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1、本科毕业设计(论文)中英文对照翻译院(系部) 电气工程与自动化学院 专业名称 电气工程及其自动化 年级班级 03级2班 学生姓名 指导老师 2007年6月10日电力系统1 电力的技术特点电力具有独特的技术特点,这使得电力工业具有独特的行业特点。1.无形性。用户不能用人体感官直接察觉千瓦时的用电量。2.质量。供电质量可由供电连续性或供电可靠性、在标准电压等级下的电压均等性、交流电压频率的正确不变性来度量。3.电力的贮存。与大多数行业不同,电力部门必须随时根据用电的需求生产出电力来,因为电能无法贮存。4.对供电负责。电由电力部门输送到用户,因此必须对安全、可靠供电负责。5.对公众的安全。电力部门须

2、对公众及其技术人员提供稳妥的保护。2 电力系统的规划预期到电力部门的供电负荷将持续增长,电力系统的容量也持续增大。远期规划主要是保证这种扩建在技术上是适宜的,在造价上是合理的,与增长模式是相符的。远期规划者碰到的困难包括:不同地域和不同时间负荷增长的不确定性、新发明新技术发展的可能性。优异的系统规划要努力做到全系统设计的最优化,而不能为了系统某部分造价的最小化而不顾其它部分的影响。近年来,已经强调了规划和运行的经济性。现在则越来越强调可靠性和环境方面的因素。在作出规划前,须要仔细考虑许多因素:(1)设备的决策具有远期效应,这需要1525年的预期和研究。(2)有许多发电途径可选择:核电、基荷火电

3、、中等规模燃气轮机发电或水电,以及大型、中型、小型电厂和各种形式的蓄能。(3)有多种送电途径可选择,例如由交流或直流,架空线或地下电缆送电并有各种电压等级。(4)规划决策受负荷管理技术和负荷模式的影响。(5)有关因素存在不确定性。如将来燃料价格货币的利率资金的来源设备的强迫停运率新技术环境的要求。3 电力分配3.1 最初的分配系统发电厂和最后的各支路之间的分配线路叫做最初的分配系统。在这两个电力系统之间传输有多种方法. 其中最常见的两种方法是辐射式和环绕式。(1).辐射式这种辐射来自于全世界的辐射,意思就是从中心向四周扩散。这种辐射系统是一类起源于主电站并向各种分电站传递电能的电力传输系统。从

4、最简单的出发, 一个辐射系统是从生产电能的发电厂辐射开来. 这些电能从主电站被传输出来,通常是部分的,或者是从相邻的发电厂发出的. 所以从主电站输出的电能为了长距离输电,在主电站将电压升高到较高的值。从主电站,许多线路将电能传达到各地方的电站. 为了在人口密集地区配电,在分电站将电压降低到合适的值。在分电站,电能是通过线路传输给各变压器的。这些变压器再把电压降低到能让用电户所承受的电压。(2)环系统环系统是从主电站或者一个分电站开始而且经过周围变电站电能的相互传输最后回到主电站的。这将造成所有的电站供应同样的电能,最后因为隔离绝缘而崩溃。 所以环系统的维持需要一个更大的环系统并从主电站供电。(

5、3)用户分配系统不同的用户分配系统是用户根据自己的用电量向输电线路要电的。普通用户通常是使用最简单的类型。而商业的和工业的系统大多数因负荷需求而改变.3.2 单相系统大多数的单相系统是由一个最初的三向系统提供的。单相变压器被连接到三向系统中。副边包含两个带中间接点的两个串联连接线圈以够成单相三线系统。这种连接方式通常是用来向用户和一些商业用户而建立的。对于普通住宅用户,供电通常是在头顶或地下安装.单个用户通常把电表安装在住宅外面。从电表我们可以看到每户的用电量。三个分离系统来自于每个环流系统。从分离系统中,供电单位通过操纵台给部门提供电能。因为普通用户有三个基本的线路: 一般的照明线路,小型的

6、机械和洗衣店线路 ,个体分支线路. 个体分支线路时常用来供应中央暖气系统及空调系统,水加热器和其他的特别负荷。(1)接地需求所有的交流电路系统都需要单相接地。这种接地系统运行制度意味着六个交流回路互相不干扰。一个接地装置的型号来源于整个接地系统的配置。(2)商业的和工业的接地装置商业的和工业的接地装置的安装超过小的住宅安装。 大的公寓或者楼房,虽然分散了住宅的空间,但是经常使用商业广告-风格来布置。单相变压器,三绕组变压器或三相变压器都可能用于建筑物之内, 通常埋入地下.通常这些主变压器是用来供应电能的。从这点来说,供电系统为每个用户连接分别连接电表是为了保护用电户的权益。 每个操纵台安装一个

7、电表用来监视用电单位。使用这种方式是为了根据用户的数量,商业或者工业建筑可能不止一个电表。通常是一个三相或者四相电路的系统.这种电压可能是 120/208 伏 或 277/480 伏。如果系统提供 277/480 伏的电压, 那么一个变压器一定是被安装在里面为了要获得 120伏的电压。如果建筑物包括一个很大的区域,那么电表一定安装在它的附近。这样安排是为了在传输线上将线路电流损失减到最少. 一些公共的电能是从一个单相变压器,三绕组变压器或三相变压器系统供应的。可能从三绕组变压器或三相变压器系统通常获得的电压是 240伏 ,440伏或 550伏.这样安排, 是为了使一个变压器获得 120伏的电压

8、. 通常从四线出来的是240伏的电压,三相变压器的电压是120伏。许多用户购买电都是从最初的供电局买来的。通常使用15千伏三相变压器。这种管理电能的金属小屋叫分电局. 变压器在里面是与其他装置相邻安装的。这种抽屉类型的隔绝开关安装在分电局里。这些开关用来在维护或修理期间隔离来自补给的主要开关或线路断路器.3.3 用户环绕式系统虽然辐射状的变电站系统普遍存在于各级输电线路上,但大多数用户也可以接受来自环状系统的供电网络。 当安装任何系统的供电网络时,你都要考虑是否合适最初的用电需求。设计和安装人员操作这些系统一定要遵从 NEC 的要求和当地的需求.3.4 中级的高电压分配系统大型的工厂建立地点可

9、能找在电压比 600伏高而且经济的地方。基于安装类型和负载需要,可以采用高达2300伏的电压。降压变压器在降低成本和消耗上体现了价值。 有时高电压系统可能是辐射式的,低电压系统可能进入系统之内被连接。另外的一个方法是将两种系统连接起来使用。 (1)二次环绕系统大多数情况下在变压器之间用点把不同的负荷连结到系统中也是很方便的.这种系统叫做二次环绕系统. NEC450 型号的设备给出了特殊的关于最终级的环绕系统。(2)接地系统 一般地说, 大多数的电力系统都要置于地面.。放在地面上的目的是将限制由闪电而发出瞬间的励磁涌流和的意外接触较高的电压所引起的过电压。当接地故障发生时,为保证过流设备工作,必

10、须设置系统接地以提供最小阻抗通路。设备就不会受到不正常的电流干扰。一般在变电站交流电都要安装接地设备。另一方面,在半周期电流系统中接地必需由每一相的交流电来提供。特殊的,象NEC250型就可以用别的方法接地。 3.5 电气设备的接地敷线金属导管一定要置于地面.。如果金属性敷线埋于地下因为温度升高而可以不放在地下,是因为这时有电压在这之间。这样对人是很危险的。人随时可以接触到来自大地的过电流。 所有的非金属设备用电应紧紧的连接而且安装在一个放在地面上的电极上。好的连接电会是电流紧密的附着在金属上,并且当有事故发生时会迅速通过短路电流的电。如果励磁涌流足够大,可以使设备自动关闭。(1)错误的地面保

11、护 GPF是一种当接地电流达到预设值时能够检测到接地故障并断开电路的设备。GFCI是一种当小电流通过时断开电路的设备。没有办法预先知道来自地面外的阻抗。大多数的线路是在15安 或者更大电流的保护之上。如果地面阻抗够低时甚至低于开启电流时, 如此通过的电流少于 15安怎么办?这已经被证明像 50毫安的小电流,虽然小,但是能使心,肺或脑死亡。电气设备暴露在湿润的空气中可能产生震动或者高阻抗。严重时可能引起设备着火 ,然而电流可能是少于一个安培。设备中的污垢存在于变压器及线圈中. 操作不当有时会使电流通过身体而发生触电。错误的地面保护有时候会少于 15安 。GFCI设计为按照双线电路工作,双线中的一

12、根线接地。标准的线路电压在120伏到 277伏之间。这个时候当你的线圈接地时你要花费很大的力气去操作。10毫安甚至更小的电流在这之前都有可能使线圈断开。20毫安的电流有时也会引起GFCI装置在0.04秒内触动。GFCI 装置的电流有时侯大量通过两个电路.当接地装置发生接地故障时,大部分是通过接地线圈来输送电能的,这就是接地故障的来源.它在两个电路中以不同的值来衡量.所有的错误的接地保护都可以在线圈里面以不变的电流来表示.错误的地面保护通常是为了商业及工业的安装而设计. 他们的预设值可以从2安到2000安.GFCI装置通常嵌入在单相电路中.GFP通常用于三线单相和三相电路中,而GFIC用于两线单

13、相电路中.一个错误的地面保护装置是在附着于线路中的,包括中间线圈,当有不正常电流通过时,所有的短路电流都通过线圈往外面送.这时在这些电路中电流值会下降到零.当单相接地保护发生故障时,过电流保护就会起作用.在这种情况下触动点会起动.当预值电流超过时,隔离装置会自动切断电流. 有时GFP 装置在系统中处于领导者. 在这种情况之下, 每一相都会设地面保护.当你起动GFP 装置时会引起线路的开断.地面保护系统实际上是一种特殊的对于短路情况的设计.(2)三相系统在正常的用电系统中三相是这样描述的.在理想的情况下,这些系统是在正常情况下运行的,但是如果遇到故障,线路中电压为零.不过很少遇到这种情况.一般在

14、工厂工人很难碰到这种情况然而,一旦发生了整个系统会在低于电压下不正常工作.单一的负荷时常是由三相系统供应的,单相电压如果经常发生变化,则三相系统也会发生变化.4 电力变压器的选择 变压器的选择对变电站的造价有主要的影响,因为变压器为变电站造价中的不要项目。铭牌额定值仅是变压器应用的一个指导,只是选择过程的第一步。 选择变压器时应仔细评估一些其它的因素: (1)阻抗的选择要考虑他们对短路负荷和低压侧断路器额定值的影响作用,变电站初期情况和将来的发展都要考虑到。此外,要实现变压器并联运行时的恰当负荷分配,阻抗值是重要的。 (2)无载分接范围选择应能提供正确的低压侧母线电压。 (3)若在负荷变化周期

15、中,高压侧或低压侧的电压有较大范围的变化,就有必要提供母线电压的调节。实际调节量可利用系统特性和负荷特性来计算。5 开关装置开关装置是包括开关设备和切断设备的总名称,也包括附属的控制、测量、保护和调节设备。 开关装置主要包括断路器、隔离开关、负荷开关和熔断器。按功能来讲,隔离开关是最简单的开关,仅在很小电流下操作。隔离不能开断正常负荷电流,其功能只能是在变压器断路器或其他设备和高压短导线中的电流由断路器负荷开关断开后再进行断开和接通。负荷开关可开断正常负荷电流但不能开断短路电流。然而,断路器可执行上述两种开关的开断功能,但若在额定范围内使用,也可开断出现于系统中所有短路电流。熔断器基本由可熔断

16、元件和熄弧装置组成。 断路器和隔离开关在短时额定范围内应不能被短路电流熔断或损坏。断路器和开关的设计或保护应能在断开状态下耐受正常的工作电压。6 无功补偿的措施线路电容对线路电压有两个影响。一个影响是由于线路电容电流流过线路电感引起的电压沿线路升高,第二个影响是线路电容电流流过电源阻抗引起的电压升高。这些影响可通过发电机电压调节器加以校正。若线路传送的充电电流太大,发电机的励磁磁场就非常弱,这将降低稳定性限度,因而是不能接受的。通过采用并联电抗器可降低前述的电压升高。电抗器所提供的补偿度通常可由被补偿线路电容的百分数来量化。超高压线路并联补偿的范围从0%到90%,变电站中电抗器接在线路的一端或


18、电容器结合大功率半导体装置而构成的一种可控无功电源。7 过电压和绝缘配合电力系统设计的一个极重要方面是考虑线路、电缆和变电站的绝缘要求。当雷电击到输电线路的相导线上,雷击电流遇到导线的波阻抗,这样就产生过电压,并以波的形式沿线路传至变电站。此类过电压称为雷电侵入波。它将对变电站中的电气设备造成危害。绝缘配合是确定各电气设备的正确雷电冲击绝缘水平和操作冲击绝缘水平以及确定正确避雷器的过程。此过程由已知的设备冲击特性和避雷器特性来确定。8 接地 电力系统中的接地是为了运行上的考虑,防雷,以及保护人员和设备的安全。接地是指与具有低电阻的接地电极或良好的接地系统相连。接地装置应该有通过最大故障电流的载

19、流容量,且具有足够低的接地电阻以避免此时人员可达到的任何点上出现危险电压。接地的布置应保证在故障情况下,实际出现于设备接地部位与大地之间的电压达到最低值,这样,已接地设备的绝缘就不会击穿或烧坏。在故障期间,电流流入地中时会在变电站内及周围地面上形成电位梯度。若不采取措施,地面电位差足够大到可能危及在该处行走的人员。此外,此种电位差有时可能出现在“接地”结构,或设备的构架与附近的地之间。由此考虑,变电站通常的做法是采用由水平埋设导体构成的电气接地系统。Electric power system1 Technical Characteristics of Electric Power The el

20、ectric power has unique technical characteristics which give the power industry certain unique characteristics.1 Intangibility. The customer cannot directly detect a kilowatt-hour with any of his physical senses.2 Quality. The quality of service can be measured by service continuity or reliability,

21、uniformity of voltage at the proper level, proper and uniform frequency of the alternating voltage.3 Product storage. Unlike most businesses, the electric power utility must create its product simultaneously with its use because there is no storage of electricity.4 Responsibility for power service.

22、Because the utility delivers its product to the customers premises it must assume responsibility for the safe and reliable delivery of its product.5 Public Safety. The utility must provide reasonably adequate protection for the public and its own skilled workers.2 Power System PlanningIn anticipatio

23、n of continued growth in the loads served by the electric utilities, power systems must be continually expanded in capability. Long-range planning is essential to assure that necessary additions are technically adequate, reasonable in cost and fit into a growth pattern. The difficulties encountered

24、by the long-range planner include: uncertainty of load growth with respect to both geography and time, the probability of new invention or technological development. Good system planning strives for optimum design on a system-wide basis, not necessarily for minimum cost in one part of the system wit

25、hout regard to the effect on the other parts. In recent years, there has been an emphasis on economy in planning and operation. Now there is increased emphasis on reliability and environmental factors.Before planning decisions are made, many factors must be carefully considered:(1)Equipment decision

26、 have long-term effects requiring a forecast and study period of 15-25 years.(2)There are many alternate means of generating electric power nuclear, base-load fossil, mid-range combustion turbines or hydro, and in large-medium or small-size plants, and different forms of energy storage.(3)There are

27、several alternate means of transmitting electric power, for example, by alternating or direct current, overhead or underground cable, and all over a wide range of voltages.(4)The planning decisions are affected by load management techniques and the load patterns.(5)Uncertainty exists concerning the

28、factors, such as future fuel cost, interest rates on money and capital availability, equipment forced-outage rates, new technologies and environmental restrictions.3 Electrical Distribution3.1 Primary Distribution SystemsThe wiring between the generating station and the final distribution point is c

29、alled the primary distribution systems. There are several methods used for transmitting the power between these two points. The two most common methods are the radial system and the loop system.(1)The Radial SystemsThe term radial comes from the word radiate, which means to send out or emit from one

30、 central point. A radiate system is an electrical transmission system which begins at a central station and supplies power to various substations.In its simplest from, a radial system consists of a generating station which produces the electrical energy. This energy is transmitted from the generator

31、(s) to the central station, which is generally part of, or adjacent to, the generating station. At the central station the voltage is stepped up to a higher value for long-distance transmission.From the central station, several lines carry the power to various substations. At the substations the vol

32、tage is usually lowered to a value more suitable for distribution in populated areas. From the substations, lines carry the power to distribution transformers. These transformers lower the voltages to the value required by the consumer.(2) The loop systemThe loop system starts from the central stati

33、on or a substation and makes a complete loop through the area to be served, and back to the starting point. This results in the area being supplied from both ends, allowing sections to be isolated in case of a breakdown. An expanded version of the loop system consists of several central stations joi

34、ned together to from a very large loop.(3)Consumer Distribution SystemsThe type of distribution system that the consumer uses to transmit power within the premises depends upon the requirements of the particular installation. Residential occupancies generally use the simplest type. Commercial and in

35、dustrial systems vary widely with load requirements.3.2 Single-phase SystemsMost single-phase systems are supplied from a three-phase primary. The primary of a single-phase transformer is connected to one phase of the three-phase system. The secondary contains two coils connected in series with a mi

36、dpoint tap to provide a single-phase, three-wire system. This arrangement is generally used to supply power to residential occupancies and some commercial establishments. For residential occupancies, the service conductors are installed either overhead or underground. Single-family and small multifa

37、mily dwellings have the kilowatt-hour metes installed on the outside of the building. From the kilowatt-hour meter, the conductors are connected to the main disconnect.Three separate disconnecting means are used with one common ground.From the main disconnect, the conductors supply power to the bran

38、ch circuit panels. For dwelling occupancies there are three basic types of branch circuits: general lighting circuits, small appliance and laundry circuits, and individual branch circuits. The individual branch circuits are frequently used to supply central heating and/or air-conditioning system, wa

39、ter heaters, and other special loads.(1)Grounding RequirementsAll AC services are required to be grounded on the supply side of the service disconnecting means. This grounding conductor runs from the combination system and equipment ground to the grounding electrode. For multifamily occupancies it i

40、s permitted to use up to six service disconnecting means. A single grounding conductor of adequate size should be used for the system ground.(2)Commercial and Industrial InstallationsCommercial and industrial installations are more complex than small residential installations. Large apartment comple

41、xes and condominiums, although classified as residential occupancies, often use commercial-style services .A single-phase, three-wire service or a three-phase, four-wire service may be brought into the building, generally from underground. The service-entrance conductors terminate in a main disconne

42、cts. From this point, the conductors are connected to the individual kilowatt-hour meters for each apartment and then to smaller disconnecting means and over-current protective devices. Branch-circuit panels are generally installed in each apartment. Feeder conductors connect the individual disconne

43、cting means to the branch-circuit panels. Commercial and/or industrial buildings may have more than one kilowatt-hour meter, depending upon the number of occupancies. The service is usually a three-phase, four-wire system. The available voltages may be 120/208V or 277/480v. If the system provides 27

44、7/480V, a transformer must be installed in order to obtain 120V. If the building covers a large area, it is recommended that the service be installed near the center of the building. This arrangement minimizes line loss on feeder and branch-circuit conductors. Some utilities supply a three-phase, th

45、ree-wire or three-phase, four-wire delta system. The common voltages that may be obtained from the three-wire delta system are 240V, 440V, or 550V. With this arrangement, a transformer must be used to obtain 120V. The usual voltages supplied from the four-wire delta system are 240V, three phase and

46、120V, single phase.Many large consumers purchase the electrical energy at the primary voltage, and transformers are installed on their premises. Three-phase voltages up to 15 KV are often used.The service for this type of installation generally consists of metal cubicles called a substation unit. Th

47、e transformers are either installed within the cubicle or adjacent to it. Isolation switches of the drawer type are installed within the cubicle. These switches are used to isolate the main switch or circuit breaker from the supply during maintenance or repair.3.3 Consumer Loop SystemsAlthough the r

48、adial system of distribution is probably the most commonly used system of transmitting power on the consumers property, the loop system is also employed. When installing any system, over-current protection and grounding must be given primary consideration. Electrical personnel who design and install these systems must comply with the NEC and local requirements.3.4 Secondary High-voltage DistributionLarge industrial establishments may find it more economical to distribute powe


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