利用积分滑模控制改善数控轮廓精度 机械毕业论文翻译论文.doc

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2、现震颤,这有利于机器的驱动器。文章概要1、简介2、实验装置3、两自由度(RST)的控制器4、滑模控制器设计5、RST控制和等效控制的关系6、积分滑模控制6.1、积分控制系数的选择7、实验结果8.、轮廓误差8.1、 RST控制器8.2、等效控制9、结论参考文献1、简介为了改善多轴数控机床轮廓加工精度,最好的办法是提高各个轴的轨迹精度。因此,整体轮廓精度可以得到保证。由Tomizuka提出的零相位误差跟踪控制器(ZPETC)就是是基于这种想法。ZPETC基本上是前馈控制器。对于最小相位系统,前馈控制器可设计为植物的逆。从参考输入到输出的传递函数就变成统一。有了一个完美的模型,跟踪误差就可以是零,因


4、限的频率来保证其坚固性。系统紧随其后.就像数控机床伺服控制器是由电子计算机实现一样,有必要进行估算离散时间滑模控制器(DSMC方法)。在连续时间SMC中,受限于有限的采样间隔,开关不能发生在无限频率中。其开关只能出现在采样瞬间。这意味着,当系统动力交叉滑动面采样瞬间,该控制器不能立即使系统保持在滑动面上。因此,在离散时间滑模控制中,系统将保持在一个滑动面附近,而不是仅仅在停留滑动表面 7和 8上。一SMC的设计有一等效控制和一开关控制组成,等效控制是从滑动面SK为0 9 解决的,而当其偏离了表面时,开关控制设计成驱动系统在滑动面上。滑模控制有时也被称为变结构控制(VSC),因为开关控制通常是一

5、个符号函数或饱和函数。取决于系统在哪个滑动面的上,SMC(或VSC)控制器将具有不同的结构。为了保持SMC的坚固性,干扰估计在SMC的设计中是必要的。恩等人,如10,展示了一种办法,它是结合了离散时间变结构控制器(DVSC)和解耦干扰补偿器(DDC),可控制一个单一轴数控机床。后来,金等人, 如8,修改了滑动表面。Sun等人,如11,展示了一种变结构控制器重复一个离散时间输入输出时间延迟模型,并提出当前滑动函数值估计在未来的DTH一步滑动功能。 在上述论文中,SMC在控制法则中使用了不连续元素。在利用引进断断续续的控制信号保证了其坚固性,但对于执行机构是不利的。出于实际的原因,不能引用断断续续

6、的控制信号。积分滑模控制12和13就是为了解决这个抖振问题。有人声称利用SMC来改善数控机床的轮廓精度。 Altintas等人,如 14,提出了一种用于高速进给驱动系统自适应滑模控制器。陈等人,如 13,提出了基于动力学模型的不同特点的两个积分滑模控制器。引入积分作用是比传统SMC的更有效地消除抖振。在此论文中,提出了一种基于以投入产出模型的积分滑模控制器(ISMC),作为完善一拥有追踪和规范独立目标的2个自由度的控制器。.因此,极点配置知识可应用在ISMC。通过相互之间的作用提高了其坚固性,于是得到了想要达到的控制。有2种措施可以消除震颤问题,即选择合适的滑动面和完整全面的控制。结果发现,一


8、1.实验3轴微型数控系统图 2.轴向伺服驱动系统示意图在Pentium III450 MHz的计算机上使用一个Servo-To-Go接口卡。在RTAI实时操作系统操作下的计算机,它是Ubuntu8.04 Linux操作系统的补丁。开放源码的增强机控制器(EMC)15作为数控系统的软件。硬体抽象层(HAL),EM的一个特性,被用来实现在EMC中的实时模块。使用的采样频率为1 kHz。 开环轴向模型(在图3中被虚线围绕的部分)通过闭环辨识方法获得16。PRBS码应用在参考输入,并记录输出。随着GP控制器的信息的获得,开环模型就得到16提供的Matlab工具箱。对X-与Y-轴已获得的模型的列于表1图

9、 3.轴向伺服驱动系统框图。表1. 系数为X和Y轴模式, d=3.q0q1q2q3Bx(q1)0.007089110.003389400.001151120.0Ax(q1)1.01.797555101.051227500.25367240By(q1)0.007903390.005605200.000142940.0Ay(q1)1.01.529429450.642813900.113384453、 2自由度(RST)的控制器轴流式驱动系统的动态表达在离散时间投入产出模型中(1) A(q-1)yk=q-dB(q-1)uk+wk ,d为离散时间系统的时间延迟,wk是集中扰动项,其中包括外部干扰和模型

10、不确定性。分子B(q1)和分母A(q1)分别时移多项式,用m和n表示。(2) B(q-1)=b0+b1q-1+b2q-q+bmq-m(3) A(q-1)=1+a1q-1+a2q-2+anq-n首先,我们先从两个的自由度控制器开始,如图4所示。给予一定的开环系统模型,控制器设计从基本上是指如何选择的管理和跟踪的闭环系统的性能。 R,S与T分别为所设计控制器时移多项式。对于一个特定的模式,不同的设计方法将导致R,S和T值不同16。为方便参考,于是2个自由度的控制器被称为一个RST控制器。图 4 2个自由度的控制器(RST).在这项工程中,建议ISMC控制器将会一步一步从标准的2自由度(RST)控制

11、、接着相应的控制、最后积分滑模控制来设计。在每个步骤中,控制器将会被设计和检测。后面的两个控制器的设计在前一个基础之上。这就是说,等效控制器是在RST控制器基础之上的,积分滑模控制器是在等效控制器基础之上的。而不是设计一个新的积分滑模控制器在真机上一次性测试,中间步骤对解决问题是有帮助的作为伺服驱动器动力学模型所确定的最低阶段的类型,该模型可以用来设计一个独立的跟踪和监管目标RST控制器。EQ控制法。(4)包含的反馈部分和前馈部分.。 当T=P时;其中P是后面将介绍的一个多项式定义的滑动表面多项式,R和S的选择可以由极点配置控制器的设计决定4、滑模控制器设计滑模控制(SMC)是以其抗干扰和多模

12、型而出名。 SMC是有时被称为变结构控制(VSC),因为它是经常使用变结构动力来驱动系统从而实现了滑模。控制信号由等效控制项和一个开关控制项目组成。5、RST控制和等效控制的关系相比于式RST(在方程4中)控制。方程(14)中等效控制包含干扰的评估,其中S = EB, R = F and T = P.;没有了wk的干扰,等效控制和RST控制在独立目标的跟踪和限制条件完全一样。拥有了干扰的估计,实际闭环动态已接近预定由该多项式P(q -1)条界定的动态。在这种情况下由于实际伺服驱动器的运动,一个不恰当的零点选择集的P(q- 1)会导致严重的抖动。如果选择的闭环频率close接近开环open,将会


14、系统没有噪声保持在滑动表面 积分SMC设计组成如图5所示。图5积分滑模控制的稳定性: (a) 原始的(b) 简化的7、实验结果 协议ISMC在小型数控机床上测试。该ISMC的设计和测试在一个独立的目标和跟踪上一步一步来自先RST控制器,然后就是等效控制器,其中包括干扰估计,最后是有积分环节的ISMC。所有设计的控制器都是以闭环辨识原理获得的模型为基础168.、轮廓误差 不同控制器的轮廓特征用轮廓误差来表示。对于线性和圆形轮廓,轮廓误差计算如下:参考如图7,其中P*和P是理想的位置和刀具沿直线轮廓的实际位置,轮廓误差在任何给定时刻下由下式给出(37)=-exsin+eycos EX和EY分别为沿

15、x轴和y轴的轨迹误差。图 7线性轮廓误差,P为实际位置, P*是理想的位置.8.1RST控制器与第5节讨论的P的选择相比, RST控制器的X轴与Y轴列于表3。当的RST控制器同时用于X和Y轴,线性轮廓由40mm / s的进给速度产生,结显示在图8a中。据观察,实际轨道偏离理想轨道的线性轮廓的一侧,从而造成一个连续的有6微米大小的稳定轮廓误差。图8当f= 40mm/s时线性轮廓误差,使用(a)RST控制器,(b)等效控制ueq。 一个圆形轮廓也产生了40 mm / s的进给速度,结果如图9a所示。对于RST控制器,单轴向轨迹误差不可能减少,由此产生的轮廓误差最大正弦变化误差约7微米。注意到从图9

16、a条中有静摩擦力产生时,轴需要静止或移动的转动速度。图9当f= 20mm/s时线性轮廓误差,使用(a)RST控制器,(b)等效控制ueq。很显然,由于建模误差和外部干扰,RST控制器不能进一步降低轨迹误差,因而无法降低轮廓误差。轮廓误差可造成的轨迹误差。随着轨迹误差消除或减少,轮廓误差肯定会被消除或减少。这是跟踪控制的基本理念。8.2等效控制就像在上一节所得的干扰估计一样,等效控制是来自表达式SK = 0。RST控制器和等效控制器不同的是,等效控制器有一个一个干扰估计在表达式中。等效控制最初是用来产生一个有40mm/ s的进给速度的线性轮廓,结果如图8b所示。据悉,除了在短暂的时期以外,轮廓误

17、差都在 2微米之内,。 在相同进给速度一个40 mm /s下然后生成了圆形轮廓,结果如图9b所示。据悉,在等效控制中,外形误差在 3微米范围内,而轮廓误差范围现在变得更大。该象限位置也几乎减少了一半。随着干扰估计,在控制信号中,作为一个外部干扰力矩形式已充分估计。在等效控制中,外形精度大大提高。这个总结说明了干扰估计的重要性。9、结论 在此论文中,提出了一种基于以投入产出模型的积分滑模控制器(ISMC),作为完善一拥有追踪和规范独立目标的2个自由度的控制器。.因此,极点配置知识可应用在ISMC。通过相互之间的作用提高了其坚固性,于是得到了想要达到的控制。有2种措施可以消除震颤问题,即选择合适的

18、滑动面和完整全面的控制。结果发现,一个慢的滑动面的动态的自然频率的比开环更加可以缓解震颤问题。此论文之所以选择积分控制系数是基于2自由度控制器。根本的是帮其选择合适的基值来保证闭环系统的稳定性。ISMC被建议的实验性的实施在一个小型数控机床上。由于此建议该微型数控机床轮廓加工精度大大提高了。此外没有发现震颤,这有利于机器的驱动器。本文使用了密切相关三种不同的控制策略,尽管他们有不同的技术。协议ISMC控制器的设计一步一步从一个简单的RST控制器,然后一个等效控制器。存在中间步骤对控制器和故障排除的运行有所帮助。参考文献1M.Tomizuka,零相位误差跟踪的数字化控制,尺寸控制算法ASME 1

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25、XPerience Technol(4)(2006),页767-775。全文通过CrossRef |图书馆论坛查看记录|万方图书馆论坛。Improving CNC contouring accuracy by integral sliding mode control AbstractIn this paper, an integral sliding mode controller (ISMC), based on inputoutput models, is proposed as a refinement from a two-degree-of-freedom controller w

26、ith independent objectives for tracking and regulation. Thus, the knowledge of pole placement can be utilized in ISMC. The robustness is improved by a disturbance estimation, which results in an equivalent control. To eliminate the problem of chattering, two measures adopted are an appropriate choic

27、e of the sliding surface and an integral control action. It was found that the choice of a slower natural frequency of the sliding surface dynamics than that of the open loop can ease the problem of chattering. The choice of ki, the integral control coefficient, is based on the two-degree-of-freedom

28、 controller. Root locus is used in assisting in choosing an appropriate value of ki to ensure the closed-loop stability. The proposed ISMC was implemented and experimentally tested in a mini-CNC machine. The contouring accuracy of the mini-CNC machine was greatly improved by the proposed ISMC. Furth

29、ermore, no chattering was observed, which is beneficial to machine actuators.Keywords: Computer numerical control (CNC); Contouring accuracy; Contour error; Tracking error; Integral sliding mode controlArticle Outline1. Introduction2. Experimental setup3. Two-degree-of-freedom (RST) controller4. Sli

30、ding mode controller design5. Relationship between RST control and equivalent control6. Integral sliding mode control7. Experimental results8 Contour error 81 RST controller 82. Equivalent control 9. Conclusion References1. IntroductionTo improve the contouring accuracy for multi-axis CNC machines,

31、the best way is to improve the tracking accuracy of each individual axis. Thus the overall contouring accuracy can be ensured. The zero phase error tracking controller (ZPETC) proposed by Tomizuka 1 was based on this idea. ZPETC is basically a feedforward controller. For minimum phase plants, a feed

32、forward controller can be designed as the inverse of the plant. The transfer function from the reference input to the output then becomes unity. With a perfect model, tracking errors can be zero, thus resulting in zero contour errors. For non-minimum phase plants, ZPETC is designed to be an approxim

33、ated inverse of the plant. The transfer function from the reference input to the output is approximately unity at low frequencies. When the model is perfect, the output should closely follow the reference input, which results in very small tracking errors, and indirectly results in very small contou

34、r errors. The performance of inverse or ZPETC controllers, however, heavily depends on the quality of the model. With imperfect models, the improvement in contouring accuracy with inverse or ZPETC controllers is negligible 2. To overcome model uncertainties and external disturbances which are inevit

35、able in practice, one promising method to reduce tracking errors is sliding mode control (SMC). Sliding mode control is well-known for its robustness against model uncertainties and external disturbances 3 and has been applied in various areas 4, 5 and 6. In continuous-time systems, the robustness c

36、an be ensured by employing a switching control with infinite frequency. This switching control can drive the system onto the sliding surface, keeping the system remain on it thereafter.As servo controllers in CNC machines are implemented by digital computers, it is necessary to investigate the discr

37、ete-time sliding mode controller (DSMC). Limited by finite sampling interval, the switching cannot occur at infinite frequency as in the case of continuous-time SMC. The switching can only occur at sampling instants. This means that when the system dynamics cross the sliding surface between sampling

38、 instants, the controller cannot immediately take actions to make the system remain on the sliding surface. Therefore, in discrete-time sliding mode control, the system will stay within a neighborhood of the sliding surface, rather than just remain on the sliding surface 7 and 8.One design of SMC co

39、nsists of an equivalent control and a switching control. The equivalent control is solved from the sliding surface sk=0 9, while the switching control is designed to drive the system onto the sliding surface when it is deviated from the surface. Sliding mode control is sometimes called variable stru

40、cture control (VSC) because the switching control is usually a signum function or a saturation function. Depending on which side of the sliding surface the system states lie on, SMC (or VSC) controllers will have different structures .To maintain the robustness of SMC, the estimation of disturbances

41、 is a necessity in the design of SMC. Eun et al. 10 developed an approach which combined a discrete-time variable structure controller (DVSC) and a decoupled disturbance compensator (DDC) to control a single axis of a CNC machine. Later Kim et al. 8 improved it by modifying the sliding surface. Sun

42、et al. 11 designed a variable structure repetitive controller based on a discrete-time inputoutput model with a time delay and made the current sliding function value to estimate the sliding function at the dth step in the future.In the aforementioned papers, SMC employed discontinuous elements in t

43、he control law. The robustness is ensured at the price of introducing chattering in control signals, which is undesirable for actuators. For practical reasons, it is desirable to keep the system dynamics remaining on the sliding surface without introducing discontinuous elements into control signals

44、. Integral sliding mode control 12 and 13 is intended to address the problem of chattering.There are reported applications of SMC to improve the contouring accuracy for CNC machines. Altintas et al. 14 presented an adaptive sliding mode controller for high speed feed drives. Chen et al. 13 proposed

45、two integral sliding mode controllers based on different characteristics of model dynamics. Introducing an integral action is more effective to eliminate actuator chattering compared with conventional SMC.In this paper, an integral sliding mode controller (ISMC), based on inputoutput models, is prop

46、osed as a refinement from a two-degree-of-freedom controller with independent objectives for tracking and regulation. Thus, the knowledge of pole placement can be utilized in ISMC. The robustness is improved by a disturbance estimation, which results in an equivalent control. To eliminate the proble

47、m of chattering, two measures adopted are an appropriate choice of the sliding surface and an integral control action. It was found that the choice of a slower natural frequency of the sliding surface dynamics than that of the open loop can ease the problem of chattering. The choice of ki, the integral control coefficient, is based on the two-degree-of-freedom controller. Root locus is used in assisting in choosing an appropriate value of ki to ensure the closed-loop stability.The proposed ISMC was implemented and experimentally tested in a mini-CNC ma


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