2019-2020英语选修六讲义:Unit 1 Section Ⅵ Language points(Ⅲ)(Project) 含答案.pdf

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1、Section Language points()(Project) .单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词。 1Something brushed past Bobs face and he let out a yell (大喊) 2The branches were bowed (使弯曲)down with the weight of the snow. 3 They would like to make sure their guests are comfortable and cosy(暖和舒适 的) 4In crowded (拥挤的)places the police sho

2、uld not discharge their weapons. 5Not satisfied with the drawing,she tore(撕) it up angrily and threw it into the dustbin. 6He waited several minutes for a car to pull up alongside. 7Delegates from the warring sides held a new round of peace talks but went away emptyhanded 8He was filled with anger a

3、t the way he had been treated. 9I made a dash for the front door but he got there before me. 10The woman glared at the man after he shouted rudely at her. .拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词。 1set vt.布置安排setting n场景;(戏剧,小说等的)情节背景;环境 2cose vi.使自己舒服;谈心cosy adj.暖和舒适的,惬意的 3invite vt.邀请invitation n邀请 4crowd vt.& vi.拥

4、挤,挤满crowded adj.拥挤的 5anger n怒,怒火,怒气angry adj.发怒的,生气的angrily adv.生气地, 气愤地 寻规律、巧记忆 A(原形)B(过去式)C(过 去分词) A(原形)A(过去式)A(过去分词) wearworeworn dodiddone swearsworesworn costcostcost cutcutcut putputput .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语。 1run into 撞上,陷入 2make room for 为腾出地方 3yell at 对大喊 4in anger 生气地 5dash out 冲出去 6burst in 突然

5、闯入 7glare at 对怒目而视 8hold out 递出;拿出;伸出 .选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空。 1Faced with threat,he said nothing,glaring at the enemy. 2The police burst in and told everyone to stand still. 3He removed the pile of newspaper to make room for books he just bought. 4They have run into trouble while designing the new mach

6、ine. 5 He held out his hand with a gesture which conveyed something of his determination. 寻规律、巧记忆 holdadv.动词短语prep.n.副词短语 hold back 阻拦;抑制 hold on 坚持住;别挂断 hold up 举起;支撑;延迟 at war 在交战中 in peace 在和平中 under control 在控制中 1Maybe here?(sits as if there is a bench) 或许这儿?(“坐下来” ,好像有一把长凳似的) 记句式结构 as if/though

7、“似乎,好像” ,后面可跟句子,也可跟不定式、分词等形式。 仿写促落实 He shrugged his shoulders as if to say that there was nothing he could do about it. 他耸了耸肩,好像是说他对此无能为力。 2No.I must have forgotten to tell you. 对。我一定是忘记告诉你们了。 记句式结构 “must have done sth.”表示对过去发生的事情的肯定推测。 仿写促落实 My mother must have known that I was lying,because she se

8、emed very angry. 我母亲一定已经知道我在撒谎了,因为她看起来很生气。 3Servant dashes out,comes back in with something behind his back. 仆人冲出去,身后藏着什么东西重新上场。 记句式结构 “with宾语宾补”结构,在句中作伴随状语。 仿写促落实 Do you know the teacher with a book in her/his hand? 你认识那位手里拿着一本书的老师吗? make room for 为腾出地方 (教材 P14)Of course.(moves over as if to make r

9、oom for Tony) 当然。(挪了挪,好像是要为托尼腾出地方) make it 办成,成功;赶上,及时到达 make up 组成;补偿;捏造;化装;和解 make up for 弥补 make out 理解;辨认出 make fun of 嘲笑;开玩笑 Boys make up 60% of the student number. 男生构成了学生人数的 60%。 Your carelessness brought about a great loss well never make up for 你的粗心大意造成了我们永远无法弥补的损失。 The train goes at 10:15.

10、I think we shall make it 火车 10 点 1 刻开,我想我们能赶上。 名师点津 make room for 中的 room 表示 “空间, 地方” 时为不可数名词, 可用 little, much, no,plenty of 等修饰。 invitation n邀请;招待 (教材 P14)Okay.Thanks for the invitation. 好的,谢谢邀请。 (1)invite vt. 邀请 invite sb.to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 invite sb.to sth. 邀请某人参加某活动 (2)inviting adj. 引人注目的;吸引人的 N

11、obody in the office had received an invitation to the party. 办公室里没有人收到邀请函去参加这个宴会。 Why didnt you invite John to your birthday party? Well,you know hes a wet blanket. 你为什么不邀请约翰参加你的生日聚会呢? 哦,你知道他是一个扫兴的人。 We invite her to have (have) Thanksgiving dinner with us. 我们邀请她和我们一起吃感恩节晚餐。 tear vt.撕,扯 n.眼泪(常用复数) (

12、教材 P15)tears the paper in two 把报纸撕成两半 (1)move sb.to tears 感动得某人流泪 burst into tearsburst out crying 大哭起来 (2)tear up 撕碎 tear down 撕掉;拆毁 tear.into pieces 把撕成碎片 tear.in twotear.into halves 把撕成两半 tear.open 撕开,拆开 She was so angry that she tore a hole in her shirt. 她很生气,结果把衬衫扯了一个洞。 She shouldnt have torn t

13、he letter into tiny pieces. 她本不该把信撕得粉碎。 Many parents burst into tears(tear) when a rescuer carried a teenage girl out of the ruins. 当一名救援者从废墟里救出一个女孩时,在场的许多父母不禁潸然泪下。 burst vi.突然出现;猛冲;突然起来 vt.&vi.(使)爆裂,胀 开 n.突发,迸发;裂口 (教材 P15)Servant bursts in,next to Queen,emptyhanded and looking worried. 仆人冲上舞台,来到王后身

14、边,两手空空,神色焦虑。 burst in/into 闯进,突然破门而入 Error!突然哭起来/笑起来 burst (sth.)open (使)猛然打开 The police burst in through the side door. 警察从侧门冲了进来。 He burst into tears,while she burst out laughing(laugh) 他突然哭了起来,而她却大笑起来。 A man burst into the room waving a gun. 一名男子挥动着一把枪闯入房间。 glare at 对怒目而视 (教材 P15)He glares at Que

15、en. 他瞪着王后。 明辨异同 glare at/stare at/gaze at/glance at glare at “怒目而视” ,表示由于生气而瞪大眼睛,用目光凶狠地注视,强 调敌对或威胁 stare at指瞪大眼睛、目不转睛地注视 gaze at指由于好奇、惊讶、喜悦、感兴趣而目不转睛地看 glance at指匆匆一看,瞥见,强调看的时间短暂 glare at/stare at/gaze at/glance at She glared at the man when he interrupted her. He stared at the word trying to remembe

16、r its meaning. He secretly glanced at the pretty girl across the table. She went to the window to gaze at the first color along the grey sky. hold out 递出;拿出;伸出;坚持,维持 (教材 P15)Sir?(holds out a roll of toilet paper) 陛下?(拿出一卷卫生纸) 写出下列句中 hold out 的意思 He walked to her and held out a small bunch of wild fl

17、owers. 递出 They held out the hand of friendship to me. 伸出 He held out some papers and looked through them. 拿出 We must hold out.We mustnt be frightened by the difficulties. 坚持 Do you know how long our supply of gas will hold out? 维持 hold back 阻拦;隐瞒;抑制;退缩 hold on (在困境或危险中)坚持住,挺住; 别挂断,等一下 hold on to 抓紧,

18、不放开;保留不卖或不送 hold off 推迟,拖延;阻止,抵挡住 hold up 举起,支撑;延迟,阻塞 I think he held back some very important information. 我认为他隐瞒了某些非常重要的信息。 You should hold on to your old house,which will get more valuable in the near future. 不要把你的老房子卖了,很快它会升值的。 The train was held up by heavy fog yesterday. 昨天,火车因为大雾而受阻。 (教材 P14)

19、Maybe here?(sits as if there is a bench) 或许这儿?(“坐下来” ,好像有一把长凳似的) 要点提炼 as ifas though“似乎,好像” ,在句中引导方式状 语从句。它还可以跟在 look,seem,remain 等系动词后引导表语从 句。 (1)当说话者认为所述的是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时,as if 从句 用陈述语气。 (2)当说话者认为所述的为非真实或不可能发生的事情时,as if 从句用虚拟语 气。这时依据动作发生时间的不同从句谓语动词的形式分为三种情况: 与现在事实相反一般过去式(be 用 were) 与过去事实相反过去完成式(

20、had done) 与将来事实相反过去将来式(would/could/mightdo) He quickly ran home,looking as if there was something wrong with him. 他快步跑回家,看上去好像有什么事不对劲。 He talks as if he knew where she was. 他说话的样子,好像他知道她在哪里似的。 They talked as if/though they had been friends for years. 他们就像多年的老朋友一样谈话。 名师点津 as if/though 后面除了跟完整句子外, 还可以

21、跟不定式、 介词短语、 过去分词、动词ing 形式等省略的句式。 (教材 P14)No.I must have forgotten to tell you. 对。我一定是忘记告诉你们了。 要点提炼 must have done sth.表示对过去时间里发生的事情的肯定推测,语 气较强。 (1)can(could)not/never have done 意为“肯定没做过,绝不可能做过” ,是对过 去发生事情的否定猜测。 (2)“情态动词have done”的其他结构 should have done 表示过去本来应该做但实际没做 could have done 表示过去本来能够做而实际未做 ma

22、y/might have done 表示对过去情况的推测,语气不肯定,用于肯定句中, 意为“可能做了” neednt have done 表示本不必要做而实际做了 Linda has gone to work,but her bicycle is still here. She must have gone by bus. 琳达已经去上班了,但她的自行车还在这儿。 她肯定是乘巴士去的。 The ground is not wet.It couldnt have rained last night. 地面不湿,昨夜绝不可能下雨。 I could have come here ten minute

23、s earlier.But I was stuck in a traffic jam. 我本来能够早十分钟来这儿的。但我当时陷入交通阻塞了。 .单句语法填空 1How can we make room for all the furniture? 2Hardly had she heard the sad story when she burst out crying (cry) 3 To the scientists great delight, he received the invitation (invite) to his students wedding ceremony. 4Th

24、e couple glared at each other,ready to quarrel. 5The little boy bowed slightly to Louis before accepting his gift. 6He behaved as if he had been (be) to the Mars. 7They managed to hold on until help arrived. 8After waving goodbye to her parents,she left in tears (tear) 9Looking angrily (angry) at he

25、r husband,the woman said nothing. 10He cant have done (do) it because he is an honest man. .单句改错(每小题仅有 1 处错误) 1Mr Green must be punished for his being rude at the meeting yesterday,didnt he? behave been 2Dont burst out laugh while your leader is speaking to you. laughlaughing 3Although my room is sm

26、all,I have managed to make a room for my desk. 去掉 a 4Firefighters burst the door openly and rescued them. openlyopen 5She tore down the letters as soon as she had read it. downup .完成句子 1邀请我们的老师参加这个聚会是让人高兴的。 It is pleasing to invite our teachers to take part in the party.(take part in) 2听了我说的话他突然大笑起来

27、。 He burst out laughing/burst into laughter when he heard what I said.(burst) 3听上去好像有人在敲门。 It sounds as if/though someone is knocking at the door.(as if/though) 4他九点钟才起床,他一定错过了会议。 He got up at nine.He must have missed the meeting(must) 5天气这么好,我本没必要带雨伞的。 I neednt have taken the umbrella,for the weather is fine.(take)


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