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1、附件1:外文资料翻译译文 酒店管理系统集成服务1简介 人们普遍认为,网络的作用,服务于企业无疑是重要的。越来越多的商业软件系统扩展他们的能力通过使用网络技术服务。今天的电子商务不仅是使用网络传输业务数据或支持人互动与动态网页页面,但从根本上改变了网络服务。万维网财团的可扩展标记语言(语言)和可扩展样式表语言(XML)是标准中所界定的利益的出版和内容重用和正越来越多地被部署在该网站的建设服务。因为是看作为标准消息格式,它可以绑在一起成千上万的系统编程的数以百计的编程语言。任何的程序可以被映射到网络服务,同时也可以映射任何网络服务程序。在本文中,我们提出一个下一代商业系统酒店业,充分整合酒店前台系


3、hirs是几个一体化解决方案增加或扩大酒店软件系统在任何规模的连锁酒店环境。我们开发的这一系统,整合业务流程管理的酒店使用网络服务和软件集成技术。在本文中,我们首先描述一个场景的酒店预订和讨论之间的相互作用ghirs与人类。其次分析细节设计和实施这一制度。结果和影响的研究的发展,ghirs显示后来的一部分。最后,我们讨论的一些问题仍然需要加以改进和未来可能的发展方向。2个酒店预订: 一个商业案例研究我们最初的思想发展ghirs是尽量减少人类互动的系统。自ghirs柔性和自动化,它提供了明确的好处都酒店顾客和饭店员工,尤其对集团客户和集团酒店公司。集团公司通常有很多旅馆,饭店,度假村,主题公园或




7、如,工作人员在办公楼前,客房部可以为客人准备房间根据数据,工作人员回到办公室可以库存材料餐饮和酒店经理可以检查的目的商业报告在企业信息门户集成ghirs他的浏览器。房间rent-ratio报告,房态报告,每日收入报告其它实时业务所产生的报告。管理人员可以访问任何的组报告任何酒店的系统。在后一部分本文中,我们将展示如何消费者,代理商,和酒店工作人员可以有效地一起工作的ghirs。ghirs扩展为小到大的连锁酒店管理公司,特别适合酒店集团。它的真正腾飞无缝连接到全球分布系统,从而提供全球存取。它还提供了实时在线预订,通过互联网。3结合的酒店管理系统3.1存在的系统 ghirs是基础上发展起来的一个


9、数据成为一个问题。举个例子,如果集团拥有十家酒店,会有至少有十个本地数据库来存储用户数据。因为酒店需要真正的时间响应的系统,所以这十个酒店不能部署一个中央数据库不在同一局域网。因此,客人可以有不同的记录在不同的酒店和信息不能共享。以网路服务为这些数据接口,可方便地更换。3.2设计 记得我们最初的思想部署ghirs是节省酒店员工,旅行社与消费者的劳动工作,该系统是连接所有环节的酒店业务链。显示消费者如何,代理,酒店工作人员一起合作有效的系统。消费者如何,代理和酒店工作人员一起工作消费者可以分为2类。一个是会员酒店集团,谁拥有不同类别的会员和获得好处折扣或特价提供的。这些消费者通常贡献很大一部分酒



12、息和有足够的空间,确认发送回来。如果没有足够的空置房,酒店的工作人员会问客人是否愿意等待时间或转移到其他宾馆的酒店集团或联盟酒店。为转移客人的要求,数据流从本地数据库到中央服务器通过本地网站服务器,然后传递到另一个数据库的酒店服务接口。3.3实现 今天有很多的平台,可以提供能力整合不同系统和提供其他功能,如安全和工作负载平衡。主要产品是企业版本(高级)和。他们提供了非常相同的洗衣清单的特点,虽然以不同的方式。我们选择。网络平台的编程环境,然而,这里我们不主的平台是好还是不。我们的目标是整合这些分散分布系统。事实上,这两个平台的支持和肥皂来完成我们的任务。我们使用微软的互联网信息服务(者)作为网

13、络服务器和数据库数据库服务器。防火墙单独的本地网络的公共网络。这是非常重要的,从安全角度。每个酒店的集团有数据库服务器,应用服务器和网站服务器部署多层系统包括用户界面表示层,业务层,业务逻辑层和数据访问层。C#是通过编程语言为核心的可执行部分。是数据交换的标准格式。附件2:外文原文(复印件)1 Introduction It is generally accepted that the role of web services in businesses is undoubtedly important. More and more commercial software systems ex

14、tend their capability and power by using web services technology. Today the e-commerce is not merely using internet to transfer business data or supporting people to interact with dynamic web page,but are fundamentally changed by web services. The World Wide Web Consortiums eXtensible Markup Languag

15、e (XML) and the eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) are standards defined in the interest of multi-purpose publishing and content reuse and are increasingly being deployed in the construction of web services. Since XML is looked as the canonical message format, it could tie together thousands of sy

16、stems programmed by hundreds of programming languages. Any program can be mapped into web service, while any web service can also be mapped into program . In this paper, we present a next generation commercial system in hotel industry that fully integrates the hotel Front Office system, Property Man

17、agement System, Customer Relationship Management System, Quality Management system, Back Office system and Central Reservations System distributed in different locations. And we found that this system greatly improves both the hotel customer and hotel officers experiences in the hotel business work

18、flow. Because current technologies are quite mature, it seems non difficulty to integrate the existing system and the new coming systems (for example, web-based applications or mobile applications). However, currently in hotel industry there are few truly integrated systems used because there are so

19、 many heterogeneous systems already exist and scalability, maintenance, price, security issues then become huge to be overcome. From our study on Group Hotel Integration Reservation System (GHIRS), there are still challenges to integrate Enterprise Information System (EIS), Enterprise Information Po

20、rtal system (EIP), Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) and Supply Chain Management system (SCM) together because of standardization, security and scalability problems, although GHIRS is one of few integration solutions to add or expand hotel software system in any size of hotel chains envi

21、ronment. We developed this system to integrate the business flow of hotel management by using web services and software integration technologies. In this paper, firstly we describe a scenario of hotel reservation and discuss the interaction between GHIRS and human. Secondly we analyse details of des

22、ign and implementation of this system. The result and implications of the studies on the development of GHIRS are shown in the later part. Finally we discuss some problems still need to be improved and possible future directions of development. 2 Hotel Reservation: A Business Case Study Our initial

23、thinking to develop GHIRS is to minimize the human interaction with the system. Since GHIRS is flexible and automated, it offers clear benefits for both hotel customers and hotel staff, especially for group hotel customers and group hotel companies. Group hotel companies usually have lots of hotels,

24、 restaurants, resorts, theme parks or casinos in different locations. For example, Shangri-La group has hundreds of hotels in different countries all over the world. These groups have certain customers who prefer to consume in hotels belong to the same group because they are membership of the group

25、and can have individual services. The first step of a scenario of hotel reservation is that the consumer plans and looks for a hotel according the location, price or whatever his criteria and then decides the hotel. Then he makes a reservation by telephone, fax, internet, or mail, or just through hi

26、s travel agent. When hotel staff receives the request, they first look if they can provide available services. If there is enough resource in the hotel, they prepare the room, catering and transportation for the request and send back acknowledgement. At last the guest arrives and checks in. The busi

27、ness flow is quite simple; however, to accomplish all these tasks is burdensome for both the consumer side and the hotel side without an efficient and integrated hotel management system. Telephone may be a good way to make a reservation because it is beyond the limit of time and space. Guests can ca

28、ll hotels at any time and any place. However, it costs much when the hotel is far away from the city where guest lives; especially the hotel locates in a different country. More over, if there is a group of four or five people to make reservation together, it would take a long time for hotel staff t

29、o record all the information they need. Making reservation by travel agent saves consumers time and cost, but there is still millions of work for agent to do. They gather the requirements from consumers, then distribute to proper destination hotels. Because these hotels dont use a same system (these

30、 thousands of hotels may use hundreds of management systems), someone, agent or hotel staff, must face the problem how to handle information from different sources with different hotel management systems to different destinations. Web service becomes the tool to solve these problems. Our web service

31、s integrate the web server and hotel management system together, and everyone gets benefit. Booking a room easily anywhere and anytime becomes possible by using GHIRS. Consumer browses websites and finds hotel using his PC, PDA or mobile phone (WAP supported), after his identity is accepted, he can

32、book a reservation. Two minutes later he can get the acknowledgement from the hotel by mobile phone text message or multimedia message, or email sent to his email account or just acknowledgement on the dynamic web page, if he hasnt leave the website. The response time may take a little longer becaus

33、e when the hotel receives the quest, in some circumstance, hotel staff should check if there is clean and vacant room left. The web service is a standard interface that all travel agents can handle, gather and distribute the reservation information easily through internet. When the reservation reque

34、st is acknowledged, hotel staff prepares the room, catering, and transportation for guests. Since the information already stored in the database, every part in the hotel chains can share it and work together properly. For example, staff in front office and housekeeping department can prepare room fo

35、r guests according to the data, staff in back office can stock material for catering purpose and hotel manager can check business report in Enterprise Information Portal integrated with GHIRS by his browser. Then room rent-ratio reports, room status reports, daily income reports and other real time

36、business reports are generated. Managers of the group can access any report of any hotel by the system. In the later part of this paper, we will show how consumers, agents, and hotel staff can efficiently work together by GHIRS. GHIRS is scalable for small-to-large hotel chains and management compan

37、ies, especially good for hotel group. It truly soars with seamless connectivity to global distribution systems thereby offering worldwide reservation access. It also delivers real-time, on line reservations via the Internet. 3 Integration of Hotel Management System 3.1 Existed System GHIRS is develo

38、ped on the base of an existed hotel management system called FoxhisTM. FoxhisTM shares the largest part of software market in hotel industry in China. FoxhisTM version 5 has distributed Client/Server architecture that the server runs Sco-UNIX and client runs Microsoft Windows and it use Sybase datab

39、ase on UNIX. The system includes Front Office system, Property Management system, Quality Management system, Human Resource Management system, Enterprise Information Portal system (EIP), Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) and Supply Chain Management system (SCM). This system is largely ba

40、sed on intranet environment. Most of the work is done in a single hotel by the hotel staff. Its no customer self-service. If a consumer wants to book a room, hotel staff in local hotel must help the guest to record his request, although FoxhisTM system already done lots of automatic job. When the sy

41、stems are deployed in different hotels that are parts of a group, sharing data becomes a problem. Just as an example, if the group has ten hotels, there would be at least ten local databases to store the consumers data. Because hotels need real time respond of the system, so these ten hotels cant de

42、ploy a central database that does not locate in the same local network. Thus one guest may have different records in different hotels and the information can not be shared. By web services as an interface, these data can be exchanged easily. 3.2 Design Recall that our initial thinking to deploy GHIR

43、S is to save hotel staff, travel agents and consumers labour work, the system is to link all the taches of hotel business chains. Figure 1 shows how consumers, agents, hotel staff cooperate together efficiently with the system. Fig. 1. How consumers, agents and hotel staff work together Consumers co

44、uld be divided into two categories. One is member of hotel group, who holds different classes of memberships and gains benefits like discount or special offers. These consumers usually contribute a large part of the hotels profit then are looked as VIP. The hotel keeps their profiles, preferences an

45、d membership account status. The other category is common guest. All these two kinds of guests and travel agents who may trade with many other hotels face the web-based interface that let them to make a reservation. For common guest, the system just requires him to input reservation information such

46、 as guest name, contact information, arrival and departure the system. The central processing server then distributes the information to appropriate hotel. Since web services technology is so good for submitting documents to long running business process flows, hotel staff could easily handle this d

47、ata in and out of database management system and application server. As the membership of hotel, a user just inputs his member id and password, room information, arrival and departure date, then finish the request. Because hotels keep members profile, and systems exchange profile across all hotels of the group by web services, hotel staff in different hotels could know the guests individual requirement and provide better services. Th


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