2019-2020英语必修三讲义:Unit 3 Section Ⅴ Reading(Ⅱ)(Project) 含答案.pdf

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1、Section Reading()(Project) .匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思 ( )1.statue Aadv.(时间、空间)在前面; 提前,预先;领先 ( )2.salaryBn.纪念碑,纪念馆 adj.纪念的 ( )3.aware Cn.雕塑,雕像 ( )4.basisDn.基础;基准;原因 ( )5.poisonEvt.使腐化,使堕落 adj.贪污的,腐败的 ( )6.memorialFn.薪金,薪水 ( )7.marchGvi.&n.前进,进发;游行 ( )8.aheadHn.毒药,毒物 vt.毒害,下毒 ( )9.corruptIn.法官,审判员;裁判员 ( )10.judg

2、eJadj.意识到的,知道的;察觉到的 答案 15 CFJDH 610 BGAEI .选择下列句中词组的汉语意思 A.对有深远影响 B.提前 C.受够 D.实施 E.患病 F.寻找 H.阻碍 1I have enough of your endless complaints. 2I am afraid I come down with a cold. 3Parents guidance have a deep influence on childrens development. 4He was found out before he could carry out his plan. 5I

3、think the work can be completed ahead of time. 答案 15 CEADB 第一步 速读了解文章主题和段落大意 速读 P5859教材课文,回答下列问题 1The text in P58 mainly introduces the king Alexander the Great 2The text in P59 mainly talks about the father of Western philosophy 第二步 细读把控文章关键信息 细读 P5859教材课文,选择最佳答案 1Why can the small Greek statue be

4、found in Xinjiang? AThe text didnt tell us. BBecause China had ever conquered Greece. CBecause of Alexander the Greats influence. DBecause many Greeks spread their culture. 2When did Alexander the Great enter Africa? AIn 356 BC. BIn 334 BC. CIn 336 AD.DIn 323 AD. 3Why did his soldiers refuse to go o

5、n their attack? ABecause they were cheated by him. BBecause they defeated all the enemies. CBecause he was ill. DBecause his soldiers were tired of endless battles. 4How did Socrates teach his students? AHe taught them in groups. BHe taught them by asking questions. CHe taught them by giving lecture

6、s. DHe taught them by referring to some practical books. 5Socrates was sentenced to death because Ahis questions made the others confused Bhis questions made the people doubt about the Greek gods Chis questions made him wiser than the Greek gods Dhis questions made him in a worse situation 答案 15 CBD

7、BD 第三步 研读能力升华 接轨高考 根据 P59教材课文,在空白处填入 1 个单词或所给单词的正确形式 Philosophy can 1.be considered(consider) as a way of looking at the world around us,or of answering the great questions of life.Socrates was from Athens.He was a brave soldier 2.when he was young.Later,he worked as a teacher 3.who/that taught for

8、free and earned his salary from being 4.a common worker.Socrates taught by asking questions.Through this,he challenged his students 5.to develop(develop) and explain their own arguments to make the students aware of their own errors.His way of approaching the 6.truth(true) is now called the Socratic

9、 Method.Socrates always liked asking 7.challenging(challenge) questions to everyone,which upset many people in Athens,so they took 8.him(he) to court for questioning the 9.existence(exist) of the Greek gods and for corrupting the young people. 10 Eventually(eventual), he was put to death by being forced to drink poison.However,he became the hero of all people who search for the truth.


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