工程施工进度所产生的问题及分析 毕业论文外文翻译.docx

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1、本科毕业设计(论文)第 7 页工程施工进度所产生的问题及分析 摘要:建设项目施工进度管理,是施工管理中不可或缺的重要一环,从项目管理的三大目标质量、工期、和投资来看,尽管质量是工程项目最基本的目标,但工期和投资却是直接影响建设项目投资效益的两大目标,也是业主最关心的目标。因此,能否有效地控制投资和进度,往往是衡量监理工作水平的重要尺度,本文就如何做好进度控制工作进行一些探索。 关键词:施工进度 控制 措施 引言:建设工程施工进度控制是指对工程项目施工阶段的工作内容、工作程序、持续时间和衔接关系根据进度总目标及资源配置的原则编制计划并付诸实施,然后在实施过程中经常检查实际进度是否符合计划要求,

2、对出现的偏差进行分析, 采取补救措施或调整原计划后再付诸实施, 如此循环, 直到建设工程竣工验收交付使用。随着建筑市场竞争的日益激烈, 建筑企业要在低价项目中获利, 就要抓好项目管理工作。在项目管理中, 质量、进度、成本的控制是项目管理的主要内容,其中人们往往对质量、成本的管理都尤为重视, 但对于施工进度的管理似乎有些忽视了。其实, 建设项目施工进度控制, 是施工管理中不可或缺的重要一环,有着特殊的重要地位与作用。 1 施工进度控制的地位与作用进度控制是对工程建设项目建设阶段的工作程序和持续时间进行规划, 实施、检查、调查等一系列活动的总称。工程建设项目的进度控制, 是工程建设过程中的一项重要

3、而复杂的任务, 是工程建设的三大目标的重要部分。它有利于尽快发挥投资效益、有利于维持良好的经济秩序、有利于提高企业的经济效益。在施工中无序的追求施工工期, 不做科学的工期计算,就会在规划工期内以非正常施工速度赶工期, 使工人劳动强度加大, 质量目标难以操控, 产生各类工程施工质量问题, 严重的还会造成返工和不能返工的问题(原因工程施工一次性特点)。在施工中没有一个合理的施工工期规划, 就无法保证在合理的时间内完成合格的建筑工程产品。边施工、边估算, 边采取措施虽然采用的是事中控制方法, 但是在没有前期工期规划的情况下就是一种盲目的工作方法, 是达不到工期控制目标的。不做具体的工期规划, 是某些

4、施工队中存在的一种现象, 这样会因为对工期估计不足, 不能合理的组织施工, 造成工期延长, 对完成施工任务, 完成企业经济效益带来损失, 对如期完成建设单位投资任务产生影响。从以上论述, 可以看出单方面的追求工期会产生质量问题, 会造成返工, 会降低施工企业经济效益, 影响到建设单位投资效益的尽快发挥。只有认真的做出一个好的施工组织设计,好的施工方案, 把工程进度控制和工程质量控制的任务落到实处, 才能在一个合理的工期内完成一个合格的建筑产品。 工程项目能否在预定的时间内交付使用, 对于业主方, 直接关系到项目经济效益的发挥。对于施工单位, 施工进度能按照合同的要求, 在保证工程质量的前提下,

5、 按时或提前交工, 对工程成本的节约起到重要作用。在我公司进行的项目考核中, 比较突出的一点就是: 由于项目进度的拖延, 无形中增加了施工成本, 工期拖延较长的项目, 甚至出现成本的亏损。如:我院的锅炉房工程, 合同工期为300 天, 实际施工450天, 在结算时发现, 人工费比预算成本高出了11% ,机械的租赁、摊销费提高了20%, 由于钢材等材料在工程后期的涨价, 造成了材料费因进度拖后一项比预算成本增加7% 。直接增加了成本的支出, 使原本可以盈利的项目造成了亏损。做好进度控制工作, 对项目的管理起着重要的作用。 2 影响施工项目进度的因素对于工程进度的影响因素, 一般认为有人为因素、技

6、术因素、资金因素以及其它因素。 (1)人为因素 项目各参与方的工作失误。如业主使用要求改变而进行设计变更, 不能及时决策; 设计单位工作拖拉, 设计内容不完善, 设计有缺陷或错误:总包单位对分包单位的选择失误; 建委、质检站拖延了审批时间等。如我院的行政楼工程在主体结构施工到五层时, 院方提出六层院长办公室均增设卫生间, 锅炉房工程在施工中由于分包单位施工技术能力有限而对分包单位进行了更换, 都导致这两个单项工程工期的拖延, 产生索赔, 从而影响整个项目的造价、进度。 (2)技术因素对项目的特点与项目实现的条件认识不清。比如过低的估计了项目的技术困难, 没有考虑到设计与施工中遇到的问题, 需要

7、开展研究与试验, 这既需要资金也需要时间。 (3)资金因素由于业主方或施工方的资金不能及时到位, 汇率浮动和通货膨胀等, 直接影响工程进度。资金因素是影响工程进度的主要原因之一。 (4)其它因素主要有: 材料因素、设备因素、机具因素、气候因素、环境因素等。Problems and analysis of the engineering construction schedule Abstract: the construction project construction progress management of construction management, is an indispe

8、nsable part of project management, from the three target quality, time limit for a project, and the point of investment, although the quality is the basic goal of the project, but the time limit for a project and investment is a direct impact on the investment benefit of a construction project two b

9、ig targets, is also the owner. The goal of most concern. Therefore, if we can effectively control the investment and schedule, often is important to measure the level of supervision scale, this article on how to do a good job undertakes a few exploration progress control.Key words: construction prog

10、ress control measuresNtroduction: the progress control of construction project refers to the construction phase of the project work content, work procedures, the duration and the total target according to the schedule and the principle of the allocation of resources planning and implementation, and

11、then in the implementation process often check the actual schedule compliance with program requirements, analysis of the deviation, take remedial measures or adjust the original plan after the implementation, so the cycle, until the completion of the construction project delivery. With the construct

12、ion of the increasingly fierce market competition, construction enterprises to make a profit in the low-cost projects, should pay attention to the project management. In project management, quality control, schedule, cost is the main content of project management, which people tend to quality, cost

13、management are particularly seriously, but for construction progress management seems to have ignored. In fact, construction project construction schedule control, construction management is an important part, has a special important status and function. 1The status and role of the construction prog

14、ress control Schedule control is the construction of the project construction phase of the working procedure and the last time for planning, general term of a series of activities, such as inspection, investigation. Project schedule control, is an important and complex task in the process of enginee

15、ring construction, is an important part of the three main objectives of the project construction. It is conducive to play as soon as the investment benefit, is conducive to the maintenance of good economic order, improve economic benefit. In the construction of disorderly pursuit of construction per

16、iod, do not do scientific time calculation, will be in the planning period to abnormal construction speed rush deadlines, the labor intensity of workers increase, quality objectives are difficult to control, the quality problems in construction engineering, serious still can cause rework and not rew

17、ork issues (one-time construction cause). There is not a reasonable construction plan in construction, can not guarantee complete construction product conformity within a reasonable time. Construction, estimation, edge measures is used although control method in the matter, but in the absence of ear

18、ly period planning case is a kind of method of work blindly, is not up to the time limit for a project control objectives. Dont schedule planning specific, is a kind of phenomenon exist some construction team, it will because of underestimation of construction, organization construction not reasonab

19、le, resulting in the extension of the time limit, the completion of construction tasks, to complete the enterprise economic benefit for loss, completed on schedule impact construction unit investment task. From the above discussion, we can see the unilateral pursuit of time can produce quality probl

20、em, cause rework, will reduce the economic efficiency of construction enterprises, affect the construction unit investment benefit as soon as possible to play. Only to make a good construction organization design, construction scheme, the task of the project progress control and project quality cont

21、rol work, to complete a qualified construction products within a reasonable time limit. Whether the project is delivered within a predetermined time, for the owners, directly related to the use of project economic benefits. The construction unit, construction schedule in accordance with the requirem

22、ents of the contract, on the basis of ensuring engineering quality, on time or early completion, to the important role of engineering cost saving. In our project appraisal, the key point is: the project schedule delays, increased construction cost, time delay longer project, even the cost of losses.

23、 Such as: our hospital boiler room project, the contract period is 300 days, the actual construction of 450 days, found in the settlement, artificial cost budget cost is higher than 11%, machinery rental, amortization expenses increased by 20%, because of the rise in the later stages of the project

24、of the steel and other materials, causing the material cost from behind a budget costs 7% more than. Directly increase the cost, so that the original can be profitable projects caused losses. Schedule control, plays an important role in project management. 2. Factors affecting the construction progr

25、ess of the projectThe factors affecting the project progress, is generally believed that the human factors, technical factors, financial factors and other factors. (1 )human factors Work of project participants. If the owners use requirements change and design change, can not be timely decision-maki

26、ng; design unit tardiness, design content is not perfect, the design defects or errors: the total package units on the wrong selection of package units; construction quality inspection station, delayed the approval time. Such as Institute of administrative building to the five floor in the main stru

27、cture of the construction, the proposed six layer office have added room, boiler room project in construction, because the package technology unit Construction Co. and subcontracting units were replaced, causes the two single project construction delay claims, produce, thus affecting the cost, sched

28、ule the project. (2)technical factors Characteristics and the project of the project to achieve the conditions of unclear understanding. For example, a low estimate of the technical difficulties of project, does not take into account the encountered problems in the design and construction, need to c

29、arry out research and test, it is in need of funds also need time. (3)factors of funds Due to the owner or the construction side of the funds were not in place in time, a floating exchange rate and inflation, directly affect the progress of the project. Capital factor is one of the main reasons for the progress of the project impact. (4)other factors Mainly has: the material factors, equipment factors, equipment factors, climatic factors, environmental factors.


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