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1、欧盟环境外交研究 【中文摘要】 作为世界上经济、政治一体化程度最高的区域性国际组织,欧盟(欧共体)拥有比较完善的环境政策,开展了比较成熟的环境外交,在国际环境事务中发挥着举足轻重的作用。从20世纪70年代至今,欧盟各国相继建立了环境保护机构,实行了多个环境保护行动计划,各成员国通过制定和实施共同的环境政策、采取协调行动,改善了欧盟域内的环境状况。在区域组织内解决跨国界环境问题,协商与合作的方式以及有效的政策运行机制,使欧盟环境外交在各种矛盾和利益的协调中得以发展,提高了各成员国治理污染、保护环境的功效,为其他区域性组织协调环境政策、共同治理环境提供了有益经验。此外,欧盟非常重视同其他国家的环境


3、与同国际组织的环境合作,对发展中国家环境保护的援助,经贸上设置绿色贸易壁垒和积极寻求同发达国家的环境对话与合作。文章的第四部分分析了欧盟环境外交的特点。这些特点是环境外交为经济和政治利益服务,绿党在欧盟环境外交中发挥了重要的作用,制定环境政策的复杂性,欧盟开展环境外交的广泛性。最后一部分从积极和消极两个方面客观地评价了欧盟的环境外交。【英文摘要】 As an integrated regional organization, European Union has attained conspicuous achievements in its environmental protection.

4、 Since the 1970s, European Union has established its environment protection institution and carried out several environmental action plans of environmental protection. Member countries have reached an agreement on environmental policy and taken same measures. EU has solved the multinational environm

5、ental issues by negotiation, cooperation and efficient policy functioning system, which has let the environmental policy of EU development. It gives other regional organization the experience on environmental protection. In addition,EU Value with other countriescooperation ,such as America and Japan

6、. At the same time, EU strengthen cooperation and aid with the third world. EU makes the great effort on environmental problem worldwide.The full text is divided into five sections. The first part of the paper try to describe and analyze the causes of environmental diplomacy from European Unions env

7、ironmental conditions, the environmental industry pulling effect on the economy and trying to expand its influence in developing countries. The second part analyzes the EU environmental policy from two-stage and provide a detailed legal basis. The third part of a the paper detailed analysis of the E

8、Us environmental diplomacy practice from five areas . These practices include the European Union actively participate in international environmental conference, the signing of a number of international conventions on the environment, the broad participation of international organizations with enviro

9、nmental cooperation, environmental protection, aid to developing countries, set up trade barriers and actively seeking dialogue and cooperation with developed countries . The fourth part of the article analyzes the characteristics of the EU environmental diplomacy, which include environmental diplom

10、acy serve for the economic and political interests, the Greens Party plays an important role in the EU environmental diplomacy, the complexity of making environmental policy, etc. The last part of both make both positive and negative aspects of the EUs environmental diplomacy.【中文关键词】 欧盟; 环境政策; 环境外交;

11、 环境保护 【英文关键词】 European Union; environmental policy; environmental diplomacy ; environmental Protection 【论文目录】中文摘要 6-7 Abstract 7 引言 8-10 一、欧盟推行环境外交的原因 10-13 (一) 欧洲国家较早经历了环境问题 10 (二) 有利于发展环保产业和推动经济增长 10-11 (三) 争取扩大在发展中国家的影响力 11-12 (四) 争夺世界环境事务的领导权 12-13 二、欧盟环境政策的形成和发展 13-19 (一) 欧共体各国独立制定环境政策、法规的阶段(19

12、52 年1972 年) 13-14 (二) 欧共体统一环境政策的形成和发展阶段(1972年至今) 14-19 三、欧盟环境外交的实践 19-26 (一) 积极参与国际环境会议,签定多个关于环境的国际公约 19-20 (二) 广泛参与同其他国际组织的环保合作 20-21 (三) 对发展中国家的环境保护提供援助 21-24 (四) 以环保为借口,经贸上对外设置绿色壁垒 24-25 (五) 寻求同其他发达国家的环境对话与合作 25-26 四、欧盟环境外交的特点 26-31 (一) 环境外交为经济和政治利益服务 26-27 (二) 绿党在欧盟环境外交中发挥了重要的作用 27-29 (三) 环境政策制定的复杂性 29-30 (四) 环境外交范围的广泛性 30-31 五、对欧盟环境外交的评价 31-34 (一) 要肯定欧盟对世界环境事务的积极作用 31-32 (二) 欧盟在环境外交实践中以自身利益为中心 32-33 (三) 欧盟注重国际协作的做法对我国有重要借鉴意义 33-34 注释 34-36 参考文献 36-39 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文目录 39-40 致谢 40


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