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1、论隐蔽劳动关系 论隐蔽劳动关系 On the Disguised Labor Relationship【中文摘要】 所谓隐蔽劳动关系,是指假造某种与事实不同的表面现象,从而达到限制或削弱法律所提供保护目的的一种旨在隐藏或扭曲真实存在的劳动关系的法律关系。其手段包括以另一种法律外壳加以掩盖或赋予其另一种使劳动者获得更少保护的工作形式。作为一种新兴的规避劳动法律法规的方式,其已被一些企业所采用并呈现出逐渐蔓延的趋势。然而,国内对此研究极少,且尚未引起重视,国外也仅对与之相似的“隐蔽雇佣关系”有过研究。当前,认真研究和遏止这种更具隐蔽性和危险性的劳动违法行为,是我们的重要任务。隐蔽劳动关系作为一种非



4、现形式复杂多样,为区分是否属于隐蔽劳动关系所制定的标准应既具有可操作性又能防止用人单位进一步对该标准进行规避,所以建议该标准应当具有一定的原则性和灵活性,以利于劳动监察部门和司法部门根据个案情况分别进行审查。【英文摘要】 A disguised labor relationship is one which is lent an appearance that is different from the underlying reality,with the intention of nullifying or attenuating the protection afforded by th

5、e law.It is thus an attempt to conceal or distort the labor relationship,either by cloaking it in another legal guise or by giving it another form in which the worker enjoys less protection.As a new way to escape labor laws,it is adopted by some companies, and is going to be adopted by more and more

6、 companies.Though foreign Scholars did some study on the “disguised employment relationship”, which is similar to the disguised labor relationship,Chinese scholars pay little attention and did little research on it,at this time it is a important question for us to study on how to keep this dangerous

7、 kind of labor irregularity within limits.As an abnormal kind of labor Relationship,the disguised labor relationship is a labor relationship in nature,but appears another legal relationship on the surface,or disguised by another fact or legal arrangement.of course its character is different from the

8、 other legal relationship it appears to be.And the works in the disguised labor relationship is reluctant to be involved in this relationship,but is forced to do so.The disguised labor relationship has many forms in practice.we divided the forms in to two categories.One is disguised by another legal

9、 relationship,this category contains two aspects:1.non-Forced Entrepreneurship,like:trainees,and employment relationship.2.Forced Entrepreneurship,like forwarders and agents.the second category is disguised by giving it another form in which the worker enjoys less protection,this category contains t

10、he labor dispatch. How to determine a legal relationship which appears not to be labor relationship is labor relationship in fact? The third section of this article did a research on the difference between labor relationship and other relationship.And set some practical standards to distinguish them

11、 according to different categories.At last,on the regulation of disguised labor relationship,the author provided some advises from the legislation,judicature and administration angles.Since that the disguised labor is a new way of evading legal responsibility,and its forms are complicated.The standa

12、rds to distinguish the disguised labor relationship should be basic and flexible,to make it easier for the checkup according to different situation.【中文关键词】 隐蔽劳动关系; 雇佣关系; 承揽关系; 实习生; 学徒; 劳务派遣 【英文关键词】 Disguised labor relationship; Employment; Relationship ; Trainee; Apprentice; Labor dispatch 【毕业论文目录】摘

13、要 4-6 ABSTRACT 6-7 引言 9-17 一、问题的导出 9-10 二、研究的价值和意义 10-11 三、目前的研究情况及缺陷 11-17 第一章 隐蔽劳动关系 17-23 一、劳动关系的概念 17 二、劳动关系发展的历史渊源 17-18 三、隐蔽劳动关系的概念 18-19 四、隐蔽劳动关系的特点 19 五、隐蔽劳动关系的负面影响 19-21 六、隐蔽劳动关系和事实劳动关系的比较 21-23 第二章 隐蔽劳动关系的鉴别及其表现形式 23-39 一、隐蔽劳动关系的鉴别 23-26 (一) 劳动关系的特征 23-24 (二) 隐蔽劳动关系的界定 24-26 二、表现为他种法律关系的隐蔽劳动关系 26-31 (一) 表现为雇佣关系的隐蔽劳动关系 26-28 (二) 表现为实习关系的隐蔽劳动关系 28-30 (三) 表现为学徒、练习生关系的隐蔽劳动关系 30-31 三、表现为”被迫企业化”形式的隐蔽劳动关系 31-36 四、采用某种形式使劳动者获得更少保护的隐蔽劳动关系 36-39 第三章 对隐蔽劳动关系的应对措施 39-41 结论 41-43 参考文献 43-45 致谢 45


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