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1、本科毕业设计(论文) 8MN板框式模锻液压机本体设计学院(系): 机械工程学院 年级专业: 2010级 学生姓名: 指导教师: 答辩日期: 2014年 月 日 摘 要大型模锻件制造水平的高低与航空航天、核电、船舶、军工等行业的发展存在着直接的联系并产生深远的影响。为了满足对大型锻件日益增长的需求,用于其生产的主要设备大型模锻液压机的研究、开发就显得更加迫切。模锻液压机本体结构多种多样,其中,板框组合式结构可以很好的解决大型压机高承载引起的一系列问题,所以国内外大型模锻液压机广泛采用此结构。目前大型板框式模锻液压机板框结构形式主要有三类:框架由多层横板和竖板联成框架由多层整片“O”形钢板相互叠加


3、元计算,对其结构的合理性和应力集中情况进行了分析,最终完成设计。关键词:模锻,液压机,本体,板框式,建模,有限元,分析AbstractThe level of large forging manufacturing there is a direct link with aerospace, nuclear power, shipbuilding, war industry and other industries development and have a profound impact. In order to meet the increasing demand for large f

4、orgings, used for the production of large forging hydraulic press which is the main equipment research, development, becomes more urgent. Die forging hydraulic press frame structure is varied, among them, plate and frame composite structure can solve a series of problems caused by the large press hi

5、gh bearing well, so the domestic and foreign large forging hydraulic press widespread adoption of the structure. So far, the plate and frame structure of a large plate and frame type die forging hydraulic press mainly has three categories: (1) framework by multi-layer rung and got behind vertical pl

6、ate (2) framework by multilayer entire O shape steel overlay each other by preloaded into (3) framework by multilayer belt hook plate combined into. Hydraulic press frame by C shaped hook and multi-layer steel plate combination can save materials, reduce cost, but also can solve the problem of proce

7、ssing, manufacture, installation, transportation and so on, to reduce stress concentration phenomenon, improve the strength of the chassis, is superior to other structures.In the design process, according to the main technical parameters to calculate the primary work cylinder of hydraulic press, pun

8、ch, the return cylinder and balance cylinder, the beams, activity C shape plate, bar, upper and lower clamping beam and the main dimensions of the cross key, etc. Hydraulic cylinder as the key components of hydraulic press, must have sufficient strength and rigidity, so must pass the check calculati

9、on, determine the hydraulic cylinder size, and by using UG software, set up the beam, the clamping beam, cross key parts such as entity model and the overall framework, with finite element software Marc as analysis tool, the main stress components of the three-dimensional finite element calculation,

10、 the structure of rationality and stress concentration was analyzed, and the final design.Keywords: die forging hydraulic press, ontology, plate and frame type, modeling, finite element,analysis第1章 绪论1.1 课题背景为了满足电力、船舶、航空、航天和国防工业对大型锻件日益增长的需求,大型模锻液压机的开发、研究是不可避免的而且十分迫切的。早在上世纪中叶,法国、前苏联和美国等先进制造国家就投建并应用于生

11、产中一大批4万吨级以上的大型模锻液压机,极大程度的带动了本国的航空、汽车等制造业,当时生产的大批优质锻件至今仍在使用而且性能良好。到上世纪末前苏联和美国设计制造的压力机比例达到世界总量的七成左右,前苏联发展液压机技术较早,于1959年设计制造的两台7.5万吨大型模锻液压机一直沿用至今。我国模锻液压机研究起步较早,后来由于各种原因研究工作搁置下来。我国8万吨模锻液压机顺利投产标志着我国已经步入锻造大国行列。 通过8MN板框式模锻液压机的设计、研究可以初步的掌握模锻液压机的结构和工作原理,解决出现的问题进一步优化设计过程,为以后大型、巨型模锻液压机的设计制造做好技术储备。此外,通过完成此设计过程来

12、巩固学过的知识,提高自己的能力。1.1.1 综述本课题国内外研究动态模锻液压机主要应用领域为电力、船舶、航空航天行业,大型模锻液压机是我国大型锻件在模锻过程中的重要设备,过去我们国家没有大型压力机,致使一些锻件不得不依靠进口,这始终束缚着我国航空、航天、汽车、兵器等行业的发展。现阶段而言,我国8万吨模锻液压机顺利投产使我国成为世界拥有数量最多、吨位最大重型模锻锻压设备的国家,但是从设备构成、等级、技术水平和所生产的锻压件的品种、精度、工艺水平方面与国外比,我们还有一些差距。早在上世纪八十年代林秀安,聂绍珉对钢板组合机架做过研究;聂绍珉、金淼和吴生富等对全预紧机架整体性能进行了分析;我校黄学玲也


14、主要受力构件。目前已投产的大型板框式模锻液压机板框结构形式简介1.1.1.1液压机框架由多层横板和竖板联成前苏联建造的750MN模锻液压机就是这类结构(见图1),它是用多层的横板和竖板通过螺栓、键和销联接成整体的框架来承受液压机的公称压力。这种结构形式能够使得大型、巨型液压机的加工、输送和组装方便简单容易实现,然而由于它由多层横板和竖板构成整体,联接部位繁多,构成复杂,联接形式不单一,而且联接部位应力集中现象十分显著,大大的降低了机器框架的强度和承载压力的能力,也在一定程度上浪费了制造机架的材料增加了成本。液压机框架由多层整片“O”形钢板相互叠加通过预紧而成 由多层整片的“O”形


16、受力构件。这种“C”形或者“T”形机架的立柱部分均没有螺栓联接孔,这样就能够大幅增加立柱部分的有效断面,不仅可以节省材料,降低成本,而且还能够解决加工、制造、安装、运输等问题,减少应力集中现象出现,提高了机架的强度。图2二重集团的800MN模锻液压机实物图 图3法国650MN多向模锻液压机第2章 液压机中液压缸的设计计算2.1 液压机基本技术参数表2-1 液压机的主要设计参数参 数 项参 数主工作缸41.5MN垂直穿孔缸2MN回程缸40.3MN穿孔回程缸20.2MN同步缸40.1MN系统压力45MPa主工作缸、垂直穿孔缸工作速度090mm/s可调液压缸空程和回程工作速度0200mm/s可调主工

17、作缸行程500mm垂直穿孔缸行程600mm2.2 液压缸设计概述在液压机中,利用高压液体具有的压力能生成需要机械功的主要执行元件即为液压缸,液压缸所受载荷复杂,变化十分频繁,如果液压缸设计不合理、加工制造精度低或者使用不恰当,就会导致其过早损坏甚至报废。其中主工作缸的性能直接关系到整台设备的使用,若因为设计不当而在使用过程中出问题,不仅维修重造的费用巨大,还要严重影响生产,甚至危及人身安全。2.2.1 液压缸的型式及特点液压缸部件通常可以分为柱塞式、活塞式和差动式三种。一般根据液压机总体结构、缸的总压力大小及工作条件的要求来选择。1.柱塞式液压缸 在水压机中应用最多,广泛用于主工作缸、回程缸、

18、工作台移动缸及平衡缸等处。结构简单、制造容易,但只能单方向作用,反方向运动则需要用回程缸来实现。2.活塞式液压缸 活塞在运动的两个方向上都需要密封,因此缸的内表面在全长上均需加工,精度及光洁度要求较高,结构比较复杂,故在水压机中应用不多,仅在顶出缸和其他辅助机构中采用,在中小型油压机上应用普遍。3.差动柱塞式液压缸多用于回程缸,该结构多一处密封,但当回程缸装于上横梁上时,与活动横梁的连接比较简单。本设计中的工作缸选用的是柱塞式液压缸,这种形式在液压机中应用最广,其结构简单,中间安装有导向套和密封装置,柱塞不与缸内壁接触,缸内壁大部分可以不加工或粗加工,相对其他形式的液压缸容易制造。柱塞式液压缸

19、只能单向作用,反向运动需要靠回程缸作用实现,本设计在液压机两侧各加一个回程液压缸,回程缸也采用柱塞式结构。2.2.2 液压缸的支承形式1.法兰支承及固定 液压缸以法兰支承并安装在横梁内,由缸外壁的环形面积与横梁配合,缸内进入高压液体时,通过法兰与横梁的接触面将反力传给横梁,液压缸本身则靠法兰上的一圈螺钉固定在横梁上。这种结构的缺点是缸壁法兰过渡区存在应力集中,易于疲劳损坏。2.缸底支撑及固定液压缸直接靠缸底固定在横梁上。这种缸不需要法兰,消除了法兰区的应力集中,并可减少缸体毛坯尺寸。缺点是压机高度有较大增加,缸底与横梁的接触情况不易测量。在大型模锻压机上使用较多。3.法兰支承缸底固定这种支承形

20、式的缸底用大螺母固定,要求缸的尺寸不能很大。本设计中工作缸采用法兰支承并固定的方式,工作缸缸体安装在横梁内,以其法兰部分支承并固定在横梁下表面,由法兰的环形上表面与横梁配合,这种固定与支撑方式的优点是机器总高度相对较低,有利于增加结构的纵向刚度。工作缸本身依靠法兰上周向分布的螺栓固定在横梁上,工作时的作用力通过环形接触面传递,因此法兰到缸外壁的过渡处存在应力集中,易疲劳破坏,以往液压缸破坏也多出现在这个部位,针对此处有很多研究,本文借鉴这些研究成果对法兰到缸外壁的过渡处进行了设计。回程缸采用的是法兰支承缸底固定的形式。2.2.3 缸体材料的选择为了使液压机结构紧凑,应使液压缸外径尽可能减小。一

21、般来说,总压力不变时,提高液体工作压力,液压缸的外径将减小;但是如果缸的材料不变,则当液体压力增加到某一数值后,缸的外径反而会增大。如缸内径为R1 ,外径为 R2 ,液压压力为p则 由为对应的最佳压力。进一步分析缸的重量与液体压力之间的关系,可以发现当液体压力比pz 略为降低一些时,缸外径虽然稍有增加,但缸的重量却减轻了。因此对应于某一缸的材料,液体工作压力不宜超过最佳压力Pz ,一般采用合理压力。根据我国液压标准,一般常用压力为20MPa和32MPa,常用材料为ZG237-500,35,45,20MnMo等,对于这些材料,在(280360)MPa范围内可取为110-150MPa。五、主要参考

22、文献 1张俊杰800MN模锻液压机本体结构分析D 燕山大学硕士学位论文,2012.52陈俊.大型模锻压机C型机架安装关键技术研究D 重庆大学硕士学位论文,2012.53王兆祥, 俞新陆. 模锻液压机整体刚度研究J. 锻压技术,1990,(1):1-2.,4杨固川,于江,陈文,胡孟君,杜俊雷.大型模锻液压机机架结构分析研究J 锻压技术,2010.35(3)5Hyoji Yoshimura, Katsuhisa Tanaka. Precision forging of aluminum and steel. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 98

23、 (2000) 196-204.6Xian-bin Fu, Bin Liu, Yu-cun Zhang ect.Fault diagnosis of hydraulic system in large forging hydraulic pressJ. Measurement 49 (2014) 3903967S.K. Guan, L.H.Wu, P.Wang.Hot forgeability and die-forging forming of semi-continuously cast AZ70 magnesium alloyJ. Materials Science and Engine

24、ering A 499 (2009) 1871918刘振堂我国锻压机械行业现状概况J CMET锻压装备与制造技术,2011.(4)9姚保森我国锻造液压机的现状及发展J CMET锻压装备与制造技术,2005.(3)10Li Nan, XING Shu-ming, BAO Pei-wei.Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nodular Cast Iron Produced by Melted Metal Die Forging ProcessJ. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, Intenational

25、, 2013, 20(6): 58-6211高璐,崔明亮,赵石岩,金淼800 MN模锻液压机组合预紧机架危险点分析J 重型机械,2012.No312田会然.800MN多向模锻液压机本体结构设计及分析D.燕山大学硕士学位论文,2006.513Xingwei Zheng, Jie Dong, Dongdi Yin ect.Forgeability and die-forging forming of direct chill casting MgNdZnZr magnesium alloyJ. Materials Science and Engineering A 527 (2010) 36903

26、69414金淼,魏庆媛,董晓传,郭宝峰C形板预应力组合框架的预紧梁形状优化J 中国机械工程,2013.24(23)15俞新陆等. 液压机的结构与控制M. 北京: 机械工业出版社,1989:38-48.16杨固川,胡孟君,于江,陈文,杜俊雷.大型模锻液压机机架C形板设计研究J 锻压技术,2012.37(2)您好,为你提供优秀的毕业论文参考资料,请您删除以下内容,O(_)O谢谢!AnationalsurveywasrecentlylaunchedtoevaluatetheeyehealthofChinesechildrenandteenagers.OnJune6,ChinasannualNatio







33、opleonhowtocareforeyesafterthesurveystarted. More and more Chinese are jogging to get and stay fit. Most joggers will run alone, but some will jog with friends or even coaches. The Beijing Olympic Forest Park is one of the most popular spots. It is packed with runners in the afternoon, usually after

34、 work, and at weekends. Jogging after a whole days work can be a way to unwind. It is true for He Wenjun, whose workplace is right near the forest park. She discovered her athletic aptitude at the age of seven, when she began playing tennis. Then she turned to jogging, and she has persevered with it

35、 for 10 years. I come to jog almost every day after work, whenever I have time. I think jogging is good for my health. And for me, a girl, it helps me to achieve to eternal goal, to keep slim, He said. He says she prefers jogging alone, so she can focus better. She loves jogging, even during Beijing

36、s smoggy days. If the smog is severe, Ill hold off jogging for a while. But if I really want to get away from work, Ill wear a mask, or just ignore the smog and go on jogging, she said. For those who are not so athletic, jogging also has its attractions. Wu Houbin started roughly two years ago, when

37、 he was severely obese. Within two months, his weight dropped from 82 kilograms to 64 kilograms. The success helped him recover health, and he has made friends. Jogging does not require speed, but stamina. If you want to stick to the game, you need to take it as a mission, a habit, and then eventual

38、ly a hobby, Wu said. But persevering with jogging is not always easy. Jogging is beneficial for heart-lung function, and the skeletal system, but doctors say improper technique damages the joints, especially the knees and ankles. Excessive jogging wears down the body, and harms ones health. Poor tec

39、hnique harms the muscles and skeleton, and can cause secondary injures. And, jogging in a bad environment can cause circulation problems, said Lu Zhiyong, attending doctor, Sports Hospital, General Admin. of Sports.Dr. Lu has some tips for joggers, and those who are thinking of taking it up.He says

40、people should first evaluate their physical condition, to decide the amount and type of exercise, and jogging in the open air is better running on a treadmill. Conrad Macao will run special programs for the entire month of October this year to support the Hong Kong Cancer Funds Pink Revolution, an a

41、nnual campaign that seeks to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research, the hotel recently announced. A major sponsor of the campaign for three years in a row, Conrad Macao has pledged to donate a portion of its proceeds to the fund, including those collected from selling its popular bear

42、 and rubber duck merchandise, in limited pink editions. Pink is the theme for floral arrangements and decorations in the hotel in October. In addition, on Fridays that month, members of the management and staff will add something pink to their uniforms, regular e-mails and handwritten guest cards. B

43、reast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer among women in Hong Kong and is also of significant concern in Macao and around the world, regardless of age, general manager Bede Barry said in a statement. The hotel has enlisted the support of a number of international and local celebrities to hel

44、p drive the cause, including South Korean actor Jung Suk Won. This year, a lucky guest who stays at the hotel during the campaign and also donates money for the cause will win a necklace specially designed by Arte Madrid, a Spanish jewelry brand. Women should strive to balance quality of work and li

45、fe, and have children at a young age. As a doctor I see much suffering because of this imbalance. Xiao Ying, 36, works for a large law firm. Her job means lots of travel, a heavy caseload and a large number of meetings, so her schedule is hectic. She has been pregnant twice, but had abortions on bot

46、h occasions because she felt her busy, high-pressure career wasnt conducive to raising a child. She planned to have children once she had achieved career success so she could provide a stable environment for her baby. After 10 years, Xiao felt the time was right, and she tried to conceive for about six months, but was unable to become pregnant. I conducted comprehensive physical checkups. The results suggested that Xiaos ovarian function has declined and a bilateral oviduct blockage has occurred, meaning that in vitro fertilization is h


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