2019-2020英语选修六课时分层作业:8 Section Ⅴ、Ⅵ 含解析.pdf

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1、课时分层作业课时分层作业(八八) Section 、 (建议用时:35 分钟) 语言知识练习固基础 .单句语法填空 1AIDS is said to be (be) the biggest health challenge to man. 2Study hard,and you will live up to your parents expectations (expectation) 3The young man was persuaded to take up that job. 4With nothing to do (do),she went out for a walk. 5The

2、 reason why he failed was that he was too lazy. 6They expected us to hold (hold) together in an emergency like this. 7I never thought of it,let alone did it. 8We took a slightly (slight) more direct route. 9When he was young,he received religious (religion) education. 10We should be grateful to our

3、parents,who provide us with food and clothes. .完成句子 1如果我是你,我就会努力学习。 If I were you,I would study hard 2他成功的原因就是他工作勤奋。 The reason for his success is that he works hard. 3汤姆今天早晨错过了考试。那是因为他睡过头了。 Tom missed the exam this morning.That is because he overslept. 4你应该把灯熄了再睡。 You should go to sleep with the li

4、ght turned off 5如果时间允许的话,我们将参观颐和园。 With time permitting,we will visit the Summer Palace. 高考题型练习提能力 .阅读理解 Informal conversation is an important part of any business relationship.Before you start a discussion,however,make sure you understand which topics are suitable and which are considered taboos in

5、 a particular culture.Latin Americans enjoy sharing information about their local history, art, and customs.They expect questions about your family and be sure to show pictures of your children.You may feel free to ask similar questions of your Latin American friends.The French think of conversation

6、 as an art form,and they enjoy the value of lively discussions as well as disagreements.For them,arguments can be interestingand they can cover pretty much or any topicas long as they occur in a respectful and intelligent manner. In the United States,business people like to discuss a wide range of t

7、opics, including opinions about work,family,hobbies,and politics.In Japan,China,and Korea,however,people are much more private.They do not share much about their thoughts,feelings,or emotions because they feel that doing so might take away from the harmonious business relationship theyre trying to b

8、uild.Middle Easterners are also private about their personal lives and family matters.It is considered rude, for example, to ask a businessman from Saudi Arabia about his wife or children.As a general rule,its best not to talk about polities or religion with your business friends.This can get you in

9、to trouble, even in the United States, where people hold different views.In addition,discussing ones salary is usually considered unsuitable.Sports is typically a friendly subject in most parts of the world,although be careful not to criticize a national sport.Instead,be friendly and praise your hos

10、ts team. 【语篇解读】 非正式谈话是任何商业联系中的一个重要组成部分,不过谈 话时,可别无所顾忌,一定要适可而止。 1The underlined word“harmonious”in Paragraph 2 most probably means“ ” Acompetitive Bfriendly and peaceful CoriginalDsensitive B 词义猜测题。根据该词后面的语境“relationship theyre trying to build”可 知他们正尝试建立“和谐的”人际关系。B 项“友好的,和谐的,协调的”最符合 文意。 2 People from

11、Asia are more private in their conversation with others because Athey dont want to have their good relationship with others harmed Bthey dont want to share their feelings with others Cthey dont want to talk much with others Dthey are afraid to argue with others A 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句得知亚洲一些国家人们不公开谈论及分 享他们私

12、人的想法、感情等是因为他们感觉公开谈论隐私会不利于正尝试建立的 和谐的人际关系。 3The writer thinks politics and religion are for business. Acheerful topicsBtaboos Crude topicsDwise topics B 细节理解题。根据最后一段倒数第五句“As a general rule,its best not to talk about polities or religion with your business friends.”可知。 4Which is typically a friendly to

13、pic in most places according to the author? ASports.BChildren. CPersonal feelings.DFamilies. A 细节理解题。根据最后一段倒数第二句得知在大部分地方“体育”是一 个典型的友好的话题。 .完形填空 Noah Geppert, a 7 year old boy, was adopted with his brother from Guatemala.He considered himself to be very fortunate, 1 after learning about some of the l

14、iving conditions in the country.His mom told him that people there were 2 poor,so he was very sad about that. 3 more for his birth family,he decided to 4 two tickets he had won for an Easter Sunday Indiana Pacers game.He 5 that if he could sell his tickets for money,he could 6 it to his birth mom.In

15、 this way,they could be a 7 family like his present family. His mother,Caren,was 8 at her sons act of kindness and shared it on social media.She just 9 it on Facebook as sort of a 10 mom moment.To her joy,within several minutes,offers to 11 the boys tickets poured in from all the directions.The winn

16、ing bid of $ 400 belonged to Dr.Stacey Halum,whose children attended the same school as Noah. 12 she saw the Facebook post,she was so touched by the boys act of 13 that she got choked up and tearyeyed. 14 a connection Caren made on Facebook,the 15 made its way to Noahs birth mom,Ophelia.She used an

17、interpreter to send her 16 , “Thank my son in the USA that he was thinking of me.The 17 that I made to place Noah for 18 many years ago was very sad.At that time,I had no 19 to live,and my family could not 20 me.But now I am so happy that my son is very excellent.God has blessed my son and his new f

18、amily.” 【语篇解读】 7 岁的 Noah Geppert 小时候从危地马拉被送到美国, 生活在养 母家里。 在得知生母很穷时, 他决定卖掉自己手里观看比赛的门票, 把钱捐给生母。 在他养母的帮助下,这个小男孩最终实现了自己的决定。生母对孩子的捐赠表达 了感谢,也说出了当时送孩子到美国被收养的苦衷。 1A.undoubtedly Bprobably CespeciallyDspecifically C 根据本空前后内容可知,此处应为“especially”,特别地衬托出小男孩的 幸运。 2A.hardlyBsimply CmerelyDreally D 根据下文内容可知,此处表达的是那里

19、的人都非常穷,故选“really”。 3A.PreparingBExpecting CWantingDRequiring C 根据上文,小男孩在得知自己原来的家很穷时,便萌生了想为那个家做 更多的事情的想法,故选“Wanting”。 4A.keepBsell CcollectDbook B 根据下文“.if he could sell his tickets for money”可知,此处选“sell”。 5A.dreamedBthought CcheckedDproved B 根据本空后面的内容可知,此处应为他的想法,故选“thought”。 6A.giveBpass CthrowDtell

20、 A 这里表达的是“如果能把这两张票卖出去,他就可以把卖票所得的钱给 他的亲生妈妈” ,故选“give”。 7A.lovelyBrich CbigDhappy D 根据文章第一段第二句,Noah Geppert 觉得自己现在很幸运,那么可以 推测出,现在所生活的家庭生活条件很好,是一个幸福的家庭,故选“happy”。 8A.overjoyedBdisappointed CsurprisedDpuzzled A 根据文章第一段的描述,我们可以知道这个小男孩善良而又孝顺,那么 对于母亲来说,应该是非常高兴的事情,故选“overjoyed”。 9A.scannedBread CpostedDdown

21、loaded C 根据上文 “shared it on social media”及下文内容可知, 此处应为她只是上传 到 Facebook 上,故选“posted”。 10A.youngBproud CcaringDcrazy B 这里表达母亲为孩子的行为而感到骄傲,故选“proud”。 11A.buyBuse CexchangeDwin A 这里指社交媒体上很多人回应要购买这个小男孩手里的门票, 故选 “buy”。 12A.BecauseBIf CWhenDAlthough C 根据下文语境可知,此处应选 when 引导时间状语从句。 13A.kindnessBattention Cdev

22、otionDfaith A 根据文章第二段第一句可知,此处应选“kindness”。 14A.In spite ofBIn addition to CInstead ofDThanks to D 根据下文内容可知,此处应选“thanks to”表示“多亏了” 。 15A.ticketBbid CdonationDgift C 这里指孩子把卖门票的钱捐赠给了他的生母 Ophelia,故选“donation”。 16A.greetingsBthanks CcongratulationsDwishes B 根据下文“Thank my son in the USA that he was thinki

23、ng of me”, Ophelia 想表达的是感谢,故选“thanks”。 17A.suggestionBcontribution CeffortDdecision D 这里指把孩子送出去的决定,故选“decision”。 18A.hardshipBschool CcommunityDadoption D 根据文章第一句可知,男孩小时候被送到美国被别人收养,故选 “adoption”。 19A.moneyBcourage CreasonDright A 根据文章第一段可知,小男孩生母的家里很穷,因此这里想表达没钱生 活,故选“money”。 20A.abandonBsupport CprotectDbelieve B 文章第一段指出,生活在那个国家的人都很穷,因此小男孩的生母也无 法得到家人经济上的支持,故选“support”。


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