negotiation, the two parties have finally reached a settlement. 5. It is said the half the population in this village was wiped out by AIDS.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1. To solve this problem, ask people in the community who can draw w

25、ell to create low- literacy AIDS education publications.,sb/sth + attributive clause,I dont like the way he talks to others.,More Practice,II. Focus Study,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Ill never forget the city _ _ (我和玛丽在那里度过童年时光). He won a gold medal, _ _ (全家人认为这是个了 不起的荣誉).,where I spent my child-,h

26、ood with Mary,which the whole family,considered a great honor,Notes to the TextFocus Study,2. They also show people who look like those we need to educate, since ,What do “they” and “people” refer to?,They = These books, people = the pictures,这些书籍也展示一些看上去和那些需要接受教育的人很相似的图片,,Contextual clues can help

27、one better understand sentences.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,3. Despite such alarming numbers, the federal and state governments have always been slow in implementing programs to stop the spread of AIDS.,Despite. , 尽管,还是,Practice,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Despite a lot of difficulties, he manage

28、d to finish the work within three weeks. He failed in the exam a third time despite his continuous hard working.,尽管有许多困难,他还是设法在三周内完成了工作。 他第三次考试未通过,尽管他一直都很努力。,Notes to the TextFocus Study,4. Like no other plague before, the AIDS epidemic threatens to wipe out an entire generation and leave another wi

29、thout parents.,leave sth./sb. . 让某人/物处于某状态,Practice,The trial left a lot of questions unanswered.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,别让她在外边雨中等着。 外面那么冷,我希望你不要再让门开着。,Dont leave her waiting outside in the rain. I wish youd stop leaving the door open. Its cold outside.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,5. This is

30、an undeclared war that everyone must sign up for in order for us to win. (L65),Sth./Sb. is , 是 ,,Practice,Notes to the TextFocus Study,电脑是一种电子装置,这种装置能够储存信息并能根据一套被称为程序的指令做事情。 好老师是那些能够引起学习者学习兴趣的老师。,A computer is an electric machine that can store information and do things with it according to a set of

31、 instructions called a program.,The greatest teachers are the ones who can arouse students interests to learn.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Old to New,Chinese to English,Word Using,form, make up carry out fear, worry group instead of fight, battle,constitute implement alarm organization in place of

32、combat,I. Old to New,Words and ExpressionsOld to New,client educate educator relate risk,customer teach teacher tell danger,I. Old to New,Words and ExpressionsOld to New,20世纪70年代末期 20世纪70年代初期 20世纪70年代中期 资源 出版物 文学 受教育比例低,in the late 1970s in the early 1970s in the middle 1970s resources publication l

33、iterature a low literacy rate,II. Chinese to English,Words and ExpressionsC to E,高死亡率 婚姻状况 经济状况 就业情况 法律地位 效率 效率低下,a high death rate marriage status economic status job status legal status efficiency inefficiency,Words and ExpressionsC to E,1. acquire vt. get by skill or ability, by ones own efforts

34、or behavior (由技术、能力、努力或行为而)获得;学到,III. Word Using,acquire a good knowledge of English 熟谙英文 acquire a reputation for dishonesty 蒙上不诚实恶名 acquire a taste for brandy 养成喝白兰地的嗜好,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,1. acquire vt. get by skill or ability, by ones own efforts or behavior (由技术、能力、努力或行为而)获得;学到,The

35、company has recently acquired a new office building in central Shanghai. 这家公司最近在上海市中心买了一栋新的办公楼。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,2. diagnose 诊断 vt. diagnose sb. with diagnose + illness/sb.s condition as ,The woman is diagnosed with diabetes (糖尿病).,The doctor diagnosed the illness as cancer.,Words and

36、 ExpressionsWord Using,3. constitute vt. form sth. from parts,How many students constitute your study group?,Twelve months constitute a year.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,4. alarm vt. cause sudden fear or worry; give a warning or feeling of danger to 使恐慌,使担忧;警告,Everybody was alarmed at the news t

37、hat war might break out. 人人听到战事可能爆发的消息都感到恐慌。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,4. alarm vt. cause sudden fear or worry; give a warning or feeling of danger to 使恐慌,使担忧;警告,枪声惊动了千百只鸟。,The noise of the shot alarmed hundreds of birds.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,4. alarm n. U sudden fear and worry 恐慌,担

38、忧; C a piece of equipment that warns people about danger, the time, etc. 报警器;闹钟,a fire alarm 火警 set the alarm(-clock) for 6 oclock 把闹钟拨到6点 e.g. He jumped up in alarm. 他惊慌地跳了起来。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,5. organization n. a group of people with a special purpose,WHO OPEC,World,Health,Organizat

39、ion,What do these organizations mean?,Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries,North Atlantic Treaty Organization,More,NATO,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,5. organization,Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,UN

40、ESCO 联合国教科文组织,FAO 联合国粮农组织,WMO WIPO ILO,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,6. emerge vi. come to appear,The sun emerged from behind a cloud.,What does the photo show us?,It shows a beautiful scene when the morning sun emerges from the sea surface.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,6. emerge vi. become kno

41、wn,Different ideas emerged in the heated discussion.,Later, it emerged that the judge had been employing an illegal immigrant.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,7. illustrate vt. make clear by giving pictures or examples,These graphs illustrate the results of the experiment.,Words and ExpressionsWord

42、Using,7. illustrate vt. make clear by giving pictures or examples,他用统计数据来说明观点。,He illustrated his point with statistics.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,8. risk vt. place in danger,The soldier risked his life to save the drowning girl.,士兵冒着生命危险去救落水的女孩。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,8. risk n. dang

43、er,The disease is spreading, and all children under 5 are at risk.,疾病在蔓延,5岁以下的儿童都有被传染的危险。,at risk: in danger 处境危险,More phrases,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,take/run the risk of (doing) sth. 冒着的危险,at any risk at all risks,不管冒什么风险,at the risk of (doing) sth. 冒着的危险,take/run the risk to do sth. 冒险,Wo

44、rds and ExpressionsWord Using,Practice,1. I am risking my job.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,3. I am at the risk of losing my job.,2. I am taking the risk of losing my job.,9. distract sb. from sth. = take sb.s attention from sth. 使分心,Most Chinese parents think puppy love will distract their child

45、ren from their school work. 多数中国父母认为早恋 会让孩子学习分心。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,9. distract sb. from sth. = take sb.s attention from sth. 使分心,The noise in the street distracted me from my reading.,街上的嘈杂声使我不能专心读书。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,She signed up for the Young Volunteer team last semest

46、er.,上个学期她报名参加了青年志愿者组织。,10. sign up for = put ones name on a list to take part in sth. 报名参加,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Make a Comparison,1. the first case; the infected population 2. high-infection areas 3. high-risk group 4. government work 5. unofficial program 6. education work 7. peoples att

47、itude,Compare the Situation of AIDS in China with that in America.,Tips,Search for related information :,Idea Sharing,1. The first case of AIDS was diagnosed/ reported ., . years later than . ; by the year ., there will be . infected with HIV . 2. The AIDS high-infection areas include . 3. . constit

48、ute the fastest growing segment/group of people with AIDS . 4. The governments have been slow/quick/ active/efficient in .; political inefficiency,Idea Sharing,5. help . through an organization; community; emerge; establish; hand out .; 6. educate; operate educational program; . attach importance to .; lay stress on .; videos; publications 7. get worried; dont like talking about .; be scared by .;refuse to .; conc


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