2019-2020同步北师大英语选修八新突破讲义:Unit 24 Section Ⅶ Writing——议论文 Word版含答案.pdf

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《2019-2020同步北师大英语选修八新突破讲义:Unit 24 Section Ⅶ Writing——议论文 Word版含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步北师大英语选修八新突破讲义:Unit 24 Section Ⅶ Writing——议论文 Word版含答案.pdf(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Section Writing议论文 文体指导 本单元的写作项目属于新课标中的议论文写作。这种写作要求我们就有关问 题进行分析并针对这些问题提出自己的观点、看法和解决建议。 议论文是一种剖析事物、论述事理、发表意见、提出主张的文体。作者通过 摆事实、讲道理、辨是非,以确定其观点的正确或错误,树立或否定某种主张, 议论文应该观点明确,论据充分,语言精练,论证合理,有严密的逻辑性。议论 文在高考中常以图表、提纲或图画的形式出现。写此类作文时可采用三段式,即: 1第一段根据图表、提纲或图画提出问题。 2第二段阐明正、反方观点。 3第三段阐明个人观点。 亮点句式 1As is known to all

2、, it is important to be/do . 2I think there are at least two reasons for. 3From what I have mentioned above, we can see that without.we cannot. 4Different people, however, have different opinions on this matter. 5Some people think that. 6Others argue that. 7In their opinion, nobody can.without. 8Com

3、pared with., .has a lot of advantages over. 9There is no doubt that. 10In short, I firmly support the view that . 11People take/have/adopt different views about. 12It is generally considered that. 13Theres a widespread concern about. 写作任务 最近,某机构针对 2 384 名青少年使用手机上网的情况进行了一次调查。结果 如下: 调查内容使用手机上网的情况 59%偶

4、尔浏览不健康的信息 67.3%依赖手机或手机网络 90.9%正在或曾经使用社交软件 请你根据以上素材,为某英语报纸写一篇稿件,陈述这项调查的结果,并对 这个现象进行简短的评论。 注意:词数 100 左右。 审题谋篇 体裁议论文时态一般现在时为主 主题青少年使用手机人称第三人称为主 结构 第一段:描述表格内容; 第二段:阐述个人看法。 遣词造句 .对接单元词汇 1glance through浏览 2rely on依赖 3whats more而且,并且 4social networking software社交软件 5advantages and disadvantages优点和缺点 6take

5、measures采取措施 7limit限制 8focus ones attention on集中精力 .巧用单元句式、语法 (一)完成句子 1 Whats more, 90.9% say they are using or have used social networking software 再者,90.9%的说他们正在用或用过社交软件。 2Parents should limit the time that their children spend playing with mobile phones or surfing the Internet. 父母应该限制他们孩子花在玩手机或上网

6、的时间。 (二)句式升级 167.3%的人承认他们太依赖手机或网络以致没有手机就不能活。 67.3% of them admit they rely on their mobile phones or the Internet and they couldnt live without them.(用 so.that 改写上面句子) 67.3% of them admit they rely on their mobile phones or the Internet so much that they couldnt live without them. 2政府应采取措施保证网络安全。 Th

7、e government should take measures to make sure the Internet is safe for teenagers.(使用 Its important that.改写上面句子) It is important that the government should take measures to make sure the Internet is safe for teenagers. 3只有这样青少年才能集中精力学习。 The teenagers can focus their attention on their lessons in thi

8、s way.(使用 only状 语.的倒装句改写句子) Only in this way can the teenagers focus their attention on their lessons. 妙笔成篇 【参考范文】 A survey conducted recently shows that 59% of the 2, 384 teenagers glance through the unhealthy information on the Internet now and then.67.3% of them admit they rely on their mobile ph

9、ones or the Internet so much that they couldnt live without them.Whats worse,90.9% say they are using or have used social networking software. Every coin has two sides.Surfing the Internet brings disadvantages and advantages.I think the government should take measures to ensure the Internet safe for teenagers.Besides, parents should limit the time that their children spend playing with mobile phones or surfing the Internet.Only in this way can teenagers focus their attention on their lessons.


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