2019-2020同步北师大英语选修六新突破讲义:Unit 17 Section Ⅴ Reading(Ⅲ)(Communication Workshop) Word版含答案.doc

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《2019-2020同步北师大英语选修六新突破讲义:Unit 17 Section Ⅴ Reading(Ⅲ)(Communication Workshop) Word版含答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步北师大英语选修六新突破讲义:Unit 17 Section Ⅴ Reading(Ⅲ)(Communication Workshop) Word版含答案.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Section Reading()(Communication Workshop).匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思()1.depthA.vt.取得(成功),完成(任务)()2.scare B.adj.艰难的;不幸的;强壮的,强健的()3.starve C.n.(面包的)一条()4.loaf D.vi.打哈欠()5.yawn E.vi.挨饿,饿死()6.tough F.vt.使恐惧()ponent G.n.成分,组成部分()8.accomplish H.n.深(度),纵深答案15HFECD68BGA.选择下列句中词组的汉语意思A敢于面对,勇于正视(困难或不愉快之事)B预先,在之前C多亏;由于D难怪

2、E泄露;赠送F取笑,愚弄,开的玩笑()1.Its wrong to make fun of people just because theyre old.()2.They argued with him, but he could not face up to reality.()3.I dont want to give away any company secrets.()4.Thanks to your help, we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.()5.The subject of the talk is announced a w

3、eek in advance.()6.No wonder she looks so familiar; she is my former student.答案16FAECBD(教师独具)“Gullivers Travels” is a famous novel by Irish writer Jonathan Swift. Here we read about Gullivers arrival in the land of Lilliput in an adapted extract.AWe set sail on May 4th, 1699. At first our voyage wen

4、t well but in November, we were driven by a storm onto a rock. Six of us managed to escape the sinking ship in a life boat, but it was soon upset by the waves. I swam, pushed forward by the wind and the water. Just when I was able to struggle no longer, I found myself within my depth(深). Then/Soon I

5、 reached land and dropped to the ground. When my head hit the sand, I fell asleep.BWhen I awoke, the sun had just come up. I tried to rise, but found that my arms and legs were strongly tied to the ground. My hair was tied down in the same manner. I heard a confused noise around me, but could see no

6、thing except the sky.格列佛游记是爱尔兰作家乔纳森斯威夫特(创作)的一部著名小说。这里我们要读一读格列佛来到小人国部分的一段改编节选。A我们于1699年5月4日起航。起初我们的航行很顺利,可是在11月份由于一场暴风雨我们的船撞到了礁石。我们当中有六个人乘救生艇逃离了沉船,可是不久它就被大浪打翻了。我开始游泳,被暴风和海浪推着前进。当我挣扎不起来时,我发现(水深)不超过自己的高度。然后我上了岸,倒在了地上。当我的头碰到沙滩时,我就睡着了。B当我醒来时,太阳刚刚升起。我试图站起来,可是发现我的手臂和腿被牢牢拴在地上。我的头发也是被用同样的方式系住。我听到身边有一阵混乱的喧闹声,

7、可是除了天空我什么都看不到。助读讲解struggle vi.挣扎。confused noise混乱的喧闹声,修饰表示心情、表情类的名词用ed形式形容词。CSuddenly, I felt something alive moving on my left leg. It advanced over my body and came almost up to my face. I looked down as much as I could and saw a human creature just six inches high, with a bow and arrow in his han

8、ds. Immediately, I felt at least forty more of the same kind following the first. I was completely surprised and shouted so loudly that they all ran back in fear.DHaving scared(使恐惧) the little beings, I began struggling to get loose and managed to break the strings(绳) that tied my left arm and sligh

9、tly moved the strings that tied down my hair. But before I could catch any of the creatures, I felt a hundred needles stick into my hand. Another flight of arrows fell on my face, which I immediately covered with my left hand. I shouted with pain and decided to wait till night, when I could easily f

10、ree myself.C突然,我觉得有个活的东西在我左腿上移动。它越过我的身体,几乎到了我脸上。我尽力朝下看,发现了一个手里拿着弓和箭的只有6英寸高的小人。跟着第一个,我立即又感觉到了至少40多个同样的(人)。我完全惊呆了,大声地叫起来,他们都害怕地向后跑去。D吓退了这些小人,我开始挣脱绳索,设法挣断了绑在我左臂的绳子,并且稍微移动了绑着我头发的绳子。但是在我能够抓住这些小东西前,我感到有一百根针扎进我的手里。又有一阵乱箭射到我脸上,我立刻用左手遮挡。我疼得大叫,决定等到晚上,那时我就可以轻易地摆脱束缚了。助读讲解形容词修饰不定代词要放在不定代词之后。此处是“withn.介词短语”结构,在句中

11、作伴随状语。Having scared the little beings是现在分词完成式,表示动作在谓语动词began之前已经发生。EAfter not moving for a minute, the arrows stopped. For the next hour, I heard a knocking noise by my right ear. Turning my head as far as I could, I saw a stage built about a foot and a half above the ground. One of the creatures cl

12、imbed onto the stage and made me a long speech. I didnt understand a single word but answered in English in a very quiet manner.FAfter being almost starved(挨饿) with hunger, I showed that I wanted food. They understood and hundreds of the tiny people climbed onto my body bringing baskets of meat and

13、tiny loaves(一条) of bread. They fed me as fast as they could, showing surprise at my size and appetite. I then/at last showed that I wanted drink and they brought me two of their largest bottles of wine.GIt is true that I often wanted to catch forty or fifty of them, and throw them against the ground

14、, but having eaten their food and drunk their wine, I now felt that to do so would be rude. Then, I started to yawn(打哈欠) and quickly fell asleep. And it was no wonder, for their doctors, by the Emperors order, had put a sleeping drug in with the wine.E在停了一会后,弓箭不再向我射来。一小时后,我听到我的右耳处有敲击的声音。我努力转过头去,看到地面


16、因状语。eat和drink发生在谓语动词feel之前,因此用完成式。第一步速读了解文章主题和段落大意速读P26教材课文,匹配段落大意1Para.1A.Attack2Para.2 B.A storm at sea3Para.3 C.A special drink 4Para.4 D.Tied down5Para.5 E.Welcome speech6Para.6 F.Food and wine7Para.7 G.Tiny people答案17BDGAEFC第二步细读把控文章关键信息细读P26教材课文,选择最佳答案1Why could the author see nothing except t

17、he sky?ABecause his eyes didnt move.BBecause his whole body was fixed by something.CBecause he didnt want to see anything except the sky.DBecause he was blind.2What do you know about the little beings except the following one?AThe little beings were good at shooting arrows.BThe little beings spoke a

18、 complex language.CThe little beings were stupid.DThe little beings were clever.3Why did the little beings give the author food to eat?ABecause they were afraid that the author was starved to death.BBecause they wanted the author to feel easy and drink the sleeping drug.CBecause they had too much fo

19、od.DBecause they were generous.答案13BCB第三步研读能力升华接轨高考根据P26教材课文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式In November,we 1.were driven(drive)by a storm onto a rock.Six of us managed to escape the 2.sinking(sink)ship in a life boat.Then,I reached land and dropped to the ground.3.When I awoke,it was just daylight.I found

20、that my arms and legs were strongly tied to the ground.My hair was tied down in 4.the same manner.I felt something alive 5.moving(move) on my left leg.Having scared the little beings,I began struggling 6.to get(get) loose.Before I could grasp any of the creatures,I felt a hundred needles stick into my hand.7. Turning(turn) my head as far as I could,I saw a stage 8.built(build) about a foot and a half above the ground.Being starved with 9.hunger(hungry),I showed that I wanted food.They fed me as fast as they could,showing surprise 10.at my size and appetite.


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