2019-2020英语选修十一讲义:Unit 4 Section Ⅲ Word power &amp Grammar and usage 含答案.pdf

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1、Section Word power & Grammar and usage there is a need for sth.有的需要 (教材 P54)There is a great need for graduates with engineering degrees in China. 中国非常需要有工程学位的毕业生 There is a need for more science teachers in American high schools. 美国中学需要更多的理科教师。 There is a great need for the culture tourism products

2、. 旅游者对文化旅游产品的需求上升。 there is a great need for. 急需;需求量大 there is no need to do. 没有必要做 there is no need for sb.to do sth. 某人没有做的必要 have (a) need to do sth. 必须做某事 in need of 需要 Everything is fine with me;there is no need for you to be concerned. 这里一切都好,你不用牵挂。 You have need to explain it to her. 你必须向她解释此

3、事。 完成句子 我们有足够的时间,没有必要这么着急。 We have plenty of time.There is 非常需要有一本这方面的新书。 There is a new book on the subject. 我们没有必要强求他们精通所有的科目。 We have them to master all their subjects. 【答案】 no need to hurry a great need for no need to force involve v使参与,牵涉;包括,包含;使专心于;使忙于 (教材 P54)There is also Civil Engineering,w

4、hich involves designing and making roads and buildings. 也有土木工程学,它涉及设计与建造公路和楼房。 The demonstration involved 200 students. 有 200 名学生参加了这次示威游行。 What does the job of editing involve? 编辑工作包含什么? involve sb.in 把某人牵连进 be involved in 包含在;与有关;被卷入;专心地(做) get/become involved in 卷入;陷入;牵扯在内 He was involved in work

5、ing out a plan. 他专心致志地制订计划。 Dont involve me in your quarrel. 不要把我卷入到你们的争吵中。 完成句子 我没打算让你牵涉到这一切当中来。 I didnt mean to all this. 你是什么时候第一次介入这个案件的? When did you first become that case? 她正专心地做这项医学实验。 She is this medical experiment. 【答案】 involve you in involved in involved in doing range n范围;射程;一系列 (教材 P54)

6、The range of courses has increased over the last few years to include Sports Science, Information Technology (IT), Film and Media Studies, Social Sciences (like Sociology and Psychology) and Life Sciences (1ike Bioengineering) 课程的范围在过去的几年内已经增加了,包括运动科学、信息技术、影视和 传媒学、社会科学(像社会学和心理学)以及生命科学(像生物工程)。 It is

7、beyond the range of my ability. 这件事超出了我的能力范围。 We waited until the enemy was within range. 我们一直等到敌人进入我们的射程。 a range of 一套;一系列 within range of 在射程以内;在范围以内 out of range 在射程外 range v. (在一定范围内)变化;包括 range from.to. 在和之间(变动) A range of buildings have sprung up along the river. 沿河建起了一排楼房。 The level of mista

8、kes is within the acceptable range of standards for a public organization. 对一个公共组织来说,这种错误还算在可接受的范围之内。 完成句子 我们公司经销一系列相关产品。 Our company deals in related products. 他们还在我们枪炮的射程之外。 They are still our guns. 价格从五美元到十美元不等。 Prices 5 dollars 10 dollars. 【答案】 a wide range of out of range of ranged from;to as y

9、ou know 正如你所知 (教材 P55)As you know,Im interested in engineering. 正如你所知,我对工程学感兴趣。 As you know,I am a very kind person. 你知道,我是个很和善的人。 As you know,I have never been a sailor. 你们知道,我从未当过水兵。 as we all know 众所周知 as is known to us all 众所周知 Its known to us all that. 众所周知 Whats known to us all is that. 众所周知 H

10、e is an honest man,as is known to all. 众所周知,他是一个诚实的人。 It is known to all of us that all matter is made up of molecules and that molecules are always moving. 大家知道,一切物质都是分子组成,而分子总是在不断地运动。 一句多译 众所周知,爱是幸福生活的关键所在。 【答案】 As we all know,love is the key to a happy life. As is known to us all,love is the key

11、to a happy life. Its known to us all that love is the key to a happy life. Whats known to us all is that love is the key to a happy life. associate adj.副的;地位稍低的;准的(只用于名词前) (教 材 P55)He said when he was at university, there were only two associate professors in his department and that below them were

12、two lecturers. 他说当他上大学时,在他的系里只有两个副教授,在他们下面是两个讲师。 He is an associate editor of the newspaper. 他是报社的副主编。 He has been an associate professor of English and will be a full professor this term. 他一直是英文副教授,本学期将升为正教授。 associate n 同事,(生意)伙伴 a close associate 亲密的伙伴 associate v. (使)发生联系, (使)联合;结交;结伙 associate.

13、with. 把与联系起来 be associated with 和有联系 We associate the desert with dry weather. 我们把沙漠与干旱的天气联系起来。 Whisky is usually associated with Scotland. 人们通常把威士忌与苏格兰联系起来。 用 associate 的适当形式填空 Her former have refused to see her. Mr.Tan is an professor at a university in Beijing. Green is with harmony and peace. 【答

14、案】 associates associate associated refer to 谈及;提到;查阅;参考 (教材 P56)To make an allusion,you may refer to a person,an event,a place,a character from literature or a thing. 你可以用人,事件,地点,文学作品中的人或物来表达典故。 You are the very person I referred to just now. 你正是我刚才所指的人。 Refer to the dictionary when you dont know ho

15、w to spell a word. 当你不知道怎么拼写一个词时,查阅一下词典。 refer to.as. 把称为 refer oneself to 依赖,求助于 refer.to. 把提交给;使 求助于;把归功于 reference n. 提及,涉及;参考;查阅 The dispute was referred to the United Nations. 争端被提交给联合国解决。 She always referred to Ben as “that nice man” 她总把本称作“那个好男人” 。 完成句子 你的评论是针对我们所有人的吗? Does your remark ? 有些人把

16、自己所有的苦恼都归咎于运气不佳,而不认为是缺乏能力。 Some people bad luck instead of lack of ability. 小企业早已被称为国民经济的发动机。 Small businesses have long been the engine of the national economy. 【答案】 refer to all of us refer all the troubles to referred to as relate v(把)联系起来;讲述;叙述 (教材 P57)This is related to a story from the Bible a

17、bout a man from Samaria, who helped another person. 这与一个来自圣经的故事有关,它是关于来自撒马利亚的一个人,他帮 助了另一个人。 This article relates to the new situation. 这篇文章讲的是新形势。 Then he related what had passed between them. 然后他讲述了他们之间发生的情况。 relate to 和联系起来;涉及;关系到 relate well to 相处和睦 be related to 和有关系 relating to 关于;涉及 His remark

18、s didnt relate to the topic under discussion. 他说的话与讨论的问题无关。 She doesnt relate very well to her mother. 她和她母亲关系不太融洽。 The matter is related to you very much. 此事与你有极大的关系。 完成句子 运动与健康息息相关。 Taking exercise is closely 律师阅读了与该案有关的全部文件。 The lawyer read all the papers 我们必须把这些原则和我们的日常工作联系起来。 We must our everyd

19、ay work. 【答案】 related to health relating to the case relate these principles to land on one s feet 安然脱困;化险为夷 (教材 P57)I know I will be very busy,though,and there will be lots of other young people,so whatever happens,I will land on my feet. 不过我知道自己会很忙,而且还会有许多其他的年轻人,所以无论发生什么 事情我都会克服困难勇往直前。 Hes been in

20、 a few dangers,but hes always landed on his feet. 他曾经历过好几次危险,但总是安然度过。 land v (使)登岸,(使)下船,(使)着陆;获得 land the first prize 获得一等奖 land on (跌倒时)某部位着地;在上登陆;落到上 We never imagined that men would land on the moon. 我们从未想到过人类能登上月球。 She fell and landed heavily on her back. 她掉下来,背部撞在地上。 完成句子 他脸朝下一头栽到地上。 He fell h

21、eadlong and 因为有了银行的贷款,公司终于走出了苦境。 With the loan from the bank,the company 我负责使他们在我们的海岸登陆。 Ill undertake to our coast. 【答案】 landed on his face landed on its feet land them on 典故(Allusion) 典故与汉语的暗喻相近似。其特点是不注明来源和出处,一般多引用人们熟 知的关键词或词组,将其融合编织在作者的话语中。引用的东西包括典故、谚语、 成语、 格言和俗语等。 英语引用最多的是出自 圣经 故事以及希腊、 罗马神话、伊 索寓

22、言的那些源远流长的谚语、格言等。英语国家的文化源远流长,浓郁的文 化背景留下了许多脍炙人口的习语典故,它们有些来自历史故事,有些来自神话 故事,有些来自民间传说,有些来自圣经故事。以下分为五类简述: 一、来源于历史故事 1含有 Dutch(荷兰佬)的短语均带有贬义色彩。在十七世纪,英国与荷兰争夺 制海权的斗争空前激烈,英国人民由于民族感情高涨而在国内开始用荷兰人 (Dutch)来指代 “坏的、 假的、 错的事情” , 之后便流传开来, 并沿用至今。 例如 : Dutch courage(酒后之勇),Dutch leave(擅离职守,不辞而别),go Dutch/Dutch treat(各自 付

23、账),以及 Dutch uncle(严厉的批评者)等。 2worth ones salt(称职),古罗马时,盐相当珍贵,从盐矿向罗马运盐的路就 是最重要的道路之一,士兵沿此路驻扎以防盐贼,士兵的工资也以盐来支付,由 此产生了英语单词 salary,所以 worth ones saltworth ones pay(称职)。 3cut and run(急忙退避不利形势)。英国古时航海,海上的船只如果遇到了紧 急情况,例如突如其来的风暴或者强大的敌舰,船长急于躲避灭顶之灾,往往不 会像平常那样起锚,而会叫艇员砍断锚链,尽快逃走。后来便用“砍断并逃走” 来指代“急忙退避不利形势” 。 二、来源于神话故

24、事 1rain cats and dogs(下倾盆大雨)。源于北欧神话,神话中说猫对天气有很大 影响,英国水手至今还流传着“猫尾巴藏大风”的说法。据说驾风暴的巫士化为 猫形,狗和狼都是暴风雨神奥丁的随从。在德国古画中猫被当作暴雨的象征,狗 是伴随暴雨的强风。现在人们用 rain cats and dogs 表示下倾盆大雨。 2Trojan horse(特洛伊木马,指代用以使敌人或对手上当,误以为于己方有益 的破坏性的事物或人)。源于希腊神话,特洛伊战争中,希腊人为了攻打特洛伊城, 造了一匹巨大的木马,其中藏有希腊士兵。他们故意装出弃马而逃的样子,特洛 伊人将木马作为战利品请进城。半夜,士兵们从

25、木马内爬出,将城中的人杀死。 特洛伊终于陷落。 3 apple of discord(不和的苹果, 指代争端、 祸根)。 源于希腊神话, 佩琉斯(Peleus) 和忒提斯(Thetis)举行婚礼时忘记了邀请不和女神厄里斯(Eris)。 这位女神大为恼火, 留下一个刻有“献给最美者”的金苹果,引起了雅典娜,赫拉和芙罗狄忒三者之 间的战争,此事是特洛伊战争的导火线。 三、来源于作品故事 1pound of flesh(形容以借款人的惨重损失和痛苦为代价的债务,也可以说是 合法却极不合理的要求)。源于莎士比亚作品威尼斯商人 ,一个痛恨 Antonio(作 品中的人物)的商人答应借给他一大笔钱,但条件

26、是如果他不能按时还清就要割下 他身上的一磅肉。Antonio 果然中了高利贷商人的奸计没能按期偿还。那奸商便告 上法庭,名正言顺要割他的肉。 2pie in the sky(天上掉下来的馅饼)。源自美国流行作曲家、世界产业联盟的 组织者 Joe Hill 于 1911 年所作的一首著名歌曲 传教士与奴隶 。 他在歌曲中写到 : You will eat,bye and bye, In the glorious land above the sky! Work and pray,live on hay, Youll get PIE IN THE SKY when you die! 这几句歌词是

27、Joe Hill 从美国救世军军歌中引用过来的, 意在讽刺这个宗教组 织,揭露其欺骗性和虚伪性,唤醒广大被压迫的奴隶,后来人们就用 pie in the sky 比喻不能实现的事情或东西。 四、来源于圣经 1doubting Thomas(怀疑的托马斯,指那些不肯轻易相信别人的人)。源自 圣经新约约翰福音第 20 章,该篇讲到耶稣复活后出现在众人面前,十二门 徒之一的托马斯没有亲眼见到,声称除非看到耶稣手上的钉痕,否则不信他已经 复活。后来人们用“doubting Thomas”指那些不肯轻易相信别人的人。 2feet of clay(泥足,致命的弱点)。典出圣经旧约但以理书第二章,巴 比伦国王尼布甲尼撒(Nebuchadnezzar)梦到一泥足巨人,头是金的,胸臂是银的, 腹部是铜的,被飞来的一块巨石砸碎了脚,整个巨人顿时瓦解。西伯来先知但以 理(但以理为人名)释梦称这预示着国家的分裂。现多指“伟人不为人知的弱点或致 命的弱点” 。 五、来源于现实生活 Mother Teresa(乐善好施、无私地服务于他人的人)泰瑞莎修女是世界敬重的天 主教慈善工作者,主要为印度加尔各答的穷人服务。


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