Jane Eyre’s Struggle for Recognition and Equality 简爱为得到认可和平等所做的反抗 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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Jane Eyre’s Struggle for Recognition and Equality 简爱为得到认可和平等所做的反抗 英语专业毕业论文.doc_第1页
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《Jane Eyre’s Struggle for Recognition and Equality 简爱为得到认可和平等所做的反抗 英语专业毕业论文.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Jane Eyre’s Struggle for Recognition and Equality 简爱为得到认可和平等所做的反抗 英语专业毕业论文.doc(19页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、简爱为得到认可和平等所做的反抗Jane Eyres Struggle for Recognition and Equality摘要简爱是英国著名女作家夏洛蒂-勃朗特根据自身经历而作的一篇小说。小说通过描述主人公坎坷的一生, 成功地塑造了一个在男权主义社会背景下,为得到社会认可和平等自由而做出反抗的自尊自爱、自立自强的女性形象。本论文先介绍作者,主人公简爱的生活经历。并通过对主人公心理,语言,思想,行为等方面的叙述反映出简爱追求婚姻经济精神的平等。进而从她的生活经历中分析她的独立、自由、平等和反抗等内在特点。这些特点也正是简爱的女权主义的反映。最后谈到简爱做这些反抗的原因,除了当时社会背景和简爱

2、的成长经历因素,最主要的还是简爱的女权主义意识的影响。她成了新时代女性的楷模。总之,她教会女性要独立,不断奋斗,不断争取平等,在现代社会仍然有极其深刻的意义。关键词: 反抗 独立 平等 认可 女权主义AbstractJane.Eyre is written by famous talented English woman novelist Charlotte Bronte, based on her own experience. The novel by describing Jane Eyres rough life,successfully portrays a self-respect

3、ful and self-reliant female in the male chauvinism social background, makes resistance for recognition,equality and freedom.The thesis focuses on the analysis of Jane Eyres feminism. First, it introduces the author Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre path of life.As well as it describes Janes pursuit of

4、the equality in the marriage, economy, spirit through psychology,language,mentality and behavior etc. Further more,from their life experience,it analyses the characters such as independence,freedom,equality,rebellion and the reasons for these behaviors. These characters are also the reflection of fe

5、minism. Finally, we refer the reasons of Janes rebellion. In addition to social background and growth environment, feminism is the most important factor. She becomes the model of women in the new era. In brief, Jane teaches us as a female,we should be independent, constantly struggling, striving for

6、 equality in modern society and it has a profound significance.Key Words: rebellion independence equality recognition feminismContentsIntroduction.1Chapter I Overview of Jane.Eyre.21.1 Introduction to the Author.21.2 Janes Path of Life.2Chapter II A Detailed Analysis of the Characters of Jane Eyre.3

7、2.1 Janes View on Pursuing the Equality and Freedom.32.2 Janes Persuit of Independent.52.3 Janes Rebellion 6Chapter III The Reasons of Janes Rebellion .93.1 The Social Background.93.2 Growth Environment.103.3 Feminism .11Conclusion : .14Notes : .15Bibliography : .16Introduction:Jane.Eyre is written

8、by famous talented English woman novelist Charlotte Bronte in 1846. It has high appraisal in literature history.As before papers, many people have analyzed it from the below aspects on one-side. Such as Cai Wenfang has written “From Jane.Eyre to see the religious views of Charlotte” , Sun Jikun has

9、talked about “a rebellious woman” and Fang Weijin has written “Doubting about Jane Eyres Rebellious Character” etc. These subjects are all good and useful to us.Different from the previous papers, this paper was written in a new aspect. It through the description of Janes characters and feminism, su

10、ccessfully portrayed a middle-class working woman who is struggling for recognition of her basic rights and equality as a human being. In the early years of the 19th century Victorian Age, it is a male-dominated and “money above all” society, and women are regarded as second-class, unexpectedly, eme

11、rging a girl who disdains money and power and has a great courage to combat traditional injustice and oppression. Jane made special contribution to feminism, and she is respected by readers. Todays society, women have owned some rights, but are still somewhat inferior to men in some fields. Mammonis

12、m is in vogue, and unhealthy tendency still exists, which are similar to the novels background. What kind of noble spirit should modern women persist in? These questions are worth our readers thinking about after reading this paper. Chapter I Overview of Jane.Eyre1.1 Introduction to the Author Charl

13、otte Bronte (1816-1855) was one of the most famous female workers in English literature. In this period of tense class struggle appeared a new literary trend-critical realism. English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the forties and in the early fifties. The critical realists descr

14、ibed with much vividness and great artistic skill the chief traits of the England society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint. She created several works, such as Shirley (1849), Villette (1853) and The Professor (1857). Her works are all about the struggle of an individu

15、al consciousness toward self-realization, about some lonely and neglected young women with a longing for independence, freedom and equality. Jane.Eyre is her typical works. It is an autobiography novel. Charlotte Bronte was born at Thornton, in Yorkshire England, the third of six children. Her fathe

16、r, Patrick Bronte, an Irish Anglican clergyman, her mother, Maria Barnwell Bronte, died of cancer on September 15th 1821. In August 1824, charlotte Bronte were sent with three of her sisters to the Clergy Daughters School at Cowan Bridge. Its poor conditions, permanently affects her health and physi

17、cal development, and hastens the deaths of her two elder sisters about 11 and 10 years old. Soon after, she moved from the school and lived with her surviving brother and sisters, Emily and Anne. They began to write stories, articles and poems together. In order to get normal education, Charlotte co

18、ntinued her education at Roe Heed School in Mir field from 1831 to 1842, where she met her lifelong friends and correspondents. Between 1835 and 1838, she returned as a teacher. In 1839, she took up the first of many positions as governess to a family in Yorkshire, a career she pursued until 1841 Af

19、ter her aunt died of internal obstruction in October 1842, Charlotte returned alone to Brussels in 1843. In May 1846, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne published a joint collection of poetry under assumed names of Currer, Ellis and Action Bell, although only two copies were sold, they decided to continue w

20、riting for publication and began working on their first novels. It is very unfortunate, in 1848 her brother died of Chronic Bronchitis. Emily and Anne both died of pulmonary tuberculosis in 1848 and 1849 respectively. She and her father left alone. Under the very hardship condition, Charlotte contin

21、uously worked hard in the journey of creating literature and published Shirley and Villette and began to create long novel Emma in 1853. On June 1854, Charlotte married Arthur Bell Nicholls, her fathers curate. She died nine months later during her first pregnancy.1.2 Jane Eyres Path of LifeJane Eyr

22、es life is full of tears, misery, and starvation, but she constantly strives to become stronger and has the courage to fight continuously for freedom and equality. She becomes strong-minded and persistent in struggling against her fate.Jane is an orphan, and is ill-treated as a little girl. She stri

23、ves for her life, which makes her tough character and strong self-respect. Because of her childhoods life environment, she learns how to live. Also just for her growing experiences, it creates her strong personality, beautiful ideal and wisdom. Jane Eyre is a special image out of ordinary. She makes

24、 a life by herself, dares to express her own idea. Under the pressure of life, no matter how difficult and strenuous, she never gives up struggling for freedom and equality. she always maintains her self-respect by hard work, intelligence and her tough individualism. Though she has little figure, Ja

25、ne Eyre is huge in soul. Her kindness, intelligence, and independence attract the hero. Jane is a marvelous person, a beautiful feminist.Chapter II A Detailed analysis of the characters of Jane Eyre2.1 Janes View on Pursuing the Equality and FreedomJane is a strong girl purusing the equality and fre

26、edom all the time in her life even if she meets with a lot of difficulties.In Janes eyes, all the people in the world are equal regardless tall or short, rich or poor. So she is pursueing the equality. When Jane is in Gateshead, all the people treat her badly, so she strikes back with John Reeds bea

27、ting, the servants at there cry as “For sham! For Sham! What shocking conduct, Miss Eyre, to strike young master.” Jane is surprised to say “Master! How is he my master? Am I a servant?”19We can see from it, in Janes mind they are equal with the upper class which is different from other servants tha

28、t they are inferior to them. Later Jane was sent to Lowood Institution, the school headmaster is a very serve and hard-hearted, especially very arbitrary, which make other persons yield to him, but Jane is unwilling to obey him, because Jane thinks that they are equal in mind. Besides, equality also

29、 can be seen clearly when she stay in Thornfield House. During this time, Mrs. Fairfax treats her kindly, Jane fells very comfortable because she fells equality in their conversation. In the beginning, Jane mistakes Mrs. Fairfax as the master of Thorn field, when Mrs. Fairfax tells Jane the truth th

30、at she is not the master of here but a servant, Jane dose not change her attitude to her, on the contrary, Jane fells the equality between her and Mrs. Fairfax is real equality. Jane says “So much the better-my position as all the freer.” At last,when she in St. Johns Home, she gets a legacy from he

31、r uncle. After obtaining the legacy of her uncle, she thinks her cousin also have the right for the property and then divides the property equally to her cousin. She conquers Rochester in inherent virtue, wins the respect of Hannah圣约翰, and comes to be a favorite cousin in the family. Such is her cha

32、rm! We can see how important of this charm-equality!Jane Eyres view on equality and freedom can be performed through the economy, marriage, spirit. Equality between man and woman, particularly womans economic independence is the foundation. All the time Jane is dependent and she earns the money by h

33、erself even if she is planning to marry Rochester. When she cancels the wedding and leaves Rochester, she takes nothing away. She does not only ask for the pursuit of economic equality and freedom, but also pursuit of the equality and freedom in marriage and spirit. Rochester is attracted by Janes q

34、uality of mind, courage, independence and strong personality, and then he falls in love with her. He wants to know that if Jane loves him, so he pretends to say that he will marry a rich and beautiful woman, Miss. Ingram. At the same time, Rochester requires Jane to stay for him. Jane cannot help ch

35、astising Rochester “Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automation? A machine without feelings? And can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and littl

36、e, i am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!- I have as much soul as you,- and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, i should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of cus

37、tom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;- it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at Gods feet, equal,- as we are! Jane refuses to marry with Rochester and leaves him. Later when she meets her cousin and he wants to marry her,sh

38、e refuse, because she realizes that she is still loves Rochester deeply. She understands she will have to forfeit her independence in the unions, and at last she marries Rochester only when she has attained the financial independence and self-respect to maintain a marriage of equality.In the spirit,

39、 Jane thinks she is equal to others. She said to Rochester: i am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;- it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at Gods feet, equal,- as we are!

40、These words reflect Janes spirit for encourage, equality and freedom . As before said, the economic independence is the material basis of human equality .Then we can also say: equality of psychology is the spiritual basis between man and woman.After reviewing a long journey of Janes persuit of equal

41、ity, from the readers point of view, what she gives us is not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality, she is a marvelous figure, and it is safe to say that Jane Eyre gives readers treasure spirit.2.2 Janes Persuit of IndependentThe

42、 independent spirit is another most important aspect attracting readers. Jane Eyre is exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life. To some degree, the novel can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit. In Jane Eyre, mistreatment and unf

43、airness force Jane to struggle for self-respect, while knowledge and worthwhile work provide her with enough economic supply to gain independence. Jane, casting alone on the world and fighting a solitary battle, shows her determination in pursuing her self-esteem and independence at every stage of h

44、er life, both in struggling with social pressure and resisting the temptation of passion and love. In every relationship, Jane rises from inferiority to superior, and finally gains full independence through continuous rebellion. Besides, Jane Eyre reads a lot of books, so she has a clear understandi

45、ng of the society. She is passionate, but her reason always can rule her emotion. This character helps her maintaining her self-respect and independence.Janes path of life, it is ceaselessly changing, but living principles remain. Firmly persisting for the rights of being independent gives people en

46、ough confidence and courage.2.3 RebellionBesides the equality and independence, rebellion is a important character in Janes life. Jane, a penniless orphan girl of a poor parsons family is under the cruel rule of her aunt, Mrs. Reed. During the ten years of her stay there, Jane suffers many insults-all her cousins proud indifference, all her aunts aversion, and all the servants snobbery. They often find pleasures in teasing and mocking Jane. One day Jane has a conflict with her cousin, John Reed, who often bullies and abuses her. It is the first struggle for her. A


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