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1、毕业论文英文文献翻译学 院: 商学院 专 业: 工商管理 2012年6月3文献西方企业员工福利满意度研究述评 摘 要:近年来,西方企业管理学界越来越重视员X-福利满意度理论研究,因为员工的福利满意度会直接影响他们的工作态度、工作行为与企业经营管理工作的效果。本文概述了西方企业员工福利满意度理论研究的现状,并根据组织公平理论和双因素理论,探讨福利管理决策公平与不同类型的福利对员工满意度的影响,最后为我国企业加强福利管理工作提出了若干建议。 关键词:福利;满意度;组织公平;双因素理论一、企业福利政策的发展趋势福利是员工薪酬的一个重要组成部分。近年来,越来越多的企业为员工提供良好的福利待遇,以便吸引


3、研究表明,员工对福利的满意度会直接影响企业福利制度的效果。二、员工福利满意度理论研究概述20世纪60年代以来,西方企业管理学界对员工薪酬理论进行了大量的研究。然而,企业管理学者却较少研究员工福利理论。在现有文献中,欧美学者主要从福利的激励作用、员工对福利计划的理解和偏好、福利与员工薪酬满意度的关系、员工的福利满意度等方面研究员工福利理论。美国学者威盛顿(Barton I。Weathington)和坦切克(I。ois ETetrick)指出,企业管理学界在员工福利这个领域的研究成果存在以下不足:(1)许多学者实际上是研究员工的薪酬满意度或工作满意度,而不是研究员工的福利;(2)大多数学者只研究福

4、利对员工的影响,却忽视各类福利对员工工作态度和工作行为的影响;(3)企业管理理论研究人员主要从企业的角度来研究福利制度,却很少考虑员工对福利的态度。近年来,西方企业管理学界逐渐加强了对员工福利满意度的研究。 I员工福利满意度的计量1985年,美国学者赫尼曼(Herbert GHeneman)和希沃布(Donald PSchwab)编制了一个由18个计量项目组成的“员工薪酬满意度”量表(pay satisfaction questionnaire,简称PSQ)。他们采用以下四个项目来计量员工的“福利满意度”:(1)员工对整套福利的满意度;(2) 员工对企业支付的福利费用数额的满意度;(3) 员工

5、对福利价值的满意度;(4) 员工对福利类别的满意度。 许多欧美企业管理学者在实证研究中把员工的福利满意度作为薪酬满意度的一个组成成分,采用PSQ量表计量员工的福利满意度。现在,许多欧美学者对员工的福利满意度进行更深入的研究。不少学者认为员工福利满意度是一个多维概念。美国学者戴恩霍(Carol Danehower)与勒斯特(John AIust)指出,员工的福利满意度应包括员工对企业支付的福利费用与企业为他们提供的整套福利的质量的满意度。他们设计了一个由11个项目组成的员工福利满意度量表(benefit satisfaction questionnaire,简称BSQ),从上述两个方面来计量员工

6、的福利满意度。他们的一系列实证研究支持员工的福利满意度是一个二维概念的结论。然而,他们也发现BSQ量表中的某些项目不能很好地计量员工对福利质量的满意度。因此,他们对BSQ量表进行了适当的修改,又增加了两个项目,并于1995年对美国某大学的2 815位员工进行了问卷调查。他们的数据分析结果表明,新的BSQ量表中的13个项目分别属于员工对福利质量的满意度、对福利费用的满意度、对福利信息的满意度三个维度。他们根据数据分析结果,指出员工的福利满意度是一个复杂的多维概念。但是,加拿大学者特兰布雷(Michel Tremblay)等人的实证研究结果并不支持戴恩霍和勒斯特的观点。他们发现,员工的福利满意度是

7、一个单维概念。美国学者米塞利(Marcia PMiceli)和雷恩(Matthew CLane)把员工福利满意度分为两类:一类是员工对福利水平的满意度,它受员工感觉中“应该得到”与“实际得到”的福利之差的影响;另一类是员工对福利制度的满意度。这种满意度不仅受到员工对企业“应该实施”和“实际实施”的福利制度的看法的影响,而且受到员工个人偏好、企业福利制度灵活性、福利管理程序、管理人员和员工之间的沟通的影响。此外,有些欧美学者根据企业为员工提供的福利项目来研究员工对某类福利的满意度,如员工对医疗保险、养老金的满意度。“总之,迄今为止,欧美企业管理学界对员工福利满意度的组成成分及其计量方法尚未达成共

8、识。2员工福利满意度对员工工作态度与行为的影响许多欧美学者的实证研究结果表明,员工福利满意度会直接影响他们的工作态度和工作行为。员工对自己享受到的福利感到满意,会增强他们的工作满意度、企业归属感和对管理人员的信任感,并且降低他们的离职意向。三、福利决策公平对福利满意度的影响 欧美学者从不同的角度研究员工福利满意度的影响因素。有些学者主要研究员工的个人特征、心理特征对员工福利满意度的影响,另一些学者主要研究公平对员工福利满意度的影响。他们的实证研究结果表明,福利决策公平是影响员工福利满意度的重要因素。根据组织公平理论,福利管理公平包括结果公平、程序公平和交往公平。1福利管理工作中的结果公平员工从

9、企业享受的福利水平通常是影响他们福利满意度的重要因素。根据美国学者亚当斯(Stacy Adams)的公平理论,员工会对自己与他人的得失之比进行比较,判断分配结果的公平性。“得”指企业为员工提供的各种福利,包括医疗保险、养老保险、失业保险和假期等;“失”指员工在工作中投入的各种资源,包括自己的工作经历、受教育水平和技能等。员工会对自己和参照对象享受的福利进行比较。参照对象包括同事或其他企业同类员工的福利、自己过去的福利、自己需要或希望得到的福利等。员工比较的结果会直接影响他们对福利水平的满意度。如果员工认为自己的得失之比低于参照对象就会感到不满;反之,他们就更可能会对企业的福利分配结果感到满意。

10、员工的个人特征、工作环境、享受的福利水平不同,他们判断结果公平的标准也可能不同。 2福利管理工作中的程序公平 福利管理工作中的程序公平主要指企业福利决策过程是否公平。许多欧美学者的研究成果表明,员工参与企业决策过程,可增强他们的公平感与满意度。如果员工有机会表达自己对企业福利制度的看法,参与企业福利制度的制定与实施过程,就会显著提高他们对福利水平和福利制度的满意度。加拿大学者车布雷等人对加拿大企业员工的福利满意度进行了两次实证研究。他们发现,与结果公平相比,程序公平对员工的福利满意度产生更大的影响。3福利管理工作中的交往公平福利管理工作中的交往公平是指管理人员在福利管理工作中与一般员工交往的公


12、和福利制度感到比较满意。四、员工看重的福利形式对其福利满意度的影响 员工对各类福利的重视程度和偏好程度不同。因此,企业提供的各类福利对员工的福利满意度会产生不同的影响。美国学者布劳(Gary Blau)等认为,员工福利满意度包括员工对基本福利的满意度和员工对职业发展型福利的满意度。基本福利包括假期、病假、事假、工伤保险、医疗保险、人寿保险、退休计划等满足员工安全、生活保障等基本需要的福利。职业发展型福利指企业满足员工提高就业能力、工作技能等需要的福利,包括企业为员工提供继续学习、在职培训机会,资助员工学费,灵活安排员工工作和学习时间,根据员工获得的学历证书和学位证书来奖励员工等。布劳等人指出,

13、随着员工职业观念的变化,员工越来越重视职业发展型福利。根据传统的职业观念,企业为员工提供工作保障和员工有权获得的各种福利,换取员工的忠诚,并负责员工的职业发展管理工作。20世纪80年代以来,在许多企业里,“多变的职业”观念逐渐取代了传统的职业观念。根据多变的职业观念,员工负责自己的职业发展管理工作,员工保持良好的工作业绩,才能继续就业,企业的责任是为员工提供更多职业发展机会。美国波士顿大学管理学院教授霍尔(Donglsa THall)指出,21世纪员工的职业是多变的职业。员工不断地提高自己的工作能力,才能提高自己的任职能力,增大自己的就职可能性。因此,许多员工越来越重视“职业发展型”福利项目,

14、希望企业为自己提供更多的职业发展机会。根据美国学者赫茨伯格(Frederick Herzberg)的双因素理论,企业缺乏保健因素,会引起员工的不满,但保健因素并不能调动员工的工作积极性。激励因素能增强员工工作满意度,调动员工的工作积极性。布劳等人认为,基本福利是保健因素,职业发展型福利是激励因素。企业为员工提供基本福利,有助于稳定员工队伍,防止员工“跳槽”;企业为员工提供职业发展型福利,才能增强员工对企业的归属感。布劳等人的实证研究结果表明,员工通常更重视基本福利,员工对基本福利的满意度可增强他们对福利的总体满意度,降低他们的离职意向;员工对职业发展型福利的满意度会增强他们对企业的情感性归属感

15、。不同的员工有可能会重视不同的福利。例如,专业人员可能更重视职业发展型福利。他们更可能认为这类福利可表明企业关心员工的职业发展前途。美国学者威盛顿和坦切克的实证研究结果也支持这个观点。他们指出,大多数员工认为自己有权得到某些基本福利。企业提供这些福利,并不一定能提高员工的满意程度,但企业不提供这些福利,可能会引起员工不满。除员工实际使用的福利之外,员工有权享受的福利也会影响员工的满意度。例如,许多员工可能不会使用企业提供的工伤保险。但是,如果员工了解他们有权享受这类福利,那么也会感到比较满意。五、对企业管理工作的启示 如果企业花费大量费用,为员工提供各种福利,却不能做好福利管理工作,那么也就无

16、法增强员工的满意度和归属感。笔者认为,企业可采取以下措施,加强员工福利管理工作,提高员工的满意程度,进而增强员工对企业的归属感。 1提供员工所重视的福利企业提供员工所重视的福利,才能提高员工的满意程度。因此,企业应深入了解员工对各类福利的重视程度。如果员工不需要某种福利,企业就可取消这种福利,以便节省福利费用。如果员工高度重视安全、生活保障等基本福利,企业就应尽量提高员工对基本福利的满意程度。如果员工高度重视自己的职业发展前途,企业就应为员工提供职业发展型福利,为员工创造更多的学习和发展机会,以便提高员工的满意度。企业提供员工所重视的福利,可表明企业关心员工的利益,增强员工对企业的情感性归属感

17、。目前,美国一些高新科技企业根据信息技术人才的需要,为他们提供免费洗衣、泊车、洗车、牙医服务等“个人舒适型”福利,以便吸引并留住紧缺的信息技术人才。总之,除法定的福利项目之外,企业可根据员工的需要,提供员工所重视的其他福利项目,才能使员工相信企业真心实意地在关心他们的利益。2尊重员工,关心员工的需要 在福利管理工作中,管理人员如何对待员工,会极大地影响员工的福利满意度。管理人员坚持组织公平原则,设身处地为员工着想,防止个人偏见影响自己的管理决策,对所有员工一视同仁,在不同的时间和不同的场合始终采用相同的决策程序,认真考虑员工的意见和要求,及时向员工提供反馈信息,解释自己的决定,允许员工对自己的



20、提供参与福利管理工作的机会在福利制度制定与实施过程中,企业可采用内部调查、专题座谈会、建议信箱或热线电话等方式,广泛听取员工的意见,了解员工对福利制度的看法。管理人员在福利制度设计过程中认真听取员工的意见,深入了解员工重视哪些福利项目,并根据员工的需要来确定福利组合,或允许员工选择福利组合,可明显地增强员工的福利满意度。六、未来的研究方向 目前,西方企业管理学界对员工福利满意度的研究还不够深入。我们认为企业管理学界应从以下几方面加强员工福利满意度的理论研究:(1)员工福利满意度的维度(单维或多维)及其计量方法;(2)企业的福利制度、决策公平性与员工福利满意度的关系,例如灵活的福利制度对员工福利

21、满意度的影响、哪类公平性对员工福利满意度的影响更大;(3)员工对福利的需要、对福利的重视程度等对员工福利满意度的影响;(4)对不同文化背景下员工福利满意度进行比较研究。现有的员工福利满意度研究成果大部分是欧美学者在西方文化背景下完成的,我国企业管理学者在员工福利满意度这个领域的理论研究成果比较少见,实证研究成果更为少见。今后,我国企业管理学界应加强员工福利满意度的研究,以便指导企业管理人员制定并实施公平、有效的福利制度,从而提高员工的福利满意度。11译文Western enterprise employee benefits satisfaction research commentary A

22、bstract: in recent years, the western enterprise management scholars pay more and more attention to X- welfare satisfaction theory research, because of employee benefits satisfaction will directly affect their work attitudes, behaviors and enterprise management work. This article provides an overvie

23、w of the western enterprise employee benefits satisfaction theory research present situation, and based on the theory of organizational justice and the double factor theory, to explore the welfare management decision justice and different kinds of benefits to the employee satisfaction effect, finall

24、y to Chinas enterprises to strengthen welfare management and puts forward some proposals. Key words: welfare; satisfaction; organizational justice; double factor theory One, the development trend of enterprise welfare policy Employee salary welfare is an important part of the. In recent years, more

25、and more enterprises to provide good benefits, in order to attract, motivate and retain excellent employees. Corporate welfare policies appeared the following trends: (1) the welfare in employee compensation combination in the proportion increases, businesses pay welfare cost increased substantially

26、. (2) the staff must also bear part of the cost of welfare. Enterprise employees to provide all the benefits of the past. At present, many employees must bear part of medical insurance, endowment insurance charge. (3) enterprise welfare system becomes more and more complex, more diverse forms of wel

27、fare, managers need to spend more time and energy to engage employees welfare system design and management. Many enterprises in the formulation and implementation of welfare system less consider the employees reaction. For example, some enterprises in order to reduce welfare costs, using flexible be

28、nefits system, or be part of welfare management outsourcing work to other companies, without considering the employee satisfaction. Many scholars think, enterprise management personnel in the formulation and implementation of welfare system must be considered when the responses of employees. The emp

29、irical study shows that, the staff of welfare satisfaction will directly affect the welfare effect. Two, employee benefits satisfaction theory research overview Since the nineteen sixties, western enterprise management academia on employee compensation theory has done a lot of research. However, ent

30、erprise management scholars have less research staff welfare theory. In the existing literature, European and American scholars mainly from welfare incentive effect, employee welfare program comprehension and preferences, welfare and salary satisfaction, employee benefits satisfaction of employee we

31、lfare theory. The United States of America scholar via meal (Barton I. .Weathington ( I ) and Tanqieke. OIS E.Tetrick ) points out, the enterprise management science in the welfare of the staff of the research results have the following drawbacks: (1) many scholars actually is the study of the emplo

32、yees salary satisfaction or job satisfaction, instead of the employee benefits; (2) the majority of scholars only on the welfare effect on employees, but ignore various welfare for employees work attitude and work behavior; (3) enterprise management theory researchers mainly from enterprises angle t

33、o study the welfare system, but rarely consider the employee attitudes towards welfare. In recent years, the western enterprise management academia gradually strengthened to the welfare of the staff degree of satisfaction research. I. employee benefits satisfaction measurement In 1985, American scho

34、lar Heneman ( Herbert G.Heneman ) and Xiwobu ( Donald P.Schwab ) compiled a consists of 18measuring components of the employee satisfaction scale ( pay satisfaction questionnaire, PSQ). They used the following four items to measure employee benefits satisfaction: (1) the complete set of employee ben

35、efits satisfaction; (2) the staff of the enterprises pay welfare expenses amount of satisfaction; (3) employee welfare value satisfaction; (4) employee welfare class satisfaction. Many European and American business management scholars in the empirical study to the welfare of the employees salary sa

36、tisfaction satisfaction as a component, the PSQ scale of employee benefits satisfaction measurement. Now, many western scholars on employee benefits satisfaction were more in-depth study. Many scholars believe that the welfare of the staff satisfaction is a multi-dimensional concept. American schola

37、r Denho ( Carol Danehower ) and Lust ( John A.I.ust ) points out, employee benefits satisfaction should include employee pay welfare cost and enterprise provided them with the welfare of a complete set of quality satisfaction. They designed a composed of 11 items of employee benefits satisfaction sc

38、ale ( benefit satisfaction ques, tionnaire, BSQ), from the two aspects of employee benefits satisfaction measurement. They are a series of empirical studies support the welfare of employees satisfaction is a concept. However, they also found some of the items in BSQ scale can be a good measure of sa

39、tisfaction with the quality of employee welfare. Therefore, their impact on BSQ scale were modified, and two items were added to the United States, and in 19952815a university employee questionnaire. The data analysis results show that, the new BSQ scale of 13 items belonging to the staff on the wel

40、fare and satisfaction with the quality, the welfare costs of satisfaction, satisfaction of welfare information in three dimensions. According to their results of the data analysis, pointed out the welfare of employees satisfaction is a multi-dimensional concept. However, the Canadian scholar Tran Br

41、ay ( Michel Tremblay ) et al. The empirical results do not support Denho and Lestat s point of view. They found, employee benefits satisfaction is a single dimensional concept. American scholar Miceli ( Marcia P.Miceli ) and Ryan ( Matthew C.Lane ) put the welfare of the staff satisfaction is divide

42、d into two categories: one category is the staff on the welfare level of satisfaction, it is employee feeling should be and get the welfare effect of differential; another kind is the staff on the welfare system satisfaction. This kind of satisfaction not only by the staff of the enterprises should

43、be and practical welfare system in view of the impact, but also by individual preferences, enterprise welfare system flexibility, benefit management program, between management and staff communication effects. In addition, some European and American scholars according to the provided for employees t

44、o study staff welfare projects for a certain class of welfare satisfaction, such as employee medical insurance, pension satisfaction. In short, so far, Europe and the United States business management of employee benefits satisfaction components and its measurement method has yet to reach a consensu

45、s. 2employee benefits satisfaction on employee work attitudes and behaviors are affected by many scholars of the empirical results show that, the welfare of the staff satisfaction will directly affect their work attitude and work behavior. The staff of his to enjoy the welfare satisfaction, will inc

46、rease their job satisfaction, a sense of belonging and enterprise management of the trust, and reduce their turnover intention. Three, welfare decision justice on welfare effect of satisfaction Scholars from different angles of the welfare of the staff satisfaction factors. Some scholars mainly stud

47、y the employees personal characteristics, psychological characteristics on employee benefits satisfaction, some other scholars mainly study the justice on employee benefits satisfaction effect. The empirical results show that, the welfare decision justice is the impact of employee benefits satisfact

48、ion are important factors. According to the theory of organizational justice, welfare management fairness includes result fairness, procedural justice and interactive justice. 1welfare management of the result fairness Employees from enterprises enjoy welfare level is usually affecting their welfare

49、 satisfaction are important factors. According to the American scholar Adams ( Stacy Adams ) of the fair theory, employees will be for yourself and others gain ratio were compared, determine the distribution of fair results. refers to the enterprise to provide a variety of benefits, including medical insu


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