国际业务对中小企业发展的作用 毕业论文外文翻译.doc

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1、International business for small and medium-sized enterprises development roleCarlo anecdote Unite StatesSince the reform and opening up, especially in the new century, the Chinese small and medium-sized enterprise development and growth, has become Chinas national economic and social development of

2、 the important power, and in economic prosperity, increasing employment, promoting innovation, improving the peoples livelihood, plays a more and more important role. Small and medium-sized enterprise development problem has become the relationship to the development of national economy of major iss

3、ues, and internationalization is small and medium-sized enterprise development of important ways. (A)Specifically, international business for small and medium-sized enterprises development has the following important role:(a) Learn foreign advanced technology and management experienceSmall and mediu

4、m-sized enterprise development is not balanced, the technology and management is uneven, and on the whole, the level is still very low. Small and medium-sized enterprises must improve the technical level and the level of management. Small and medium-sized enterprises implement the international oper

5、ations, to enter the international market, to study and learn from foreign advanced technology and management experience to have large international experience multinational study, improve the international competitiveness.(b) To realize the resource sharingOur domestic relative shortage of resource

6、s often limits the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprise development and expansion must learn to use of domestic and foreign two kinds of resources. The international enterprise allows the various subsidiaries and agency common use company resources, in

7、cluding assets, patent, trademark and human resources. Because each subsidiary companies and agencies of the enterprise is part, they can get external enterprises cannot get assets, so as to realize the resource sharing.(B)Small and medium-sized enterprise of international business advantages and di

8、sadvantages of analysis (a) Small and medium-sized enterprise of international business advantage analysis 1. Flexible mechanism of small and medium-sized enterprises, the structure of the organization is flexible simple and efficient, because this is the inherent internal advantage, and make it the

9、 information transmission is timely, accurate and fast, thus to shape the market sensitive response capacity. And for most of the large enterprise that, its level and the level is various, the agency set a bloated, causes information transmission speed slow or even distortion. Small and medium-sized

10、 enterprise can give full play to the ship small good turn the superiority, can quickly detect new market opportunities, according to the market situation in time to change its business direction, adapt to the market demand. 2. Resource integration ability Because of small and medium-sized enterpris

11、es in scale, resources, talents, technology compared with large multinational companies is a disadvantage, and also exercise it can maximize the social various resources, and improve the ability of resource integration. Resource integration of the ability in turn promotes the improvement of small an

12、d medium-sized enterprises internationalization degree. 3. Have late-development advantage Small and medium-sized enterprise from technology point, relative to the large multinational company is technology after hairstyle enterprise, small and medium enterprise and without strong research and develo

13、pment capabilities, but it has the advantage of backwardness technology is the main means of learning experience and organizational ability, to the advanced technology, improve digestion and absorption, this also is a kind of technology innovation, a different technology and the developed countries

14、of innovation. Therefore, small and medium-sized enterprise technology accumulation process is based on their special study experience on the basis of. And this kind of technology innovation more suitable for some developing countries, namely the production function is more close to these developing

15、 countries and owes the developed area, so also more easy to transplant, from this point on, small and medium-sized enterprises in international operation with late-developing advantages. (b)Small and medium-sized enterprise internationalized management of disadvantages 1. The international competit

16、ion consciousness is not strong In the global economic integration condition, the small and medium-sized enterprise internationalization management become the trend of The Times, but a number of small and medium-sized enterprises international competition consciousness is not strong, still no launch

17、 international operations, or not to realize international operation to small and medium-sized enterprise development the important influence. Because of Chinas high-tech small and medium-sized enterprise with foreign enterprise is too much, and in the economic globalization, they will face similar

18、foreign capital intensive enterprises impact, and, of the small and medium-sized enterprise in product technology innovation ability there are obviously is insufficient, these will affect the small and medium-sized enterprises in China and its products in the international market competition ability

19、. 2. The lack of international business management talent In the global economy, the competition of decisive significance is knowledge. So in the age of global economy in the enterprise, the shortage is neither raw materials, also is not the capital; neither the advanced technology, also not emergin

20、g market, but talents. Enterprise launch international operations must be familiar with international practice, familiar with international market rules and international trade rules of the rich management experience, seize the international market trends compound operation management talent. And ou

21、r country most small and medium-sized enterprise low starting point, talent reserve lack, the existing management and technical personnel knowledge structure is low, senior management personnel and technical talents was particularly lack, management experience, for international market are incorrect

22、 judgment. In many cases, small and medium-sized enterprise relies mainly on the management experience in the market and intuitive grasp the market, so it will be difficult to form the international marketing model and to establish a stable of consumer groups, more difficult to and other internation

23、al economic entity competition. 3. Small size output power weak At present, foreign companies in order to compete for market share, in succession to mergers and restructuring, and constantly expand the size of the enterprise and increase the competitive power. By comparison, Chinas most small and me

24、dium-sized enterprise assets small scale, management ability is weak, the industrial concentration is low, not form scale economy. Small and medium-sized enterprise small size output, low rate of technical equipment, is the fact that does not dispute, lead to its in the international competition abi

25、lity to resist risks are relatively weak. 4. The financing difficulties Small and medium-sized enterprise development of international business requires a lot of money, but in our financial environment is difficult to solve small and medium-sized enterprises in international operation process of the

26、 face fund shortage problem. Due to the small and medium enterprise assets less, the risk is bigger, credit level was some reason, and Banks generally is not willing to provide loans to small and medium-sized enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises are also hard as the big enterprise that th

27、rough the issuance of corporate bonds, listed on the stock exchange and the means to raise capital. Financial difficulties seriously prevent the small and medium-sized companies in the international business. (C)improve the international competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises counterm

28、easures(a) Improve the international competitive consciousnessSmall and medium-sized enterprise must realize, and participate in the international competition is the trend of The Times, not limited to the existing domestic market, small and medium-sized enterprise must go to the internationalization

29、 way in market competition. After Chinas entry into WTO, the member states to give our country most-favored-nation treatment, reduced the small and medium enterprise to enter the international market barriers, the small and medium-sized enterprise must seize the opportunity to enter the internationa

30、l market. Chinas accession to the world trade organization, the world of the multinational company subordinate to the Chinese market, the international market domestic zed, domestic market internationalization, make our country enterprises development into globalization in all the markets. Internati

31、onal and domestic conditions change of small and medium-sized enterprises are required to reposition the market, switch to the view, from the traditional based on this area of the regional market change based on their, spanning the globe for the international market. In the past in a narrow, enclose

32、d space seeks the development, dominating the market obsolete concepts already can not adapt to the new situation the needs of the development of the enterprise. So small and medium-sized enterprise should be based on regional and spanning the globe, and with more and more a broad vision attitude to

33、 their market position.(b) Introduction and training talentsSmall and medium-sized enterprises to develop international operation, familiar with international practice need a lot, familiar with international market rules and international trade rules of the rich management experience, seize the inte

34、rnational market trends compound operation management talent. Excellent staff will be sent to the overseas training, well-paid foreign experts, absorb universities, students studying abroad and other channels widely absorbs the high quality talent, establish talent pool. Not only to attract talent,

35、more in order to better use and keep talents. Small and medium-sized enterprise can combine their own situation, not only to respect the talents, believe talents, reuse personnel, but also should absorb the successful experience of foreign multinational company, in order to meet the requirements of

36、the international operation, strive for the formation of international business talent advantage.(c) Form strategic alliancesStrategic alliance, just as its name implies is refers to two or more than two business units in order to realize the strategic goal of the mutual reciprocity and mutual benef

37、it for the purpose of the formation of the working relationship. The distinctive characteristic of strategic alliance is equal status of all parties involved in, keep their independenceBusiness management. This model from the influence of the economic strength, especially suitable for capital of sma

38、ll and medium-sized enterprises, inadequate. Pursue the common interests of all parties alliance, seeking common ground while putting aside differences, complementary strengths, and equal status to the enterprise, the enterprise keep their own independent operation,Can be quickly implement, conform

39、to the present enterprise pay attention to speed and cost control requirements. Strategic alliance in most cases no capital association, technical requirements and implementation conditions is lower, the maneuverability is strong, high chance of success. On the structureEnsure the enterprise can loo

40、se according to their own development objectives, at any time and place out of both choose to join the alliance or not to join a union, not involving legal responsibility, effectively ensure the enterprises own strategic target realization. The realization of the enterprise alliance ways, including:

41、 research and development, production, marketing alliance coalition and establishing joint venture enterprise alliance. This can make the enterprise in the most favorable way to participate in alliance cooperation and share the resources at the same time, still can learn foreign enterprise advanced

42、technology and management, increase revenue and reduce risk.中文翻译国际业务对中小企业发展的作用卡洛轶事美国改革开放以来,特别是进入新世纪以来,我国中小企业不断发展壮大,已成为我国国民经济和社会发展的重要力量,在繁荣经济、增加就业、推动创新、改善民生等方面,发挥着越来越重要的作用。一、具体来讲,国际化经营对中小企业的发展有如下重要作用:(一)学习国外先进管理和技术经验中小企业发展很不均衡,技术和管理水平参差不齐,但从总体上看,水平仍很低。中小企业必须提高其技术水平和管理水平。而中小企业实行国际化经营,进入国际市场,有利于学习和借鉴国外





47、主要依靠管理人员的市场经验和直觉把握市场,这样就难以形成自己的国际化营销模式和建立稳定的消费群体,更难以与其他国际经济实体进行竞争。 3.产出规模小实力弱当前,国外的大公司为了争夺市场份额,纷纷进行兼并和重组,不断扩大企业的规模,提高竞争力。相比较而言,我国绝大多数中小企业资产规模过小,经营能力薄弱,产业集中度较低,未形成规模经济。中小企业产出规模小,技术装备率低,是不争的事实,导致其在国际竞争中抗风险能力较弱。4.融资困难中小企业发展国际化经营,需要大量的资金,但我国的金融环境难以解决中小企业在国际化经营过程中面临的资金不足问题。由于中小企业资产较少、风险较大、资信程度较差等原因,银行一般不




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