2019-2020年英语高中学业水平测试:第一部分 话题7 个人感情(Personal emotions) Word版含解析.doc

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《2019-2020年英语高中学业水平测试:第一部分 话题7 个人感情(Personal emotions) Word版含解析.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020年英语高中学业水平测试:第一部分 话题7 个人感情(Personal emotions) Word版含解析.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、话题7个人感情(Personal emotions).话题相关词汇名词1感情feeling2怒;愤怒anger3担忧;焦虑anxiety4奉献;奉献精神devotion5表达;词句;说法;表情expression6害怕;恐惧;担忧fear/terror7欢乐;高兴;乐趣joy8高兴;愉快pleasure/happiness9自豪;骄傲pride10遗憾的事;羞愧shame11激情;热情;酷爱passion12压力;紧张stress/pressure13感激;感谢gratitude/thank14恐慌;慌乱panic15忧伤sadness/sorrow形容词1. 值得赞赏的;可钦佩的admira


3、illing21受到鼓舞的;有灵感的inspired/encouraged动词1承受;负担;忍受bear/stand2瞪眼;怒目而视glare/glare at3哭泣;流泪weep4叹气;叹息sigh5嫉妒envy6战胜;克服overcome7钦佩;赞赏;羡慕admire8抱怨;诉苦complain9表达;表示;表情express/convey10使惊恐;吓唬frighten11使烦恼;使恼怒annoy12使窘迫;使尴尬embarrass.话题相关词组1对满意be satisfied/pleased with2高兴地做be delighted to do3喜欢做;以做为乐take a plea

4、sure in doing4对感到难过、歉疚be sorry for5为某事生气be angry about/be angry with.6盼望;期待look forward to sth./doing sth.7灰心;泄气lose heart8作为(的)交换、回报in return (for sth.)9安详地in peace10梦见;渴望dream of/about11关心;担心;在意care about12令人吃惊的是to ones surprise/in surprise.实用句型1离婚是非常痛苦的,尤其是牵涉到孩子的时候。 Divorce is very painful, espec

5、ially when children are concerned.2查理看上去好像要大哭起来一样。Charlie looked as if he were about to burst into tears.3因为怕见不到她,他很早就到了车站。He got to the station early, for fear of missing her.4你真的不必担心你的体重。Youve really got no need to worry about your weight.5我一向以身为一名称职的老师而自豪。I have long prided myself on being a good

6、 teacher.6我苦苦思索着那些数字,想要找出那笔不见了的钱。Ive been puzzled over all the figures, trying to find what happened to the missing money.7我们度过了几周焦急等待考试结果的日子。We had an anxious couple of weeks waiting for the test results.佳作背诵在学习和生活中,你遇到过的高兴和伤心难过的事,请用英语描述这样的经历。要求:1:词数80左右,开头已给出。提示词汇:experience经历经验;unhappiness不快乐的事;c

7、onfidence自信心_参考范文Highs And Lows In My LifeWe all have experienced highs and lows in our lives.I will never forget the experience when I began to learn English.I like English but I couldnt get the right way in learning.The more I wanted to remember, the harder I found it was.I was in a low spirit.I a

8、lmost gave it up.Luckily, my English teacher encouraged me and helped me find a good way.By and by , I realized English was not such a terrible thing.I became brave enough to open my mouth to speak English.How excited I was! My confidence came back to me.Believe it or not , I won the first prize in Spoken English Competition in our school.It was the first time I experienced the highs in my life!


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