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1、机器人和机器人传感器中英文资料外文翻译文献机器人和机器人传感器 介绍 工业机器人以及它的运行是本文的主题。工业机器人是应用于制造环境下以提高生产率的一种工具。它可用于承担常规的、冗长乏味的装配线工作,或执行那些对工人也许有危害的工作。例如,在第一代工业机器人中,曾有一台被用于更换核电厂的核燃料棒。从事这项工作的工人可能会暴露在有害量的放射线下。工业机器人也能够在装配线上操作安装小型元件,例如将电子元件安装在线路板上。为此,工人可以从这种冗长乏味任务的常规操作中解放出来。通过编程的机器人还能去掉炸弹的雷管、为残疾者服务以及在我们社会的众多应用中发挥作用。机器人可被看作将臂端执行工具、传感器以及/

2、或夹爪移动到某个预定位置的一台机器。当机器人到达该位置,它将执行某个任务。该任务可能是焊接、密封、机械装载、机械卸载,或许多装配工作。除了编程以及打开和关闭系统之外,一般情况下,均不需要人们的参与就能完成这类工作。机器人专业术语机器人是一台可再编程的多功能机械手,它可通过可编程运动移动零件、物料、工具或特殊装置以执行某种不同任务。由这项定义可导致下面段落中被阐述的其他定义,它们为机器人系统提供了完整的写照。 预编程位置是机器人为了完成工作必须遵循和通过的途径。在这些位置的某点,机器人会停下来并执行某种操作,例如装配零件,喷漆或焊接。这些预编程位置被存储在机器人的记忆装置中供以后继续操作时使用。


4、作机器人的工作单元。机器人工作单元是一种总体环境,在该环境下机器人必须执行赋予它的任务。该单元可包容控制器、机器人的机械手、工作台、安全装置,或输送机。机器人开展工作所需要的所有设备均被包括在这个工作单元中。此外,来自外界装置的信号能够与机器人进行交流,这样就可以告诉机器人什么时候它该装配零件、捡起零件或将零件卸到输送机。基本部件 机器人系统具有3个基本部件:机械手、控制器及动力源。在某些机器人系统中可以看到第4个部件,端部执行件,有关这些部件将在下面小节描述。机械手 机械手承担机器人系统的体力工作,它由两部分组成:机械部分及被连接的附属物。机械手还有一个与附属物相连的底座。机械手的底座通常被











15、。当机器人系统的探测和操作动作交替进行时,通常就要使用传感器,也就是说探测时机器人不操作,操作时与传感器无关,这种方法被称为静态探测,使用这种方法,视觉传感器先寻找被捕捉物体的位置与方向,然后机器人径直朝那个地点移动。相反,闭式探测的机器人在操作运动中,始终受传感器的控制,多数视觉传感器都采用闭环模式,它们随时监测机器人的实际位置与理想位置间的偏差,并驱动机器人修正这一偏差。在闭环探测中,即使物体在运动,例如在传送带上,机器人也能抓住它并把它送到预定位置。Robots and robot sensorIntroductionIndustrial robot and its operation

16、is the subject of this article. Industrial robots are used in manufacturing environment as a tool to increase productivity. It can be used to undertake routine, tedious assembly line work, or the implementation of those workers may be hazardous work. For example, in the first generation of industria

17、l robots, there were a nuclear power plant is for the replacement of fuel rods. Workers engaged in this work may be exposed to harmful amounts of radiation in the next. Industrial robots can operate in the assembly line - to install small-scale components, such as electronic components mounted on ci

18、rcuit board. To this end, workers from the tedious task of this routine operation freed. The robot can be programmed to remove the bomb detonators for the disabled in our community services and play a role in many applications.Robot arm can be seen as the end of the implementation of tools, sensors,

19、 and / or jaws to move to a predetermined position of a machine. When the robot reaches the position, it will perform a task. The task may be welded, sealed, mechanical loading, mechanical unloading, or many assembly work. In addition to programming, and open and close the system, the general, not r

20、equire the participation of people will be able to complete such work.Robotics GlossaryRobot is a reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator that can be programmable motion moving parts, materials, tools or special devices to perform a different task. By the following paragraphs of this definition m

21、ay lead to other definitions were described, which provides a complete system for the robot itself.Location is pre-programmed robot must follow in order to complete the work and the way through. A point in these locations, the robot will stop and perform some operations, such as assembling parts, pa

22、inting or welding. These pre-programmed robot position is stored in the memory device to continue operation for later use. In addition, when job requirements change, the only other programming data and these can be modified pre-programmed locations. Therefore, precisely because of the characteristic

23、s of this program, an industrial robot and one can store data, and can recall and edit the computer is very similar.Robot is a robot arm, which allows the robot pitch, stretching and rotating. This action is provided by the robot axis, mechanical axis, also known as robot hand of freedom. A robot ca

24、n have 3-16 axis. In my later, the term degrees of freedom and a total number of robot axes associated.Tools and not within the robot gripper itself, which is mounted on the robot arm end attachment. With the end of the robot arm connected to these attachments, the robot can lift parts, spot welding

25、, painting, welding, drilling, deburring, the request can also point to various types of tasks.Robot system can also control the operation of the robots work unit. Robotic work cell is a general environment in the environment, the robot must perform the tasks entrusted to it. The unit can accommodat

26、e the controller, the robot manipulator, working platforms, safety devices, or conveyor. Robot to carry out all the equipment needed for the work are included in this unit of work. In addition, the signal from the external device to communicate with the robot, so that you can tell the robot when it

27、is part of the assembly, pick up the parts or the parts to the unloading conveyor.Basic componentsRobotic system has three basic components: the robot, controller and power source. In some robot system can be seen in the first four components, end of the implementation of parts, these parts will be

28、described in the following sections.ManipulatorRobot bear robot system manual work, which consists of two parts: the mechanical parts and is connected to appendages. There is also a robot appendage connected to the base.The base of the robot work area is usually fixed in the ground. Sometimes, the b

29、ase can be moved. In that case, the base is installed to the rail so that the robot can move from one place to another. For example, a robot can work for a few machine tools, loading and unloading for each machine.As mentioned earlier, the appendage extending from the base of the robot. The attachme

30、nt is a robot arm. It can be a linear movable arm, it can be a hinged arm. Articulated arm, also known as articulated arm.Adjunct manipulator can provide a variety of sports-axis robot. The shaft is connected with the fixed base, which base has been tightened to the rack. This rack can ensure that t

31、he robot is in a position to maintain.Ends of the arm connected to a wrist. The axis of the wrist and wrist flange by additional components, with the flange of the wrist, the robot according to the different users can work in different tools installed on the wrist.Axis allows the robot manipulator i

32、n a certain area implementation. As mentioned earlier, the region known as the robot work unit, and its scale and size of the corresponding robot. When the robots physical size increases, the size of the unit of work must also increase.Mechanical hand movements by the driver, or drive system control

33、. Drive or shaft drive system allows the movement in the work unit, drive system using electric, hydraulic or pneumatic power. Drive the energy emitted from a variety of mechanical drive into mechanical power. These drives are joined together by a mechanical linkage. The linkage in turn drive the va

34、rious robot axes. Mechanical linkage from the sprocket body, composed of gears and ball screws.ControllerRobot controller is running in the heart. After the memory controller stores used for the pre-programmed information, control peripherals, to communicate it with the factory computer to make the

35、production of constantly updated.Controller used to control the manipulator motion and the outer parts of the work unit. Staff can use the box to teach hand-delivery actions programmed into the robot controller. This information can be stored in the controllers memory for later recall using the devi

36、ce. Robot controller stores all program data. It can store several different programs, and they can be in any program to be edited.May also request the work unit controller and peripheral devices to communicate. For example, the controller has an input line, the input line can be identified when a m

37、echanical process to complete. When the mechanical cycle is complete, the input line is connected, it will place orders for the controller to the robot manipulator to pick up the processing of finished parts. Then, the robot then picked up a new part and it is placed into the machine, then, the cont

38、roller send a signal to the machine to get it started operation.Mechanical manipulation of the drum controller can be constituted, the work place by order of the drum operation. The controller for a very simple robot system. Seen in most of the robot system controller is a very complex device, which

39、 reflects the modern electronic science. In other words, they are manipulated by the micro-information processor. These micro-information processors instead of 8 bits, 16 bits of information that is 32-bit processors. This feature allows the controller to run with very good flexibility.Controller ca

40、n send electronic signals through the communication line to issue with the mechanical hand signals to communicate with the axis of the robot manipulator and controller, this two-way communication between the location and operation makes the system constantly revised and updated to maintain the state

41、 may The controller can also control the robot wrist in the end installed any tools.There are different controller computers and factory to carry out the task of communication, the communication network will enable the robot to become computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) part of the system.According t

42、o the basic definition, the robot is a multi-function can be re-programmed robot. Therefore, the controller must include some form of memory storage, to micro-processor-based information systems are often associated with solid-state memory device with the operation. These memory devices can be magne

43、tic bubbles, random access memory device, soft plastic disk or tape. Each memory storage device programming information can be stored for later recall using the.Power sourceSource of power to the controller and the robot was powered device, there are two types of robot power supply system. Controlle

44、r for a class of power is power to run the exchange point, and the other is used to drive the robot axes. For example, if the robot manipulator controlled by a hydraulic or pneumatic device, the control signal is sent to these devices to make the robot movement.Each robot systems require power to dr

45、ive the robot, this source of power either by hydraulic power, pneumatic power source, power source can also be provided by electricity, the power source is a unit of work the robot parts and equipment in the total part.When the hydraulic power source with and connected to the base manipulator, hydr

46、aulic pressure source to produce the hydraulic fluid, the fluid transport of the control components to the robot, so the robot base rotated around the axis.Pressure air is fed to the robot, the axis along the track in a straight line, the source can also be connected to such a pneumatic drill, it ca

47、n provide power for the drill rotation. Under normal circumstances, can be obtained from the factory air supply station for the source and make adjustments, and then enter it in the axis manipulator.AC motor type can also be a DC-style. Controller sends out pulses of the signal was sent to the robot

48、 motors. These pulses provide the necessary instructions for the motor information to enable the robot in the robot base rotation.The three-axis robot for power systems either require the use of feedback control systems, this system will continue to position data for each axis of feedback to the con

49、troller.Each robot system not only need power to start the robot axis, also need power to drive the controller, this dynamic manufacturing environment, the power source can provide.Implementation of end piecesIn most applications where the robot to see implementation of end pieces are connected to the robot wrist flange of a device, end pieces can be used in the production areas


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