用于餐厅垃圾回收过程中的堆肥和热水解之间的环境负担比较 毕业论文英文翻译及原文.doc

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用于餐厅垃圾回收过程中的堆肥和热水解之间的环境负担比较 毕业论文英文翻译及原文.doc_第1页
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用于餐厅垃圾回收过程中的堆肥和热水解之间的环境负担比较 毕业论文英文翻译及原文.doc_第2页
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用于餐厅垃圾回收过程中的堆肥和热水解之间的环境负担比较 毕业论文英文翻译及原文.doc_第3页
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《用于餐厅垃圾回收过程中的堆肥和热水解之间的环境负担比较 毕业论文英文翻译及原文.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《用于餐厅垃圾回收过程中的堆肥和热水解之间的环境负担比较 毕业论文英文翻译及原文.doc(12页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 英文翻译及原文基于Flexsim的城市生活垃圾收运路径仿真研究英文翻译文章用于餐厅垃圾回收过程中的堆肥和热水解之间的环境负担比较摘要:近年来,在中国政府积极地态度和一些有效的餐馆垃圾管理下,餐馆垃圾回收有了显著的发展。为了评价餐馆垃圾回收对环境的影响,生命周期评估(LCA)比较了两个回收过程 - 堆肥和热水解 - 估计能源消耗和污染物排放。结果表明,有效的过程,在每个影响的类别不同,进行了评估,堆肥对全球变暖有更大的影响,达到了337.7公斤的二氧化碳相当量/公斤。相比之下,由于能耗大,热水解中对生态毒性施加的影响更大。但是,总的来说,热水解对环境的影响相对于堆肥来说只有65%,减少了对其他

2、三个的影响:酸雨,富氧化和全球变暖。显然,热水解是一种很有效的减少环境压力的回收方法。 关键词:堆肥;热水解;环境负担;餐厅垃圾;生命周期评估 1引言 随着中国加速城市化的可持续发展和人民生活水平的提高,餐饮垃圾已经变成都市固体废物的重要组成部分,约占50-70。在北京,餐厅垃圾的日常产量已达1200吨。餐厅垃圾,可以诱发腐烂废物收集和运输,降低效率储存,输送,切碎和分离;引进在焚化过程中的水分和Cl;导致有气味的化合物的排放;从垃圾填埋场渗滤液的质量产生不利影响,已成为严重的环境问题。 在北京餐厅垃圾中的37是都市固体废物(MSW),其合适的管理方法已成为在过去十年中最活跃的辩论问题。许多技

3、术,如崩溃,堆肥,利用来对待餐厅垃圾发酵等。然而,在个别技术研究越来越感兴趣,目前已经在研究。根据北京餐厅垃圾对环境的看法做出综合评价。在这项研究中,根据实际设施的运行参数,我们选择了两个典型的回收方法,在系统中以一吨餐厅的垃圾作为一个单位来考虑。根据计算结果,我们使用LCA(生命周期评价)方法估计,并比较北京这两个回收技术对环境的影响。 LCA是一种与产品,过程或服务相关的环境影响研究的方法“从摇篮到坟墓,从生产原料到废物最终处置。本文引入处理餐厅垃圾产品的生命周期评估方法,来识别和估量由生产过程中对环境造成的能源活动和材料的使用和废弃物的排放对环境造成的压力。我们对处理餐厅的垃圾要形成一个

4、更客观的评价,以便提供决策依据。 2目前餐厅垃圾回收过程中的现状 餐厅垃圾的主要组成部分是粮食,蔬菜,植物油,动物油,如骨饭,和少量的餐具,牙签和纸餐盒。它主要含有淀粉,纤维素,蛋白质,脂肪和无机盐等,同时含有少量的氮,磷,钾,钙,钠,镁,铁等微量元素。餐厅垃圾主要化学成分含有C,H,O,N,S,氯离子,其化学分子式可以粗略的表示C18.15H31.10O10.80N1.00S0.050.03NaCl 。 主餐厅垃圾来自餐馆。据统计,中国餐饮业零售销售额在2005年到2007年从880000000000元增加至1,230,000,000,000元,并在16年取得了两位数的增长(国家统计局统计,


6、垃圾使用。此外,董村作为在北京一种新型餐饮垃圾无害化处理技术的热处理餐厅垃圾的处理厂代表。使用它的水,通过加热实现炎热和潮湿的环境,能够有效地杀灭细菌,并最终从原料和化肥制成的饲料中去除异味。与此同时,在垃圾固体滤内部的脂质,这可能大幅增加餐厨废油回收分离率。 根据北京市都市环境卫生会的总体要求,在2008年之前,北京市餐厅垃圾管理标准将纳入北京市政管理规范委员会的职权范围,通过实施餐厅垃圾的通告,餐厨垃圾收集和运输管理等一系列的政策和措施,以逐步实现餐厅垃圾的有序管理。不过,从国家一级,我国尚未设立一个健全的餐厅垃圾管理制度。由于经济利益的驱动,直接用于牲畜饲料的未经处理的餐馆垃圾将依然存在

7、;一些餐饮垃圾产生一个相对少量的垃圾产生单位将非法混合都市固体废物。餐厅垃圾紊乱,影响城市销售满意度模型,交通,环境,甚至危及人们的健康。随着不断规范城市管理,城市管理的餐厅垃圾必须提上议事日程,并且把餐厅垃圾的处理系统作为评估当前资源已成为紧迫的任务。 3材料和方法3.1评价 本文介绍了生命周期评估餐饮垃圾无害化处理系统的资源与餐饮垃圾无害化处理系统的现有资源对环境的影响进行评估,比较,得出更全面,客观,理性的评价.在决策者提供有效方法的基础上,餐厅垃圾得到可持续管理。生命周期评估是一个系统对整个周期的进口,出口和潜在环境影响进行评价的工具,用于评估产品或服务的生命周期的全过程对环境的影响,

8、这是一个全面的管理工具和环保预防措施,减少对环境的污染,在环境和发展过程中具有十分重要的意义。 出于这个原因,废物管理系统的生命周期评估方法已被广泛应用在都市固体废物管理领域。Gereca,lundie和其他人使用生命周期评估法比较了一些生物的废物处理系统。此外,还有一些有机物的生物处理的研究将是一个使用生命周期评估管理都市固体废物的一部分。明确指出生命周期评估旨在以科学为基础,通过收集与环境有关的的库存数据,以及相应的计算消耗的资源的应用程序,人力系统对环境的影响和生态环境的影响使得作出定性和定量的进一步的分析评估,寻找产品改善单位的影响,为减少环境污染提供更好地依据。在这个过程中不可避免地

9、涉及到一系列的技术假设和价值观的选择。3.2过程描述和假设 为了评估北京市餐厅垃圾的资源来解决环境技术的难题,已经考虑了两种典型的过程。他们是炎热和潮湿得堆肥和水解,这两者会产生多种副产品,即化肥和动物饲料或采收率。所有的操作参数被用于北京餐厅的垃圾污水处理厂宫殿和董村餐饮垃圾处理厂。此外,餐厅垃圾无害化处理,残余废物混入固体废物被填埋,垃圾填埋场排放指的是固体废物填埋场的排放数据的过程。 堆肥:参考堆肥系统位于北京大兴区南宫殿,是一个餐厅的垃圾堆肥厂,一个好氧堆肥系统,堆肥系统过程。马家的地板,食品废物转运站小时后,选举固液分离,固体物质絮凝分离和脱水产生的污泥作为原料进入到堆肥厂宫殿好氧堆

10、肥系统堆肥;处理餐厅垃圾的分离,筛选出下交付垃圾卫生填埋场处理;而液体物质进入油水分离器,油回收,液体污水由餐厅垃圾的处理产生是通过厌氧生物处理,好氧处理和膜过滤过程中,依此类推,可以减少化学需氧量,生化需氧量,氨氮,磷等的污水,使污水处理工厂实现“北京市水污染物排放标准“规定的三级排放标准;处理气体产生的过程依靠收集和生物处理系统除臭剂排放标准。其中,约32的餐厅垃圾进入系统,并转化成肥料。 为了便于评价文中的环保排放过程,堆肥的特征参数由邢如明和其他人提供,水分含量约85,C,N,O,S湿重的食物渣滓的含量占7.20,0.39,5.64,0.06。假设所有的从化肥生产的化肥可以代替它。此外


12、.01:0.41,可以计算出基于NH3的排放量,氮氧化物,硫化氢和二氧化硫排放量。垃圾填埋场的过程中的能源消耗和污染排放量根据在北京安定垃圾填埋场的数据可以估计实际操作中去。 热水解:湿热水解选择了北京董村拥有200吨食物渣滓处理能力的系统。该系统将整理出来的食物渣滓,经过废物转运站处理,通过水解过程来回收石油,化肥产品,在北京北神树垃圾填埋场进行最终处理,其余的废物可以转移处置。餐厅的垃圾通过热解的方法处理后,其次是固-液分离。固体物质调整到50的水分含量时开始有氧堆肥。为实现稳定的生物有机肥,计算好部分堆肥好氧,跟南宫殿好氧堆肥向环境排放的部分是相同的。为了处理一些热量和功耗,根据已知的水

13、解餐饮垃圾无害化处理厂的工艺设计技术的指标来估计,我们可以看到处理一吨餐厅垃圾,需要36千瓦时的电力消耗。此外,只有二氧化碳和氨被认为是污染气体。3.3国际狮子会建模和影响评估 每个系统的生命周期,不仅包含系统的能源消耗,废物处理和环境负担的处理,但也含有节能产品的生产。如果一个产品,像电力,化肥,饲料,或取代外部需求的系统产品,该产品必须包含其主机系统,产生的收入。为了获得燃料和电力消耗的生命周期清单,使用IWM - 2型模式。要考虑餐饮垃圾无害化处理系统的功耗,文中使用的是来自中国的电动电力公布的国家统计局统计的2007年的数据(火电82.85,15.24的水,核能1.91)。但是,如果这

14、个系统超过了自身要求的能力,并假设超过了常规能源的替代电源(煤54.8,石油,天然气的8.1和13.2,23.2的核能,水0.8),根据国家电网建设和运营可以计算出利润。这表明,通过垃圾处理的电力输出可以减少电网的功耗,以及推迟新电厂的建设。 在这项研究中,分散收集和运输被排除在这个系统的步骤之外;比较相同的过程,水资源,化学品,以及单耗系统的建设和损失对环境带来的负担相对较小,所以同一类型的环境负担可以忽略。每个系统的流程图和参数如图1所示。据田纳西州的法律大学,所有的环境负担预测可分为五类:全球变暖(GWP100,每公斤CO2含量),生态毒性(ISAQ,每公斤1,4 DCB的含量),酸化(

15、AP,每公斤二氧化硫的含量),水体富营养化(EP,每公斤PO43 的含量)。 4结果与讨论4.1每个系统特点的环境影响 我们可以得到两种资源处理废物的生命周期清单结果,包括好氧堆肥和热水解,相当于使用环境因素来描述影响环境的的生命周期的列表,如表2所示。在全球变暖中,环境影响引起热水解低于好氧少堆肥,这是由于热解处理技术,基于热水技术处理系统解决方案的选择。这个操作系统不会直接产生CO2,甲烷和其他温室气体。紧接着堆肥过程中也会显著的减少自然气体产生。然而,全球好氧堆肥技术给气候变暖带来了沉重的负担(对全球变暖的影响是热处理的2倍左右),这个结论是合理的,因为直接的食物渣滓的有机质含量高,堆肥


17、来自相同的生物学作用。生物二氧化碳被排除在全球变暖的因素之外。此外,有一个性本质的影响结果。堆肥很明显比热水解处理系统更能减少对全球变暖的影响。这两个系统,分别占生物二氧化碳温室气体排放量的87.9和68.1。这主要是由于热水解消耗更多的热量,增加了温室气体的排放。因此,从清洁发展机制的角度来看,全球变暖好氧堆肥的不利影响不再显著。英文原文The environmental burdens comparision between composting and thermal hydrolysisused in the restaurant garbage recovery process AB

18、STRACT:In recent years, there have been remarkable development in the recovery process of restaurant garbage in China following the active attitude of government and the announcement of several policies for effective restaurant garbage management. To evaluate the environmental impacts of restaurant

19、garbage recovery process, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was used to compare two recovery processes composting and thermal hydrolysis and estimated energy consumption and pollutant emissions. The results show that the efficient process was different in each impact category, it was evaluated that compos

20、ting makes greater contribution to global warming, reaching 337.7 kg CO2 eq./ kg. In contrast ,thermal hydrolysis imposed more impact in ecotoxicity due to the large energy consumption. But the total environmental impacts of thermal hydrolysis is about 62.5% times compared to composting as a result

21、of less effect on the other three categories: acidification, eutrophication, and global warming. Obviously thermal hydrolysis is an effective recovery process with less environmental burdens.Key words: composting; thermal hydrolysis; environmental burdens; restaurant garbage; Life Cycle,Assessment1.

22、 IntroductionWith the sustainable development of china accelerating urbanization and the raising of peoples living standard, restaurant garbage has been an important component of municipal solid waste, which accounts for about 50-70%. In Beijing, the daily outport of restaurant garbage has reached 1

23、200t.Restaurant garbage, which is known to induce putrefaction in waste collection and transportation; lower the efficiency of storing, conveying, shredding and separating; introduce moisture and Cl in the incineration process; lead to the emission of odorous compounds; adversely affect the quality

24、of leachate from landfill, has become a serious environmental problem. Restaurant garbage accounts for 37% of municipal solid waste (MSW) in Beijing, and its proper management has become one of the most actively debated issues in the last decade. Many technologies, such as crashing, composting, ferm

25、ent etc. which are exploited to treat with restaurant garbage. Despite increasing interest in studying individual technologies, however, there has been little research on the comprehensive evaluation of the Beijing restaurant garbage process in the environmental view so far. In this study, based on

26、operating parameters of actual facilities, we choose two typical recovery technologies considering the treatment of one ton of restaurant garbage in systems as a unit. Based on the calculated results, we estimate and compare the environmental impacts of this two recovery technology in Beijing using

27、the LCA (life cycle assessment) method.LCA is a methodology for examining environmental impacts associated with a product, process or service from cradle to gravefrom production of the raw materials to ultimate disposal of wastes. this paper, introduces life cycle assessment method of handling resta

28、urant garbage products, according to identify and quantity the pressure to the environment caused by production process and the activities of energy and material use and waste emissions. We want to form a more objective evaluation of the handling of restaurant garbage so as to provide basis for deci

29、sion-making.2. Current situation of restaurant garbage recovery processThe main components of restaurant garbage there is food, vegetables, vegetable oils, animal oils, such as bone-meal, and a small amount of cutlery, toothpicks and paper meal. It mainly contains starch, cellulose, protein, lipid a

30、nd inorganic salts, etc., at the same time containing a small amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, and other trace elements. The main chemical compositions of restaurant garbage contain C, H, O, N, S, Cl, and its chemical formula can be expressed as a rough C1

31、8.15H31.10O10.80N1.00S0.05 0.03NaCl . The main restaurant garbage comes from restaurants. According to statistics, Chinas catering industry retail sales increase from the 880,000,000,000 yuan in 2005 to 1,230,000,000,000 yuan in 2007, and 16 years in a row achieved double-digit growth (National Bure

32、au of Statistics, 2007). With the continuous development of the restaurant industry, continuous improvement in peoples living standards, expanding the size of the city, as well as our unique traditional food culture and other reasons, Chinas output of restaurant garbage remains a relatively high lev

33、el and has shown an upward trend continuing. In Shanghai every day about 1300 tons garbage generated; Beijing every day, more than 1200 tons, and other domestic cities every day in a large amount of restaurant garbage. Restaurant garbages characteristics of high moisture content, high organic matter

34、, prone to deteriorate provide a lot of technical problems, as well as secondary pollution problems to deal with, combined with the increasing scarcity of land resources, and traditional landfill is not the current respected resources for restaurant garbage treatment process any more at present. As

35、a biological treatment of compost technology, for the advantages of initial investment with low energy and high rate of access ,at the same time, the production of compost products has a low-price market, and some prospects for development. It is now normal production run of the Beijing palace resta

36、urant garbage treatment plant which is used in this process. Besides, Dong village in Beijing for restaurant garbage treatment plant on behalf of the heat treatment technology is a new type of restaurant garbage treatment technologies. Using it water in it,through heating to achieve hot and humid en

37、vironment, those can effectively kill germs, remove the smell and eventually feed made from raw materials and fertilizers. At the same time, internal lipid in garbage Solid leaches, which could make a substantial rate of separation increase in meal kitchen waste oil recovery. According to the genera

38、l requirements of the Beijing Municipal Environmental Hygiene, in 2008, before the completion of the standardization of the Beijing Municipal Restaurant Garbage Management, Beijing will standardize the management of restaurant garbage into the Beijing Municipal Administration Commission of the terms

39、 of reference, through the implementation of the declaration of restaurant garbage, food Kitchen garbage collection and transportation management and so handle a series of policies and measures to gradually achieve the orderly management of restaurant garbage. Nevertheless, from the national level,

40、our country has not yet set up a sound management system of restaurant garbage. Driven by economic interests, untreated restaurant garbage directly used for livestock feed will still exist; and some of the restaurant garbage produced a relatively small amount of garbage generated units would be ille

41、gally mixed with municipal solid waste. Disorder of restaurant garbage has affected the sales satisfaction model of urban city, transportation, the environment, and even endangers peoples health. With the constant norms of urban management, urban management of restaurant garbage must be put on the a

42、genda, and on the resources of restaurant garbage treatment system for a reasonable assessment of the current has become a pressing task.3. Materials and methods3.1 EvaluationThis article introduces life cycle assessment of the resources of restaurant garbage treatment system with the aim of the exi

43、sting resources of restaurant garbage treatment system for environmental impact assessment, compared to arrive at a more comprehensive, objective and rational evaluation of the results to provide decision-makers for the sustainable management of restaurant garbage on the basis of effective.Life cycl

44、e assessment is a system for the entire life cycle of importing, exporting and potential environmental impact evaluation tool used to evaluate the product or service life cycle of the whole process of environmental impact , which is a Comprehensive management tool for environmental protection and pr

45、eventive measures to reduce environmental pollution, and have a great significance in environment and development process. For this reason, the use of life-cycle approach to the waste management system to evaluate the importance of it in a gradual increase has been widely used in the field of munici

46、pal solid waste management. Gereca, lundie and others compared some of the biological waste treatment systems using life cycle assessment method . In addition, there are a number of studies of the biological treatment of organic matter which will be a part of municipal solid waste using life cycle a

47、ssessment management. It is clear that the life cycle assessment aimed at science-based, through the collection of environment-related inventory data, and the corresponding application is calculated from the consumption of resources, human health and ecological impact of the environmental impact of

48、the system to make qualitative and quantitative assessment Further analysis and looking for products to improve the impact of the unit in order to reduce environmental pollution to provide the best judge. In the process, it inevitably involves a series of technical assumptions and values selected.3.

49、2 Processes descriptions and assumptionsIn order to evaluate the Beijing Municipal Restaurant garbage of resources to deal with the burden of environmental technology, two typical processes have been taken into account. They are hot and humid compost and hydrolysis, both of which will produce a variety of by-products, namel


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