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1、外国语学院英语系英语学术论文写作课程论文题目: The Correlation between English Majors English LearningMotivation and Their Learning Strategies 姓名: 学号: 班级: 2011级6班 日期: 2013年12月 评语成 绩 教师签名:ContentsAbstract.i摘要.ii1. Introduction .1 1.1 Background of the Study.1 1.2 Significance of the Study.2 1.3 Purpose of the Study.2 1.4 O

2、verview of the Thesis.22. Literature Review.32.1 Research on English Learning Motivation.3 2.1.1 Definition of ELM.3 2.1.2 Classification of ELM.4 Integrative Motivation and Instrumental Motivation .4 Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation .5 The Relationship between t

3、he Two Motivational Dichotomies.62.2 Research on English Learning Strategies.6 2.2.1 Definition of ELS.7 2.2.2 Classification of ELS.7 2.3 Research on the Relationship of English Learning Motivation and English Learning strategies.103. Methodology.11 3.1Question. .11 3.2 Subjects.12 3.3 Instruments.

4、12 3.4 Data Collection.13 3.5 Data Analysis.134. Results and Discussion.13 4.1 Results from ELM Questionnaire.13 4.2 Results from ELS Questionnaire.16 4.3 Correlation Analysis on ELM and ELS.175. Conclusion19References.22Appendix.24ABSTRCT In the last few decades, in China, there appeared a nation-w

5、ide rush, which caused the traditional “teacher-centered” class shift to a “student-centered” one. Thus, many researches began to focus on individual learners factors, among which learning motivation and learning strategies are the most important. And they attracted researchers much attention. There

6、fore, based on the related theories and through questionnaire investigation researches of the English major juniors, this paper aims at exploring the correlation between the two. So as to improve English teaching and learning. This paper contains five parts. Opening with a general introduction, this

7、 part provides background, the present study situation, and the purpose of the study. In part two, literature review is consists of definition, classification and other main theories. Part three is the methodology. Through investigating part of the English major juniors of North West Normal Universi

8、ty, the data were collected and processed through SPSS 17.0. After analysis and discussion in part four, several aspects of findings are offered by the present study: 1) English major juniors have a extremely strong English learning motivation. Among which integrative motivation plays a leading. 2)

9、English major juniors are likely to employ different kinds of learning strategies for English learning. And affective strategies are most frequently employed. 3) There is a significantly positive correlation between English learning motivation and strategies. Besides, students who are highly motivat

10、ed employ learning strategies much more frequently.In conclusion, knowing about the relationship between English learning motivation and English learning strategies, not only students can have a clear understanding of their own learning motivation and learning strategies, but also teachers can impro

11、ve their teaching methods and strategies in order to inspire the students motivation. In this way, English teaching will get better results.Key words: English learning motivation;English leaning strategies; correlation i摘要在过去几十年中,中国出现了学习英语的狂热现象,这也促进了传统的以教师为中心的课堂向以学生为中心的课堂的转变。因此,许多研究者开始注重个人因素的研究,其中学习

12、动机和学习策略成为两个最重要,也最最受关注的因素。所以,基于相关理论与研究,本文通过对英语专业大三学生英语学习动机和学习策略的实际情况进行问卷调查,探讨英语学习动机与英语学习策略的相关关系,以期进一步促进英语教学与学习。本文主要由五部分构成。引言部分首先指出了本研究的目的和意义,以及目前的研究状况。在第二部分,本文就英语学习动机与英语学习策略在定义,类型和其他相关重要理论方面做了文献回顾。第三部分说明了研究方法,通过对西北师范大学英语专业大三的学生进行问卷调查,将得到的相关数据收集并使用 SPSS 17.0 进行处理分析。在第四章中本文进行了细致的分析和讨论,对本研究主要有以下几方面的发现:一

13、、英语专业大三的学生有着极强的学习动机。其中,整合型强度最大。二、英语专业大三的学生倾向于使用不同的学习策略,其中,情感策略被最经常使用。三、英语专业大三学生的英语学习动机和英语学习策略之间存在显著的正相关性。并且英语学习动机越强,越倾向于使用学习策略。总之,了解学生的英语学习动机以及学习策略相关性,不仅学生们对它们自己的学习动机和学习策略有个很清晰的认识,并且教师可以通过改进教学方法和策略有针对性的激发学生的英语学习动机,从而改善教学效果。 关键字: 英语学习动机;英语学习策略;相关性iiPart One Introduction1.1 Background of the StudyChin

14、a, as a country with the largest English learning population, has experienced the “English rush” since she opened her door to the world, especially after China entered the WTO. And a transformation in English teaching and learning happened in the late 1970s and in the early 1980s. At that period, Gr

15、ammar-Translation Method dominated the English class. In late 1980s, a reform was once again conducted, the class had been changed from the “teacher-centered” situation to “student-centered” situation. That is to say, the focus had been shifted to individual learners. People gradually recognized tha

16、t English was not taught by group, but learned by individuals.There are various individual factors which can influence L2 learning, such motivation, age, personality, aptitude, learning strategies, and so on. Because of these factors, some L2 learners can learn quickly and successfully, while others

17、 can not. It is universally believed that motivation correlates highly with second or foreign language learning, and that a successful language learner is usually highly motivated (Vandergrift, 2005); and according to Corder (1973), “Given motivation, any one can learn a language.” The academic pape

18、rs studying L2 leaming discovered that different students had different motivations for leaming. Generally speaking, their different motivations can influence them in a very powerful way, either in the choice of learning strategies, or the formation of their leaming styles.Researchers has paid atten

19、tion to learning strategies since 1960s. Learning strategies became another important individual factor affecting L2 learning process. Some successful L2 learners may employ different learning strategies more frequently and more efficiently, therefore, the phenomenon is that some people were good at

20、 language while others mat be less proficient in L2. It is believed that learning strategies can improve the learning rate and learning outcomes of different learners. In addition, it is common that suitable language learning strategies can make learners be more skilled and greater confidence. (Oxfo

21、rd 2008, 1)Another important point is that motivation can have influence on choosing the language learning strategies. For example, people learning English merely for passing the examinations or for the fulfillment of graduate request will use different learning strategies from those who learning En

22、glish for interpersonal communication or learning the target languageculture. 1.2 Significance of the Study The study would be significant on both theory and practice On one hand, it can enrich the researches on English and learning , for its about the relationship between ELM and ELS. On the other

23、hand, it has practical value, knowing the relationship between ELM and ELS can help teachers to choose proper method to stimulate studentsmotivation and enhance their strategy use. In addition, it can help students to have a clear understanding of their own ELM and ELS, and to develop a set of their

24、 own ELS. All of these can be beneficial to English teaching and learning. 1.3 Purpose of the Study In recent years, many researches on L2 learning motivation and L2 learning strategies have been conducted by many scholars in China. But minority explore the deep relationship between the two through

25、empirical method. Therefore, for improving English teaching and learning, the deep relationship between ELM and ELS is valuable to be studied and discussed. So in the thesis, many aspects are researched. For instance, what kinds of ELM do English majors have? What types of ELM do they use when they

26、learn English? And whats the relationship between ELM and ELM? Can ELM predict ELS? To find out answers for these questions and help English majors know their own ELM and what kind of ELS suit them so as to improve English teaching and learning are the specific and final purpose of the thesis1.4 Ove

27、rview of the Paper The thesis mainly consists of five partsThe first part opens with a general introduction. First, it presents the background and the present study situation. Second, it points out the purpose of the study which includes the specific research questions. Third, it shows the significa

28、nce. Finally, it gives the layout of the thesisThe second part consists of three sections. Section one first puts forward the definition of the ELM. Then it shows the types of ELM. Similarly, section two reviews ELS from the aspects of definition,classification and factors affecting choice of ELS. S

29、ection three reviews the former researches on the relationship between ELM and ELS.The third part is the question design which consists of four aspects: research questions, subjects, instruments and the method of data analysesThe fourth part presents the results of the research and discusses them. I

30、t begins with the analysis of ELM questionnaire and ELS questionnaire. Then it makes correlation analysis between ELM and ELSThe fifth part is a conclusion of the whole theory. It shows the major findings, displays the implications from the study,and limitations recommendations for further researche

31、sPart Two Literature Review2.1 Research on English Learning Motivation 2.1.1 Definition of ELM Motivation is generally referred to an inner impulse, drive, desire, or emotion that gets people going, keeps people moving , and helps people get job done.It is a kind of internal incentive or a kind of d

32、esire that makes people take an action. “Motivation has been widely accepted by both teachers and researchers as one of the key factors that influence the rate and success of second /foreign language leaming.”(Dornyei,1998,P.117). However, since mastering a L2 is not only an educational issue, but i

33、t is also a deeply social event, motivation is a complex,multi-faceted construct (Gardner,1985;Williams & Burden, 2000). So there has been a considerable diversity of motivation concepts rather than a unique definition. According to Keller(1983), motivation referred to “the choices people make as to

34、 what experience or goals they will approach or avoid and the degree of effort they will exert in the respect ”(Brown,2002:152). This is just a simple definition, which gives readers an initial understanding on the concept of motivation. Ellis (1999:86) regarded motivation as “effort which learners

35、put into learning L2 as a result of their need or desire to learn it.” Later,he(2000:75) pointed out that attitudes and effective states influence the degree of effort that learners make to learn a L2,and they should also be involved in motivation. Williams also gave a definition of motivation “moti

36、vation may be constructed as a state of cognitive and emotional arousal , which leads to a conscious decision to act,and which gave rise to a period of sustained intellectual and physical effort in order to attain a previously set goal”.(2000:120). His theory was mainly put forward from a cognitive

37、point of view.The most influential motivation theory in the L2 field has been Proposed by Robert Gardner and Lambert and their associates in Canada (Gardner & Lambert,1972:Gardner,1985:1988).In Robert Gardnerview, “motivation” referred to “the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of

38、 leaming the language plus favorable attitudes towards leaming the language. Motivation was mainly a kind of central mental “engine” or “energy-center” that inspires effort, want/will and task-enjoyment.(Dornyei,2005:48).In general all of these researchers are trying to definite motivation from diff

39、erent theoretical aspects and research research reports, there are common thing among them, such as effort, desire, to approach a goal. Ellis and Gardner added attitudes towards learning the language. This thesis mainly presents the definition of motivation from Dornyei, Keller, Ellis ,Williams,Brow

40、n,Gardner and Lambert, whose theories also play an important role in L2 leaning in China. 2.1.2 Classification of ELMSo far, because there is no agreement has been achieved on defining motivation in L2 learning, so different types of motivation have emerged according to different dividing criteria.

41、This part mainly presents the previous essential classification of motivation in L2 learning. Integrative and Instrumental Motivation It is well-recognized that Gardner and Lambert(1972) had done most influential studies of motivation in L2 learning. A key issue in Gardner.s (1985) motivation theory is the relationship between motivation and orientation (Dornyei,2005). Gardner (1972) divided SLL or


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