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4、肂葿袁羂莁蒈薁膈芇蒇蚃羀膃薆螅膆聿薆袈罿莇薅薇螁莃薄螀肇艿薃袂袀膅薂薂肅肁薁蚄袈莀薀螆肃芆蚀衿袆膂虿薈肂肈蚈蚁袅蒆蚇袃膀莂蚆羅羃芈蚅蚅膈膄节螇羁肀芁衿膇荿莀蕿罿芅荿蚁膅膁莈螄羈膇莈羆螁蒆莇蚆肆莂莆螈 袆莆蒈蚃膄蒅薁袈肀蒄蚃蚁羆蒃莃袆袂肀薅虿袈聿蚇羅膇肈莇螇肃肇葿羃罿肆薂螆袅肆蚄蕿膄膅莄螄肀膄蒆薇羅膃蚈螂羁膂莈蚅袇膁蒀袁膆膀薃蚃肂膀蚅衿羈腿莄蚂袄芈蒇袇螀芇蕿蚀聿芆艿袅肅芅蒁螈羁芄薃羄袇芄蚆螇膅芃莅蕿肁节蒈螅羇莁薀薈袃莀芀螃蝿荿蒂薆膈莈薄袁肄莈蚇蚄羀莇莆袀袆莆蒈蚃膄蒅薁袈肀蒄蚃蚁羆蒃莃袆袂肀薅虿袈聿蚇羅膇肈莇螇肃肇葿羃罿肆薂螆袅肆蚄蕿膄膅莄螄肀膄蒆薇羅膃蚈螂羁膂莈蚅袇膁蒀袁膆膀薃蚃肂膀蚅衿羈腿莄蚂












16、肀膄蒆薇羅膃蚈螂羁膂莈蚅袇膁蒀袁膆膀薃蚃肂膀蚅衿羈腿莄蚂袄芈蒇袇螀芇蕿蚀聿芆艿袅肅芅蒁螈羁芄薃羄袇芄蚆螇膅芃莅蕿肁节蒈螅羇莁薀薈袃莀芀螃蝿荿蒂薆膈莈薄袁肄莈蚇蚄羀莇莆袀袆莆蒈蚃膄蒅薁袈肀蒄蚃蚁羆蒃莃袆袂肀薅虿袈聿蚇羅膇肈莇螇肃肇葿羃罿肆薂螆袅肆蚄蕿膄膅莄螄肀膄蒆薇羅膃蚈螂羁膂莈蚅袇膁蒀袁膆膀薃蚃肂膀蚅衿羈 范文An Analysis of Autonomous Learning for English Major Freshmen at GXUFE我校英语专业新生自主学习情况调查报告系 别:外语系专业班级:英语0641班姓 名:学 号:060050201107 指导教师: 完成时间:2010年

17、5月13日ContentsAbstract (in English)iAbstract (in Chinese)iiChapter One: Introduction11.1 Need for autonomous learning11.2 The structure of the thesis1Chapter Two: Literature Review32.1 The concept of autonomous learning32.2 Previous studies on autonomous learning at home and abroad5Chapter Three: The

18、 Concerning Factors on Autonomous Learning63.1 Internal factors63.1.1 Learners motivation63.1.2 Learners belief73.1.3 Learning goals and plans73.1.4 Learning strategies83.1.5 Self-monitoring and self-assessment93.2 External factors93.2.1 Teachers influence93.2.2 Learning resources10Chapter Four: Sur

19、vey Design114.1 Survey questions114.2 Subjects114.3 Research method11Chapter Five: Data and Analysis125.1 The overall view on autonomous learning.125.2 Students performance in the aspects of autonomous learning135.2.1 Students motivation135.2.2 Students belief145.2.3 Students comprehension towards t

20、eachers aims and requirement155.2.4 Students goals and plans165.2.5 Students learning strategies175.2.6 Students self-monitoring and self-evaluation185.2.7 Students utilization of learning resources195.3 The differences on autonomous learning ability in learning environment20Chapter Six: Conclusions

21、236.1 Major findings of the survey236.2 Suggestions for promoting autonomous learning236.2.1 Teachers role in promoting autonomous learning246.2.2 Learners role in fostering autonomy.246.2.3 Teaching environment25References26Appendix28Acknowledgements30AbstractSince the early 1980s, with the establi

22、shment of student-centered teaching concept, autonomous learning has been a hot topic in the field of educational psychology research at home and abroad. However in China, owing to the impact of traditional teaching pattern, there still exists the phenomenon that teachers unilaterally focus on their

23、 own “input” teaching and neglect learners status as the main role in language learning. In modern English teaching concept, students autonomous learning competence is the key to improve English level. This becomes more important for English major freshmen who just leave teacher-centered teaching pa

24、ttern from their high school education. Their autonomous learning competence would influence their English learning later. The author conducts a questionnaire to investigate the competence of autonomous learning of 119 English major freshmen at Guangxi University of Finance and Economics. The questi

25、onnaire consists of seven parts: learning motivation, learning belief, teachers influence, learning goals and plans, learning strategies, self-monitoring and self-assessment, and utilization of learning resources. The analysis shows that the students autonomous learning ability is at medium level. I

26、n detail, most of students instrumental motivation is stronger than integrative motivation; they hold positive learning belief but seldom know the teachers aims and requirements; they have clear learning goals and plans but seldom carry them out; In addition, they lack knowledge of learning strategi

27、es, self-monitoring and self-assessment, and they make little use of learning resources. The author tries to analyze the possible reasons and proposes some appropriate suggestions to promote learners autonomy.Key words: English major freshmen; autonomous learning; surveyi摘 要自20世纪80年代初以来,随着以学生为中心的教学观


29、部动机强于内在动机;学习观念积极,但是对教师的教学目的与要求不是很了解;新生有明确的学习目标和计划,但是很少付出实际行动;学习策略匮乏,自我监控和评估的能力不足,不能充分利用学习资源。针对以上情况,分析其原因并给出建议以提高学习者的自主学习能力。 关键词:英语专业新生;自主学习;调查iiAn Analysis of Autonomous Learning for English Major Freshmen at GXUFEChapter One: Introduction1.1 Need for autonomous learning In recent years, with the de

30、velopment of domestic and international economic, the demands for foreign talents increase gradually in China. Second language learning has been a heated point for educators at home and abroad. Since 1980s, Holec put forward the concept of autonomous learning, which has been a popular discussion in

31、the West. Compared with the traditional teaching teacher-centered teaching, which teachers pay more attention to how they teach rather than how students learn, the contemporary English teaching lays emphasis on the main role of learners. In China, most of teachers adopt traditional teaching methods

32、in foreign language teaching, they devote too much time and attention to how to teach more than how to learn, unilaterally emphasize teachers role of “input” and stress uniqueness and standards, the role of learners as learning subjects has been overlooked. With the reform of college English syllabu

33、s, educators advocate a new English teaching pattern: student-centered teaching. With this new teaching model, developing students autonomous learning ability is a primary task for teachers and educators. Furthermore, autonomous learning is also vital for second language learners in the future. At p

34、resent, in China, Owing to big size of class, a teacher can not instruct every single student at any time. In addition, one foreign language learners ability differs from others, so learners should spend more time on autonomous learning to achieve their goals. Especially for freshmen, they should ad

35、just themselves to the college English teaching, which advocates student-centered teaching pattern. Once they foster a sense of autonomous learning and take action, they will get great progress in English learning. 1.2 The structure of the thesis This paper is composed of six chapters. Chapter one i

36、s an introduction to the situation of autonomous learning, its necessity and significance. Chapter two is the literature review related to autonomous learning, including some concepts and previous studies at home and abroad. Chapter three concentrates on the concerning factors on autonomous learning

37、. Chapter four is the survey design, which describes the subjects and questions of the survey. Chapter five reports the result of survey and analyzes the data. Based on the results of survey, factors affecting autonomous learning and reasons are discussed in detail. Chapter six is the conclusion, wh

38、ich discusses the implication of survey, with hopes to promote autonomous competence, then some suggestions on teachers roles, learners roles and teaching environment are put forward. 30Chapter Two: Literature Review2.1 The concept of autonomous learning Over the last few decades, autonomy has been

39、a heated topic for language learning in the western countries. The concept of “autonomous learning” stemmed from debates about the development of life-long learning skills and the development of independent thinkers, both of which originated in 1960s (Gardner & Miller, 2002:6). It is difficult to de

40、fine concepts of autonomy, because different writers have defined the concepts in different ways. Various terms are used by many scholars such as “learner autonomy”, “self-instruction”, “self-direction”, “self-access”, etc. It was Holec (1981:3) who first brought forward the definition of autonomous

41、 learning in 1981, he defines autonomy as “the ability to take charge of ones own learning”. According to Gardner and Miller (2002:6), there are some definitions of autonomy. Dickinson (1987:11) accepts the definition of autonomy as “a situation in which the learner is totally responsible for all of

42、 the decisions concerned with his or her learning and the implementation of those decisions”. In terms of different schools of thoughts, there are three major schools. Little (1990:7) considers learner autonomy as “essentially a matter of the learners psychological relation to the process and conten

43、t of learning”. Kenny (1993:436) states that autonomy is not only the freedom to learn but also “the opportunity to become a person”. Both of them see autonomy as a personal characteristic. As the representative of political framework, Benson(1997:29) defines learner autonomy is “a recognition of th

44、e rights of learners within educational systems”. As for one school of thoughts viewing autonomy as an educational practice, Bound (1988:17) suggests that autonomy is “an approach to educational practice”.The above definitions deal with the concept of learner autonomy in past years. Later years, mor

45、e and more discussion and additional details are carried out by a great numbers of scholars in western countries. These results offer perfect theory framework and instruction for researchers in language teaching. The research on autonomous learning in China began in the early 1990s. The researchers

46、combine western scholars achievement and the situation in China and then define autonomous learning in different ways. Pang Weiguo (庞维国,2001:79) describes the autonomous learning from two angles: 1). The first is discussed from dimensionality: if learners can make choice and control themselves consc

47、iously, the process of learning can be regarded as autonomous learning. To be specific, if learners motivation is self-driven, the content of learning is self-selected, learning strategies are self-regulation and the learning time is planed and managed by learners, they can create the condition of l

48、earning and evaluate the results. Then we can say that the learning is autonomous. 2). The second is defined from the process of learning: if learners can set goals and make plans before learning, monitor or adjust the process and plans of learning during the process, and check the results and evaluate themselves after learning, then the learning process can be regarded as autonomous learning. Hua Weifen (华为芬,2002:109) makes an induction from western scholars definition. She considers the autonomous learning as a process of learning as well as an outcome. Learners should not completely


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