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1、Contents I On Differences of Privacy between Chinese and western countries 摘要:隐私是人们控制及调节与他人交往的机制,在当前文化多元化和文化 全球化的进程中,隐私问题已成为人们日益关注的问题。在跨文化交际中, 由于东西方文化差异而引起的人们的隐私观的差异,中国人和西方人持有不 同的价值观念,因而对于隐私的含义、范畴的理解以及维护隐私的意识也不 相同,在国际交往中难免因此产生冲突。分析中西价值观的不同文化溯源, 探讨中西隐私观差异的根源,以推动国际交流顺利进行。 关键词:隐私观;文化;交际;调节机制 Abstract:

2、Privacy is a mechanism for people to control and regulate the interaction with others. In the current process of cultural pluralism and globalization, privacy issue has become the big issue of growing concern. Due to the differences of Chinese and Western background, Chinese and Westerners have diff

3、erent values. Thus the meaning of privacy, the scope of management, solution and the awareness of the maintenance of privacy are different. In intercultural communication, peoples different views on privacy due to cultural differences between east and west result in communication barriers. We should

4、 analyze the difference of Chinese and Western values and explore the root of the difference of the privacy concept of the westerns and Chinese, in order to promote international exchanges and communication which is carried out smoothly. Key words: The concept of privacy; difference; culture; commun

5、ication (中英文关键词不一致中英文关键词不一致) Contents II Contents CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The different concepts of privacy between China and western countries 1.1.1 The concept of privacy in western countries 1.1.2 The concept of privacy in China CHAPTER 2 The Different Performances of Privacy between China and

6、 Western Countries3 2.1 Different topics 3 2.1.1 The polite and privacy 4 2.1.2 The age and privacy 4 2.1.3 The salary and privacy.6 2.2Different space CHAPTER 3 The Causes for Different Privacy9 3.1 Different history 9 3.1.1 The history of China 3.1.2The history of Western countries 3.2 Different v

7、alues 3.2.1 Chinese value 3.2.2Western value CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION .11 REFERENCES.19 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.20 Contents 3 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The Different Concepts of Privacy between China and Western Countries In modern society, with the development of technology and economy, the communication bet

8、ween China and western countries has become more and more fluently. There are more and more strong collision and impact between Chinese and western cultures. Culture is the material wealth created in the history of human society and the process of practice and spiritual wealth. “Intercultural Commun

9、ication” (Cross - Cultural Communication) refers both to native speakers. Communication between non - native speakers or in the language and context is different. The concept of privacy has the objective definition. It is different because of the differences of socio- cultural, coupled with the pers

10、onal different subjective understanding. Privacy is a universal phenomenon, with a distinct cultural identity. It exists in a variety of different cultures, but its performance and performance extent are different because of the culture varies. In different cultures, the people the privacy pursuit o

11、f the focus and intensity have also been different. “As the difference of privacy, the contradiction, misunderstanding, communication failure between China and western countries, are common. So to avoid the conflicts, we should know and study the differences between china and western countries deepl

12、y; we should put aside minor differences so as to seek common ground; we should respect each others culture and put up the different concept. If we can do those, it can lead a successful communication in cross-cultural communication. The concept of privacy originates from western countries. It is th

13、e individual or group control the people of the adjustment mechanism, which is a survival characteristic. Cain, namely the hidden the secret, or would not inconvenient public things; the private, namely the private affairs, is existing in private life and personal space affairs. The privacy is the t

14、hing existing in private life, for example, the secrets of the space of affairs, activities and related information. It is contrast to the public life space, public affairs, and related information. Wang Liming said that the privacy is the personal things or personal space which has nothing to do wi

15、th the public interest and the persons who dont want the others to be involved in it. In a word, privacy is the personal information, private activities, and the personal space. Privacy is also a kind of cultural phenomenon and a concept that is based on race, history and culture. Different countrie

16、s have the different history. Different history leads to the different meanings or concepts of privacy. At last, the awareness of protecting the privacy is different. The concept of privacy is different. 1.1.1 The concept of privacy in western countries Privacy means that freedom from interference o

17、r public attention. The meaning comes from “The Oxford advanced learners English Chinese Dictionary” So we can know that the western people regard the privacy as a right that one neednt to tell others about own things and no one interferes him. It is a concept of respect. The western people think th

18、at privacy can protect individual from others control and interference. They can express their emotion and mood freely. They have the chance to comment their behaviors and experience very well and choose new behaviors. It still can make people have the opportunity to define thinking between family g

19、roups and formal occasions so that people have different communication of options in different field of Contents 4 cooperation to maintain personal and social coordination and balance. Westerners stress emphasis on privacy .As the modern technology makes the problem today especially prominent. Accor

20、ding to the Survey, Americans pay attention to the privacy mostly in 21 century. Presently, though in western countries, there are some differences in culture, consciousness and customs in their lives. But they have one common point, which is their concept of privacy. In western countries, people pa

21、y more attention to privacy. The content of privacy includes personal time, personal space, personal activities and the right that protecting those things. For example, to respect others personal time, the host should inform the guests in advance if he wants to invite the guests to home, giving them

22、 enough time to arrange their own affairs. As the same as that when we visit others, we also notice others in advance. If we dont do so, western people would think we invade their privacy. In western countries, people have a strong awareness of the boundary. They dont allow others to step to their o

23、wn space. For example, in western countries, parents have no right to step in their childrens room, if their children dont allow them in, or they are impolite and unrespectable. The one cant use others belongings if he is not allowed. Furthermore, one cant ask others about their privacy, for example

24、, personal situation (age, income, marriage, children and so on), the political thought, religious beliefs, the tendency of personal behavior (where to go, and who associate or communicate with, etc) as general, in western countries, people wouldnt be interfered by others. They also wouldnt interfer

25、e with others personal life or privacy 1.1.2The concept of privacy in China In China, privacy is the personal things which are not known by others. The meaning is from “Modern Chinese Dictionary”. As the Chinese traditional thought, Chinese people advocate that the individual is subordinate to the g

26、roup, promote “open“, “selflessness“, and work selflessly for public interests. Private is deemed to be selfish; “privacy“ means that someone brings some derogatory sense, like what are the ignoble things need to hide. Chinese people dont support the idea that someone should hide some own things. Th

27、ey regard the personal right as the personal interests. Chinese people almost have no concept of privacy. So there is no one Chinese word which has the same meaning to the Privacy. It shows that there are many differences between Chinese and western people. “隐私权”is not the true meaning of privacy. T

28、he meaning of “隐私” is the secrete which cant be known by others. But the meaning of privacy is that one has the right not to be interfered by others and to protect own things from being known by others. In China, Chinese people are quite hospitable. When they talk with other persons, they always emo

29、tionally ask many things related to the persons personal life. They always ask about the age, job, wage, and so on. They always regard these as topics when they have a talk with their friends. Differences between Chinese and western privacy are embodied in the consciousness of protecting private rig

30、hts with using the law. Privacy as a legal sense of right is first proposed by two American scholars. In 1890, the law professors of Harvard Samuel DWills and Louis DBrandis published “The Right to Privacy” on “Law review”. They listed privacy as a natural right. But in China, it is quite different.

31、 Lowers in China, regard the privacy as the shameful secret. For a long time, we did not regard the privacy as the personality. In 1980s, we introduced privacy into China and then we started to study and protected it. We protect the privacy indirectly by protecting peoples reputation right or common

32、 rights. At the moment, Chinese theory and legal protection of privacy is far behind from the western countries. The awareness of protecting the privacy in law is quite weak. Contents 5 Chapter 2 The different ways of privacy Privacy is defined that “The quality or state of being hidden from or undi

33、sturbed by the observation or activities of other persons“(Longman Modern English Dictionary); (1)the state of being private and undisturbed, a persons right to this (2)freedom from intrusion or public attention(3)avoidance of publicity(The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Contemporary English1990). The

34、 different privacy leads to the different topics, psychology, space, age and social intercourse. 2.1 The different topics 2.1.1 The polite and privacy The difference of privacy leads to the different topics of peoples talks at same conditions. In different areas, there are different ways of expressi

35、ng ones ideas. In communication, there are different topics about polite age and salary. The relationship between polite and privacy has many differences in Chinese and English culture. For example, in the Chinese view, we show our care to others by ask others about their age, marriage, family and s

36、o on. It is very polite. However, in western countries, they think their privacy is interfered by others glossily. The sprit of sacrifice of Chinese people becomes the stumbling stock in the development of oneself. In this sense, there is the essential difference between the Chinese and westerns pol

37、iteness principle. For example, in china, when people meet each other at first time, they will greet with each other with saying the words: Have you finished your lunch, where are you going to, or what are you going to do. In western countries, when others ask other people these questions, they woul

38、d be very antipathetic. The western people will think that they are monitored by others or their privacy interfered by others. So in western countries, people greet with each other and say something that has nothing to do with personal things. They talk about the weather, the news and so. They never

39、 interfered in others privacy. For anther example, Chinese people like asking the price of others goods. But in western countries, they think it is impolite that people ask others about their economic. In western countries, people dont like ask following questions: “How old are you?” “Whats your age

40、?” “What is your salary?” “Are you married?” “Are you a republican or a democratic?” “Do you go to church? But in china, it is common that people ask those questions. They think it is polite and kind to ask others these questions. The Chinese have been accustomed to this way of talks. They often tal

41、k with western people in this way. So it often leads to the mistakes when Chinese people talk with western people. With the frequent communication with westerns people, many Chinese young people would not talk about the topics which western people think they are privacy. 2.1.2 The age and privacy In

42、 our country, the “old“ is a symbol of the experience, knowledge. However, in western countries, it is a fierce competitive society. It is a society where persons struggle for oneself. When people are old, they think they draw back down from the stage of the competed society. For women, old means th

43、at they lost their charm. Becoming old is a sad thing for one person. So they dont admit they are old. The old mans independent consciousness is very strong; they have the awareness of not admitting the old. So age also became a persons privacy. They dont tell others their age. But in china, asking

44、others age or telling others age is a common thing. 2.1.3 The salary and privacy Salary is also a big different issue between westerns and Chinese communication. Chinese people always like asking others that how much money you can make. But in western countries, each people dont know every ones sala

45、ry, even though they are families. This condition Contents 6 doesnt mean that the family is not unity. It expresses ones privacy and independence. In the west countries individual income reflects how much ability a person have. The western society has the big gap between the rich and the poor, where

46、 the people like the rich people and have the prejudice in poor people. The rich people regard the salary, age, and family as the privacy in order to protect their family and property. However, this doesnt mean that they never talk about the salary. The young people would talk the different salary o

47、f different jobs, when they have a rest or eating some things. The persons who have the same job also will compare their salary to find out whether they are fairly treated. Even so, they should be careful when they ask some questions to make others answer the question willingly. 2.2 The different sp

48、ace concept Westerners usually have very strong space feeling and personal illicit close feeling. As this condition, they often put personal work or life up regional isolation by using the wall, door and plywood. If the door is open, it means a kind of invitation. Then you can knock the door and ste

49、p into the room to express the respectfulness to others. As the history of China, Chinese people like sharing the space and area. So they cant realize that space is also a kind of privacy that the others cant involve or interfere. The language words also reflect the relationship between space and privacy. For example,“Dont wash your dirty linen in public” city people” and so on. With its walls, the people are belonging to one family that cant separate. They put their privacy in second position. Family structure and functi


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