On the Features and Translation of Business English Correspondence 商业英语毕业论文.doc

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1、On the Features and Translation of Business English Correspondence 目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-25答辩委员会表决意见26答辩过程记录表27一、 课题(论文)提纲引言1商务信函的语言特征 1.1常用语特征 1.2 贸易术语特征2 商务信函的写作原则 2.1清晰 2.2 简洁 2.3 正确 2.4 具体 2.5礼貌 2.6完整 2.7体贴3 商务信函的翻译原则3.1 忠实 3.2精确 3.3统一结束语二、内容摘要随着经济的发展,外贸信函变成了一种重要的交流方式。在双方互发信函中,我们能互相交换

2、信息、商务合同、谈判及在贸易中解决的方法等信息并且友好交往。作者通过理解、分析和比较外贸信函的特点和功能去议论商务信函的翻译技巧。外贸信函的翻译在成功的翻译上扮演着重要的角色。作者阐明了外贸信函翻译者应该遵循“忠实,精确,统一“的原则。忠实是翻译者要遵循的第一个原则,精确是三个原则中关键的,统一则保证了统一性和翻译的标准。三、 参考文献1陈小慰. 商务语篇的翻译J.中国翻译,2004,32张俊明. 商务英语信函写作M.北京 :经济科学出版社,20043戚云方. 新编外经贸英语函电与谈判M.浙江:浙江大学出版社:P1254戚云方. 新编外经贸英语写作与套语Z.杭州:浙江大学出版社,20025刘法

3、公. 从商贸英语的特点谈商贸汉英翻译J.解放军外国语学院,1999,26司福成.论英文商务信函中的礼貌原则J.华侨大学学报,2003年4期7吴洁.商务英语的礼貌原则J.中国科技翻译,2003年第16卷On The Features and Translation of Business English Correspondence Abstract : With the development of economy , business English correspondence letters have become an important way to communication .

4、By sending English correspondence for foreign trade letters to each other ,we can exchange information, contact business , negotiate and solve the problems existed in trading , and also promote friendship .The author through a comprehensive and systematic analysis and comparison of English business

5、correspondences characters, and to argue that its translation. The exploring of principle of English business correspondence translation plays an important role in a successful translation . The author upholds the view that English business correspondence translators should follow the three principl

6、e of “faithfulness , exactness and consistency “ . Faithfulness is the first principle for business English translators to follow; exactness is the key of these three principle ; consistency guarantees a unified and standard translation.Keywords: features; translation; business EnglishIntroductionBu

7、siness English correspondence is a branch of business English system. With the rapid development of globe economy, business English correspondence, as a tool for international economic exchange plays an important role. And business English correspondence is a bridge connecting Chinese and English. B

8、usiness English translators should have strong awareness of the feature of business English correspondence, so that translators can have a better comprehension. 1. Words Feature in Business Letters People use different language in different situation . Just as certain clothes are considered in appro

9、priate in offices by some companies , so is certain language considered equally in appropriate in business message . In both instances , the result is a loss of credibility and respect . When used correctly , language accurately the degree of formality inherent in the situation .Thus ,we can arrange

10、 language along a continuum between “formal “and “informal “.1.1. Common English wordsAs is pointed out ,business letter often use informal language .This doesnt mean that they are ungrammatical .Business writing is shaped by its purpose and audience and cannot afford to be stuff or academic .Said d

11、ifferently ,informal language is conversational . Conversation is characterized by daily or common .Common words are not too formal nor too vulgar and therefore have a wide range of applications . these words are the core part of English and can be used or understood by whoever knows English . Busin

12、ess correspondence is a kind of conversation by post . It tends to be in colloquial form ,with simple and easily understandable words and avoiding slang words or rarely used words . Please look at the following extract of a letter. Dear Sir You firm was recommended to us by Mr. Lee , with whom has b

13、een done business for many years . We specialized in the export of Chinese Black tea ,which has enjoyed great reputation in the world market .I enclosed a copy of price list and catalogue for you reference ,please contact me if any item is interested . I look forward to hearing form you soon.You sin

14、cerely Altogether ,there are 63 words in established business relations letter. Most of them are very familiar to ordinary people ,e.g. I learned from ,You name was recommended to us by, I got you name and address from , would like to enter into business relation with , I look forward to /hope to be

15、 , etc . and they are common words in English.1.2. Business Term There is no doubt that business terms play an important role in business English correspondence. We have stated clearly in the former part of this paper that business English are full of business terms. When translators meet some busin

16、ess terms in translating , they had better keep to the same translation for the same term and abide by the principle of” faithfulness, exactness ,consistency” . It is also necessary for the translator to accumulate certain business knowledge and terms.Let us look at some example:A.M.(above mentioned

17、) 上述 FPA(Free from particular Average ) 平安险Setting claims 理赔 T/T电汇 improper packing 包装不当 short delivery 短装 信用证shipping policy 运输单据 S/C 售货确认书 CIB(Commodity Inspection Bureau)商检局 The suppliers should be responsible for shore weigh resulting from improper packing.由于包装不妥所造成的短量应由供货商负责。The shipping date u

18、nder S/C No.123 is approaching. Would you please expedite the covering L/C?弟123号售货确认书项下货物运期临近,请抓紧开立有关信用证。The inspection certificate issued by CIB shall serve as the basis for filing claims.商检局出具的检验证书将是索赔的依据。2. The Principle Feature of Business Letter2.1. ClarityMake sure that the letter is so clear

19、that it cannot be misunderstood .The message should covey exactly what you wish to say and is not liable to misunderstanding. Business document is effective only when it communicate the necessary idea to its readers with clarity. Use plain, simple words ,well-organized sentences and paragraphs. Good

20、, straight forward, simple English is what is needed for business documents.Avoid vague and ambiguous expressions. Much confusion has been caused by unclear business communication. Lack of clarity indicates that you are uncertain, confused, or insincere .This may be due to careless use of words or s

21、yntactic and contextual faults.Everything you write should be checked for clarity. If there is the slightest doubt about its clarity ,you should rewrite it.Please look at the following examples:Example Dear sir: Mr.Lee yesterday called our agent David saying that the mistake was him . As a result ,

22、his insurer has acquiesced. Therefore, we shall be repaid the full amount of our subrogation interest in this matter . If this is satisfactory to you ,please sign the attached release and forward it along with the copy of our accident report. Yours sincerely, SarahBetter Dear Ms.Rutt, Mr.Lee yesterd

23、ay took his blame for your accident on January 12. As a result ,his insurance company had agreed to repay us the full amount (2,111US dollars )for your collision damage . We are quite pleased at their willingness to settle out of court. If their offer sounds acceptable to you ,please sign the enclos

24、ed release and return it to us , along with the copy of our accident report. Yours sincerely, Sarah2.2. ConcisenessConciseness is the expression of an idea in the fewest possible words without sacrificing clarity. In business correspondence, this means increased effectiveness and decreased costs Wor

25、dy expressions and redundancies are the major blunders to overcome ,such as “in accordance with your request” should be “as you requested”. Write sentences in which every phrase, every clause, every statement says only what needs to be said.Please look at the following examples:Example The above ord

26、er should have been received by the end of January.Better We should have received the above order by the end of January.Example We acknowledged the receipt of a letter November15,2004from you.Better Many thinks for your letter of November15,2004.Example preparation of an agenda should be done before

27、 a meeting .Better Prepare an agenda before the meeting.Example In accordance with you requestBetter As you requestedExample Having received your letter of November 15.Better We have received your letter of November 15.Example In addition, we are also sending you our latest brochure.Better In additi

28、on, we are sending our latest brochure .2.3. CorrectnessNo business document should ever be permitted to go out with a misspelled word, or a typographical error ,or an incorrectly or poorly constructed sentence. Poor grammar, misspelled words ,lack of punctuation or improper use of it should be avoi

29、ded. You should use appropriate and grammatically correct language, factual information and accurate reliable figures .You should also pay attention to the form and convention ,as well as to content, such as name of the article ,specification, quantity, unit ,etc. Errors often occurring in business

30、writing are those with pronouns, adjectives ,articles ,verbs, adjectives , conjunctions and participles .There are some errors of fact , too .These mistakes are often the result of inattention and carelessness .For instance ,errors in price quotations and delivery dates are often oversights caused b

31、y careless typing ,insufficient proofreading ,or too hasty corrections or erasures. Errors can also be made because reference books are not consulted when necessary. This failure may result in misspelled names or words, and errors in the use of words. Discourtesy is also errors included in business

32、writing. Therefore, every effort must be made to ensure the accuracy of business communication in various aspects. All the facts and information must be checked and rechecked .Carefully attention to details ,conscientious proofreading, and the use of reference books will help to reduce errors in bus

33、iness writing.Example The product absolutely the best on the market .Better This product is the best one we can supply.2.4. concretenessEffective business communication is marked by concrete words. Make your message specific, definite and vivid. In your writing ,you should use expressions with preci

34、se meanings rather than general language.Here are some examples:Example We have drawn on you as usual under your L/C.Better We have drawn on you our sight draft No.386 for the invoice amount, 3,100 US dollars .2.5. CourtesyTo be polite is a basic principle for business writing. Every a representativ

35、e of the firm and as a messenger of goodwill. Courtesy is the letter should be looked as expression of ones good intentions towards the reader. All this goes towards building goodwill, and goodwill is the very foundation of every successful business. Treat the reader with respect and friendliness an

36、d sincerity. To achieve this goal, business writing in no circumstance ever should be discourteous. You should not accuse your customers of their mistakes, shirk your own responsibility, brush away your customers request, refuse to help your customers or not be grateful for their help. Show your ang

37、er in business writing .Anger only helps to make the reader angry.Sometimes discrepancy may occur in business writing ,but with diplomacy and tact it can be overcome and settled without ill will on either side. When doing this you should be tactful, thoughtful and appreciative. Adopting the right to

38、ne is also very important. The right tone arouses good will, warmth and the interest in your reader .Avoid irritating, offensive or belittling statements. If the writer and the reader aim to cooperate, the tone of superiority should never appear. Phrases like “if what you said is true”,“ifas you sta

39、ted”may make your reader think that you are suspicious of his integrity. “You neglected”,“you forget”may risk your reader with accusation .Answer your customers promptly, for punctuality will please yourcustomers who are waiting for days before they obtain reply to their questions. Whenever necessar

40、y, do not forget to say “Thank you. ”“Would you please?”“We would appreciate it”Here are some examples:Example I have not yet received your expense account ,Jeff.Better Jeff, if you send me your expense account tomorrow ,I can cut you a check before the weekend .Example Obviously , you are unaware o

41、f our refund policy.Better Our refund policy coversExample Thank you for your letter of May 16 in which you complained about our service program.Better After receiving your letter of May 16,I reviewed you concerns with our service department .Example You are requested to send me a price list for you

42、r M-series.Better Would you please send me a price list for your M-series.2.6. CompletenessAs a commercial communication should be concise ,it must include all the relevant information .A complete business document should contain whatever details are needed to produce the response you want. If you l

43、eave out something the reader should know, it will be annoying and costly because it holds up business transactions and duplicates work .Omission of anything the reader wants to know casts suspicions, and may cost you a sale or even an important customer And even worse, it may cause costly lawsuits.

44、 To write business document with completeness ,you should put yourself in the readers place and ask yourself constantly, “what are his needs ,his wishes ,his interests his problems ,and how can I meet them?” You should be certain that you have answered the inquirers questions as fully as possible an

45、d try to inform your reader of exact information which may be useful to your customer now or in the future .2.7. ConsiderationBusiness letter should develop goodwill. They should be made as personal and interesting as possible. Before you begin to write ,think carefully about the way in which you wa

46、nt to influence your customer. Most people often take it for granted that the readers are interested in your products or problems. In fact ,they are not unless you say something that is attractive to them. To make a good impression, you should be considerate enough. Put yourself in your readers shoe

47、s .Try to image your readersreaction, how they will feel after reading your writing. Plan the best way to present the message ,always have the readers interest in mind. Consider their feelings and position. Reader-centered attitude means “you” are more important than “I” or “me” . Try to understand and respect your readers point of view .If your reader think you are standing in his shoes , he will feel more comfortable. This will reduce conflicts. If you use “you” whe


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