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1、 本科毕业论文 传统英语教育与在线英语教育学生姓名: _ 学生学号: 200310206077 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003级英语本科4班 指导教师: 二七年五月Traditional English Education and Online English Education Kang WenxiangUnder the Supervision ofGuo JunSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 ContentsContentsAbstract .Ke

2、y Words.摘要.关键词.Introduction.1I. Analysis on Traditional English Education and Online English Education .2A. Some Problems in Traditional English Education.2B. The Advantages of Traditional English Education .3C. The Advantages of Online English Education.4D. The Disadvantages of Online English Educa

3、tion.6II. Comparisons Between Traditional English Education and Online English Education. .7A. Teachers Roles.7B. Applications of Educational Resources.8C. Organizations of Teaching and Learning Activities. 10D. Teachers Supervision of Learning Process.11E. Learners Needs and Psychology.12III. Combi

4、nation of Two Education Models.13A. Course Based on Two Education Models . 13B. Making Full Use of the Integration Course.14C. Course Based on Internet Materials.14D. Creation of a Rich Virtual Learning Environment.15E. Developing the Creativity of Students.16Conclusion.17Acknowledgements.19Bibliogr

5、aphy.20攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 AbstractAbstractNow, the Internet is becoming increasingly significant in our society, such as online shopping, online game, and online education etc. This paper analyses the Traditional English Education and Online English Education. Firstly, Traditional English Education has som

6、e disadvantages, such as the lack of natural language environment, the limitation of English studying, and all of the classes under the teachers control, and it has some advantages as well. Communication is easily carrying on between students and teachers. Similarly, the Online English Education pla

7、ys a very important role in our modern life. It offers us a lot, and the email is one of the most convenient communicative ways. Whats more, the teacher can create a virtual classroom, and however, it also has some disadvantages, and makes a distance in peoples emotions. Even more, it is restricted

8、by some conditions, and it makes some students lazier. Based on the differences of both models, the author explains different aspects, such as the roles of the teachers, the application of the education resources, and organization of the teaching and learning activities, and so on. So combination of

9、 these two models is the aim of this thesis.Key WordsTraditional; English; education; online; English; education; comparison; combination攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 摘要 II摘要当今,因特网在社会的地位越来越重要。越来越多的人喜欢在网上做事,如网上购物,网络游戏,在线教育等。这篇论文首先分析了传统英语教育和在线英语教育两种模式。如传统英语教育缺乏英语语言环境,学习的方式也有限,学生总是在老师的安排下学习。但传统英语却更容易被中老年老师所接受,能使学生更好的掌握书


11、教学与在线英语教学相互结合是本文阐述的重点。关键词传统英语教育;在线英语教育;比较;结合攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 IntroductionIntroductionIn recent years, the developments of net technologies bring many advantages to the educational fields. As a result of these developments, a new branch which is Online Education by Computer Assisted Language Learning in a

12、pplied linguistics is flourished. It is obvious to everyone that traditional model of classroom teaching can no longer meet students needs. The Online Education becomes an important approach to teaching English.Generally speaking, it is possible to say that computer revolution has been done and it i

13、s impossible to keep it away from us. So the teachers must learn to live together with it, and benefit from using it. Through this new technology,classroom teaching will be more attractive and enjoyable; learning and teaching will be a real fun for both the students and the teachers.Many teachers, r

14、esearchers and educators analyze some problems existing in Traditional English Education, such as the lack of natural language environment, the limitation of educational resources, the boring teaching and learning. So many teachers and educators introduce us a new teaching technology - the Online En

15、glish Education, and display some advantages of it. Most people are not familiar with it, so I hope more teachers will put it into the classroom teaching. With the comparisons between Traditional English Education and Online English Education, the author will discuss more advantages about Online Eng

16、lish Education, especially, the email as the most convenient communicative way. However, the Traditional English Education also has its advantages, and Online English Education has its disadvantages as well. Teachers should try their best to integrate the both together in their teaching. Only in thi

17、s way can our country foster the young who are full of creativeness and innovation, which is also one policy of Chinese education.19 攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 BodyI. Analysis of Traditional English Education and Online English EducationThe Traditional English Education in our country is based on the Classroom Eng

18、lish Language Teaching. This English Educational pattern can be generalized as textbook-centered. In a most common English class, a teacher usually starts with explaining the new words and phrases of a text, and then the content in the text. After analyzing the text, the teacher may give some assign

19、ments involving in the text for students and finally correct their homework. Thats how teacher organizes the class using a textbook in a classroom.A. Some Problems in Traditional English Education1. Lack of Natural Language Environment As for this traditional pattern, there exist some problems in te

20、aching. For example, the students study English without a natural language environment,their own native tongue always interrupt them.2. The Limitation of English LearningThe ways of English studying are limited in one or two books, such as the grammatical book, the reading and writing book and so on

21、, which let the learners spontaneously think that the learning of English is just the reciting of grammars and vocabularies. How boring this studying way is! Furthermore, the traditional pattern of English teaching is still focusing on examination. The knowledge about English language and background

22、 is very little, which causes a lack of cultural knowledge. So the learners cannot understand English in the whole facets and they cannot master the concrete language points flexibly.3. All the Class under the Teachers ControlIn the class, the teachers words are all right. The students are absolutel

23、y under the teachers control. In this pattern, there is no way to distinguish teaching from learning because students learning activities are involved in teachers teaching activities. A great problem arising from this kind of education pattern is that students are used to waiting for learning knowle

24、dge instead of producing new things actively.Of course, this does not mean we should not use any Traditional English Education. Otherwise, the Traditional English Education also has some advantages.B. The Advantages of the Traditional English Education1. Easily Acceptation to the Old or Middle Aged

25、Teachers The old or middle age teachers can easily accept it. Now, in the junior or senior school, there are so many old teachers who have got enough experience in the teaching, but the fast development of the society and the reform of the education systems make them in the trouble. They suddenly do

26、nt know what to do in the classroom and they are puzzled to face the computer. So it needs time for Online English Education to transform from Traditional English Education.2. Making the Students Know More about the TextbookAt present, the government changes the traditional idea in the education, an

27、d takes the quality of the education as the most important aim, develops the students ability in the filed of the morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetic and labor. However, at the same time, we must get good grade or entry a famous university, so we must study very hard and take many exam pa

28、pers. This Traditional English Education can make the students get more knowledge from the textbook, and the resource of the material also can reduce the burden on the students shoulders, this pattern education also gives the exam skills to students.3. Better Communication Between Teachers and Stude

29、ntsIn the traditional classroom, the teachers and the students can comminute better. If the students have something that they dont understand, the teacher can give more details to them. Also the teacher can give her or his love and care to them not only in the teaching classroom but also in their da

30、ily life. The teacher and the students can be familiar with each other and get more on common. So the Traditional English Education is full of the emotion. Moreover, the teacher can take her or his teaching process more flexibly according to the students level of the study.C. Analysis of Online Engl

31、ish EducationNowadays, the Internet is becoming significant in our society. People believe that education has the potential to mobilize people and to equip them with capacity of innovation and creation, versatility and adaptability. “Here the potential of new internet technologies offer such people

32、new opportunities for learning and achieving their aspirations” (Martino, 6).1. Offering Us a Lot.Online English Education is a comfortable way to learn English at your home or office. This education is suitable for students who wish to improve their English level or for teachers who wish to continu

33、e to learn. Firstly, let us look at what the Online English Education can offer us. As Martino argues, “One of the main features of the Internet is its openness, its lack of structure or control”. Through the Internet, it is possible to extend learning and teaching activities. What the Internet tech

34、nologies can provide us is one-teacher-to-many students interaction mode. With regard to language learning, virtual reality has the potential to transport learners to the country where they are learning its language and give them the sense“Wandering through the streets of a foreign city” and “talkin

35、g to the foreign people” they meet. Although the internet cannot replace first-hand experience, it may be much more convenient and accessible in teams of time and money, as it is a bank of resources at all times. You need only click the mouse, the learners can access through the internet and get wha

36、tever they need. For example, there are many websites which provide free resources for teachers and students. Search Abraham Lincoln, click http:/www.nps.gov/liho, and Christmas Day, click http:/ and so on.2. Emails Are One of the Most Convenient Communicative Ways.Another chief channel of Online En

37、glish Educational facilities is the email, which is a rapid way to communicate. “It doesnt allow the immediate interruption to our thinking processes” (Jones, K 89). But now the email allows our time to thought. Thanks to the email, the teacher can have convenient and prompt communications with the

38、students, offering those necessary help and counsel whenever needed and available. For example, Warchauer analyzed the traditional hand-in-and- return method of the compositions, he advised us to use the email. “Email provides a perfect mechanism for students to submit draft and for teachers to look

39、 them over at their convenience and the teacher send draft back with comments again and again. New ideas are shared promptly and can be responded to quickly. The students can not only send their writing to the teachers, but also send their work to each other simultaneously. As a result, an individua

40、l student can receive comments from all classmates.” (Wang Qiang,226).3. The Teacher Can Create a Virtual Classroom Currently, a large number of schools offer remote courses.The Virtual Classroom is a teaching and learning environment located within a computer-mediated communication system. The obje

41、ctives of a Virtual Classroom are to improve the access of advanced educational experience by allowing students and instructors to participate in remote learning communities using personal computers at home or at work; and to improve the quality and effectiveness of education by using computer to su

42、pport a collaboratative learning process. This mode of learning can be more interactive and more effective than the traditional (physical) classroom.One cannot, for example, learn to paint by viewing a finished painting; rather, one must see the evolution of the paining. The student must observe the

43、 instructors mental process and the instructor must observe that of the student. The special software structures incorporated in this system were specifically designed to support collaborative learning, including discussions, student presentations, joint projects, debates, role-playing games, etc. Participation is generally asynchronous; that is, the Virtual Classroom participants may dial in any time and from any location in the world accessible by a reliable


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