2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破讲义:Module 3 Section Ⅱ Learning about Language Word版含答案.pdf

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1、Section Learning about Language .单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词 1A foreign language is a weapon(武器) in the struggle of life. 2Gestures(姿势) vary slightly from country to country. 3The fight was started by some youths(年轻人) who had been drunk. 4 If they wanted a deal(协 议 ) at any price, they would have to face

2、 the consequences(后果) 5Teachers apparently expect a certain amount of aggressive(攻击的) behaviour from boys. 6Housework involves cooking, washing dishes, sweeping and cleaning. 7In some countries, such as Japan, people bow to each other when they say hello. 8Luckily, she was only hurt slightly in the

3、car accident. 9I spread my palm to hit the fly on the table but failed. 10. It is necessary that young and old people should communicate more with each other. .拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1communicate vi. (用语言、信号)传递信息;交流communication n. 交流; 沟通 2vary vi. 变化variety n. 变化;多样性various adj. 多种多样的 3formal adj. 正

4、式的informal adj. 非正式的 4tradition n. 传统traditional adj. 传统的traditionally adv. 传统地 5threat n. 恐吓;威胁threaten v. 恐吓;威胁threatening adj. 恐吓的;具 有威胁的 6conscious adj. 意识到的;自觉的unconscious adj. 无意识的;不知不觉 的 寻规律、巧记忆 否定前缀 un否定前缀 in unconscious adj.无意识的;不知不觉的 uncomfortable adj.不舒服的 unfit adj.不合适的 unfortunate adj.不幸

5、的 informal adj.非正式的 incorrect adj.不正确的 independent adj.独立的 inconvenient adj.不方便的 .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1on guard (保持)警惕 2make a deal达成协议;做成交易 3hold up举起 4give away暴露(自己的情况) 5up and down一上一下地 6vary from . to.从到变化 7in the distance在远处 8shake hands with和某人握手 9get involved in被卷入之中;热衷于;专心于 10more than超过;不仅仅 .选

6、词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1Danger drawing near,we must all be on guard 2The film has made a deal with the government for six of its fighter planes. 3He kindly shook hands with me as usual when greeting me. 4If you have any questions,please hold up your hands before asking them. 5The boss felt like someone w

7、as giving away company secrets. 寻规律、巧记忆 “onn.”构成的介词短语一览由 up and down 想到的 on guard (保持)警惕 on duty 值日,值班 on show/display 展出 on purpose 故意 back and forth 来来回回 day and night 日日夜夜 here and there 到处 now and then 时而,不时 背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实 1.Indeed, body positions are part of what we call “body language”. 实际上,身

8、体的姿态是我们所 称的“肢体语言”的一部分。 what 引导的宾 语从句。 他的话让我想起了我们在过 去的假日中所做的事情。 His words remind me of what we did together during the past holidays. 2.One person then holds up his hand, palm outwards and five fingers spread. 然后一个人举起手,手掌向外, 五指展开。 “名词副词/ 过去分词”构 成的独立主格 结构。 他坐在那里,双眼闭着,嘴巴 张着,睡着了。 He sat there, eyes clos

9、ed and mouth open, sleeping. 3.Body language is fascinating for anyone to study. 肢体语言对任何研究者来说都 具有吸引力。 Sb./Sth. be形 容词(for sb.) to do sth.。 这个房间我们住着很舒适。 The room is pleasant for us to live in. more than 不仅仅是;多于;很,非常;超出了之所能 (教材 P21)Perhaps more than I think. 或许不仅仅是我所认为的那样。 写出下列句中 more than 的含义 China D

10、aily is more than a newspaper. It helps to improve our English. 不仅 仅是 I am more than delighted to know you are interested in Tang poems. 很,非常 Papercutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. 多于 The beauty of the mountainous country is more than I can describe. 超出 了之所能 more .than . 比更;与其说不如说 no m

11、ore than 不过;仅仅;只有(侧重数量少) not more than 至多,不超过 I have no more than a nodding acquaintance with her. 我与她只是点头之交。 communicate vi.(用语言、信号)传递信息;交流 vt. 表达(思想);传递(信息 等) (教材 P22)Although these are very important,we communicate with more than just spoken and written words.尽管这些很重要,但我们并不只是通过口头和书面语 言交流。 (1)commu

12、nicate with sb.与某人交流 communicate sth.to sb. 把传达给某人 (2)be in communication with sb. 与某人互通信息 make communication with sb. 与某人交流 She seldom communicates with others so she doesnt fit in with the class. She seldom makes communication with others so she doesnt fit in with the class. 她很少与班上的其他人交流,因此她很难融入班级

13、中去。 He won the first prize in the mid term examination.He was eager to communicate the good news to his parents. 他在期中考试中获得了第一名。他急于把这个好消息传达给自己的父母。 Ill be in communication with my lawyer about this matter.关于这件事情我将 会和我的律师商议。 vary vi.变化 (教材 P22)We see examples of unconscious body language very often,yet

14、 there is also “learned” body language,which varies from culture to culture.我们经常看 到无意识的肢体语言的例子,但也有“习得的”肢体语言, “习得的”肢体语言在 不同的文化中各不相同。 vary in. 在方面不同 vary with. 随着而变化 vary from.to. 在与之间变化 The two sweaters are of the same style,but they vary in price because of different materials. 这两件毛衣款式相同,但由于布料不同,价格也

15、不同。 Generally speaking,prices of fruit and vegetables vary with the season. 一般来说,水果和蔬菜的价格常随季节而变化。 The research team is made up of the pupils,whose age vary from 10 to 15. 这个研究小组是由年龄从十岁到十五岁不等的学生组成的。 deal n协议;交易;很多,大量 vi.处理 (教材 P22)We shake hands when we make a deal.It means, “We agree and we trust ea

16、ch other.” 当我们达成协议时,我们握手。意思就是:“我们达成了协议,相互信任。” (1)make a deal 达成协议;做成交易 Thats/Its a deal. (口语)成交;就这么办吧 a great/good deal of大量,许多(后接不可数名词) (2)deal with 处理;对付;与做生意,打交道;涉及 deal in 经营,做生意 The factory has made a new deal with a buyer in Canada.这家工厂已经和加 拿大的一位买家达成了一项新协议。 There is a great deal of evidence in

17、dicating that listening to soft music can reduce stress. 有大量的证据表明听轻音乐能减轻压力。 The store deals in silk,and we have dealt with it for many years. 这家商店经营丝绸,我们和它做了多年的生意了。 involve vt.包括;涉及;使参与 (教材 P22)Greetings in Asian countries do not involve touching the other person, but they always involve the hands.

18、亚洲国家的问候并不包括触摸别人,但总是有手的接触。 (1)involve sb.in sth.使某人参与某事 involve doing sth.需要做某事;包括做某事 (2)involved adj.复杂的;有关的,涉及的 be/get involved in参加;被卷入之中 Since this meeting doesnt involve me,I think Id better leave now. 既然这场会议不牵涉到我,我想我现在最好离开。 I ask you not to get involved in this kind of matter.Its none of your b

19、usiness. 我要求你不要卷入这种事,它与你无关。 He found a job as a high school teacher which involves spending(spend) quite a lot of time with students.他找到了一份高中老师的工作, (这份工作)需要和学生长时 间待在一起。 hold up 举起;支撑;耽搁;推迟,延迟 (教材 P22)One person then holds up his hand,palm outwards and five fingers spread. 然后一个人举起手,手掌向外,五指展开。 写出下列句中

20、hold up 的含义 Its a pity that the building of the new road has been held up by the bad weather. 耽搁 They stood there,holding up their hands to beg for food.举起 Women are playing a more and more important part in society they hold up half the sky.支撑 I decided to hold up the news until he was sure of it.推

21、迟,延迟 hold on(打电话)稍候,别挂断;(在困难中)坚持下去 hold on to紧紧抓住;守住,保住 hold out维持,持续,伸出 hold back阻止;抑制(情感、情绪);隐瞒 I have something important to say.Please hold on for a moment. 我有要事要说,请不要挂断电话。 No one can hold back the development of technology. 没有人能阻止科技的发展。 give away 暴露(自己的情况),泄露(秘密等);赠送,捐赠;分发,颁发 (教材 P22)People giv

22、e away much more by their gestures than by their words.人们 通过姿势传达的信息要比通过话语传达的多得多。 写出下列句中 give away 的含义 We have invited a famous former student to give away the school prizes.颁发 I was afraid the kids would give the whole thing away. 泄露(秘密等) The expression on her face gave her away when she told a lie.

23、 暴露 He gave away part of his income to his needy friends.捐赠 give back归还,送回;恢复 give in屈服,让步;投降 give off发出(光、电、热) give up (doing) sth.放弃/停止/戒除(做)某事 give out公布,发表;用完,耗尽 If we expect people to give up the habit of driving,we must give them an alternative they can rely on.如果我们期望人们戒掉开车的习惯,我们必须给他们可 以依赖的替代品

24、。 The apples give off a very sweet smell. 这些苹果散发出非常香甜的味道。 (教 材 P22)Indeed, body positions are part of what we call“ body language” 实际上,身体的姿态是我们所称的“肢体语言”的一部分。 【要点提炼】 what 引导的宾语从句。what we call “body language”是 what 引导的从句作介词 of 的宾语,what 在从句中作 call 的宾语。此外 what 还可以引 导主语从句、表语从句等。 (1)what 引导的名词性从句是高考中考查的一个

25、重点,what 在从句中作主语、 宾语、表语及宾语补足语等,表示“的事/话/地方等” 。 (2)which 在从句中所作的成分与 what 一样,但是它表示“哪一个” ,特指某一 范围内的哪一个,而 what 没有范围限制。 (3)that 引导名词性从句时,只起连接作用,在句中不作成分。 Im not interested in what is happening in that field.我对那个领域里发生的事 情不感兴趣。 This is what they have done.这就是他们所做的。 I believe that they will finish the task on

26、time. 我相信他们将会按时完成任务。 I dont know which bike belongs to my father. 我不知道哪一辆自行车是我爸爸的。 (教材 P22)One person then holds up his hand,palm outwards and five fingers spread 然后一个人举起手,手掌向外,五指展开。 【要点提炼】 本句是一个简单句,palm outwards and five fingers spread 为独 立主格结构,结构为“名词副词/过去分词” 。 独立主格结构一般在句子中作定语或状语。它不是一个完整的句子,其构成 常有以

27、下几种结构: (1)名词(代词)形容词/副词 (2)名词(代词)现在分词/过去分词 (3)名词(代词)不定式 (4)名词(代词)介词短语 He sat there,his face pale. 他坐在那里,脸色苍白。 The meeting over,our headmaster soon left the meeting room. 散会了,我们的校长很快就离开了会议室。 The girl staring (stare) at him,he didnt know what to say. 这个女孩两眼盯着他,他不知道说什么好。 All things considered (consider)

28、,her suggestion is of greater value than yours. 若全面考虑,她的建议比你的建议更有价值。 (教材 P22)Body language is fascinating for anyone to study.肢体语言对任何 研究者来说都具有吸引力。 【要点提炼】 Sb./Sth.beadj.(for sb./sth.) to do 句型。 (1)在该句型中句子主语 sb./sth.是不定式短语的逻辑宾语,若构成不定式的动 词为不及物动词,通常要在不定式后加上适当的介词。 (2)在该句型中形容词多为表示主语性质、特征的词,如 easy,difficul

29、t,hard, important,impossible,comfortable,pleasant,dangerous 等。 (3)有时为了表达更清楚可用 for 引出不定式动作的执行者, 即不定式的逻辑主 语。 (4)在该句型中不定式作状语,通常用主动形式表示被动意义。 (2019全国卷)“China is impossible to over look”,says Hill. “中国是不可能被忽略的。”希尔说。 As far as Im concerned,this problem is very difficult to work out. 就我个人而言,这道题很难算出来。 The qu

30、estion is difficult for me to answer. 这个问题对我来说很难回答。 This machine is very easy to operate(operate)Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes. 这台机器很容易操作,任何人在几分钟之内都可以学会。 (教材 P22)We see examples of unconscious body language very often,yet there is also “learned” body language,which varies from culture

31、 to culture. 【分析】 本句是个并列句,由 yet 连接。第一个并列分句是主谓宾结构;第 二个分句是 there be 句型,其中 which 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 body language。 【翻译】 我们经常看到无意识的肢体语言的例子,但也有“习得的”肢体 语言, “习得的”肢体语言在不同的文化中各不相同。 .单句语法填空 1I like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good to breathe (breathe) 2 I am told that the test will inv

32、olve answering (answer) questions about a photograph. 3For most informal(formal) dinners, you should wear comfortable and casual clothes. 4All the problems solved(solve), the quality has been improved. 5There is no doubt that air pollution is an extremely serious problem,so strong measures should be

33、 taken to deal with it. 6Nowadays WeChat has played an important part in the communication(communicate) between people. 7The price of this type of computer varies(vary) in different shops. 8When we go shopping, we should be on guard against pickpockets. 9The man was sentenced to prison for five year

34、s because he had given away some national military secrets to the enemy. 10He has been receiving threatening(threaten) phone calls since she returned from America. .单句改错 1He gave out most of his money to the homeless in the earthquakestricken area. outaway 2Traditional in China, children must respec

35、t and obey their parents and teachers. TraditionalTraditionally 3In recent years, this kind of disease has been spread to most African countries. 去掉 been 4They finally arrived at where we call “Fairy Land”. wherewhat 5The manager interviewed everyone involving in the accident to find out what had ac

36、tually happened. involvinginvolved .完成句子 1房价各个地方不同,在有名校的地方房价通常是很高的。 House prices vary from place to place and are usually high where there are famous schools. 2向导领着路,我们毫不费劲地走出了森林。 The guide leading the way, we had no trouble getting out of the forest. 3他为自己在过去的二十年中所取得的成就感到自豪。 He feels proud of what he has achieved in the past twenty years. 4尽管安迪并不是一个健谈的人,但他并不难相处。 Although Andy is not a talkative man, he is not difficult to get along with 5上下班高峰期,我们在回家的路上遇到了交通拥堵。 During the rush hour, we got held up in the traffic jam on our way back home.


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