2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破讲义:Unit 4 Section Ⅳ Developing ideas &amp Presenting ideas Word版含答案.pdf

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《2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破讲义:Unit 4 Section Ⅳ Developing ideas &amp Presenting ideas Word版含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破讲义:Unit 4 Section Ⅳ Developing ideas &amp Presenting ideas Word版含答案.pdf(9页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Section Developing ideas & Presenting ideas 第一步 速读了解文章主题和段落大意 速读 P44P45教材课文,选择最佳答案。 Which is the main idea of the passage? AA policeman is working in the street. BThe man with a scar is waiting to meet Jimmy,his friend 20 years ago. CThe two friends have ever corresponded. DThe man and the policeman

2、 are dining tonight. 答案 B 第二步 细读把控文章关键信息 细读 P44P45教材课文,判断正误。 1“After Twenty years”is set in New York on a cold,noisy night.(F) 2The policeman with a scar on his face is checking the area.(F) 3The man and Jimmy are true brothers,but Jimmy is older.(F) 4The man had left his hometown for the West to ea

3、rn his living.(T) 5The man is expecting to see his old friend turn up.(T) 第三步 研读能力升华 接轨高考 根据 P44P45教材课文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形 式。 1On a cold,dark night,in New York,a policeman finds a man with 2.a scar outside a shop.The policeman learns a story about the man and his friend,Jimmy. 20 years ago,a

4、fter the two friends 3.dined(dine)together,they made a promise that they 4.would meet(meet)in the same restaurant,whatever their 5.conditions(condition)might be or from what 6.distance(distant) they might have to come.Since they were apart,they havent seen each other.So the man 7.misses(miss)his fri

5、end very much, 8.who he thinks is the truest, 9.stanchest(stanch)old chap in the world and his friend,Jimmy,never forgets their 10.appointment(appoint). .单词拼写 根据汉语或者首字母提示写出下列单词。 1Whats the distance(距离)from New York City to Boston? 2You ought(应该)to be more careful,you know? 3Destiny(命运)is sometimes c

6、ruel. 4He has a scar(伤疤)running across his left check. 5This is an excerpt(摘录)from a novel. 6He dragged the heavy case across the floor. 7Every weekend,we dine at a nice little restaurant in the neighbourhood. 8That ring must be worth a fortune 9I correspond with him regularly. 10The country is Chin

7、as trading partner .拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1dine v进餐dinner n晚餐,正餐 2fortune n大笔的钱,巨款fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地 3distance n距离,间距distant adj.遥远的 .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1dine out 外出就餐 2make a fortune 发财 3ought to 应该 4be set in 以为背景 5work out 成功地发展 6turn up 出现 7in detail 详细地 8act out 表演出来 .选词填空 选用上述短语

8、的适当形式填空 1Now lets act out the model dialogue. 2He told us the accident in detail 3He ought to have kept his promise. 4Everything has worked out according to the plan so far. 5He dreamed of making a fortune. distance n距离,间距 (教材 P44),no matter what our conditions might be or from what distance we migh

9、t have to come. ,无论我们情况如何或我们会走多远距离。 (1)in the distance 在远处 at/from a distance 稍远处;隔一段距离 keep ones distance from.keep.at a distance 与保持距离 (2)distant adj. 遥远的;冷淡的 be distant from 离遥远 be distant towards sb. 对某人冷淡 Walk on a short distance and there you are. 再往前走不了多远,你就到了。 You can see the mountains in th

10、e distance. 你可以看见远处的山。 The picture looks better from/at a distance. 从远处看,这幅画显得更好看一些。 work out 成功地发展;计算出;锻炼身体;想出,制订出 (教材 P44)We figured that in twenty years each of us ought to have our destiny worked out and our fortunes made,whatever they were going to be. 我们那时认为二十年后,无论我们会成为什么样子,每一个人应该是命运已 定,也有了一定的

11、积蓄。 写出下列句中 work out 的含义 How much do I owe you? I havent worked it out yet.算出 We must work out a way to have a cheap holiday.想出;制订出 The famous actor keeps fit by working out for an hour every morning.锻炼 Try not to worry.Im sure everything will work out in the end.进行情况良好 含 work 的常用短语还有: work around/ro

12、und to sth./sb. 渐渐转变(话题等) work at sth. 努力做某事 work on sb. 努力说服某人 work sth.into sth. 设法地加进 It was some time before he worked around to what he really wanted to say. 他东拉西扯了一会儿才绕到真正要说的事情上来。 He hasnt said hell do it yet,but Im working on him. 他还没说他会做这事,不过我正在设法说服他。 Hes working at losing weight. 他正在努力减肥。 C

13、ant you work a few more jokes into your speech? 难道你就不能在讲话中再增加几句笑话吗? 1(教材 P44)We agreed that night that we would meet here again exactly twenty years from that date and time,no matter what our conditions might be or from what distance we might have to come. 【分析】 句中第二个 that 引导宾语从句,该从句中又含有两个让步状语从 句,由 n

14、o matter what 引导。 【翻译】 那晚,我们同意无论二十年后的我们状况如何,无论走多远的距 离,我们将会再相见。 2(教材 P45)But I know Jimmy will meet me here if hes alive,for he always was the truest,stanchest old chap in the world. 【分析】 本句是一个并列复合句。for 是并列连词,连接两个并列分句。第 一个分句本身又是复合句。I know Jimmy will meet me here 是主句,if hes alive 是 条件状语从句。 【翻译】 但是我知道如

15、果 Jimmy 还活着,他一定会来这儿见我,因为他一 直是这个世界上最真诚,最衷心的老朋友。 如何写电子邮件 文体指导 电子邮件(email)属于应用文中的一种,是高考考查的重点和热点。 基本结构 英语 email 在内容结构上主要由以下几部分组成: 1标题栏 一般情况下,开头需要填写的地方主要有“To:”(即填写收件人的 email 地 址)及“Subject:”(即填写电子邮件内容的主题)。 2称呼语 在 email 中,正文前的称呼无需太正式,目前,省略 Mr.或 Ms.(或 Mrs/Miss), 直呼对方名字的做法很普遍,如“Dear John”或“Tommy”, “Mary”等。即使

16、省略称 呼,在 email 中也不算太失礼,不过这要视情况而定。给长辈或上级发 email 最 好用头衔加上姓名相称,如“Mr.Smith”, “Dr.Wang”等。 3正文 写正文时要注意把握以下两点: (1)首先要明确写给谁。对不同的收件人,写作的语气要有所不同。假如是写 给朋友的,则可以用一些俚语或缩写词,但如果是高考中的书面表达题,则属正 规写作,最好不用俚语或缩写词。 (2)写电子邮件要多用短句,使意思表达更加清楚,当然,对重点部分要作详 细介绍。比如高考中,就必须根据(汉语或图画)提示,将要点写全,并注意语言的 规范。也就是说,应把它当作一篇小作文来对待,而不是像我们平时给朋友发的

17、 邮件那样随随便便。 4结束语 结束语也很简明,常常只需一个单词,如“Thanks”, “Cheers” ,或者一些非正 式用语,如“Take care”, “See you” 。但在正式的商业性质的 email 中常会出现“Best wishes”或“Best regards”等。 5签名 签到结束语下一行左下角处。 亮点句式 一、常用开头语 1表达问候 How is everything going on with you? How are you? Is everything going well with you? ) 2谈谈心情 How have you been lately? I

18、m glad/happy/sorry.to receive your email. Learning that.Im so glad/ happy/sorry. ) 3直言目的:Im writing to. 二、正文部分 1As we discussed on the phone. 如我们上次在电话中讨论的 2As mentioned before,we think this product has strong unique selling points in China. 如先前所述,我们认为这个产品在中国有强有力且独一无二的销售点。 3Let me tell you something

19、different. 让我告诉你一些不同的事情。 4We would like to inform you that. 我们想要通知你 5I am convinced that. 我确信 6We will have a meeting scheduled as noted below. 我们将举行一个会议,时间表如下。 7The.here is totally different from. 这里的完全不同于 8Youd better bring. 你最好带 三、结尾部分 1表达祝愿 I hope that. Best wishes! I wish you that.) 2期盼回复 Looki

20、ng forward to. Im looking forward to. Please write to me as soon as possible! I would appreciate it if you. I will be grateful if you. ) 写作任务 假设你是李华,最近收到了你的美国朋友 Jenny 的电子邮件。她在邮件中说, 由于刚进入高中,还不能适应新环境,不知道如何去结交新朋友,因而情绪低落。 请根据以下内容给她回邮件。 1向 Jenny 表示问候和安慰。 2针对她的问题提出以下建议: 不要与老朋友失去联系; 与同学一起参加课外活动; 同学遇到麻烦时,主动

21、提供帮助。 注意:1.词数 100 左右。 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 审题谋篇 体裁电子邮件 话题交友 时态一般现在时 人称第一人称 遣词造句 .对接单元词汇 1lose track of 失去联系 2maintain 保持 3make new friends 交新朋友 4anxious 焦虑的,不安的 5quality 素质,品质 .巧用单元句式、语法 (一)完成句子 1你不必为此焦虑不安。 You dont have to be anxious about it. 2不要与老朋友失去联系。 Dont lose track of your old friends. 3当同学遇到麻烦时

22、,要给予帮助。 Help your classmates when they are in trouble 4保持友谊是有意义的。 It is meaningful to maintain friendship. (二)句式升级 5与同学们一起参加课外活动,这有助于你们更好地相互了解。(用定语从句 合并句子) Take part in afterschool activities with your classmates.This helps you understand each other better. Take part in afterschool activities with y

23、our classmates,which helps you understand each other better. 6人们的生活质量提高了,但是对朋友的渴望依然没变。(改为复合句) Peoples quality of life has improved but their longing for friends remains the same. Although peoples quality of life has improved, their longing for friends remains the same. 妙笔成篇 参考范文 Dear Jenny, I am rea

24、lly sorry to hear that you feel bad after entering the high school.Id like to talk about it with you. It is known that peoples longing for friends remain the same although their quality of life has improved.In fact,in your senior high school,your classmates are also new and facing the same problem,s

25、o you dont have to worry too much about it.There is also something that you can do to change this situation.First,dont lose track of your old friends.After all,it is meaningful to maintain friendship.Then,take part in some afterschool activities with your classmates,which helps you understand each other better.And whats more,help your classmates when they are in trouble. As time goes on,the more you get in touch with others,the better they will know you.I believe you will make many new friends and will have a happy school life there. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua


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