How to Improve English Reading Ability of the Middle School Students 英语毕业论文.doc

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1、How to Improve English Reading Ability of the Middle School Students 1Abstract: As we know, English as a second language has many countries have accepted, now English also as a global language. : Grellet have noted that English learning is in order to have fun, in order to obtain information. Visibl

2、e, learning English well is not only learn grammar, vocabulary, more important is through reading, gain new knowledge, improve our cognitive level, enhance the ability to analyze and solve problems. And the junior middle school English reading teaching in this misunderstanding: reading materials is

3、to learn the language knowledge carrier, while ignoring the training students English reading ability. English reading ability is one of basic skills, is an important skill. Todays students and English speaking people the opportunity to exchange, but they understand sentences in a mess. Therefore, h

4、ow to improve your reading ability growing concern, improve students reading ability is also important. But in most cases, the fact proved, a lot of people dont know how to study, their reading habits, and reading approach, reading speed problems. Therefore how widely, efficient enhancing students r

5、eading ability has become our high school English teachers responsibility. This article will tell I believe some reading skills, reading methods, reading habits and reading strategy to help students improve their reading ability. 2Keywords: reading ability, Reading habits, Reading approach, Reading

6、methods 3.Introduction: English teaching of the important goal is to improve students English culture quality, including enhancing students English reading ability is the most important of English teaching of the purpose of junior middle school English curriculum standards mentioned: to cultivate st

7、udents listening, speaking, reading and writing. Visible in English teaching of English reading is important one annulus. Traditional reading teaching, not only improve students reading ability, but also make students more and no learning interest and confidence. This article is mainly discuss how t

8、o develop students reading habits, reading methods, the reading speed and so on some reading ability, enhance students English reading interest, improve our English comprehensive cultural quality. 4Problem: Nowadays, with the rapid development of our social economy, the opportunity to communicate wi

9、th the world more and more widely use English, is a human being has a basic conditions. How fast read all kinds of product English description, English newspapers, English magazine, become more and more important. So improve students English reading ability, make its rapid access to information, und

10、erstand its content, appear extremely important. 5 Project objectiveThrough the study, students will develop a good English reading habits, master correct English reading methods and to improve its English reading speed, improving students all-rounded English language ability. 6 Project hypothesisTh

11、e hypothesis in English reading teaching in class, to their taught the basic English vocabulary and grammar as well as knowledge, teach some correct English reading methods, and let the student through reading some English articles, let its develop good reading habits and to improve its English read

12、ing speed, so as to improve the students English reading ability and English language proficiency. 7. Project rationale7.1 the drawbacks of the traditional English reading teaching Traditional English reading teaching is generally the following steps: first, teachers teach the new words and useful p

13、hrases and then try to read the text again spend a certain amount of time to translation, and finally to solve problems with students after class. Such teaching, students passively accept knowledge, not only their reading ability not improved, but they also become lazy, or even lose their interest f

14、or learning English. 7.2. Improve the students reading comprehension ability of teaching Reading is an important skill in English study, its purpose is to enlarge students vocabulary, to familiarize students with the cultural background of the English, raises the student meticulous observation abili

15、ty and their logical thinking. More important is through reading teaching, students will develop a good English reading habits, master correct English reading methods and to improve its English reading speed, so as to improve the students English language proficiency (including oral English ability

16、and English writing ability). To improve the students reading ability depends on teachers and students both common efforts. I think that should notice the following respects: first, enrich the students English basic knowledge, The second church students correct English reading methods; The third cho

17、ice of appropriate reading material, let its develop good reading habits: 4 through extensive reading, to improve the students reading speed, Finally let students insist to do a lot of practice. 7.3、初中英语课程标准要求8.Project design My this period studied 2010 October 8-2011 on January 15, nearly 12 weeks

18、.I designed to test this article 6 activities mentioned hypothesis. These activities are described as follows: The first stage work: October 8 - October 12 students to teach the correct method to learn English The second phase: On October 13 - October 19 elaborate 10 pieces of English reading materi

19、als October 20-26 October training students, let its develop good reading habits On October 27 - November 3 for the next stage work, the analysis The third stage work: On November 4 - November 10th again preparing for 10 pieces of English reading materials On November 11 - November 17 training stude

20、nts, to improve the students reading speed On November 18-26 November in the third phase, the analysis work The fourth phase: Nov. 27 - December 3 guide students to read magazine, newspaper, extra-curricular training Dec. 4 - December 10th continue training, and comprehensive measuring and testing a

21、bove phase. The fifth stage work On December 11-17 December continue training, and analyzed correct On December 18-24 December continue training, and reference related theory basis Sixth stage work Dec. 25-26 December continue training, and forms the draft On December 27-31 December proofreading, fo

22、rming papers are draft and submit 9.Project implementation 9.1. Improving Comprehension AbilityComprehension ability is very important, only you understand paper meaning then you can improve you reading abilty.This is a basic skill. Some methods can help students to improve comprehension. 9.1.1Build

23、ing up vocabulary One with a small vocabulary will find it very difficult in reading comprehension. Some students say they just cant remember so many words. How to solve this problem?First, learn about word formation. Students can enlarge their vocabulary by using the rules of word formation, such a

24、s prefix, suffix, conversion, and so on. For example, when you know the word “courage”, “encourage, discourage, courageous” will not be new to you.Second, collect the new words students often meet in reading. This doesnt mean encouraging them to consult the dictionary whenever they meet a new word i

25、n reading. The appropriate way is to try to guess the words meaning from context clues, from the words around it, and then students will gradually know the clear meaning of the word after meeting it often. And now, if students look it up in the dictionary, students will have a good memory of it.Thir

26、d, learn a certain number of new words by heart every day. Young students have good memories. It is possible for them to memorize some words every day without much difficulty. Students can ask their teacher to choose some words for them. This is very helpful. When students meet these words in their

27、reading, their will feel easy, “Aha, Ive known their meanings.” They will feel confident and more interested in reading.9.1.2. Enriching and enlarging background knowledge Enriching and enlarging the background knowledge are the keys to understanding the text. As one knows, students all have experie

28、nces of reading something which does not contain any new words or new structures, but they still find it difficult to understand its meaning. The reason is that reading comprehension is constituted by words structure, but they have difficult background comprehension. In other words, when students re

29、ad, maybe they know each of word or structure. But they dont know what the sentence means because of lack of background knowledge. In order to know the abstruse meaning, they should have the aid of the word meaning as well as background knowledge and inference. Every English article must cover the s

30、ocial-cultural knowledge. Maybe the knowledge is about politics, history, values, belief, religion, moralities, geography, thoughts pattern, habit and custom, outlook on life, etc. If students dont understand the background knowledge they certainly come across lots of barriers in reading process. “K

31、nowing a language is to know the grammar, vocabulary and discourse patterns and the culture rules of use that together determines how it is appropriate to use the language in a particular context”. (Zhang 2003:66) Learners should realize that culture is very important in language learning. As we kno

32、w, reading and writing English material are often concerned with western culture. The lack of learners cultural background knowledge often hinders their comprehension in reading. For example, people mean pornographic by the word “Huang” in Chinese, but in English, “blue” is taken instead of “yellow”

33、. If learners dont know, they will not understand what “blue film” or “blue video tapes” mean though the words seem to be quite easy. This illustrates that word connotation is the result of culture impact on language. More attention should be paid to culture background in leaning idioms and literatu

34、re works; otherwise, people have no mean to understand the implication of words and passages correctly. There are some approaches to develop students cultural awareness in English reading. Firstly, teachers should seek cultural information concerned in textbooks and other study materials then sort o

35、ut and present them to learners at a proper time and under proper situation. Secondly, let students read some books about English and American culture under teachers guide. Thirdly, let students have discussions about the differences between Chinese and English culture, make them know the importance

36、 of culture in English reading, analyze mistakes made by students, and then correct them one by one. Last, but not the least, people should correctly handle the contradictions between language teaching and cultural teaching. 9.1.3. Mastering the correct methods Reading is a very complicated cognitiv

37、e process, including identifying the sentence, for reading ability is determined by the intelligent activity. It is consistent with sensitizing, inferring and judging. If students can recognize the topic sentence,make prediction and inference in reading ,then students can seize the central ideas , T

38、hat is to say, students can fully understand the text including recognizing the patterns of organization used by writers to express their ideas such as sequential order of events, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, simple listing and related idea. 1) Identifying the topic sentence Topic sent

39、ences and central ideas are thoughts of the text. Every paragraph has a topic sentence .It is used to sum up the central idea. Topic sentence is the main part of the paragraph .So seizing the topic sentence means to seize the central idea. Students should match topic sentences with the paragraphs th

40、ey come from. In addition, topic sentence is often placed at the beginning of the paragraph, the rest are expansion parts. For example: In rock music there is a distinct and almost overwhelming beat .No single beat is characteristic of the music today. But each story has an easily recognizable rhyth

41、m. As you listen to a song your foot usually starts to pick up the beat. Before long, your entire body seems to be moving with it. Your head pounds with the beat, and there is no room for thought. Only the surge of the music is important. In its own way, rock music is as dominant as the rock of Gibr

42、altar. Its message is an overpowering emotional one. The first sentence of the paragraph: “In the rock music there is a distinct and almost overpowering beat.” it is the topic sentence. That is center sentence in the whole passage. Only understand the topic sentence, you can understand whole paper m

43、ean. 2) Prediction Predicting is the faculty of predicting or guessing what is to come next by making use of grammatical, logical and cultural clues. For example: Psychologically, we are rhythmical; we must eat, sleep, breathe, and play regularly to keep good health. Emotionally, we are rhythmical t

44、oo, for psychologist says that all of us feel alternate periods of relative depression and cheer. Intellectually, we are also rhythmical for we must have periods of relaxation following periods of concentration. It naturally follows them that rhythm a fundamental aspect of our lives, must be a part

45、of any good literary works whether poetry or prose. “ What would the next paragraph probably discuss?” A How to write poetry B How to understand rhythmical music C The kind of rhythm found in good literature D The impotence of rhythm in planning our lives At the end of the paragraph it says “It natu

46、rally follows them that rhythm a fundament aspect of our lives, must be part of any good literary words whether poetry or prose.” According to the information, we can predict that the following paragraph will discuss the kind of rhythm found in good literature. So we choose the best answer C. 3) Inf

47、erring Inferring means using of syntactic, logical and cultural clues to discover the meaning of unknown clement. The word-formation and derivation will also play an important part. For example: As the economic role of multinational, global corporations expands, the international economic environmen

48、t will be shaped increasingly not by governments or international institutions, but by the interaction between government and global corporations, especially in the United States, Europe, and Japan. A significant factor in this shifting world economy is the trend toward region trading blocs of natio

49、ns, which has a potentially large effect on the evolution of the world trading system .Two examples of this trend are the United States Canada Free Trade Agreement FIA and Europe1992, the move by the European community EC to dismantle impediments to the free flow of goods, services, capital, and labor among member states by the end of 1992. H


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