On Nontraditional Word-building Methods and Characteristics of English Cyber-neologisms 毕业论文(英文) .doc

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1、On Nontraditional Word-building Methods and Characteristics of English Cyber-neologismsAbstract: Cyber chat (Cyberchat) and instant messaging (IMing) are getting increasingly popular with the computer-literate youth. They use a vocabulary of cyber-language with new characteristics different from the

2、 traditional language. The word-building of cyber-neologisms features a non-traditional way, flexibly absorbing numbers, keyboard signs, and pictures as its word-building elements while borrowing traditional ways of word-building. Therefore, the author coins several new words attempting to describe

3、and categorize newly-emerged cyber-neologisms and their characteristics.Key words: English cyber-neologism; digitization; natio-localization; hyper-textualization; derivationalization; characteristics1 The definition of cyber-language and English cyber-neologismsLanguage is the product or part of so

4、cial culture, and at the same timeit is in certain social cultural background a sign systeme which expresses certain implication. Language, as a system of signs, evolving under the function of society, is the characterization of social significance and society progress. Language is a system with soc

5、ial function, in the long-term development of the society meeting need of various aspects of the human society, and along with the social changes it constantly changes. The dynamic process of language can satisfy people communication demand, it also embodies the close relationship between language a

6、nd social as well as between cognition and communication. To exist in the world is subjective and objective of Language is the reflection of the process and things that exist in both subjective and objective world; language is one of the significant activity, the way and meansof doing things, reflec

7、ting the interpersonal relationship; language is social phenomenon of interpersonal interaction, facilitating interpersonal collaboration and regulating interpersonal relationship. Cyber English is exactly becoming increasingly rich and gradually developed under the society background of the high-sp

8、eed development of network technology, and embodies the popularity of the media and the progress of science and technology. Cyber English is the product of cyberculture, and it is in line with the development law of language.Cyberage, the abbriviation of cyber-language, is a newly-emerged media lang

9、uage used in cyber-communication. Cyberage can be divided into three parts: first, technical terms of computer and cyber technology; second, terms related to the culture and phenomena of the internet; third, special terms used in Computer-mediated Communication(CMC). In general sense, the above thre

10、e parts are all included in cyberage, while, in narrow sense, cyberage only refers to the third one. This thesis focuses on cyberage in general sense and those newly-emerged English words are called English cyber-neologisms. There are two reasons why the word cyber-neologism is chosen instead of oth

11、er words, like net-neologism,web-neologism, network-neologism and Internetneologism. First, cyber means being connecter with electronic communication, networkss, especially the internet. In addition, as a prefix, cyber- has been quoted by many newpapers and sites, deriving lots of new words with cyb

12、er- as their prefix. These words have already been listed in the new editions of The Oxford English Dictionary and Longman Dictionary. For example, cyberspacem, cybercafe and cyberquatting can easily be seen in the sixth edition of Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary while words such as cybersex, cy

13、bersickness, cybercrime, cyberfraud, and others can be found in the new edition of Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Advanced English. It is true that English cyber-neologisms are mainly coined through traditional word-building methods, like initialism, acronym, blending, shortening, loan word and

14、meaning change. However, many non-traditional methods of word-building have also emerged and are to become the mainstream tendency for the development of English cyber-neologism. Therefore, hereby, attempts are made to analyze, classify and difine these non-traditional word-building methods.2 Nontra

15、ditional Word-building Methods of English Cyber-neologisms2.1 Digitization of phrases“Digit” refers to the Arabic numerals(0-9) and “digitize” means “to put information into a digital form”. The definition of digitization of phrases can be decribed as: to apply Arabic numerals, as well as homophony,

16、 morphology and cultural meanings of numer als into English phrases during chatting on the internet to substitute the former words or the tendency of syllables. Digitization is unique to cyber-English and also the prominent nontraditional word-building method.2.1.1 Phonographic digitsphonographic di

17、gits means to substitute some syllable or the whole word with the numerals whose pronunciation is similar with or the same as that of the syllable or the word the make communication more efficient. substitute a numeral for a syllable c u l8er = see you later ( to use the pronunciation of “8”

18、to replace the pronunciation of “ate”), GR8 = great, I h8u = I hate you, TLK2UL8R = talk to you later, B4 = before ( to use the pronunciation of “4” to replace the syllable “fore”, LU4E = love you forever, 6ix-8ight. substitute a numeral a word I 1 2 go= I want to go, F2F = face to face,P2P =

19、 Peer to Peer,Its up 2 u = Its up to you,Net2phone = Internet toTelephone, me2= me too, 2U2=to you too,B2C=business to commerce,B2B=business to business,G2B= government to business,2Bornot2B?=to beor not to be?,Good 9 = Good Night, luk 4 = look for, B4N= bye for now,5=high Five. From the above emamp

20、les, it can be concluded that “2”, “4”, “8” whose pronunciation is a single vowel, can replace prepositions or a single syllable.2.1.2 Digits with cultural complicationIn a region or a special community, digits are often used to implicitly express ones intention to avoid embarassment caused by talki

21、ng about somebody or something explicitly,or used to express something humorously. Americans consider “1775” as “ Im gonna rebel” because in 1775, the war of Independence broke in America; “13579” refers to “it is so odd” since “1”, “3”, “5”, “7”, “9”, all of them are odd. Nmbers in the pink revolut

22、ion:1) refers to the male role in gay relationship2) refers to the female role in a gay relationshipA gay often uses “419” to indicate a one nightstand, for example, would you like to go out with me 419?2.1.3Digits in cybertechThe development of computer and the internet is accompanied by emerging t

23、echnologies. To define them more accurately and iconically, the developers introduce Arabic numerals to coin words. Digits in IT3G means the Third Generation of Radio Communication Technology,Windows 2000 refers to the Microsoft Operating System, MP3/MP4 stands for digital audio compressed fo

24、rmat, 64-bit machine, 3-Daudio for three-dimensional audio, 3DNOW for 3D image processing technology, 3D-Pipeline for three-dimensional pipeline and 100Base5. Digits in cyber spacehttp:/www.E, http:/, http:/, http:/.2.2 Natio-localization(national localization)In the British history, Britain

25、had suffered from the aggression of Anglo-Saxon, Rome, Scandinavia and the Norman conquest in 1066, the old English had introduced a lot of French and Latin words. while modern English has also absorbed many Japanese words, like toufu, Karaok and Chinese words, like lychee, kongfu, cha, Jiaozi, makj

26、ong, fengshui9 and dimsum. English is always developing with great vigor, along with absorbing language elements from other nations. Cyber-English, as a variant or a branch of English, is absorbing the ample language elements of other ethics, therefore, it is characteristized with national localizat

27、ion.2.2.1 The definition of national localizationWith the rapid development of science and technology and further relization to the world, new things have kept emerging and a English word is doomed to decribe them. When English is accepting newly-emerged things, it is bound to bring in language or c

28、ultural elements. Therefore, the tendency of national localization of English words comes into being.2.2.2 NationalizationWhat are Chinese spacemen called? Astronaut or cosmonaut? That is a question faced with Xinhua News Agency when Yang Liwei became the first Chinese spacemen. Finally, Taikonaut i

29、n which “taiko-“ stands for “taikong”, the spelling of “太空”, and “-naut”, a Greek root, for “sailor”, is applied as the English name to refer to Chinese spacemen. How to translate Chinese spacemen is not only a problem of word, but also a problem of national affection. American spacemen are called a

30、stronaut, Russian spacemen cosmonaut deriving from Russian kosomnavt. These two words refer to different meanings and can not mix them up. Since China is the third country who is capable of launching manned spacecraft, Chinese, out of pride, is surely entitled to creat a unique English name to addre

31、ss their spacemen. It is predicted that in 10 years, if Japan and German will launch manned spacecraft successfully, words that stand for spacemen and contain the affection of each nation will come into being, for example, Japanese pilot is called , so its English name should be wuchiunaut or wuchun

32、aut.2.2.3 LocalizationAlthough cyber-English is an international phenomenon, netizens from different regions use different English words to describe the same thing and this fact is the localization of cyber-English.For example, has different meanings in countries: it means AT, Curled A in the US, do

33、g in Russia, petit escargot in France, ape tail in Swedish and Dutch, curled-up cat Poland and Finland, cinnamon bun in Sweden, worm in Hungary and little mouse in China. Though A in a round circle has many different implications, the main meaning during chatting on the internet is basically about A

34、merica because the dominating status of American English.2.3HypertextulizationEnglish is, in effect, used as a hybrid-language in this Internet age. The emotion icons of cyber-language are dubbed as “modern pictographs” popular among English-speaking world. Hypertextulization is another nontradition

35、al word-building method of English neologisms.2.3.1 Denifition of hypertextulizationTo save time and express certain subject in a more vivid and interesting way, signs on the keyboard, pictures and hyperlinks on the internet are used in cyber-language. This has been beyond the linearity and close-en

36、ded of words and text. This word-building method by using signs, pictures and hyperlinks are called hypertextulization of cyber-neologisms, including keyboard-symbolism, cyber-picturalization and hyperlink.2.3.2 Keyboard-symbolismIn cyber-language, signs on the keyboard are used to compile facial ex

37、pression.These signs including digits, letters, punctuations, cyber signs() and those special signs on the keyboard and in the microsoft word, can convey meanings. For example, Punctuation + digital font + mathematical symbols:-9 refers that one smiles with his tongue licking his lips.:-=) l

38、ooks like a face with mustache of Japanese style.5 means high five.:-8 stands for gorilla3:=9 Moo., this is a cow8-) stands for a smiling person on a pair of glasses2.3.2.2 Punctuation + letter(-_-)zZ means sleepingI= =I) means the class that own cars.J is a smiling face(-: means the letter-writer i

39、s a left-handerL is a sad or an angry face. Cyber signs and the special signs on the keyboard and in the microsoft wordHe* means he is weeping.$o$ refers to worshipping the golden calf:-#| means a smiling face with bushy moustache-( symbolizes a rose_. S0S means saving our soul or saving us.2

40、.3.2.4 Signs with cultural meaning*-( means Cyclops with his eye closedo-) means Cyclops with his eye open. The uncertainty of the connotation of signs:-$ 1. indicates that one is sick or stomachturning; 2. put your mouney where your mouth is; 3. the cigarette is smoking.:-* 1. put your money

41、 where youth is; 2. means one is little angry; 3. kiss2.3.3 Cyber-picturalizationagirl: a beautiful girla day: a snowy day day keeps doctor away: an apple a day keeps doctor away.A: Where r u? B: I home. A: Where are you? B: I am at home. Give me 2moro aftnoon:Give me a a call tomorrow afternoon.2.4

42、 Derivationalization2.4.1 The definition of derivationalizationBlending is the main method to coin English cyber-neologisms. It shows new feature,that is derivationalization. Derivaive means a word or thing that has been developd or produced from another word or thing while derivationalization refer

43、s to the phenomenon that coining neologisms by imitating cyber-neologisms or by deriving other words from the root or affix of neologisms. This concept can be mixed up with blending, since blending is a static word, while derivationalization is a dynamic word. The former focuses on word-building met

44、hods, while the latter lays emphasis on the developing process in which netizens participate and cyber-culture exerts its effect with a new word as the basis. Here are two examples to decribe the word-building process of derivationalization.2.4.2 The derivationalization of the root “blog”Blog, the a

45、bbreviation of weblog, is coined by Peter Merholz, which refers to a particular writing form on the internet. The sites of blog consist of document according to the inverted order of time, with complementary materials laying on the two sides, updating frequently and using links in large numbers. Ini

46、tially, many neologisms,like blogger, blogee, derived from blog. With the rapid spread of blog and the compacted netizen users, the primary meaning of blog is enlarged and has been classified more exactly. All of the following neologisms derive from blog, for example, warblog(blog about war) by Matt

47、 Welch, Klog/ K-blog (knowledge blog), Punditblog (expert blogging), Techblog(technology blog), Moblog(Mobile blogs), Videoblog, Audioblog, Fotolog(photo blog), Blawg(law blog), Froglogs( Franch blogs), Linguablog( lingua blog) and Kittyblogger(those who write trivial matters). Based on this , blogg

48、ers also build up their own manor, for example, Blogosphere, Blogerati, and Blogroll. From the “watergate” event of former US president Nixon and the “Irangate” affair of the former president Reagan to the “zipgate” affair of the former president of US Clinton, the “mailgate” affair of Dell corporat

49、ion and the “spygate” affair of former president Bush, “-gate” has been spreading rapidly as a synonym of scandal. What is the “Blogate” affair in China? During the meeting of “NPC” and “CPPCC” in March 12, 2006, the Lianhe Zaobao of Singapore issued an article called “Chinese Blogate”, joking western media. Then, “Blogate”, as a new


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